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抗寒性不同的油橄榄品种和单株叶片扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗寒性强的油橄榄——克里302、尼基特371的叶片,扫描电镜下的特征是:(1) 近轴表皮角质膜厚,蜡质结晶致密。(2) 远轴表皮内陷气孔,密被鳞毛。(3) 叶两面栅栏组织发达,为旱生形态阳叶结构。  相似文献   
1. Die anscheinend in Vergessenheit geratenen älteren Angaben von HÄRDTL (1927 und spärer) und PRINGSHEIM (1931), nach denen einseitig belastete Blätter Gleichgewichtsbewegungen ausführen können (Isoklinotropismus nach HÄRDTL), wurden an mehreren Arten (Chelidonium majus, Aegopodium podagra ria, Ranunculus repens, Sambucus nigra, Coleus blumei und Hibiscus rosa sinensis) bestätigt,— Die einseitige Belastung erfolgte durch Einstecken von Nadeln in die eine Hälfte der Blattspreite bzw. in eine Blattfieder. 2. Bei Blättern, die in Spreite oder Stiel epinastisch gekrtimmt sind (die überwiegende Mehrzahl) oder auch durch die Belastung abwärts gebogen sind, kommt es dabei zu zwei verschiedenen Reaktionen: a) zu einer sofort eintretenden rein physikalischen reversiblen Reaktion, da die einseitige Last eine Torsion der Spreite bewirkt, die die Spreitenspitze nach der der Last gegenüberliegenden Seite [führt, und b) zu einer spärer eintretenden physiologischen Reaktion durch eine Wachstumskrümmung nach derselben Seite, - Beide Komponenten der Bewegung ftihren zu einer Verringerung oder einem Ausgleich des Ungleichgewichtes. 3. Die physiologische Reaktion war meist nach einem oder einigen Tagen erkennbar, bei Chelidonium mitunter schon nach einigen Stunden, bei Hibiscus gelegentlich erst nach etwa einer Woche. Mitunter blieb die Reaktion auch aus. Bei den gefiederten Blattern erfolgte sie in der Rhachis, ober- und unterhalb der belasteten Fieder, mitunter auch im Blattstiel, bei Coleus im Spreitengrund und im Blattstiel, bei Hibiscus im oberen Gelenkpolster (“Sekundargelenk”) des Blattstiels. Auch ältere Blätter reagierten oft noch überraschend gut. Vielfach führte die physiologische Reaktion zu einer vollständigen Ausbalancierung der einseitig belasteten Blattspreite. Auf nachtragliche Entfernung der eingesteckten Nadeln gingen auch die Krtimmungen in 2–3 Tagen wieder weitgehend zurück. 4. Als Ursache ftir die Gleichgewichtsbewegungen der Blätter kommen zwei verschiedene Mechanismen in Betracht: a) Infolge der durch die einseitige Belastung hervorgerufenen Schräglage der Blattspreite sammelt sich das Auxin auf der tiefer liegenden Flanke von Mittelnerv bzw. Rhachis und Blattstiel an, was zu einem stärkeren Wachstum dieser Seite und einer Gleichgewichtskrümmung führen muß. Nach dieser Auffassung ordnet sich der Isoklinotropismus dem Gravitropismus ein. b) Die nach der Belastung sofort eintretende auf der Torsionsspannung beruhende rein physikalische und zunächst reversible Gleichgewichtsreaktion des Blattes wird nach einigen Stunden oder Tagen teilweise irreversibel. (Für die spannungsfreien Abschnitte der Rhachis eines gefiederten Blattes oberhalb der Belastung kann diese Erklärung natürlich nicht gelten). Vermutlich sind beide Mechanismen, vor allern wohl der erstgenannte, bei den einzelnen Arten in verschiedenem Maße, als Ursache der Gleichgewichtsbewegungen wirksam. 5. Der biologische Sinn der Ausbalancierung eines (größeren) Blattes (PRINGSHELM 1931, HÄRDTL 1927, 1937 a) liegt darin, daß a) ein ausbalanciertes Blatt den geringsten Aufwand an mechanischen Elementen erfordert, und b) Photo- und Gravitropismus nur ein ausbalanciertes Blatt ohne Komplikationen in die angestrebte Lage fuhren konnen.  相似文献   
H. Wenzler  F. Meins Jr. 《Protoplasma》1986,131(1):103-105
Summary We have mapped the regions of young leaves from 2-, 3-, and 4-week-old axenically grownZea mays L. cv. Seneca 60 plants capable of proliferation in culture. The capacity of 3 mm wide segments to form proliferating cultures was limited to a zone within the first approximately 40 mm from the leaf base independent of leaf length. Within this zone the incidence of forming proliferating cultures was constant. The responsive zones were found in pairs of adjacent leaves: leaf 3 and 4 at 2 weeks, leaf 4 and 5 at 3 weeks, and leaf 5 and 6 at 4 weeks. We conclude that there is a window of proliferative potential with definite boundaries. This window appears to move toward developmentally younger pairs of leaves with increasing age of the plant.  相似文献   
