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Roadways may pose barriers to long-distance migrators such as some ungulates. Highway underpasses mitigate wildlife-vehicle collisions and can be an important management tool for protecting migration corridors. In northern California, 3 underpasses were built on United States Route 395 (Route 395) in Hallelujah Junction Wildlife Area (HJWA) in the 1970s for a migratory mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) herd that had been negatively affected by highway traffic. To determine whether these underpasses were still reducing mule deer mortalities >40 years after construction, we investigated deer use of the underpasses from 2006–2019 using cameras, global positioning system (GPS) collars, and roadkill records. We used occupancy models, approximations of GPS-collared mule deer movement paths, and roadkill locations to estimate the highway crossing patterns of deer. From camera data, there was higher use of the underpasses by deer during migration (spring [Mar–Jun], fall [Oct–Dec]) than in summer (Jul–Sep), when only resident deer were present. Higher underpass usage occurred in the spring compared to fall migrations. Eleven of 21 GPS-collared migrating mule deer crossed Route 395. We estimated 30% of the crossings (by 7 of the 11 deer) occurred south of the underpasses where deer could easily access the highway because of short (1-m high) and deteriorating highway fencing. Roadkill data confirmed that deer-vehicle collisions were occurring south of the underpasses and at the underpasses. This was likely due to deteriorating infrastructure at the underpasses that allows wildlife access to the highway. Overall, our study indicated that although underpasses can provide safe passage for migratory deer decades (>40 yr) after their construction, deteriorating infrastructure such as fencing and gates can lead to wildlife mortalities on highways near underpasses. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Information garnered from the capture and handling of free-ranging animals helps advance understanding of wildlife ecology and can aid in decisions on wildlife management. Unfortunately, animals may experience increased levels of stress, injuries, and death resulting from captures (e.g., exertional myopathy, trauma). Partial sedation is a technique proposed to alleviate stress in animals during capture, yet efficacy of partial sedation for reducing stress and promoting survival post-capture remains unclear. We evaluated the effects of partial sedation on physiological, biochemical, and behavioral indicators of acute stress and probability of survival post-capture for mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) that were captured via helicopter net-gunning in the eastern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Wyoming, USA. We administered 10–30 mg of midazolam and 15 mg of azaperone intramuscularly (IM) to 32 mule deer in 2016 and 53 mule deer in 2017, and maintained a control group (captured but not sedated) of 38 mule deer in 2016 and 54 mule deer in 2017. To evaluate indicators of acute stress, we measured heart rate, blood-oxygen saturation, body temperature, respiration rate, and levels of serum cortisol. We recorded number of kicks and vocalizations of deer during handling and evaluated behavior during release. We also measured levels of fecal glucocorticoids as an indicator of baseline stress. Midazolam and azaperone did not reduce physiological, biochemical, or behavioral indicators of acute stress or influence probability of survival post-capture. Mule deer that were administered midazolam and azaperone, however, were more likely to hesitate, stumble or fall, and walk during release compared with individuals in the control group, which were more likely to trot, stot, or run without stumbling or falling. Our findings suggest that midazolam (10–30 mg IM) and azaperone (15 mg IM) may not yield physiological or demographic benefits for captured mule deer as previously assumed and may pose adverse effects that can complicate safety for captured animals, including drug-induced lethargy. Although we failed to find efficacy of midazolam and azaperone as a method for reducing stress in captured mule deer, the efficacy of midazolam and azaperone or other combinations of partial sedatives in reducing stress may depend on the dose of tranquilizer, study animal, capture setting, and how stress is defined. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Capture techniques to deploy radio-collars often risk mortality and injury to the animal. Capture-induced mortality can affect population sizes but also introduces bias in survival estimates based on data from captured animals. In recent years, a large-scale research and monitoring project in Utah, USA, has involved capturing and radio-collaring hundreds of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), a species of great interest in large parts of North America. Our objective was to investigate how the survival rates of these mule deer were affected by capture and handling. During winters of 2014–2018, an experienced capture crew net-gunned and fitted 1,805 animals with global positioning system (GPS)-collars. We estimated survival rates during the first 6 weeks after capture using Cox proportional hazard regression, and compared the survival rates of animals that were