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Aim We propose a phylogenetic hypothesis for the marine‐derived sciaenid genus Plagioscion in the context of geomorphology and adaptation to freshwaters of South America, and assess the extent to which contemporary freshwater hydrochemical gradients influence diversification within a widely distributed Plagioscion species, Plagioscion squamosissimus. Location Amazon Basin and South America. Methods Using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence data, phylogenetic analyses were conducted on the five nominal Plagioscion species, together with representatives from Pachyurus and Pachypops, using character and model‐based methods. Genealogical relationships and population genetic structure of 152 P. squamosissimus specimens sampled from the five major rivers and three hydrochemical settings/‘colours’ (i.e. white, black and clear water) of the Amazon Basin were assessed. Results Phylogenetic analyses support the monophyly of Plagioscion in South America and identify two putative cryptic species of Plagioscion. Divergence estimates suggest that the Plagioscion ancestor invaded South America via a northern route during the late Oligocene to early Miocene. Within P. squamosissimus a strong association of haplotype and water colour was observed, together with significant population structure detected between water colours. Main conclusions Our analyses of Plagioscion are consistent with a biogeographic scenario of early Miocene marine incursions into South America. Based on our phylogenetic results, the fossil record, geomorphological history and distributional data of extant Plagioscion species, we propose that marine incursions into western Venezuela between the late Oligocene and early Miocene were responsible for the adaptation to freshwaters in Plagioscion species. Following the termination of the marine incursions during the late Miocene and the establishment of the modern Amazon River, Plagioscion experienced a rapid diversification. Plagioscion squamosissimus arose during that time. The formation of the Amazon River probably facilitated population and range expansions for this species. Further, the large‐scale hydrochemical gradients within the Amazon Basin appear to be acting as ecological barriers maintaining population discontinuities in P. squamosissimus even in the face of gene flow. Our results highlight the importance of divergent natural selection through time in the generation and maintenance of sciaenid diversity in Amazonia.  相似文献   
Summary The ultrastructural and transmitter development of lumbar sympathetic ganglia was studied in embryonic day-6 through-18 chick embryos. At embryonic day 6, ganglia are populated by two morphologically distinct types of neuronal cells and Schwann cell precursors. The neuronal populations basically comprise a granule-containing cell and a developing principal neuron. Granule-containing cells have, an irregularly shaped or oval nucleus with small clumps of chromatin attached to the inner nuclear membrane and numerous large (up to 300 nm) membrane-limited granules. Developing principal neurons display a more rounded vesicular nucleus with evenly distributed chromatin, prominent nucleoli, more developed areas of Golgi complexes, and rough endoplasmic reticulum and large dense-core vesicles up to 120 nm in diameter. There are granule-containing cells with fewer and smaller granules which still display the nucleus typical for granule-containing cells. These granule-containing cells may develop toward developing principal neurons or the resting state of granule-containing cells found in older ganglia. Both granule-containing cells and developing principal neurons proliferate and can undergo degeneration. At embryonic day 9 there are far more developing principal neurons than granule-containing cells. Most granule-containing cells have very few granules. Mitotic figures and signs of cell degeneration are still apparent. Synapse-like terminals are found on both developing principal neurons and granule-containing cells. Ganglionic development from embryonic day 11 through 18 comprises extensive maturation of developing principal neurons and a numerical decline of granule-containing cells. Some granule-containing cells with very few and small granules still persist at embryonic day 18. The mean catecholamine content per neuron increases from 0.044 femtomol at embryonic day 7 to 0.22 femtomol at embryonic day 15. Concomitantly, there is a more than 6-fold increase in tyrosine hydroxylase activity. Adrenaline has a 14% share in total catecholamines at embryonic day 15. Somatostatin levels are relatively high at embryonic day 7 (1.82 attomol per neuron) and are 10-fold reduced by embryonic day 15. Our results suggest the presence of two morphologically distinct sympathetic neuronal precursors at embryonic day 6: one with a binary choice to become a principal neuron or to die, the other one, a granule-containing cell, which alternatively may develop into a principal neuron, acquire a resting state or die.  相似文献   
Summary We report here that similar to E6-chicken retinal cells, dissociated cells from 5.5-day-old (E5.5) quail retinae reaggregate in rotary culture, multiply about tenfold and reestablish histotypical areas. These cellular aggregates include all nuclear layers either with inversed or correct laminar polarity, depending on the local origin of the cells (called rosetted and laminar in-vitro-retinae (IVR), respectively; Layer and Willbold 1989). In combined cultures, chick and quail cells are evenly mixed only during the first two days of culture. Along with the assembly of single cells into rosettes and then into discrete laminae, sectors of chick and quail cells begin to segregate. They are delineated by borders running radially through all three nuclear layers. Thus, interspecies migration of cells at this advanced stage of differentiation is strongly inhibited. Concomitant with this segregation, coherent radial columns spanning all three layers but containing cells from either species only, can be traced histologically. We conclude that a weak segregation of chick and quail retinal cells takes place already at the single cell level, but that the permanent segregation of entire tissue parts must be due to clonal cellular proliferation within the IVR in conjunction with some developmental-structural mechanism retaining clonal progenies within a columnar order.Abbreviations ECM extracellular matrix - E5.5 days of embryonic age - GCL ganglion cell layer - GC's ganglion cells - i.c. in culture - INL inner nuclear layer - rosetted in-vitro-retina retinal cell organoid aggregated from single cells of the central retina - IPL inner plexiform layer - MRE marginal retinal epithelium - ONL outer nuclear layer - OPL outer plexiform layer - OS ora serrate - PR photoreceptor cell - laminated in-vitro-retina fully laminated retinal cellorganoid resembling an E15-retina aggregated from cells of the eye periphery including RPE - RPE retinal pigment epithelium  相似文献   