Abstract Atriplex amnicola, was grown in nutrient solution cultures with concentrations of NaCl up to 750 mol m?3. The growth optimum was at 25–50 mol m?3 NaCl and growth was 10–15% of that value at 750 mol m?3 NaCl. Sodium chloride at 200 mol m?3 and higher reduced the rate of leaf extension and increased the time taken for a leaf to reach its maximal length. Concentrations of Na+, K+ and Mg2+ in leaves of different ages were investigated for plants grown at 25, 200 and 400 mol m?3 NaCl. Although leaves of plants grown at 200 and 400 mol m?3 NaCl had high Na+ concentrations at young developmental stages, much of this Na+ was located in the salt bladders. Leaves excluding bladders had low Na+ concentrations when young, but very high in Na+ when old. In contrast to Na+, K+ concentrations were similar in bladders and leaves excluding bladders. Concentrations of K+ were higher in the rapidly expanding than in the old leaves. At 400 mol m?3 NaCl, the K+:Na+ ratios of the leaves excluding bladders were 0.4–0.6 and 0.1 for rapidly expanding and oldest leaves, respectively. The Na+ content in moles per leaf, excluding bladders, increased linearly with the age of the leaves; concurrent increases in succulence were closely correlated with the Na + concentration in the leaves excluding the bladders. Soluble sugars and starch in leaves, stems and buds were determined at dusk and dawn. There was a pronounced diurnal fluctation in concentrations of carbohydrates. During the night, most plant parts showed large decreases in starch and sugar. Concentrations of carbohydrates in most plant organs were similar for plants grown at 25 and 400 mol m?3 NaCl. One notable exception was buds at dusk, where sugar and starch concentrations were 30–35% less in plants grown at 400 mol m?3 NaCl than in plants grown at 25 mol m?3 NaCl. The data indicate that the growth of A. amnicola at 400 mol m?3 NaCl is not limited by the availability of photosynthate in the plant as a whole. However, there could have been a growth limitation due to inadequate organic solutes for osmotic regulation.  相似文献   
The supply of sucrose to leaf segments from light-grown bean seedlings caused a substantial increase in substrate inducibility of in vivo and in vitro nitrate reductase activity but only a small increase in total protein. Cycloheximide and chloramphenicol inhibited the increase in enzyme activity by nitrate and sucrose. The in vivo decline in enzyme activity in nitrate-induced leaf segments in light and dark was protected by sucrose and nitrate. The supply of NADH also protected the decline in enzyme activity, but only in the light. In vitro stability of the extracted enzyme was, however, unaffected by sucrose. The size of the metabolic nitrate pool was also enhanced by sucrose. The experiments demonstrate that sucrose has a stimulatory effect on activity or in vivo stability ' of nitrate reductase in bean leaf segments, which is perhaps mediated through increased NADH level and/or mobilization of nitrate to the metabolic pool.  相似文献   
After incubation for 3 h with (75Se) selenate, the selenium distribution in the bean plant (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Contender) through a 29-day period showed an uneven distribution: roots and trifoliate leaves were richer in 75Se than stem and primary leaves. The high selenium concentration of roots resulted from the retention of selenate by the root cells: at the end of the 29-day period about 60° of the radioactivity was always ethanol-soluble, and when analysed by paper chromatography, proved to be selenate. By contrast, much of the radioactivity of the leaves was ethanol-insoluble, 75Se being quickly captured in metabolic processes which immobilize it. During plant development, a portion of the total selenium remains mobile and is continually mobilized to the younger organs which display a rapid growth rate. This delivery results from a progressive liberation of selenate retained by mature organs, especially the roots, and from turnover in older leaf tissues, especially the trifoliate leaves.  相似文献   