captured in a particular year to those of animals that were not captured but fitted with a GPS-collar in a previous year. We used a model selection framework to evaluate how long survival rates of captured animals were different from those of animals that were not captured. Our results indicated that weekly survival rates of captured animals were 0.985 ± 0.003 (SE), 0.988 ± 0.002, and 0.990 ± 0.001 in weeks 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Weekly survival rates of captured deer during weeks 4–6 were 0.993 ± 0.001, the same as those of deer that were not captured at the same time. Furthermore, post-capture survival rates were positively influenced by body size and negatively influenced by age. We conclude that the mortality resulting from helicopter capture was low but recommend comparing newly captured and previously captured individuals to examine what proportion of observed mortality is likely capture-related. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
From fine‐scale foraging to broad‐scale migration, animal movement is shaped by the distribution of resources. There is mounting evidence, however, that learning and memory also guide movement. Although migratory mammals commonly track resource waves, how resource tracking and memory guide long‐distance migration has not been reconciled. We examined these hypotheses using movement data from four populations of migratory mule deer (n = 91). Spatial memory had an extraordinary influence on migration, affecting movement 2–28 times more strongly than tracking spring green‐up or autumn snow depth. Importantly, with only an ability to track resources, simulated deer were unable to recreate empirical migratory routes. In contrast, simulated deer with memory of empirical routes used those routes and obtained higher foraging benefits. For migratory terrestrial mammals, spatial memory provides knowledge of where seasonal ranges and migratory routes exist, whereas resource tracking determines when to beneficially move within those areas.  相似文献   
Restoring male age structure in white-tailed deer populations has become an important objective for many state agencies aimed at improving herd dynamics. Limiting mortality in the yearling (1–2 yr old) age class is a primary consideration, and regional differences in climate, habitat characteristics, hunting regulations, and hunter behavior complicate the understanding of how specific factors influence the risk of mortality. We used Cox proportional hazard modeling to determine the effects of body size, mean distance to road, dispersal behaviors, use of forested land, and use of land open to public hunting on the risk of mortality for a population of radio-collared, yearling males (n = 76) in Sussex County, Delaware, USA. Annual survival averaged 0.55 (95% CI = 0.45–0.68), with harvest accounting for 79% (26/33) of all mortalities. Measurements of body size (chest girth, shoulder height, and total length; cm) influenced dispersal probability but not dispersal distance. The best approximating model for mortality risk included a covariate for landownership, whereby mortality risk increased on public land. Among males who dispersed, longer-distance dispersal was associated with reduced mortality, which contradicts previous research describing dispersal as a high-risk behavior. The effect of landownership on mortality risk has not been previously identified, especially when regulations regarding harvest of yearling males are similar between landownership types. We observed annual survival rates of 0.69 (95% CI = 0.57–0.82) for deer apparently using private land exclusively during the hunting season, and 0.20 (95% CI = 0.11–0.48) for deer that used public land during the hunting season. Survival rates on private land were comparable to those of other regions actively managing male age structure. These results suggest survival of yearling males in the region is influenced by hunter harvest and the risks associated with dispersal may be minimal in areas where harvest pressure is low, although hunter harvest on public land may limit male age structure on a localized scale. © The Wildlife Society, 2019  相似文献   
For more than a century, the Boone and Crockett Club has kept records of harvest locations for 38 categories of North American big game, which includes measurement details and sizes of enduring characteristics (e.g., antlers, skulls, horns). All white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) entered in the Club records (i.e., record deer) have large antlers because the measurements must meet or exceed a minimum size to qualify for entry. We used the records from the Club to test the hypothesis that the spatial distribution in the harvest of record deer was related to the number of antlered deer harvested, variations in land productivity, soil mineral content, and attributes of land cover for 9 states in the midwestern United States. We used a Bayesian theoretical framework to develop a spatial model that examined the influence of explanatory variables on the number of record deer harvested in each county. In our study area, 3,658 record deer were harvested in 692 of the 856 counties (80.8%). More record deer were harvested in counties that had more high-contrast edges, less contiguous land cover, and greater variation in soil productivity. These results provide information for managers and hunters to better understand the spatial distribution of record deer and factors that are correlated with their distribution. