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阿魏酸和肉桂酸对杉木种子发芽的效应   总被引:41,自引:2,他引:41  
杉木〔Cunninghamialanceolata (Lamb .)Hook .〕连栽导致地力衰退问题 ,国内大多从提高土壤肥力和完善栽培制度方面进行研究[1 ] ,对化感自毒物质的毒害作用却注意不够。据报道杉木根桩与周围土壤酚类物质对杉木存在自毒作用[2 ] ,但除酚剂 (乙烯吡咯啉酮K30 0 )能降低杉木及其林下土壤的这种自毒作用[3 ] ,这暗示杉木叶、根等器官中含有酚类化感物质 ;香草醛 (vanillin)对杉木幼苗生长也具有毒害作用[4] 。阿魏酸 (ferulicacid)、肉桂酸 (cinnamicacid)和香草醛同属于化感…  相似文献   
肉果草属一新变型 .  相似文献   
民族植物学以人类传统植物学知识为主要研究内容,这些知识或经验是在长期的生活和生产过程中不断产生和积累的,而且绝大多数经过了长期的实践检验. 近年来,对各地蔬菜,尤其是野生蔬菜的民族植物学调查研究日渐兴起,不仅从集市调查着手进行野生蔬菜的调查编目和社会经济价值的研究,而且逐步深入到蔬菜在食物结构中的地位、对当地居民健康状况的影响及人工驯化培育等方面[1-7].  相似文献   
A micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatographic (MEKC) method has been established for the identification and determination of diterpenoid triepoxides in the Chinese herb Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F. and its preparations. Studies of the influence of boric acid and borax buffer concentration and pH, and of sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) concentration have been carried out, and the optimum separation for the triepoxides was achieved using 20 mM boric acid and 10 mM borax with 20 mM SDS as the running buffer. MEKC was found to exhibit good accuracy, precision and repeatability. The sensitivity of the assay was sufficient to monitor the three active components in T. wilfordii and its preparations.  相似文献   
对紫玉盘属8种,杯冠木属3种和Ellipeia属1种进行了叶的比较研究,以调查不同种之间解剖学的不同点,这对种的鉴别和了解它们的分类学意义可能是有用的.有意义的解剖学特征是:末端石细胞,表皮细胞的晶簇,毛状体,在中脉和叶柄的薄壁组织内的短石细胞以及中脉和叶柄横切面的形状.有某些特征仅出现在某些种中,这对种的鉴别是有用的.结果亦显示这三个属的联系十分紧密.  相似文献   
报导了海南岛铁角蕨科一新分布种,即骨碎补铁角蕨(Asplenium ritoense Hayata)。在国内的植物志采用的学名是一不合法名称,即Asplenium davallioides Hook.。应给予纠正。  相似文献   
Two steroid saponins of yamogenin (A, C) had been isolated from the rhizome of Dioscorea collettii Hook. f. var. hypoglauca (Palibin) Pei et Ting. By means of acetylation, acid hydrolysis, enzymolysis, IR, MS and 13C-NMR the structure of saponin A named hypoglaueine A was proved as yamogcnin-3-O-[bis-α-L-rhamnosyl (1→2, 1→3)]-[β-D-glueopyranoside. Saponin C was identified as protohypoglaucine A.  相似文献   
Cell cultures of Blumea malcolmii Hook., developed in the laboratory, rapidly decolorized textile industry effluent along with a variety of dyes with diverse structural properties. Most rapid decolorization was observed in case of Malachite Green (93.41% decolorization within 24 h). The cells were capable of tolerating and degrading high concentrations of the dye, thus making them remarkable systems for phytoremediation studies. The enzymatic analysis during decolorization of Malachite Green showed the induction of enzymes such as laccase, veratryl alcohol oxidase and DCIP reductase indicating the involvement of these enzymes in the degradation of the dye. The cell cultures also mediated the remediation of textile industry effluent by bringing about a decrease in the BOD, COD and ADMI values of the effluent within 48 h. Phytotransformation was confirmed with the help of HPLC and the probable fate of metabolism of the dye was predicted with the help of GCMS analysis.  相似文献   
福建含笑—杉木混交林的效益及机理分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
对7年生福建含笑-杉木[Michelia fujianensis Q.F.Zheng-Cunninghamia lanceolata(Lamb.)Hook.]混交林的生长效果、改土效益、水源涵养功能以及混交机理的分析研究表明,该混交林种间关系协调,林分空间分布格局合理,能调节林分小气候,改善土壤肥力状况,充分利用营养空间,增强水源涵养功能,促进林分生长。福建含笑与杉木混交林是改造杉木低产林、防止地力衰退及扩大珍贵阔叶树种植范围的有效途径之一。  相似文献   
采用典型抽样法,以位于中亚热带的福建省将乐县的杉木〔Cunninghamia lanceolata ( Lamb.) Hook.〕人工林为研究对象,对10、15、20、25、30和40 a林分的径级结构、林下植被组成以及物种多样性变化进行调查和分析。结果表明:不同林龄杉木人工林的径级结构均呈正态分布,均在接近平均胸径的径级上植株数量最多;径级和密度间的关系可以用3参数的Gaussian函数表征;不同林龄间胸径差异显著。杉木人工林林下分布有45科80属97种植物,其中灌木层69种、草本层28种,物种丰富,但不同林龄的林分内各种类的重要值差异较大,且不同林龄的林分间优势种、共有种和独有种均明显不同。随林龄的增加,林下灌木层和草本层的物种组成、丰富度指数( R0)、Simpson多样性指数( D)和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数( H′)、Pielou均匀度指数( Jsw )和Alatalo均匀度指数( Ea )均有明显变化。10 a林分的林下物种数量最少(18种),而20 a林分的林下物种数量最多(40种)。林下灌木层的D和H′值分别为0.827~0.923和1.956~2.917,且随林龄的增加均呈“上升—下降—平稳”的变化趋势;灌木层的Jsw和Ea值分别为0.876~0.959和0.686~0.890,随林龄增加均呈“降低—升高—降低—升高”的变化趋势,且均在20 a林分中最小、在25 a林分中最大。林下草本层的D和H′值分别为0.639~0.898和1.274~2.435,并随林龄增加均呈波动的变化趋势;草本层的Jsw和Ea值分别为0.775~0.949和0.663~0.896,随林龄增加均呈“降低—升高—降低—升高—降低”的变化趋势,且均在15 a林分中最小、在10 a林分中最大。总体上看,林龄对杉木人工林林下灌木层和草本层的物种丰富度指数和多样性指数以及草本层的均匀度指数均有显著影响。根据研究结果,建议在杉木人工林的经营过程中对林下物种进行合理配置,并进行合理间伐,以促进林下植被的生长发育。  相似文献   
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