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Climate change likely will lead to increasingly favourable environmental conditions for many parasites. However, predictions regarding parasitism's impacts often fail to account for the likely variability in host distribution and how this may alter parasite occurrence. Here, we investigate potential distributional shifts in the meningeal worm, Parelaphostrongylosis tenuis, a protostrongylid nematode commonly found in white‐tailed deer in North America, whose life cycle also involves a free‐living stage and a gastropod intermediate host. We modelled the distribution of the hosts and free‐living larva as a complete assemblage to assess whether a complex trophic system will lead to an overall increase in parasite distribution with climate change, or whether divergent environmental niches may promote an ecological mismatch. Using an ensemble approach to climate modelling under two different carbon emission scenarios, we show that whereas the overall trend is for an increase in niche breadth for each species, mismatches arise in habitat suitability of the free‐living larva vs. the definitive and intermediate hosts. By incorporating these projected mismatches into a combined model, we project a shift in parasite distribution accounting for all steps in the transmission cycle, and identify that overall habitat suitability of the parasite will decline in the Great Plains and southeastern USA, but will increase in the Boreal Forest ecoregion, particularly in Alberta. These results have important implications for wildlife conservation and management due to the known pathogenicity of parelaphostrongylosis to alternate hosts including moose, caribou and elk. Our results suggest that disease risk forecasts which fail to consider biotic interactions may be overly simplistic, and that accounting for each of the parasite's life stages is key to refining predicted responses to climate change.  相似文献   
To measure the effects of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) herbivory on seeds, seedlings, and young saplings of Quercus buckleyi on the eastern Edwards Plateau of central Texas, USA, experimental fenced deer exclosures were constructed. Acorns or small Q. buckleyi transplants were placed in each exclosure and in each unfenced control plot. Deer did not significantly affect acorn survival and germination, but did significantly reduce transplant survival and growth rates. The results support the hypothesis that deer are responsible for the failure of recruitment into adult size classes in Q. buckleyi populations in this region. Without adult recruitment of Q. buckleyi, the species composition and possibly even the physiognomy of woodlands on the eastern Edwards Plateau will change markedly. The results of this experiment also indicate that, although juniper (Juniperus ashei) and Q. buckleyi presumably compete for water, light, and nutrients, in the presence of deer junipers can have a positive effect on seedlings and saplings of Q. buckleyi, a case of facilitation. In the presence of deer the transplants increased in height significantly more slowly away from juniper saplings than they did beneath juniper saplings, probably due to the physical protection from browsing that junipers provided to the transplants.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was used to characterize patterns of geographic variation among white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) populations in the southeastern United States. Fifteen restriction enzymes were employed to survey and map 99 restriction sites in 142 deer from 18 localities in five southeastern states. Phylogenetic analysis revealed three primary groups of haplotypes: (1) southern Florida and the Florida Keys, (2) the remainder of peninsular Florida northward to South Carolina, and (3) the Florida panhandle westward to Mississippi. Geographical heterogeneity in haplotype frequencies suggests that stochastic lineage sorting or isolation by distance are not important determinates of mtDNA differentiation among deer populations. The pattern of mtDNA variation in white-tailed deer is concordant spatially with those observed in unrelated taxa suggesting the common influence of historical biogeographic events. The data (1) support previous hypotheses that relate contemporary patterns of intraspecific phylogeography in northern Florida to the physiogeographic history of the region; and (2) suggest that genetic differentiation in southern Florida may be attributable to episodes of Pleistocene dispersal. Despite potentially high vagility and human intervention, ecological and demographic characteristics of deer have effectively preserved the historical pattern of intraspecific mtDNA differentiation.  相似文献   
