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Herbaceous competition and herbivory have been identified as critical barriers to restoration of native tree species in degraded landscapes around the world; however, the combined effects of competition and herbivory are poorly understood. We experimentally manipulated levels of herbivory and herbaceous competition and analyzed the response of tree seedling performance over three growing seasons as a function of species and habitat in north‐central West Virginia. Four native tree species were planted in old field and forest experimental plots: Castanea dentata (American chestnut), Quercus rubra (red oak), Acer saccharum (sugar maple), and Picea rubens (red spruce). Red spruce demonstrated the highest growth increment and greatest survival (64%) and most consistent results among treatments and habitats. Red spruce survival was not reduced in the presence of Odocoileus virginianus (white‐tailed deer) browse and herbaceous competition; however, growth was improved by suppression of herbaceous competition. We suspect that this deciduous forest landscape would regenerate to a red spruce dominated forest if seed source was available. In contrast, the other three species tested had very low survival when exposed to deer and were more responsive to competing vegetation and habitat type. American chestnut had low survival and growth across all treatments, suggesting basic climate limitations. Vigorous natural regeneration of Prunus serotina (black cherry) occurred in forest plots where both competing herbs and deer were excluded. Our results demonstrated the importance of testing multiple potential recruitment barriers and species at once and the need for species and habitat‐specific restoration treatments.  相似文献   
Tropical forest animals are at high risk worldwide as a result of over-exploitation and forest clearing. Zooarchaeological studies of animal use by the ancient Maya of the southern lowland regions of Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, and Mexico provide long-term historical information on animal populations under conditions of human population growth and climatic change that is valuable to both archaeology and conservation biology. In this paper, zooarchaeological data from 35 chronologically defined faunal sub-samples recovered from 25 ancient Maya archaeological sites are used to assess the effects of ancient hunting on animal populations of the Maya region between the Preclassic and Colonial periods (2000 BC–AD 1697). The variations in species abundance are used as a proxy for describing changes in ancient Maya hunting practices and hunted animal populations, interpreted on the basis of hunting efficiency models from foraging ecology. A significant reduction in the proportion of large mammals, particularly Odocoileus virginianus, in zooarchaeological assemblages between the Late Classic (AD 600–850) and Terminal Classic/Postclassic periods (AD 850–1519) suggest that over-hunting during the Late Classic may have led to a reduction in availability of these animals to the ancient Maya hunters in the later periods. This finding is discussed in relation to important social and environmental variations to evaluate the impact of hunting and other factors such as forest clearance and climate on ancient animal populations in the Maya region.  相似文献   
卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区蒙古野驴生境适宜性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为加强蒙古野驴(Equus hemionus hemionus)的生境保护及管理工作,作者以2005年以来在卡拉麦里山有蹄类自然保护区的野外调查数据为基础,在地理信息系统(GIS)支持下,以距水源点距离、坡度、植被类型和人类活动为评价因子,采用生境评价模型,对蒙古野驴的生境进行了适宜性评价。不考虑人类活动影响下,春、夏、秋、冬四季潜在总适宜生境面积分别为9,784km2、8,090km2、9,379km2和10,856km2,分别占保护区总面积的54.4%、44.9%、52.1%和60.3%。由于受到国道、矿产开采、冬季放牧等人类活动的强烈影响,研究区内适宜生境大量丧失,冬季丧失面积最多,为6,629km2,占冬季潜在总适宜面积的61.1%。基于评价结果作者提出了相应的蒙古野驴种群保护措施:(1)加强水源地的保护;(2)限制冬季进入保护区内家畜的数量,并为蒙古野驴划定预留适宜生境;(3)严格制定进入保护区的制度;(4)拆除迁移路线上的边境围栏或建设野生动物通道,以保障蒙古野驴正常的迁徙活动,恢复其种群基因交流。  相似文献   
Abstract: Conducting surveys from blinds when supplemental feed (bait) has been provided has not been evaluated for estimating parameters of ungulate populations. We conducted blind count surveys of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in a 214-ha enclosure in central Texas, USA, in 2007 and 2008 to address 2 main objectives: 1) to evaluate a blind count survey protocol developed for use on small parcels of land, and 2) to use data collected from blind count surveys to conduct simulations to evaluate the reliability of abundance and sex ratio estimates obtained from Bowden's estimator. In each year population abundance (2007: 60; 2008: 48) and sex ratio (M:F, 2007: 0.58; 2008: 0.71) were known as were sighting frequencies of every animal. The enclosure had 5 blinds and we baited each blind with corn. We encountered many deer during surveys because there were only 2 deer in 2007 and 1 deer in 2008 that we did not view from blinds ≥1 time. To evaluate bias and precision of abundance and sex ratio estimates we conducted 10,000 bootstrap simulations. We evaluated both parameters in relation to the percentage of each population marked, number of surveys conducted from blinds, and whether surveys were conducted in the morning, evening, or both morning and evening. Also, we evaluated abundance in relation to whether we identified animals with unique marks to individual, and we evaluated sex ratio in relation to intersexual distribution of marks. Abundance estimates were less biased and more precise when we uniquely identified all marked animals and 40–70% of the population was marked. Sex ratio estimates were less biased when 40–70% of the population was marked and surveys were conducted in the morning and evening. Sex ratio estimates, however, were less precise than abundance estimates. Unbiased estimates of white-tailed deer population parameters can be obtained from blind count surveys conducted on small parcels of enclosed land and when animals are baited.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) browsing in forest regeneration sites can affect current and future stand structure and species composition. Removal of deer social units (localized management) has been proposed as a strategy to alleviate deer overbrowsing in forest systems. We conducted an experimental localized removal in a high-density deer population in the central Appalachians of West Virginia, USA, during winter 2002. We removed 51 deer within a 1.1-km2 area that encompassed 2 forest regeneration sites (14 ha). During the summer following removal, we detected decreases in distance from the removal area in 8 of 30 (26.7%) adult females having pretreatment mean telemetry locations <2.5 km from the center of the removal area. We measured browsing rates during the summers of 2001–2004 from forest regeneration sites to examine efficacy of localized management. Browsing rates declined annually in both removal and control areas, due in part to increased timber harvesting on the larger study site, suggesting that increasing forage availability may be more effective at reducing impacts on forest regeneration than localized reductions in deer populations. Three years after the initial removal, we removed an additional 31 deer from the original 1.1-km2 removal area. Home range shifts of adjacent deer coupled with the large number of animals collected in the second removal suggests that localized management only produces temporary voids within high-density deer herds. Localized management may not effectively reduce negative impacts of deer in areas of high deer density.  相似文献   