Host specificity tests of the moth,Microthrix inconspicuella Ragonot in Australia, indicated that larvae could feed and develop on young apple leaves. Additional tests in South Africa on leaves and fruit of the 4 apple varieties, Jonathan, Starking (Red Delicious), Granny Smith and Golden Delicious, showed that apples were not a preferred food. Little feeding occurred and pupation happened infrequently. No 2nd generation resulted whenM. inconspicuella colonies were confined on apple fruit or leaves.   相似文献   
Time courses of formation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) were followed in the leaves of non-acclimated and cold (2°C)-acclimated winter oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L. var. oleifera ) plants, subjected to different freezing temperatures or to polyethylene glycol 8000 (PEG) and abscisic acid (ABA) treatments. Changes in water potential (Ψw) and in ABA level in the frost- and PEG-treated tissues were also determined. Results obtained indicate that temperatures sligthly higher than LT50 induced a transient and substantial increase in IP3 level, both in non-acclimated and cold-acclimated tissues. At comparable freezing temperature (–5°C) the response of cold-acclimated leaves was lower than that of non-acclimated ones. The PEG-depedent decrease in Ψw to –0.9 MPa or ABA (0.1 m M ) treatment gave rise to a transient increase in IP3 content in non-acclimated tissues only. Collectively, the data indicate that cold acclimation of plants may lead to lower cell responsiveness to the factors studied in terms of induction of IP3 formation. Changes in the IP3 content, observed in the present experiments, support our previous suggestion that non-killing freezing temperatures may induce the phosphoinositide pathway, both in non-acclimated and cold-acclimated tissues. Lowering of tissue water potential to some threshold value or a high exogenous ABA supply may mimic the freezing-dependent reaction in the non-acclimated leaves.  相似文献   
The impact of elevated carbon dioxide (CO2, 600/700 μmol mol-1) and temperature (+ 4°C) on phyllosphere fungi colonising flag leaves of mini crops of winter wheat cv. Mercia between anthesis and harvest was determined in a computer-controlled environment facility in 1993 and 1994. In both years the total fungal populations (cm2 leaf) were found to have increased due to exposure to either elevated CO2 and elevated CO2+ temperature treatments. This was mainly due to significant increases in populations of Cladosporium spp. (C. cladosporioides and C. herbarum) on the flag leaves during ripening. Other phyllosphere component species such as white and pink yeasts were not markedly affected by treatments. The range of fungal species found in such controlled environment chambers was narrower than that commonly found on flag leaves of field grown crops. Common and important colonisers of leaves and ripening ears such as Aureobasidium pullulans, Epicoccum nigrum and Fusarium spp. were seldom isolated.  相似文献   
A simple classification of the complex parts of vascular plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four operational morphological units are defined to characterize 'typical' stems, leaves, roots and hairS. Any complex part can be classified among these OMUs by a graphical representation or by a quadruplet suitable for computer-aided analyses. Thirty-nine examples are given, suggesting a continuous view of plant morphology.  相似文献   
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