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This review surveys the organization of the olfactory and gustatory systems in the imago and in the larva of Drosophila melanogaster, both at the sensory and the central level. Olfactory epithelia of the adult are located primarily on the third antennal segment (funiculus) and on the maxillary palps. About 200 basiconic (BS), 150 trichoid (TS) and 60 coeloconic sensilla (CS) cover the surface of the funiculus, and an additional 60 BS are located on the maxillary palps. Males possess about 30% more TS but 20% fewer BS than females. All these sensilla are multineuronal; they may be purely olfactory or multimodal with an olfactory component. Antennal and maxillary afferents converge onto approximately 35 glomeruli within the antennal lobe. These projections obey precise rules: individual fibers are glomerulus-specific, and different types of sensilla are associated with particular subsets of glomeruli. Possible functions of antennal glomeruli are discussed. In contrast to olfactory sensilla, gustatory sensilla of the imago are located at many sites, including the labellum, the pharynx, the legs, the wing margin and the female genitalia. Each of these sensory sites has its own central target. Taste sensilla are usually composed of one mechano-and three chemosensory neurons. Individual chemosensory neurons within a sensillum respond to distinct subsets of molecules and project into different central target regions. The chemosensory system of the larva is much simpler and consists essentially of three major sensillar complexes on the cephalic lobe, the dorsal, terminal and ventral organs, and a series of pharyngeal sensilla.  相似文献   
Odorant receptor (OR) proteins are retained in the endoplasmic reticulum when heterologously expressed in cultured cells of non-olfactory origins. RTP1S is an accessory protein to mammalian ORs and facilitates their trafficking to the cell-surface membrane and ligand-induced responses in heterologous cells. The mechanism by which RTP1S promotes the functional expression of ORs remains poorly understood. To obtain a better understanding of the role(s) of RTP1S, we performed a series of structure-function analyses of RTP1S in HEK293T cells. By constructing RTP1S deletion and chimera series and subsequently introducing single-site mutations into the protein, we found the N terminus of RTP1S is important for the endoplasmic reticulum exit of ORs and that a middle region of RTP1S is important for OR trafficking from the Golgi to the membrane. Using sucrose gradient centrifugation, we found that the localization of RTP1S to the lipid raft microdomain is critical to the activation of ORs. Finally, in a protein-protein interaction analysis, we determined that the C terminus of RTP1S may be interacting with ORs. These findings provide new insights into the distinct roles of RTP1S in OR translocation and activation.  相似文献   
The formyl peptide receptor (Fpr) family is well known for its contribution to immune defense against pathogens in human and rodent leukocytes. Recently, several structurally related members of these receptors were discovered in sensory neurons of the mouse vomeronasal organ (VNO), key detectors of pheromones and related semiochemicals. Although the biological role of vomeronasal Fprs is not yet clear, the known contribution of other Fprs to host immune defense suggested that they could contribute to vomeronasal pathogen sensing. Precise knowledge about the agonist properties of mouse Fprs is required to determine their function. We expressed all seven mouse and three human Fprs using an in vitro system and tested their activation with 32 selected compounds by conducting high throughput calcium measurements. We found an intriguing functional conservation between human and mouse immune Fprs that is most likely a consequence of closely similar biological constraints. By contrast, our data suggest a neofunctionalization of the vomeronasal Fprs. We show that the vomeronasal receptor mFpr-rs1 can be activated robustly by W-peptide and structural derivatives but not by other typical ligands of immune Fprs. mFpr-rs1 exhibits a stereo-selective preference for peptides containing d-amino acids. The same peptide motifs are contained in pathogenic microorganisms. Thus, the ligand profile of mFpr-rs1 is consistent with a role in vomeronasal pathogen sensing.  相似文献   
Many prey species detect chemical cues from predators and modify their behaviours in ways that reduce their risk of predation. Theory predicts that prey should modify their anti-predator responses according to the degree of threat posed by the predator. That is, prey should show the strongest responses to chemicals of highly dangerous prey, but should ignore or respond weakly to chemicals from non-dangerous predators. However, if anti-predator behaviours are not costly, and predators are rarely encountered, prey may exhibit generalised antipredator behaviours to dangerous and non-dangerous predators. In Australia, most elapid snakes eat lizards, and are therefore potentially dangerous to lizard prey. Recently, we found that the nocturnal velvet gecko Oedura lesueurii responds to chemicals from dangerous and non-dangerous elapid snakes, suggesting that it displays gen-eralised anti-predator behaviours to chemicals from elapid snakes. To explore the generality of this result, we videotaped the be-haviour of velvet geckos in the presence of chemical cues from two small elapid snakes that rarely consume geckos: the nocturnal golden-crowned snake Cacophis squamulosus and the diurnal marsh snake Hemiaspis signata. We also videotaped geckos in tri-als involving unsceted cards (controls) and cologne-scented cards (pungency controls). In trials involving Cacophis and Hemi-aspis chemicals, 50% and 63% of geckos spent long time periods (> 3 min) freezing whilst pressed flat against the substrate, re-spectively. Over half the geckos tested exhibited anti-predator behaviours (tail waving, tail vibration, running) in response to Ca-cophis (67%) or Hemiaspis (63%) chemicals. These behaviours were not observed in control or pungency control trials. Our re-sults support the idea that the velvet gecko displays generalised anti-predator responses to chemical cues from elapid snakes. Generalised responses to predator chemicals may be common in prey species that co-occur with multiple, ecologically similar, dangerous predators.  相似文献   