Abstract: From December 2001 to December 2004 we monitored 30–44 adult female mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) annually to assess the factors affecting survival and cause-specific mortality. We found adult female survival of 0.63 (SE = 0.08), 0.90 (SE = 0.05), and 0.91 (SE = 0.04), 2002–2004, respectively. Starvation was the most common cause of mortality, accounting for 11/23 mortalities. Mean ingesta-free body fat (IFBF) levels of adult females in December were low (6–9%), despite few (0–13%) lactating adult females, indicative of extremely nutritionally deficient summer—autumn ranges throughout the study site. A priori levels of IFBF and rump body condition scores (rBCS) were higher in deer that survived the following year regardless of cause of mortality. Logistical analysis indicated that models containing individual body fat, rBCS, mean population body fat, winter precipitation, precipitation during mid- to late gestation, and total annual precipitation were related (x2 ≥ 9.1; P ≤ 0.003) to deer survival, with individual IFBF (β =-0.47 [SE = 0.21]; odds ratio = 0.63 [0.42-0.94]) and population mean IFBF (β = -1.94 [SE = 0.68]; odds ratio = 0.14 [0.04-0.54]) the best predictors; with either variable, probability of dying decreased as fat levels increased. Fawn production was low (2–29 fawns/100 ad F) and, combined with adult survival, resulted in estimated population rates of increase of -35%, -5%, and +6% for 2002–2004, respectively. Deer survival and population performance were limited in north-central New Mexico, USA, due to poor condition of deer, likely a result of limited food resulting from both drought and long-term changes in plant communities. Precipitation during mid- to late gestation was also important for adult female survival in north-central New Mexico.  相似文献   
Introgressive hybridization between mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and white-tailed deer (O. virginianus) was studied using sequence analysis of the paternally inherited, Y-linked, Zfy gene. The distribution of Zfy genotypes indicate that male white-tailed deer disperse into the range of mule deer and successfully breed with mule deer does. In western Texas, F1 hybrids are rare, but a relatively high proportion of backcross individuals was observed. Phylogenetic analysis of Zfy among white-tailed, mule, and black-tailed deer was consistent with traditional systematic placement of the latter two being sister-taxa, whereas previous mtDNA studies suggested mule and white-tailed deer were sister taxa.  相似文献   
1. Mech et al . (1987) documented cumulative, negative effects of previous winters' snow on rates of population increase in moose ( Alces alces ) and white-tailed deer ( Odocoileus virginianus ), but noted no effect of predation by wolves ( Canis lupus ). Those results were contested by Messier (1991), who analysed smoothed versions of the original abundance data and reported no effect of snow accumulation on population dynamics of either species, but strong effects of wolf predation and food competition.
2. McRoberts, Mech & Peterson (1995) contended that the conclusions reached by Messier (1991) were an artefact of the use of smoothed data. In a subsequent re-analysis of the smoothed data, Messier (1995) argued that the lack of an effect of snow after one year precluded the potential for a cumulative effect beyond one year.
3. We re-analysed original and smoothed data on dynamics of moose and white-tailed deer densities using the same methods as Mech et al . (1987) and Messier (1991), but we used a measure of global climatic fluctuation, the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. The NAO is the atmospheric process determining most interannual variation in snowfall and winter temperatures in northern latitudes, and its phases drive decadal trends in wintertime precipitation.
4. We observed that rates of increase of moose and white-tailed deer in both the original and smoothed data were influenced by global climatic fluctuation at 2- and 3-year lags, as well as by delayed density-dependent feedback and wolf predation.  相似文献   
To increase resource gain, many herbivores pace their migration with the flush of nutritious plant green‐up that progresses across the landscape (termed “green‐wave surfing”). Despite concerns about the effects of climate change on migratory species and the critical role of plant phenology in mediating the ability of ungulates to surf, little is known about how drought shapes the green wave and influences the foraging benefits of migration. With a 19 year dataset on drought and plant phenology across 99 unique migratory routes of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in western Wyoming, United States, we show that drought shortened the duration of spring green‐up by approximately twofold (2.5 weeks) and resulted in less sequential green‐up along migratory routes. We investigated the possibility that some routes were buffered from the effects of drought (i.e., routes that maintained long green‐up duration irrespective of drought intensity). We found no evidence of drought‐buffered routes. Instead, routes with the longest green‐up in non‐drought years also were the most affected by drought. Despite phenological changes along the migratory route, mule deer closely followed drought‐altered green waves during migration. Migrating deer did not experience a trophic mismatch with the green wave during drought. Instead, the shorter window of green‐up caused by drought reduced the opportunity to accumulate forage resources during rapid spring migrations. Our work highlights the synchronization of phenological events as an important mechanism by which climate change can negatively affect migratory species by reducing the temporal availability of key food resources. For migratory herbivores, climate change poses a new and growing threat by altering resource phenology and diminishing the foraging benefit of migration.  相似文献   
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