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Prostacyclin is a potent vasodilator in a number of vascular beds including the uterus. However, the role of prostacyclin in maintaining uterine blood flow during pregnancy is not well established. Recent reports have appeared suggesting that tranylcypromine can selectively inhibit prostacyclin synthesis. Thus, the present study was undertaken using an unanesthetized chronically catheterized pregnant sheep preparation to evaluate the effects of direct intra-arterial infusions of tranylcypromine on the uterine vasculature of late-term pregnant ewes. Infusions of 1, 3 and 10 mg/min of tranylcypromine led to dose-related reduction in uterine blood flow (16, 21 and 47 percent, respectively) and increased blood pressure (7, 10 and 23 percent, respectively). However, these alterations were not associated with reductions in the uterine production rates of the prostacyclin metabolite, 6-keto-PGF, as determined by unextracted plasma RIA. In addition, pre-treatment of animals with the α-adrenergic blocking agent, phenoxybenzamine, almost totally abolished uterine and systemic blood pressure responses to tranylcypromine. These data suggest that tranylcypromine either releases or elevates levels of an alpha adrenergic stimulant which constricts the uterine and systemic vasculature and does not alter prostacyclin levels at the dose tested.  相似文献   
The effects of bafilomycin, nocodazole, and reduced temperature on recycling and the lysosomal pathway have been investigated in various cultured cell lines and have been shown to vary dependent on the cell type examined. However, the way in which these treatments affect recycling and transport to lysosomes within the same cell line has not been analyzed. In the current study, we used fluorophore-labeled transferrin and dextran as typical markers for the recycling and the lysosomal pathways, respectively, to explore the morphology and the intravesicular pH of endocytic compartments in HeLa cells. The V-ATPase inhibitor bafilomycin selectively inhibited the transport of marker destined for lysosomal degradation in early endosomes, whereas the transport of transferrin to the perinuclear recycling compartment (PNRC) still occurred. The kinetics of transferrin acidification was found to be biphasic, indicative of fast and slow recycling pathways via early endosomes (pH 6.0) and PNRC (pH 5.6), respectively. Furthermore, the disruption of microtubules by nocodazole blocked the transport of transferrin to the PNRC in early endosomes and of lysosome-directed marker into endosomal carrier vesicles. In contrast, incubation at 20°C affected the lysosomal pathway by causing retention of internalized dextran in late endosomes and a delay in transferrin recycling. Taken together, these data clearly demonstrate, for the first time, that the transferrin recycling pathway and transport of endocytosed material to lysosomes are differentially affected by bafilomycin, nocodazole, and low temperature in HeLa cells. Consequently, these treatments can be applied to investigate whether internalized macromolecules such as viruses follow a recycling or degradative pathway.This work was supported by grants from the Austrian Science Fund P12967 and P17590 to R.F.  相似文献   
Earlier weaning has often been suggested as a cause for population growth after the evolution of food production. However, evidence for weaning-time reduction is largely circumstantial. Collagen stable nitrogen- and carbon-isotope ratios from juvenile and adult burials from four sites in eastern North America were measured to estimate weaning onsets and durations before and after the appearance of intensive food production. Two preagricultural Late Archaic sites (Indian Knoll and Carlston Annis) are compared with two highly agricultural Middle Mississippian sites (Angel and Tinsley Hill). Isotopic data and paleodemographic measures of birth rates provide no evidence for changes in weaning behavior or fertility with the development of food production in the prehistoric Lower Ohio Valley. Birth rates and weaning behavior appear to have been roughly the same at all four sites. These results indicate that models attributing population growth after the appearance of food production to earlier weaning are not universally applicable.  相似文献   
The etiology of the granulomatous response around Schistosoma haematobium eggs in mice was investigated. Eggs injected into the microvasculature of the lungs of mice evoked a granulomatous reaction which was demonstrated at 8 and 16 days. Prior exposure of mice to the eggs or to crude soluble egg antigens (SEA) resulted in significantly larger granulomas than in the unsensitized controls. The degree of sensitization was dependent both on the route of administration and the quantity of eggs. Furthermore, this phenomenon could be adoptively transferred with spleen cells from previously sensitized mice but not with serum. Mice sensitized with S. haematobium eggs and challenged by injection of SEA into their footpads developed both immediate and delayed swelling. Cross-sensitization between S. haematobium, S. mansoni and S. japonicum eggs was also studied in both the lung and footpad systems.  相似文献   
Conulariids exhibiting various pathologies and teratological conditions have been examined from Paleozoic rocks of North America, South America, Europe, and Africa. Published examples of teratological conditions in conulariids have been reviewed. To these cases we add a specimen of Paraconularia missouriensis (Swallow) from the Mississippian of Ohio which possesses six faces. The supposed three-sided conulariid species Conularina triangulata (Raymond) is based upon a specimen which is not a conulariid. This genus is removed from the phylum Conulariida and is considered incertae sedis. Pathologies include injuries to the exoskeleton which are grouped into patterns termed scalloped, cleft, and embayed. Scalloped injuries represent minor chipping at the aperture of the conulariid exoskeleton, and may have occurred accidentally or through predation. Cleft and embayed injuries, found only on post-Silurian taxa, indicate that conulariids suffered severe sublethal attacks more frequently after the rise of several types of durophagous predators in the middle Paleozoic. Some middle and late Paleozoic conulariid species strengthened the exoskeleton, perhaps to resist predation. Regeneration of injured integument or rods has occurred in conulariids exhibiting damaged exoskeletons.  相似文献   