Production of new neurons continues throughout life in the subventricular zone (SVZ) and the dentate gyrus (DG) of the hippocampus and is influenced by both endocrine and social factors. In sheep parturition is associated with the establishment of a selective bond with the young based on an olfactory learning. The possibility exists that endocrine changes at parturition together with interactions with the young modulate cell proliferation in the neurogenic zones. In the present study, we first investigated the existence of cell proliferation in sheep. Newly born cells labeled by the cell proliferation marker 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU) were found in the SVZ, the main olfactory bulb (MOB) and the DG and completely co-localized with Ki-67, another mitotic marker. Forty to 50% of the BrdU-labeled cells contained GFAP suggestive of the presence of neural stem cells. Secondly, parturition with or without interactions with the lamb for 2 days, down-regulated the number of BrdU-labeled cells in the 3 proliferation sites in comparison to no pregnancy. An additional control provided evidence that this effect is specific to early postpartum period: estrus with interactions with males did not affect cell proliferation. Our results provide the first characterization of neural cell proliferation in the SVZ, the DG and unexpectedly in the MOB of adult sheep. We hypothesize that the down-regulation of cell proliferation observed in the early postpartum period could facilitate the olfactory perceptual and memory demands associated with maternal behavior by favouring the survival and integration of neurons born earlier.  相似文献   
We investigated the searching behaviour of two species of predatory mites, Typhlodromips swirskii (Athias-Henriot) and Euseius scutalis (Athias-Henriot), both known to feed on immature stages of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci Gennadius. When released in a greenhouse inside a circle of cucumber plants that were alternatingly clean or infested with immature whiteflies, the mites took several days to find plants. Both species were recaptured significantly more on plants with whiteflies. This suggests that the mites are able to discriminate between plants with and without whiteflies. The predators may either have been attracted to plants with whiteflies from a distance or arrested on plants with whiteflies. Typhlodromips swirskii that had previously fed on whitefly immatures on cucumber leaves were significantly attracted by volatiles from cucumber plants with whiteflies in a Y-tube olfactometer. This suggests that the mites use volatile cues to discriminate between infested and clean plants. However, this response waned rapidly; if predators, experienced as above, were starved for 3–4 h in absence of cucumber leaves, they no longer preferred volatiles of infested plants to clean plants. Furthermore, T. swirskii that had no experience with immature whiteflies on cucumber plants also did not prefer odours of infested plants to those of clean plants. Because the release experiment with this species in the greenhouse was done with inexperienced predators, this suggests that the aggregation of mites on plants with whiteflies was mainly caused by differential arrestment of mites on plants with prey and clean plants. For T. swirskii, this was in agreement with the finding that the fraction of predators on plants with prey increased with time to levels higher than 70%. A less clear trend was found for E. scutalis, for which the fraction of predators on plants with prey stabilized soon after release to levels from 54–70%. Hence, the predatory mites may find plants with prey by random searching, but they are subsequently arrested on these plants. An earlier study showed that 87% of all whiteflies released in a set-up as used here were recaptured within 1 day. Hence, the effectiveness with which predatory mites locate plants with whiteflies is low compared with that of their prey. We expect this to generate spatial patterns in the dynamics of predator and prey and this may have consequences for biological control of whiteflies with predatory mites.  相似文献   
Testosterone-dependent olfactory signals emitted by male are well known to accelerate female puberty in mice (Vandenbergh effect). However, it remains unclear whether these chemosignals also influence adult expression of male-directed odor preference. Therefore, we exposed female mice to intact or castrated male bedding (vs clean bedding as control) during the peripubertal period (postnatal day (PD) 21–38) and measured male-directed odor preference in adulthood. At PD45 or PD60, females exposed to intact male odors, and thus showing puberty acceleration, preferred to investigate odors from intact males over females or castrated males. Females exposed to castrated male odors did not show puberty acceleration but preferred male (intact or castrated) over female odors. Finally, control females did not show any odor preference when tested at PD45, although a preference for male odors emerged later (PD60). In a second experiment, females that were exposed to intact male odors after pubertal transition (PD36–53) also preferred intact male over castrated male odors. In conclusion, our results indicate that peripubertal exposure to male odors induced early expression of male-directed odor preference regardless of puberty-accelerating effect and that induction of male-directed odor preference is not specific to the peripubertal period.  相似文献   
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes in mammals (H-2 in mice) play a major role in regulating immune function. They also bestow individuality in the form of a chemical signature or odortype. At present, the respective contributions of the olfactory epithelium and the vomeronasal organ (VNO) in the recognition of individual odortypes are not well defined. We examined a possible role for the VNO in the recognition of MHC odortypes in mice by first removing the organ (VNX) and then training the mice to distinguish the odors of two congenic strains of mice that differed only in their MHC type. C57BL/6J mice (bb at H-2) and C57BL/6J-H-2(k) (kk at H-2) provided urine for sensory testing. Eight VNX and six sham-operated mice were trained to make the discrimination. Neither the number of training trials-to-criterion nor the rate of learning differed significantly for VNX and sham-operated mice. We conclude that the VNO is not necessary for learning to discriminate between MHC odortypes.  相似文献   
The neural mechanisms underlying recognition of familiar individuals and responses appropriate to them are not well known. Previous studies with male golden hamsters have shown that, after a series of brief aggressive encounters, a loser selectively avoids his own, familiar winner but does not avoid other males. Using this paradigm, we investigated activity in 20 areas of the brain using immunohistochemistry for c-Fos and Egr-1 during exposure to a familiar winner compared to control groups not exposed to another male. Behavioral data showed that 1 day after fights males that lost avoided the familiar winner, suggesting that they recognized this individual. The c-Fos and Egr-1 immunohistochemistry showed that the losers exposed to familiar winners had a greater density of stained cells in the basolateral amygdala, the CA1 region of anterior dorsal hippocampus and the dorsal subiculum than control groups had in these areas. These results suggest that these brain areas may be involved in the memory for other males, the learned fear of familiar winners, or related processes.  相似文献   
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