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The aims of this study were to describe the curvature of anthropoid limb bones quantitatively, to determine how limb bone curvature scales with body mass, and to discuss how bone curvature influences static measures of bone strength. Femora and humeri in six anthropoid genera of Old World monkeys, New World monkeys, and gibbons were used. Bone length, curvature, and cross-sectional properties were incorporated into the analysis. These variables were obtained by a new method using three-dimensional morphological data reconstructed from consecutive CT images. This method revealed the patterns of curvature of anthropoid limb bones. Log-transformed scaling analyses of the characters revealed that bone length and especially bone curvature strongly reflected taxonomic/locomotor differences. As compared with Old World monkeys, New World monkeys and gibbons in particular have a proportionally long and less curved femur and humerus relative to body mass. It is also revealed that the section modulus relative to body mass varies less between taxonomic/locomotor groups in anthropoids. Calculation of theoretical bending strengths implied that Old World monkeys achieve near-constant bending strength in accordance with the tendency observed in general terrestrial mammals. Relatively shorter bone length and larger A-P curvature of Old World monkeys largely contribute to this uniformity. Bending strengths in New World monkeys and gibbons were, however, a little lower under lateral loading and extremely stronger and more variable under axial loading as compared with Old World monkeys, due to their relative elongated and weakly curved femora and humeri. These results suggest that arboreal locomotion, including quadrupedalism and suspension, requires functional demands quite dissimilar to those required in terrestrial quadrupedalism.  相似文献   
A note on composite likelihood inference and model selection   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Varin  Cristiano; Vidoni  Paolo 《Biometrika》2005,92(3):519-528
The effects of nitrogenous (inorganic) fertilisers, organic manures and blue-green algae (BGA) biofertiliser on mosquito populations (Diptera: Culicidae) were studied in rice fields of Madurai, Tamil Nadu, south India, with particular attention to Culex vishnui Theobald, Cx. pseudovishnui Colless and Cx. tritaeniorhynchus Giles, the vectors of Japanese encephalitis (JE). The application of urea, a nitrogenous fertiliser, in rice fields significantly increased the grain yield and the population densities of mosquito larvae and pupae (anophelines as well as culicines) in a dose-related manner. Fields treated with inorganic fertilisers (N, P, K) had significantly higher population densities of mosquito immatures than fields treated with organic manures (farmyard manure and green manure). Without nitrogenous fertiliser, BGA increased paddy yield without enhancing mosquito production. Therefore, the use of BGA with less nitrogenous fertiliser is recommended, which is beneficial economically and agronomically to the farming community and also significantly reduces mosquito production in rice fields. Increased use of nitrogenous fertiliser over the past two decades may have contributed to the increased severity of Japanese encephalitis epidemics, vectors of which breed in rice fields.  相似文献   
Effect of power frequency harmonics on magnetic field measurements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a study of the effect of harmonic frequencies on magnetic field measurements. We introduced magnetic field meters in a known magnetic field of different frequencies: power frequency (50 Hz) as well as 3rd (150 Hz) and 5th (250 Hz) harmonic frequencies. Two magnetic field levels (0.25 A and 2.5 A) were used. A Helmholtz coil was applied to generate an exact magnetic field. The difference between the measurement results at harmonic frequencies and at power frequency was analyzed using the t-test for matched pairs. The test results show significant differences (P≤0.01) for 13 out of 28 tests carried out, which is probably due to a curved frequency response near the power frequency. It is, therefore, essential to consider harmonic frequencies in magnetic field measurements in practice. Received: 12 January 1998 / Accepted in revised form: 1 October 1999  相似文献   
Using both previously published findings and entirely new data, we present evidence in support of the argument that the circadian dysfunction of advancing age in the healthy human is primarily one of failing to transduce the circadian signal from the circadian timing system (CTS) to rhythms “downstream” from the pacemaker rather than one of failing to generate the circadian signal itself. Two downstream rhythms are considered: subjective alertness and objective performance. For subjective alertness, we show that in both normal nychthemeral (24h routine, sleeping at night) and unmasking (36h of constant wakeful bed rest) conditions, advancing age, especially in men, leads to flattening of subjective alertness rhythms, even when circadian temperature rhythms are relatively robust. For objective performance, an unmasking experiment involving manual dexterity, visual search, and visual vigilance tasks was used to demonstrate that the relationship between temperature and performance is strong in the young, but not in older subjects (and especially not in older men). (Chronobiology International, 17(3), 355-368, 2000)  相似文献   