Fine-scale movement data has transformed our knowledge of ungulate migration ecology and now provides accurate, spatially explicit maps of migratory routes that can inform planning and management at local, state, and federal levels. Among the most challenging land use planning issues has been developing energy resources on public lands that overlap with important ungulate habitat, including the migratory routes of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus). We generally know that less development is better for minimizing negative effects and maintaining habitat function, but we lack information on the amount of disturbance that animals can tolerate before reducing use of or abandoning migratory habitat. We used global positioning system data from 56 deer across 15 years to evaluate how surface disturbance from natural gas well pads and access roads in western Wyoming, USA, affected habitat selection of mule deer during migration and whether any disturbance threshold(s) existed beyond which use of migratory habitat declined. We used resource and step selection functions to examine disturbance thresholds at 3 different spatial scales. Overall, migratory use by mule deer declined as surface disturbance increased. Based on the weight of evidence from our 3 independent but complementary metrics, declines in migratory use related to surface disturbance were non-linear, where migratory use sharply declined when surface disturbance from energy development exceeded 3%. Disturbance thresholds may vary across regions, species, or migratory habitats (e.g., stopover sites). Such information can help with management and land use decisions related to mineral leasing and energy development that overlap with the migratory routes of ungulates. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
内蒙古巴彦淖尔盟蒙古野驴的数量、分布和保护对策   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
20 0 0年 7月中旬至 8月上旬 ,大批蒙古野驴从蒙古共和国进入我国内蒙古自治区巴彦淖尔盟乌拉特中旗和乌拉特后旗境内。 2 0 0 0年 9月对该地区蒙古野驴的数量、分布和保护情况等进行了考察 ,发现蒙古野驴主要活动在巴彦淖尔盟乌拉特中旗和乌拉特后旗中蒙边境沿线的梭形狭长地带。蒙古野驴活动区东端最南点在乌拉特中旗敦德乌素嘎查 (42°1 7′N ,1 0 8°3 0′E) ,距边境 2 3km ,西端最南点在乌拉特后旗乌力吉图嘎查以西 (42°0 8′N ,1 0 6°3 6′E) ,距边境 1 2km。活动区中部的南限在北纬 42°0 1′,距正北方边境 44km ,活动区面积约 5 3 80km2 。根据样带法调查计算估计该分布区蒙古野驴总数约在 1 1 40 0头左右。目前蒙古野驴种群在该地区的分布尚未完全稳定。密集的人口 ,有限的食物资源和偷猎是影响蒙古野驴种群在该分布区稳定生存的主要因素  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Delineating populations is critical for understanding population dynamics and managing habitats. Our objective was to delineate subpopulations of migratory female white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the central Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, USA, on summer and winter ranges. We used fuzzy classification to assign radiocollared deer to subpopulations based on spatial location, characterized subpopulations by trapping sites, and explored relationships among survival of subpopulations and habitat variables. In winter, Kaplan-Meier estimates for subpopulations indicated 2 groups: high (S = 0.991 ± 0.005 [x̄ ± SE]) and low (S = 0.968 ± 0.007) weekly survivorship. Survivorship increased with basal area per hectare of trees, average diameter at breast height of trees, percent cover of slash, and total point-center quarter distance of trees. Cover of grass and forbs were less for the high survivorship than the lower survivorship group. In summer, deer were spaced apart with mixed associations among subpopulations. Habitat manipulations that promote or maintain large trees (i.e., basal area = 14.8 m2/ha and average dbh of trees = 8.3 cm) would seem to improve adult survival of deer in winter.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Stand establishment techniques involving multiple herbicide applications are commonly used on industrial pine (Pinus spp.) plantations, raising concern over potential effects on white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) forage production. We tested effects of stand establishment intensity on deer forage in 1–5-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantations (n = 4) in the East Gulf Coastal Plain of Mississippi using forage biomass and 4 measures of nutritional carrying capacity that reflected crude protein or digestible energy requirements for body maintenance and lactation. We also assessed whether forage biomass combined with a deer use rating effectively indexed nutritional carrying capacity. Treatments were combinations of mechanical site preparation, chemical site preparation (CSP), and herbaceous weed control (HWC). Total forage biomass and forage biomass of grasses and forbs were reduced by broadcast HWC. Forage biomass of vines was reduced both by CSP and by multiple broadcast HWC applications. Maintenance-level carrying capacity estimates were reduced by broadcast HWC; lactation-level estimates were higher in moderate-intensity treatments. We believe the inherently low fertility of this region makes high-quality forage production a more important management priority than increasing forage quantity. Chemical or chemical and mechanical site preparation combined with banded HWC provided the best option for providing both forage quality and quantity in open-canopied, intensively managed pine plantations. Biomass-based indices may be suitable for indexing protein-based maintenance-level carrying capacity in this region, but our results indicated they were not useful for indexing other carrying capacity estimates.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Animal-borne video and environmental data collection systems (AVEDs) are an advanced form of biotelemetry that combines video with other sensors. As a proxy for physiological stress, we assessed fecal glucocorticoid metabolite (FGM) excretion in 7 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) fitted with AVED dummy collars; 9 additional deer served as controls. We collected fecal samples over 3 2-week periods: pretreatment, treatment, and posttreatment periods. There were no differences in FGMs across time periods (F2,218 = 1.94, P = 0.147) and no difference between FGMs of control and treatment individuals (F1,14 = 0.72, P = 0.411). Fecal glucocorticoid metabolite excretion in AVED-collared deer was indistinguishable from uncollared animals and within the normal, baseline range for this species. Absence of an adrenal response to collaring suggested that AVED collaring does not induce physiological stress in deer.  相似文献   
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