Helianthus petiolaris andH. niveus are polytypic species which are morphologically distinct at the periphery of their ranges but intergrade in areas of sympatry.Helianthus niveus includes both annual and perennial members, whereasH. petiolaris is strictly annual. Chloroplast DNA and nuclear ribosomal DNA restriction site data were used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of populations of the two species. Cladistic analyses reveal the following: (1) neither species is monophyletic; (2) the annual habit is derived once in this complex; and (3) the region of morphological intergradation appears to be primary in origin. The significance of interbreeding versus common descent in defining species concepts is discussed in relation to the above cladistic analyses.  相似文献   
R. S. Poethig  I. M. Sussex 《Planta》1985,165(2):170-184
The cellular parameters of leaf development in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) have been characterized using clonal analysis, an approach that provides unequivocal evidence of cell lineage. Our results indicate that the tobacco leaf arises from a group of around 100 cells in the shoot apical meristem. Each of these cells contributes to a unique longitudinal section of the axis and transverse section of the lamina. This pattern of cell lincage indicates that primordial cells contribute more or less equally to the growth of the axis, in contrast to the more traditional view of leaf development in which the leaf is pictured as arising from a group of apical initials. Clones induced prior to the initiation of the lamina demonstrate that the subepidermal layer of the lamina arises from at least six files of cells. Submarginal cells usually divide with their spindles parallel to the margin, and therefore contribute relatively little to the transverse expansion of the lamina. During the expansion of the lamina the orientation and frequency of cell division are highly regulated, as is the duration of meristematic growth. Initially, cell division is polarized so as to produce lineages that are at an oblique angle to the midrib; later cell division is in alternating perpendicular planes. The distribution of clones generated by irradiation at various stages of development indicates that cell division ceases at the tip of the leaf when the leaf is about one tenth its final size, and then ceases in progressively more basal regions of the lamina. Variation in the mutation frequency within the lamina reflects variation in the frequency of mitosis. Prior to the mergence of the leaf the frequency of mutation is maximal near the tip of the leaf and extremely low at its base; after emergence, the frequency of mutation increases at the base of the leaf. In any given region of the lamina the frequency of mutation is highest in interveinal regions, and is relatively low near the margin. Thus, both the orientation and frequency of cell division at the leaf margin indicate that this region plays a minor role in the growth of the lamina.Abbreviation MF mutation frequency  相似文献   
The levels of myelin basic protein, proteolipid protein, and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase (EC in cerebral hemispheres of wild-type, heterozygous jp/+, and hemizygous jp/Y mice of different ages were determined by radioimmunoassay and immunoblotting. In jp/Y brain the level of myelin basic protein was 8% that of wild-type at all ages. All forms of the protein were reduced although the 21.5K Mr form was relatively spared at early ages compared to the 18.5K, 17K, and 14K Mr forms. The level of 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase was 8% that of wild-type at all ages, and proteolipid protein was undetectable at any age. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the jimpy mutation blocks myelin morphogenesis subsequent to incorporation of 21.5K Mr myelin basic protein but prior to incorporation of proteolipid protein. In jp/+ brain the levels of the three proteins were reduced commensurately to 60-70% those of wild-type. The deficit was apparent as early as 10 days after birth and remained proportionately constant throughout development. These results suggest that in jp/+ mice, X-chromosome inactivation produces a mosaic population of functionally wild-type and functionally jimpy oligodendrocytes. The former elaborate normal amounts of myelin but do not completely compensate for the myelin deficit due to the latter.  相似文献   
All previous records of fossil Anthomyiidae are shown to be unsubstantiated. A female anthomyiid of a new genus and species is hereby described from a piece of Dominican amber (Upper Eocene-Oligocene). Character analysis suggests that the fossil, Coenosopsites poinari gen. & sp. nov. , belongs to a Neotropical clade with two recent genera, Phaonantho Albuquerque and Coenosopsia Malloch. Evidence for a sister-group relationship between Coenosopsites poinari and the genus Coenosopsia is provided. Clades are the only acceptable units of phylogenetic classification. Combining fossil and recent clades in phylogenetic classification requires them to be temporally delimited. Proper application of phylogenetic definitions is essential for this purpose. It is proposed that the units of phylogenetic classification should be taxa for recent clades and plesia for fossil clades. A taxon is defined as node-based with reference to its recent species, while a plesion is defined as apomorphy-based. The term lineage is proposed for a recent clade defined as stem-based with reference to its recent sister group. Individual recent species represent clades that can be incorporated into phylogenetic classification as minimal taxon units. Individual fossil species may not represent clades and thus do not count as proper units of phylogenetic classification. However, the names of fossil species are readily construed also to signify plesia with the fossil species as their only known component. As such, they are proper units of phylogenetic classification.  相似文献   
In the primordial thoracic ganglia of locust embryos, the bromodeoxiuridine (BrdU) technique for labelling proliferating cells and their progeny was combined with intracellular dye injection to investigate the origin and the clonal relationship of common inhibitory motoneurons. Common inhibitors 1 (CI1) and 3 (CI3) were found to be siblings, that is, they are produced by the division of one ganglion mother cell. This ganglion mother cell results from the first division of neuroblast 5–5, at about 30% of embryonic development. A large portion, at least, of the ganglion mother cells produced by subsequent divisions of neuroblast 5–5 give rise to interneurons with contralaterally ascending or descending axons and GABA-like immunoreactivity. Thus, CI1 and CI3 are more closely related to putative inhibitory interneurons than they are to other, that is, excitatory, motoneurons. Consistent with this, the CI somata are associated with cell bodies of putative inhibitory interneurons rather than with clusters of excitatory motoneuron somata. These results elicit speculations regarding the evolutionary origin of inhibitory motoneurons. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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