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Population sizes of ice‐associated pinnipeds have often been estimated with visual or photographic aerial surveys, but these methods require relatively slow speeds and low altitudes, limiting the area they can cover. Recent developments in infrared imagery and its integration with digital photography could allow substantially larger areas to be surveyed and more accurate enumeration of individuals, thereby solving major problems with previous survey methods. We conducted a trial survey in April 2003 to estimate the number of Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) hauled out on sea ice around St. Lawrence Island, Alaska. The survey used high altitude infrared imagery to detect groups of walruses on strip transects. Low altitude digital photography was used to determine the number of walruses in a sample of detected groups and calibrate the infrared imagery for estimating the total number of walruses. We propose a survey design incorporating this approach with satellite radio telemetry to estimate the proportion of the population in the water and additional low‐level flights to estimate the proportion of the hauled‐out population in groups too small to be detected in the infrared imagery. We believe that this approach offers the potential for obtaining reliable population estimates for walruses and other ice‐associated pinnipeds.  相似文献   
Abstract: We evaluated the ability of a set of published trans-species molecular sexing primers and a set of walrus-specific primers, which we developed, to accurately identify sex of 235 Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens). The trans-species primers were developed for mammals and targeted the X- and Y-gametologs of the zinc finger protein genes (ZFX, ZFY). We extended this method by using these primers to obtain sequence from Pacific and Atlantic walrus (O. r. rosmarus) ZFX and ZFY genes to develop new walrus-specific primers, which yield polymerase chain reaction products of distinct lengths (327 and 288 base pairs from the X- and Y-chromosome, respectively), allowing them to be used for sex determination. Both methods yielded a determination of sex in all but 1–2% of samples with an accuracy of 99.6–100%. Our walrus-specific primers offer the advantage of small fragment size and facile application to automated electrophoresis and visualization.  相似文献   
The Pacific walrus population has been depleted and subsequently allowed to recover three times in the past 150 yr. As we see it, the population has been made to fluctuate like an r-selected species, rather than being maintained at a high, stable level, as befits a K-selected species. The latest depletion began in the 1930s but was not recognized until 25 yr later, by which time the population had been reduced by at least half. Without benefit of communication, the U.S.S.R. and the State of Alaska put similar protective measures into place by 1960, and in the next two decades the walrus population recovered again, at least doubling in size. By 1980, it already was showing density-dependent signs of having approached or reached the carrying capacity of its environment. As productivity and calf survival declined sharply in the late 1970s and early 1980s the catches more than doubled. We believe that the combined effects of natural curtailment and human intervention may be bringing the population down again rather rapidly. With the present, crude monitoring methods, delayed management responses, and poor international communications, however, the downward trend may not be acknowledged for at least another decade, by which time the unilateral Soviet and American corrective measures are likely to be too much, too late. Walrus management needs to be based less on response to immediate crisis and more on long term prediction than it has been in the past. Because the U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. are trying to manage the same walrus population, without sufficient communication or consensus and sometimes to opposite ends, an international joint management program needs to be implemented.  相似文献   
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service conducted a survey of the walruses in the pack ice of the Chukchi Sea between 16 September and 2 October 1985, as part of a joint effort with the Soviet Union to estimate the size of the Pacific walrus population. American observers conducted censuses from two aircraft along randomly selected north–south lines over the pack ice. The observers counted walruses within a constant viewing angle that corresponded to a total strip width of 1.38 km at an altitude of 152 m.
In nine days of flying, 15,312 walruses were observed, of which 10,140 were on 5,764 km2 of census strips. Few walruses were observed east of 161°W longitude or west of 170°W longitude, hence the census effort was stratified. Walrus concentrations between 161° and 170° shifted slightly westward during the 2-wk duration of the censuses. The differences among days in observed walrus density were due to changes in the numbers of walruses on the ice within 37 km of the ice edge. The number of observable walruses in pack ice of the eastern Chukchi Sea was estimated to be 62,177 (SD = 19,480), based on censuses conducted on 29 and 30 September and 1 October. At that time there were also at least 15,238 in Bristol Bay, Bering Sea. The Soviets counted 39,572 on the shores of the western Chukchi and Bering seas and estimated 115,531 in pack ice of the western Chukchi Sea. Summing U.S. and Soviet estimates, the total population of Pacific walruses in 1985 was 232,518. This number was comparable with earlier estimates from censuses conducted jointly by the U.S. and the Soviets. However, information on fraction hauled out, segregation, and movements is needed for more precise estimates.  相似文献   
The diurnal vertical migration (DVM) of the phytoplankton community was studied in a small (270m2), shallow (1.8m), and frozen floodplain pool. Steep vertical gradients were detected in O2, NH4+-N, NO3-N and PO43--P profiles. The phytoplankton of the pool is characterized by year round dominance of Cryptophyceae: Cryptomonas curvata and Cryptomonas marssonii created more than 90% of total phytoplankton biomass during the time of study. DVM was studied by analysing vertical profiles six times during a 24 hour cycle; samples were taken at 20 cm intervals along the profiles. Koliella planktonica, the only non-motile alga, showed a stable uniform distribution. Dinobryon divergens and Chrysococcus rufescens created a stable distinct concentration maximum at 40cm. Unlike these three species, both Cryptomonas spp. actively changed their position during the 24 hour cycle with distinctive evening downward and morning upward migration. The absence of filtering zooplankton excluded its influence on the patterns of phytoplankton DVM. The results showed the key role of PhAR (Photosynthetic active irradiance) in day - positioning of Cryptomonas. Night-time uptake of phosphate and/or ammonium at the bottom is probable, although direct evidence is lacking.  相似文献   