Planning for Restoration: A Decision Analysis Approach to Prioritization   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ecological restoration often relies on the use of expert opinion to make management decisions in the face of uncertainty. The quantification of expert opinion can be difficult, especially when more than one expert is consulted and experts are not in agreement. Decision analysis can provide a framework to systematically deconstruct a complex problem and provide greater objectivity to restoration decisions. We utilized decision analysis techniques to identify restoration objectives and to quantify expert opinions to prioritize restoration activities at 112 prairie openings in the Edge of Appalachia Preserve in southern Ohio, U.S.A. We first created an objectives hierarchy to model how decision‐makers decide which prairies to manage. We then determined how to measure each component of the hierarchy and sampled all prairies for percent woody cover, geology, indicator species index (an index of plant species richness), slope, aspect, and distance to nearest prairie. We modeled seven different experts’ preferences for managing prairies with varying values for each of these ecological measures. We then interviewed the same decision‐makers to determine relative weights for each component of the objectives hierarchy using trade‐off analysis. By combining the weights, preference relationships, and sampling data, we were able to rank each prairie and management unit based on its management priority. Experts had similar preferences except for the measure of distance to nearest prairie. We found that decision‐makers gave different weights to each of the different components of the hierarchy. Generally, experts weighted percent woody cover, indicator species index, and geology more highly than slope, aspect, and distance to nearest prairie. Despite these differences, priorities for management, once all factors were weighted and combined, were similar.  相似文献   
Wayne A. Evans 《Hydrobiologia》1984,108(2):105-114
The psammic rotifer community inhabiting the bottom of a second order stream partially under the influence of acid mine drainage was studied from May, 1978 to November, 1979. Thirty-one species of rotifers were found, but abundances were very low (range 0.0 to 8.6 cm-3). Total rotifer density and densities of major genera differed significantly over time, among sites and between depths in the sediment (P < .01). Highest densities occurred in the top 1 cm of sediment during periods of stream stability in the late summer and fall. Total rotifer density and densities of Lecane spp., Cephalodella spp. and Trichocerca spp. were positively correlated with alkalinity and negatively correlated with manganese (canonical correlation, p < .05). Densities of all taxa were negatively correlated with variability in water chemistry. Total rotifer density was found to be positively correlated with minimum monthly temperature (r = 0.6, P <. 05) and to lag behind the temperature cycle by 6 weeks. Rotifer species were found to be randomly distributed in time and space with no evidence which might suggest competitive exclusion. A highly variable and unpredictable environment is thought to keep density and diversity low in this community.  相似文献   
The reappearance and recovery of large carnivores in human-dominated landscapes creates a need to understand how people will respond to the presence of these animals. We tested a psychological model of acceptance to determine what variables most influence people's acceptance for black bears (Ursus americanus) in an area with an emerging black bear population (Ohio, USA). We hypothesized that people's perceptions of risk and benefit related to bears would mediate the effect of trust (in wildlife management agencies) and personal control (over interactions with and management of wildlife) on acceptance for black bears. We used a mail-back survey of Ohio residents (n = 9,400; adjusted response rate = 35%) to assess the variables of interest and test the hypothesized model. Based on multiple criteria of model fit, the hypothesized model fit the data acceptably well. The model explained approximately 62% of the variance in acceptance, and perception of risk associated with black bears had the largest impact on the level of acceptance. As large carnivore populations expand and interactions with humans increase, our results will aid managers in designing outreach materials and communications aimed at promoting acceptance for large carnivores. Our model suggests that interventions raising an individual's social trust in the managing agency, or personal control can indirectly raise stakeholders' acceptance by reducing risk perception and increasing perception of benefit from carnivores. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Managing for forest wildlife requires attention not only to quantity but quality of forests within the landscape. We examined the extent to which local structural attributes and landscape context of forest stands explained variation in density and reproductive success of mature forest birds across 12 sites in southeast Ohio, USA, 2004–2006. Results suggest that several structural characteristics influenced bird–habitat relationships in our study. Densities of 3 songbird species (i.e., ovenbird [Seiurus aurocapilla], cerulean warbler [Setophaga cerulea], and scarlet tanager [Piranga olivacea]) were positively related to canopy openness, which is usually a function of canopy gaps. Habitat attributes described by ground litter, understory density, and canopy height were positively associated with densities of ground (i.e., worm-eating warbler [Helmitheros vermivorum]), or shrub nesting species (i.e., Kentucky and hooded warblers [Geothlypis formosa and Setophaga citrina], respectively). Furthermore, the number of small trees likely drove the positive relationship between density of wood thrush (Hylocichla mustelina), a subcanopy nester. After accounting for temporal variability in daily nest survival rates, the odds of nest survival for all species increased 10.5% for every 1% increase in canopy openness and decreased 1.4% for each 5% increase in understory vegetation density. Habitat–nest survival relationships were not apparent at the level of the individual species. Our results suggest that structural attributes produced by increasing habitat heterogeneity may be necessary for conservation of forest bird communities. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
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