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Ku, the heterodimer of Ku70 and Ku80, plays an essential role in the DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair pathway, i.e., non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ). Two isoforms of Ku80 encoded by the same genes, namely, Ku80 and KARP-1 are expressed and function in primate cells, but not in rodent cells. Ku80 works as a heterodimer with Ku70. However, it is not yet clear whether KARP-1 forms a heterodimer with Ku70 and works as a heterodimer. Although KARP-1 appears to work in NHEJ, its physiological role remains unclear. In this study, we established and characterized EGFP-KARP-1-expressing xrs-6 cell lines, EGFP-KARP-1/xrs-6. We found that nuclear localization signal (NLS) of KARP-1 is localized in the C-terminal region. Our data showed that KARP-1 localizes within the nucleus in NLS-dependent and NLS-independent manner and forms a heterodimer with Ku70, and stabilizes Ku70. On the other hand, EGFP-KARP-1 could not perfectly complement the radiosensitivity and DSB repair activity of Ku80-deficient xrs-6 cells. Furthermore, KARP-1 could not accumulate at DSBs faster than Ku80, although EGFP-KARP-1 accumulates at DSBs. Our data demonstrate that the function of KARP-1 could not perfectly replace that of Ku80 in DSB repair, although KARP-1 has some biochemical properties, which resemble those of Ku80, and works as a heterodimer with Ku70. On the other hand, the number of EGFP-KARP-1-expressing xrs-6 cells showing pan-nuclear γ-H2AX staining significantly increases following X-irradiation, suggesting that KARP-1 may have a novel role in DSB response.  相似文献   
The phnD gene of Escherichia coli encodes the periplasmic binding protein of the phosphonate (Pn) uptake and utilization pathway. We have crystallized and determined structures of E. coli PhnD (EcPhnD) in the absence of ligand and in complex with the environmentally abundant 2-aminoethylphosphonate (2AEP). Similar to other bacterial periplasmic binding proteins, 2AEP binds near the center of mass of EcPhnD in a cleft formed between two lobes. Comparison of the open, unliganded structure with the closed 2AEP-bound structure shows that the two lobes pivot around a hinge by ∼ 70° between the two states. Extensive hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions stabilize 2AEP, which binds to EcPhnD with low nanomolar affinity. These structures provide insight into Pn uptake by bacteria and facilitated the rational design of high signal-to-noise Pn biosensors based on both coupled small-molecule dyes and autocatalytic fluorescent proteins.  相似文献   
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae DEAD-box protein Mss116p is a general RNA chaperone that functions in splicing mitochondrial group I and group II introns. Recent X-ray crystal structures of Mss116p in complex with ATP analogs and single-stranded RNA show that the helicase core induces a bend in the bound RNA, as in other DEAD-box proteins, while a C-terminal extension (CTE) induces a second bend, resulting in RNA crimping. Here, we illuminate these structures by using high-throughput genetic selections, unigenic evolution, and analyses of in vivo splicing activity to comprehensively identify functionally important regions and permissible amino acid substitutions throughout Mss116p. The functionally important regions include those containing conserved sequence motifs involved in ATP and RNA binding or interdomain interactions, as well as previously unidentified regions, including surface loops that may function in protein-protein interactions. The genetic selections recapitulate major features of the conserved helicase motifs seen in other DEAD-box proteins but also show surprising variations, including multiple novel variants of motif III (SAT). Patterns of amino acid substitutions indicate that the RNA bend induced by the helicase core depends on ionic and hydrogen-bonding interactions with the bound RNA; identify a subset of critically interacting residues; and indicate that the bend induced by the CTE results primarily from a steric block. Finally, we identified two conserved regions—one the previously noted post II region in the helicase core and the other in the CTE—that may help displace or sequester the opposite RNA strand during RNA unwinding.  相似文献   