Environmental conditions in the Chukchi Sea are changing rapidly and may alter the abundance and distribution of marine species and their benthic prey. We used a metabarcoding approach to identify potentially important prey taxa from Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) fecal samples (n = 87). Bivalvia was the most dominant class of prey (66% of all normalized counts) and occurred in 98% of the samples. Polychaeta and Gastropoda occurred in 70% and 62% of the samples, respectively. The remaining nine invertebrate classes comprised <21% of all normalized counts. The common occurrence of these three prey classes is consistent with examinations of walrus stomach contents. Despite these consistencies, biases in the metabarcoding approach to determine diet from feces have been highlighted in other studies and require further study, in addition to biases that may have arisen from our opportunistic sampling. However, this noninvasive approach provides accurate identification of prey taxa from degraded samples and could yield much-needed information on shifts in walrus diet in a rapidly changing Arctic.  相似文献   
A new approach for evaluating the potential biases of walrus ( Odobenus rosmarus ) diet data derived from stomach contents was examined based on the rates at which different prey types were digested. In this study controlled digestion experiments on polychaetes, echiurid and sipunculid worms, clams, snails, and crabs demonstrated that these prey items did not remain equally identifiable during digestion. Polychaetes, echiurids, and sipunculids were the least persistent prey. All worms became unidentifiable during the six-hour digestion trials. Over 50% of the clams maintained their diagnostic tissues ( i. e. , foot and/or siphon). Clam viscera did not survive hour 2. Snails and crustaceans were the most persistent prey. Without a consideration of the state of digestion, a stomach sample may not accurately reflect the species composition and size of prey consumed. Volume is not a reliable measure of a prey's relative importance, as the diagnostic fragments of invertebrate prey in a stomach vary greatly in physical composition. Walruses probably consume all of the soft tissues of clams, not solely the foot and siphon.  相似文献   
Pacific walrus: Benthic bioturbator of Beringia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dependency of walruses on sea ice as habitat, the extent of their feeding, their benthic bioturbation and consequent nutrient flux suggest that walruses play a major ecological role in Beringia. This suggestion is supported by several lines of evidence, accumulated during more than three decades of enquiry and leading to the hypothesis that positive feedbacks of walrus feeding strongly influence productivity and ecological function via benthic bioturbation and nutrient flux. Walruses annually consume an estimated 3 million metric tons of benthic biomass. Walrus prey species inhabit patches across the shelf according to sediment type and structure. Side-scan sonar and our calculations indicate that the area affected by walrus feeding is in the order of thousands of square kilometers per year. Annual to long-term walrus bioturbation results in significant, large-scale changes in sediment and biological-community structure, and magnifies nutrient flux from sediment pore water to the water column by about two orders of magnitude over wide areas. The combined effects of walrus feeding must be placed in the context of long-term, regional climate changes and responses. Should sea ice continue to move northward as a result of climate change, the walrus' ecological role could be diminished or lost, the benthic ecosystem could be fundamentally altered and native subsistence hunters would be deprived of important resources.  相似文献   
Global climate change may fundamentally alter population dynamics of many species for which baseline population parameter estimates are imprecise or lacking. Historically, the Pacific walrus is thought to have been limited by harvest, but it may become limited by global warming‐induced reductions in sea ice. Loss of sea ice, on which walruses rest between foraging bouts, may reduce access to food, thus lowering vital rates. Rigorous walrus survival rate estimates do not exist, and other population parameter estimates are out of date or have well‐documented bias and imprecision. To provide useful population parameter estimates we developed a Bayesian, hidden process demographic model of walrus population dynamics from 1974 through 2006 that combined annual age‐specific harvest estimates with five population size estimates, six standing age structure estimates, and two reproductive rate estimates. Median density independent natural survival was high for juveniles (0.97) and adults (0.99), and annual density dependent vital rates rose from 0.06 to 0.11 for reproduction, 0.31 to 0.59 for survival of neonatal calves, and 0.39 to 0.85 for survival of older calves, concomitant with a population decline. This integrated population model provides a baseline for estimating changing population dynamics resulting from changing harvests or sea ice.  相似文献   
AIMS: To evaluate spoilage and identify lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from spoilage associations of cooked and brined shrimps stored under modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) at 0, 5, 8, 15 and 25 degrees C. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bacterial isolates (102) from spoilage associations of cooked and brined MAP shrimps were characterized by phenotypic tests and identified as lactic acid bacteria (78 isolates), other Gram-positive bacteria (13 isolates) and Gram-negative bacteria (11 isolates). A selection of 48 LAB isolates were further characterized and identified by phenotypic tests and SDS-PAGE electrophoresis of whole cell proteins. Selected clusters of LAB isolates were analysed by plasmid profiling, pulsed field gel electrophoresis and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Enterococcus faecalis was identified in spoilage associations at 15 degrees C and 25 degrees C, and its metabolic activity corresponded to chemical changes in spoiled products. Carnobacterium divergens, a non-motile Carnobacterium sp. nov. and Lactobacillus curvatus were the LAB species observed in spoilage associations of products stored at 0 degrees C, 5 degrees C and 8 degrees C. CONCLUSIONS: Enterococcus spp. and Carnobacterium spp. were the dominant parts of spoilage associations of cooked and brined MAP shrimps stored at high and low temperatures, respectively. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The SDS-PAGE technique and simple biochemical keys allowed the majority of LAB isolates from spoilage associations of cooked and brined MAP shrimps to be identified at the species level.  相似文献   
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