We have tested Galvanovskis and Sandblom’s prediction that ion channel clustering enhances weak electric field detection by cells as well as how the elicited signals couple to metabolic alterations. Electric field application was timed to coincide with certain known intracellular chemical oscillators (phase-matched conditions). Polarized, but not spherical, neutrophils labeled with anti-Kv1.3, FL-DHP, and anti-TRP1, but not anti-T-type Ca2+ channels, displayed clusters at the lamellipodium. Resonance energy transfer experiments showed that these channel pairs were in close proximity. Dose-field sensitivity studies of channel blockers suggested that K+ and Ca2+ channels participate in field detection, as judged by enhanced oscillatory NAD(P)H amplitudes. Further studies suggested that K+ channel blockers act by reducing the neutrophil’s membrane potential. Mibefradil and SKF93635, which block T-type Ca2+ channels and SOCs, respectively, affected field detection at appropriate doses. Microfluorometry and high-speed imaging of indo-1-labeled neutrophils was used to examine Ca2+ signaling. Electric fields enhanced Ca2+ spike amplitude and triggered formation of a second traveling Ca2+ wave. Mibefradil blocked Ca2+ spikes and waves. Although 10 μM SKF96365 mimicked mibefradil, 7 μM SKF96365 specifically inhibited electric field-induced Ca2+ signals, suggesting that one SKF96365-senstive site is influenced by electric fields. Although cells remained morphologically polarized, ion channel clusters at the lamellipodium and electric field sensitivity were inhibited by methyl-β-cyclodextrin. As a result of phase-matched electric field application in the presence of ion channel clusters, myeloperoxidase (MPO) was found to traffic to the cell surface. As MPO participates in high amplitude metabolic oscillations, this suggests a link between the signaling apparatus and metabolic changes. Furthermore, electric field effects could be blocked by MPO inhibition or removal while certain electric field effects were mimicked by the addition of MPO to untreated cells. Therefore, channel clustering plays an important role in electric field detection and downstream responses of morphologically polarized neutrophils. In addition to providing new mechanistic insights concerning electric field interactions with cells, our work suggests novel methods to remotely manipulate physiological pathways.  相似文献   
We investigated the combined effects of a moderate intensity static magnetic field (SMF) and an L-type voltage-gated Ca(2+) channel blocker, nicardipine in stroke-resistant spontaneously hypertensive rats during the development of hypertension. Five-week-old male rats were exposed to SMF intensity up to 180 mT (B(max)) with a peak spatial gradient of 133 mT/mm for 14 weeks. Four experimental groups of 14 animals each were examined: (1) sham exposure with intraperitoneal (ip) saline injection (control); (2) SMF exposure with ip saline injection (SMF); (3) sham exposure with ip nicardipine injection (NIC); (4) SMF exposure with ip nicardipine injection (SMF + NIC). A disc-shaped permanent magnet or a dummy magnet was implanted in the vicinity adjacent to the left carotid sinus baroreceptor region in the neck of each rat. Nicardipine (2 mg/kg ip) was administered three times a week for 14 weeks, and then 15 min after each injection, arterial blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), skin blood flow (SBF), skin blood velocity (SBV), plasma nitric oxide (NO) metabolites (NO(x) = NO(2) (-) + NO(3) (-)), plasma catecholamine levels and behavioral parameters of a functional observational battery were monitored. The action of nicardipine significantly decreased BP, and increased HR, SBF, SBV, plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine in the NIC group compared with the control respective age-matched group without changing plasma NO(x) levels. Neck exposure to SMF alone for 5-8 weeks significantly suppressed or retarded the development of hypertension together with increased BRS in SMF group. Furthermore, the exposure to SMF for 1-8 weeks significantly promoted the nicardipine-induced BP decrease in the SMF + NIC group compared with the respective NIC group. Moreover, the SMF induced a significant increase in plasma NO(x) in the nicardipine-induced hypotension. There were no significant differences in any of the physiological or behavioral parameters measured between the SMF + NIC and the NIC groups, nor between the SMF and the control groups. These results suggest that the SMF may enhance nicardipine-induced hypotension by more effectively antagonizing the Ca(2+) influx through the Ca(2+) channels compared with the NIC treatment alone. Furthermore, the enhanced antihypertensive effects of the SMF on the nicardipine-treated group appear to be partially related to the increased NO(x). Theoretical considerations suggest that the applied SMF (B(max) 40 mT, 0 Hz) can be converted into a changing magnetic field (B(max) 30-40 mT, 5.7-6.5 Hz or 7.5-8.3 Hz) in the baroreceptor region by means of the carotid artery pulsation. Therefore, we propose that the moderate intensity changing magnetic field, i.e., the magnetic field modulated by the pulse rate, may influence the activity of baroreceptor and baroreflex function.  相似文献   