Numerous examples of phage display applied to soluble proteins demonstrate the power of the technique for protein engineering, affinity reagent discovery and structure-function studies. Recent reports have expanded phage display to include membrane proteins (MPs). The scope and limitations of MP display remain undefined. Therefore, we report data from the phage display of representative types of membrane-associated proteins including plasma, nuclear, peripheral, single and multipass. The peripheral MP neuromodulin displays robustly with packaging by conventional M13-KO7 helper phage. The monotopic MP Nogo-66 can also display on the phage surface, if packaged by the modified M13-KO7+ helper phage. The modified phage coat of KO7+ can better mimic the zwitterionic character of the plasma membrane. Four examples of putatively α-helical, integral MPs failed to express as fusions to an anchoring phage coat protein and therefore did not display on the phage surface. However, the β-barrel MPs ShuA (Shigella heme uptake A) and MOMP (major outer membrane protein), which pass through the membrane 22 and 16 times, respectively, can display surprisingly well on the surfaces of both conventional and KO7+ phages. The results provide a guide for protein engineering and large-scale mutagenesis enabled by the phage display of MPs.  相似文献   
Recent studies showed that white spot syndrome virus(WSSV)isolates from different geographic locations share a high genetic similarity except the variable regions in ORF23/24 and ORF14/15,and variable number of tandem repeats(VNTR)within ORF94.In this study,genotyping was performed according to these three variable regions among WSSV isolates collected during 1998/1999 from Southern China.These WSSV isolates contain a deletion of 1168,5657,5898,9316 and 11093 bp,respectively in the variable region ORF23/24compared with WSSV-TW,and a deletion of 4749 or 5622 bp in the variable region ORF14/15 relative to TH-96-II.Four types of repeat units(RUs)(6,8,9 and 13 RUs)in ORF94 were detected in these isolates,with the shortest 6 RUs as the most prevalent type.Our results provide important information for a better understanding of the spatio-temporal transmission mode and the WSSV genetic evolution lineage.  相似文献   
To develop a real-time thallium flux assay for high-throughput screening (HTS) of human KCNQ4 (Kv7.4) potassium channel openers, we used CHO-K1 cells stably expressing human KCNQ4 channel protein and a thallium-sensitive dye based on the permeability of thallium through potassium channels. The electrophysiological and pharmacological properties of the cell line expressing the KCNQ4 protein were found to be in agreement with that reported elsewhere. The EC50 values of the positive control compound (retigabine) determined by the thallium and 86rubidium flux assays were comparable to and consistent with those documented in the literature. Signal-to-background (S/B) ratio and Z factor of the thallium influx assay system were assessed to be 8.82 and 0.63, respectively. In a large-scale screening of 98,960 synthetic and natural compounds using the thallium influx assay, 76 compounds displayed consistent KCNQ4 activation, and of these 6 compounds demonstrated EC50 values of less than 20 μmol/L and 2 demonstrated EC50 values of less than 1 μmol/L. Taken together, the fluorescence-based thallium flux assay is a highly efficient, automatable, and robust tool to screen potential KCNQ4 openers. This approach may also be expanded to identify and evaluate potential modulators of other potassium channels.  相似文献   
α-Scorpion toxins constitute a multigene family of evolutionarily conserved venom peptides that inhibit sodium channel inactivation and increase its peak current. Here, we describe the characterization of a new α-scorpion toxin gene expressed in the venom gland of Mesobuthus eupeus that encodes a carboxyl-terminally truncated product of 38 residues (named MeuNaTxα(NT)-1). Synthetic MeuNaTxα(NT)-1 was oxidized to form two disulfide bridges in an alkaline environment and the refolded peptide exhibits different structure and function from the classical α-scorpion toxin. MeuNaTxα(NT)-1 blocks sodium channels on rat dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons without impact on the inactivation of the channels. This work provides a clue for evolution-guided design of channel blockers for therapeutic aims.  相似文献   
Receptor Activator of NF-κB Ligand (RANKL) plays a pivotal role as a regulator of osteoclast activity and is involved in osteoporosis. Here, we report the cloning and functional characterization of the complete extracellular domain of the porcine RANKL gene (sRANKL). The porcine sRANKL cDNA has an ORF of 744 nucleotides and shares 87%, 80% and 80% identity with human, rat and mouse RANKL coding sequences, respectively. The protein consists of 247 amino acids with 90%, 81% and 80% sequences similarities compared to human, mouse and rat RANKL, respectively. Over-expression of porcine sRANKL led to osteoclast formation. The osteoclasts showed a characteristic morphology, expressed the carbonic anhydrase type 2, were TRACP positive and exhibited a bone-resorbing activity.In conclusion, we first describe the molecular cloning and functional characterization of porcine sRANKL, which will help to understand the function of a RANKL gene in large animal models.  相似文献   
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