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Resource selection functions (RSFs) are tremendously valuable for ecologists and resource managers because they quantify spatial patterns in resource utilization by wildlife, thereby facilitating identification of critical habitat areas and characterizing specific habitat features that are selected or avoided. RSFs discriminate between known‐use resource units (e.g., telemetry locations) and available (or randomly selected) resource units based on an array of environmental features, and in their standard form are performed using logistic regression. As generalized linear models, standard RSFs have some notable limitations, such as difficulties in accommodating nonlinear (e.g., humped or threshold) relationships and complex interactions. Increasingly, ecologists are using flexible machine‐learning methods (e.g., random forests, neural networks) to overcome these limitations. Herein, we investigate the seasonal resource selection patterns of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) by comparing a logistic regression framework with random forest (RF), a popular machine‐learning algorithm. Random forest (RF) models detected nonlinear relationships (e.g., optimal ranges for slope and elevation) and complex interactions which would have been very challenging to discover and characterize using standard model‐based approaches. Compared with standard RSF models, RF models exhibited improved predictive skill, provided novel insights about resource selection patterns of mule deer, and, when projected across a relevant geographic space, manifested notable differences in predicted habitat suitability. We recommend that wildlife researchers harness the strengths of machine‐learning tools like RF in addition to “classical” tools (e.g., mixed‐effects logistic regression) for evaluating resource selection, especially in cases where extensive telemetry data sets are available.  相似文献   
Climate change likely will lead to increasingly favourable environmental conditions for many parasites. However, predictions regarding parasitism's impacts often fail to account for the likely variability in host distribution and how this may alter parasite occurrence. Here, we investigate potential distributional shifts in the meningeal worm, Parelaphostrongylosis tenuis, a protostrongylid nematode commonly found in white‐tailed deer in North America, whose life cycle also involves a free‐living stage and a gastropod intermediate host. We modelled the distribution of the hosts and free‐living larva as a complete assemblage to assess whether a complex trophic system will lead to an overall increase in parasite distribution with climate change, or whether divergent environmental niches may promote an ecological mismatch. Using an ensemble approach to climate modelling under two different carbon emission scenarios, we show that whereas the overall trend is for an increase in niche breadth for each species, mismatches arise in habitat suitability of the free‐living larva vs. the definitive and intermediate hosts. By incorporating these projected mismatches into a combined model, we project a shift in parasite distribution accounting for all steps in the transmission cycle, and identify that overall habitat suitability of the parasite will decline in the Great Plains and southeastern USA, but will increase in the Boreal Forest ecoregion, particularly in Alberta. These results have important implications for wildlife conservation and management due to the known pathogenicity of parelaphostrongylosis to alternate hosts including moose, caribou and elk. Our results suggest that disease risk forecasts which fail to consider biotic interactions may be overly simplistic, and that accounting for each of the parasite's life stages is key to refining predicted responses to climate change.  相似文献   
To measure the effects of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) herbivory on seeds, seedlings, and young saplings of Quercus buckleyi on the eastern Edwards Plateau of central Texas, USA, experimental fenced deer exclosures were constructed. Acorns or small Q. buckleyi transplants were placed in each exclosure and in each unfenced control plot. Deer did not significantly affect acorn survival and germination, but did significantly reduce transplant survival and growth rates. The results support the hypothesis that deer are responsible for the failure of recruitment into adult size classes in Q. buckleyi populations in this region. Without adult recruitment of Q. buckleyi, the species composition and possibly even the physiognomy of woodlands on the eastern Edwards Plateau will change markedly. The results of this experiment also indicate that, although juniper (Juniperus ashei) and Q. buckleyi presumably compete for water, light, and nutrients, in the presence of deer junipers can have a positive effect on seedlings and saplings of Q. buckleyi, a case of facilitation. In the presence of deer the transplants increased in height significantly more slowly away from juniper saplings than they did beneath juniper saplings, probably due to the physical protection from browsing that junipers provided to the transplants.  相似文献   
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