During the years 1990-2003, a large number of investigations were conducted using animals, cultured rodent and human cells as well as freshly collected human blood lymphocytes to determine the genotoxic potential of exposure to nonionizing radiation emitted from extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF). Among the 63 peer reviewed scientific reports, the conclusions from 29 studies (46%) did not indicate increased damage to the genetic material, as assessed from DNA strand breaks, incidence of chromosomal aberrations (CA), micronuclei (MN), and sister chromatid exchanges (SCE), in EMF exposed cells as compared with sham exposed and/or unexposed cells, while those from 14 investigations (22%) have suggested an increase in such damage in EMF exposed cells. The observations from 20 other studies (32%) were inconclusive. This study reviews the investigations published in peer reviewed scientific journals during 1990-2003 and attempts to identify probable reason(s) for the conflicting results. Recommendations are made for future research to address some of the controversial observations.  相似文献   
We describe an approach to aiding the design and interpretation of experiments involving biological effects of weakly interacting electromagnetic fields that range from steady (dc) to microwave frequencies. We propose that if known biophysical mechanisms cannot account for an inferred, underlying molecular change signal-to-noise ratio, (S/N)gen, of a observed result, then there are two interpretation choices: (1) there is an unknown biophysical mechanism with stronger coupling between the field exposure and the ongoing biochemical process, or (2) the experiment is responding to something other than the field exposure. Our approach is based on classical detection theory, the recognition that weakly interacting fields cannot break chemical bonds, and the consequence that such fields can only alter rates of ongoing, metabolically driven biochemical reactions, and transport processes. The approach includes both fundamental chemical noise (molecular shot noise) and other sources of competing chemical change, to be compared quantitatively to the field induced change for the basic case that the field alters a single step in a biochemical network. Consistent with pharmacology and toxicology, we estimate the molecular dose (mass associated with field induced molecular change per mass tissue) resulting from illustrative low frequency field exposures for the biophysical mechanism of voltage gated channels. For perspective, we then consider electric field-mediated delivery of small molecules across human skin and into individual cells. Specifically, we consider the examples of iontophoretic and electroporative delivery of fentanyl through skin and electroporative delivery of bleomycin into individual cells. The total delivered amount corresponds to a molecular change signal and the delivery variability corresponds to generalized chemical noise. Viewed broadly, biological effects due to nonionizing fields may include animal navigation, medical applications, and environmental hazards. Understanding necessary conditions for such effects can be based on a unified approach: quantitative comparison of the estimated chemical change due to a particular electromagnetic field exposure to that due to competing influences, with both estimates based on a biophysical mechanism model within the context of a model of a biological system.  相似文献   
Following the first recorded introduction of the Old World screwworm fly (OWS), Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve (Diptera: Calliphoridae), into the Mesopotamia valley in Iraq in September 1996, cases of livestock myiasis caused by OWS developed a distinctly seasonal pattern. The annual cycle of clinical OWS cases is explained here on the basis of environmental variables that affect the different life-cycle stages of C. bezziana. This analysis suggests that low temperatures restricted pupal development during the winter, whereas the dispersal of adult flies was constrained by hot/dry summer conditions. A restricted number of OWS foci persisted throughout the year. In these foci, pupal development was fastest during the autumn months. In autumn, rapid multiplication, lasting several OWS generations, allowed subsequent adult fly dispersal across the valley floor during the winter. Hence, the monthly incidence of clinical OWS cases in livestock peaked during December-January and was lowest during July-August. In addition to temperature and humidity, vegetation cover played a role in OWS distribution. Hence the majority of OWS cases were clustered in the medium density type of vegetation [normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) values of 0.2-0.4] along the main watercourses in the marshy Mesopotamia valley. Although sheep were the host most commonly infested by C. bezziana, local sheep density was not found to be a major factor in disease spread. Satellite imagery and the application of Geographical Information System (GIS) tools were found to be valuable in understanding the distribution of OWS in relation to vegetation and watercourses. The presence of screwworm in Iraq, at the perimeter of the intercontinental OWS distribution, may give rise to major seasonal flare-ups.  相似文献   
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