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Background: Prescribed burning in peatlands is controversial due to concerns over damage to their ecological functioning, particularly regarding their key genus Sphagnum. However, empirical evidence is scarce.

Aims: The aim of the article is to quantify Sphagnum recovery following prescribed burns.

Methods: We completed nine fires at a raised bog in Scotland, achieving a range of fire severities by simulating drought in some plots. We measured Sphagnum cover and chlorophyll fluorescence Fv/Fm ratio (an estimate of photosynthetic capacity) up to 36 months post-fire.

Results: Cover of dominant Sphagnum capillifolium was similar in unburnt and burnt plots, likely due to its high moisture content which prevented combustion. Burning decreased S. capillifolium Fv/Fm 5 months after fire from 0.67 in unburnt plots to 0.44 in low fire severity plots and 0.24 in higher fire severity (drought) plots. After 22 months, Fv/Fm in burnt plots showed a healthy photosynthetic capacity of 0.76 and no differences between severity treatments. Other Sphagnum species showed similar post-fire recovery though their low overall abundance precluded formal statistical analysis.

Conclusions: S. capillifolium is resilient to low–moderate fire severities and the same may be true for a number of other species. This suggests that carefully applied managed burning can be compatible with the conservation of peatland ecosystem function.  相似文献   

A substantial proportion of the Abernethy Forest Reserve has Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) growing on the surfaces of a variety of mires. The hydrology of the mires has been affected by drainage and peat cutting but this area is unusual in having had a long period of protection from grazing by domestic stock. There are three main types of pine populations found on these mires. Woodland bog comprises predominantly bog vegetation with abundant pine seedlings due to the heavy seed rain from the surrounding woodland. Only a few very small trees survive, which are stunted, heavily diseased and have very low seed production. Wooded bog also comprises predominately bog vegetation but there are scattered mature trees of a moderate height with an open canopy. The trees are fertile and can form uneven aged stands with regeneration. Bog woodland is a predominantly woodland vegetation with tall, dense tree cover on deep peat. The trees are well grown with a dense canopy. A few remnants of bog vegetation remain in the ground flora although most have been replaced by woodland bryophytes and shrubs. Each of these three types is described and their development is discussed.  相似文献   
Sphagnum mosses are keystone components of peatland ecosystems. They facilitate the accumulation of carbon in peat deposits, but climate change is predicted to expose peatland ecosystem to sustained and unprecedented warming leading to a significant release of carbon to the atmosphere. Sphagnum responses to climate change, and their interaction with other components of the ecosystem, will determine the future trajectory of carbon fluxes in peatlands. We measured the growth and productivity of Sphagnum in an ombrotrophic bog in northern Minnesota, where ten 12.8‐m‐diameter plots were exposed to a range of whole‐ecosystem (air and soil) warming treatments (+0 to +9°C) in ambient or elevated (+500 ppm) CO2. The experiment is unique in its spatial and temporal scale, a focus on response surface analysis encompassing the range of elevated temperature predicted to occur this century, and consideration of an effect of co‐occurring CO2 altering the temperature response surface. In the second year of warming, dry matter increment of Sphagnum increased with modest warming to a maximum at 5°C above ambient and decreased with additional warming. Sphagnum cover declined from close to 100% of the ground area to <50% in the warmest enclosures. After three years of warming, annual Sphagnum productivity declined linearly with increasing temperature (13–29 g C/m2 per °C warming) due to widespread desiccation and loss of Sphagnum. Productivity was less in elevated CO2 enclosures, which we attribute to increased shading by shrubs. Sphagnum desiccation and growth responses were associated with the effects of warming on hydrology. The rapid decline of the Sphagnum community with sustained warming, which appears to be irreversible, can be expected to have many follow‐on consequences to the structure and function of this and similar ecosystems, with significant feedbacks to the global carbon cycle and climate change.  相似文献   
We applied a 15N dilution technique called “Integrated Total Nitrogen Input” (ITNI) to quantify annual atmospheric N input into a peatland surrounded by intensive agricultural practices over a 2-year period. Grass species and grass growth effects on atmospheric N deposition were investigated using Lolium multiflorum and Eriophorum vaginatum and different levels of added N resulting in increased biomass production. Plant biomass production was positively correlated with atmospheric N uptake (up to 102.7 mg N pot−1) when using Lolium multiflorum. In contrast, atmospheric N deposition to Eriophorum vaginatum did not show a clear dependency to produced biomass and ranged from 81.9 to 138.2 mg N pot−1. Both species revealed a relationship between atmospheric N input and total biomass N contents. Airborne N deposition varied from about 24 to 55 kg N ha−1 yr−1. Partitioning of airborne N within the monitor system differed such that most of the deposited N was found in roots of Eriophorum vaginatum while the highest share was allocated in aboveground biomass of Lolium multiflorum. Compared to other approaches determining atmospheric N deposition, ITNI showed highest airborne N input and an up to fivefold exceedance of the ecosystem-specific critical load of 5–10 kg N ha−1 yr−1.  相似文献   
Abstract The large accumulation of organic matter in peatlands is primarily caused by slow rates of litter decomposition. We determined rates of decomposition of major peat-forming litters of vascular plants and mosses at five sites: a poor fen in New Hampshire and a bog hummock, a poor fen, a beaver pond margin and a beaver pond in Ontario. We used the litterbag technique, retrieving triplicate litterbags six or seven times over 3–5 years, and found that simple exponential decay and continuous-quality non-linear regression models could adequately characterize the decomposition in most cases. Within each site, the rate of decomposition at the surface was generally Typha latifolia leaves = Chamaedaphne calyculata leaves = Carex leaves > Chamaedaphne calyculata stems > hummock Sphagnum = lawn/hollow Sphagnum, with exponential decay constant (k) values generally ranging from 0.05 to 0.37 and continuous-quality model initial quality (q 0 ) values ranging from 1.0 (arbitrarily set for Typha leaves) to 0.7 (Sphagnum). In general, surface decay rates were slowest at the bog hummock site, which had the lowest water table, and in the beaver pond, which was inundated, and fastest at the fens. The continuous-quality model site decomposition parameter (u 0 ) ranged from 0.80 to 0.17. Analysis of original litter samples for carbon, nitrogen and proximate fractions revealed a relatively poor explanation of decomposition rates, as defined by k and q 0 , compared to most well-drained ecosystems. Three litters, roots of sedge and a shrub and Typha leaves, were placed at depths of 10, 30 and 60 cm at the sites. Decomposition rates decreased with depth at each site, with k means of 0.15, 0.08 and 0.05 y−1 at 10, 30 and 60 cm, respectively, and u 0 of 0.25, 0.13 and 0.07. These differences are primarily related to the position of the water table at each site and to a lesser extent the cooler temperatures in the lower layers of the peat. The distinction between bog and fen was less important than the position of the water table. These results show that we can characterize decomposition rates of surface litter in northern peatlands, but given the large primary productivity below-ground in these ecosystems, and the differential rates of decomposition with depth, subsurface input and decomposition of organic matter is an important and relatively uncertain attribute.  相似文献   
Following a summer drought, intact cores of peat soil from two cool temperate peatlands (a rain-fed bog and a groundwater-fed swamp) were exposed experimentally to three different water table levels. The goal was to examine recovery of anaerobic methanogenesis and to evaluate peat soil decomposition to methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) upon rewetting. Methane emission from soils to the atmosphere was greatest (mean = 80 μmol m?2 s?1) when the entire peat core was rewetted quickly; emission was negligible at low water level and when peat cores were rewetted gradually. Rates of CO2 emission (mean = 1.0 μmol m?2 s?1) were relatively insensitive to water level. Concentrations of CH4 in soil air spaces suggest that onset of methanogenesis induces, but later represses, aerobic oxidation of CH4 above the water table. Concentrations of CO2 suggest production at the soil surface of swamp peat versus at greater depths in bog peat. Portions of peat soil incubated in vitro without oxygen (O2) exhibited a lag before the onset of methanogenesis, and the lag time was less in peat from the cores rewetted quickly. The inhibition of methanogenesis by the selective inhibitor 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid (BES) decreased CO2 production by 20 to 30% but resulted in an increase in concentrations of DOC by 2 to 5 times. The results show that methanogens in peat soils tolerate moderate drought, and recovery varies among different peat types. In peat soils, the inhibition of methanogenesis might enhance DOC availability.  相似文献   
Human remains from peat bogs, called "bog bodies," have yielded valuable insights into human history because of their excellent preservation of soft tissue. On the other hand, the acidic environment of the peat leads to an extensive demineralization of skeletal elements, complicating their analysis. We studied the skeleton of the bog body "Moora" dated to approximately 650 B.C. Nondestructive evaluation of the bone was made using contact X-rays, peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) analysis, multislice computed tomography (CT) and high resolution micro computed tomography (microCT) imaging. Two thousand seven hundred years in the acidic environment of the bog led to a loss of 92.7% of bone mineral density. Despite this demineralization and in contrast to other bog bodies, the spatial structure of the bones of "Moora" is exceptionally well preserved. We found Harris lines and were able to obtain the first three-dimensional data on the trabecular microstructure of the bone of a young woman from the early Iron Age.  相似文献   
Recent literature on peatland restorationindicates as a general goal repairing orrebuilding ecosystems by restoringecosystem structure, trophic organization,biodiversity, and functions to thosecharacteristic of the type of peatland towhich the damaged ecosystem belonged, or atleast to an earlier successional stage.Attainment requires provision of anappropriate hydrological regime,manipulating surface topography, improvingmicroclimate, adding appropriate diaspores,manipulating base status where necessary,fertilizing in some cases, excludinginappropriate invaders, adaptively managingthrough at least one flood/drought cycle toensure sustainability, and monitoring on ascale of decades. Several matchingconditions favoring or opposing restorationare suggested.In the restoration of peatlands, successeshave generally been those of short-termrepair. Periods of restoration have beenmuch too short to ensure progression to, oreven well toward, a fully functionalpeatland reasonably compatible with thepristine state of similar peatlandselsewhere, although with altered surfacepatterns.Long-term monitoring ofpeatland-restoration projects is essentialfor a better understanding of how to carryout such restoration successfully.Paleoecology is suggested as anunderutilized tool in peatlandrestoration.  相似文献   
To assess whether raised bog restorationmeasures contribute to the conservation andrestoration of the fauna diversity,macroinvertebrate species assemblages werecompared between water bodies created byrewetting measures and water bodies whichhave not been subject to restorationmeasures, but are remnants offormer peat cuttings and trenches used forbuckwheat culture in the past.The restoration sites were inhabited bycharacteristic raised bog species and rarespecies, but their numbers were higher atthe remnant sites not affected byrestoration management. A considerablenumber of characteristic and rare faunaspecies were only found at the remnantsites. The remnant sites includedconsiderably more variation inmacroinvertebrate species assemblages andhad a higher cumulative species richness.The number of characteristicmacroinvertebrate species was not clearlyrelated to the presence of a characteristicraised bog vegetation. In restoration sitesnumbers of rare and characteristic speciesper site tended to increase with the timeelapsed after rewetting. However,restoration measures will not automaticallyresult in restoration of a more or lesscomplete macroinvertebrate speciesspectrum, as restoration measures have sofar resulted in habitats for only a limitednumber of the characteristic species.When planning restoration measures, it isrecommended to protect the populations ofrare and characteristic species present inthe area, as these populations may becomethe sources for colonization of rewettedsites. Safeguarding habitat diversityduring the restoration process andrestoration of different elements of thehabitat diversity of complete raised bogsystems will result in the characteristicfauna diversity being conserved andrestored more successfully.  相似文献   
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