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In mammals, colouration patterns are often related to concealment, intraspecific communication, including aposematic signals, and physiological adaptations. Slow lorises (Nycticebus spp.) are arboreal primates native to Southeast Asia that display stark colour contrast, are highly territorial, regularly enter torpor, and are notably one of only seven mammal taxa that possess venom. All slow loris species display a contrasting stripe that runs cranial‐caudally along the median sagittal plane of the dorsum. We examine whether these dorsal markings facilitate background matching, seasonal adaptations, and intraspecific signaling. We analyzed 195 images of the dorsal region of 60 Javan slow loris individuals (Nycticebus javanicus) from Java, Indonesia. We extracted greyscale RGB values from dorsal pelage using ImageJ software and calculated contrast ratios between dorsal stripe and adjacent pelage in eight regions. We assessed through generalized linear mixed models if the contrast ratio varied with sex, age, and seasonality. We also examined whether higher contrast was related to more aggressive behavior or increased terrestrial movement. We found that the dorsal stripe of N. javanicus changed seasonally, being longer and more contrasting in the wet season, during which time lorises significantly increased their ground use. Stripes were most contrasting in younger individuals of dispersal age that were also the most aggressive during capture. The dorsal stripe became less contrasting as a loris aged. A longer stripe when ground use is more frequent can be related to disruptive colouration. A darker anterior region by younger lorises with less fighting experience may allow them to appear larger and fiercer. We provide evidence that the dorsum of a cryptic species can have multimodal signals related to concealment, intraspecific communication, and physiological adaptations.  相似文献   
Invasive species can strongly affect biotic interactions in ecosystems, interacting both directly and indirectly with local species. In European tomato greenhouses, the invasive alien pest Tuta absoluta may impact the population dynamics of other pests like whiteflies. Besides inducing damages to the host plant and competing for resources with local pests, this alien species may exert a predator-mediated interaction on local pests sharing common natural enemies. Biocontrol agents usually used against whiteflies may also prey upon T. absoluta and this could alter the dynamics of local pest populations. We evaluated possible resource competition and predator-mediated interactions in a system involving one mirid predator Macrolophus pygmaeus and two pests, T. absoluta and a local whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, on greenhouse tomatoes. Results showed that both resource competition and predator-mediated interactions occurred simultaneously. In the presence of the shared predator, there was a short-term positive effect of T. absoluta on B. tabaci [up to 5.9-fold increase of B. tabaci juveniles (egg + larvae) after four weeks]. However, in the long-term there was a negative predator-mediated interaction of T. absoluta on B. tabaci, i.e., after ten weeks the density of B. tabaci was 7.3-fold lower in the presence of the invasive pest. We emphasize the critical role of generalist predators in managing both local and invasive alien pest populations and that the strength and direction of predator-mediated indirect interactions can depend on the time scale considered.  相似文献   
Body mass is a key determinant of a species' ecology, including locomotion, foraging strategies, and energetics. Accurate information on the body mass of wild primates allows us to develop explanatory models for relationships among body size, ecology, and behavior and is crucial for reconstructing the ecology and behavior of fossil primates and hominins. Information on body mass can also provide indirect information on health and can be an important tool for conservation in the context of increasingly widespread habitat disturbance. This study reports body mass data recorded for wild Northeast Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus morio) during relocation efforts in forestry and oil palm plantations in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The average mass of flanged adult males (n = 12, 74 ± 9.78 kg) and adult females (n = 7, 35.29 ± 7.32 kg) from this study were 13.6% and 9% lower, respectively, than the only other published wild Bornean orangutan body mass measurements, but the range of weights for both males and females was larger for this study. This pattern could be due to sampling error, data collection differences, or the influence of habitat disturbance, specifically a lack of access to resources, on individual health. When necessary relocations present the opportunity, we encourage researchers to prioritize the collection of body size data for the purposes of understanding ecology but also as an indirect means of monitoring population viability. As primate habitat becomes increasingly fragmented and altered by humans such data will become critical to our ability to make informed conservation decisions. Am J Phys Anthropol 157:339–346, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Development of conservation biological control programs requires the identification of sources that contribute to predator colonization of crops. Macrolophus pygmaeus (Rambur) (Hemiptera: Miridae) is an efficient polyphagous predator used in biological control programs in vegetable crops in Europe. We have developed a marking method based on spraying with a solution of the brine shrimp Artemia spp. (Anostraca: Artemiidae) cysts, followed by a PCR detection of Artemia DNA to monitor M. pygmaeus dispersal from banker plants to tomato crops. Experiments conducted in climatic chambers show that the topical application of this marking solution on M. pygmaeus does not significantly reduce adult longevity and that it is detected up to 6 d after the application. When this Artemia solution was applied on Calendula officinalis L. banker plants harboring M. pygmaeus and maintained outdoors, Artemia DNA was still detected on 62% of the insects after 6 d. The conducted field applications in commercial greenhouses have confirmed the usefulness of this method to monitor M. pygmaeus dispersal from banker plants to a newly planted tomato crop. This method can be used to assess arthropod movement, being an interesting molecular approach for further improving future pest management strategies.  相似文献   
Studies of social learning in the wild are important to complement findings from experiments in captivity. In this field study, immature Bornean orangutans rarely foraged independently but consistently followed their mothers' choices. Their diets were essentially identical to their mothers' even though not all mothers had the same diet. This suggests vertical transmission of diet by enhancement. Also, immatures selectively observed their mothers during extractive foraging, which increased goal‐directed practice but not general manipulation of similar objects, suggesting observational forms of learning of complex skills. Teaching was not observed. These results are consistent with the reported presence of food traditions and skill cultures in wild orangutans. We suggest that food traditions can develop wherever association commonly allows for social learning. However, the capacity for observational learning, and thus more complex culture, is more likely to evolve among extractive foragers with prolonged association between adults and immatures. Am. J. Primatol. 72:62–71, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Pearsonellum pygmaeus n. sp. is described from Cromileptes altivelis (Serranidae), the Barramundi Cod, from Heron Island (southern Great Barrier Reef) and Lizard Island (northern Great Barrier Reef). This new species differs from Pearsonellum corventum (type and only species) in the combination of smaller overall body size, the relative distance of the brain from the anterior end, the relative lengths of both the oesophagus and the testis, the degree to which the testis extends outside the intercaecal field, the shape of the testis, the shape and size of the ovary and the extent to which the uterus loops around the ovary. There are in addition, 20 base pair differences between the ITS2 rDNA sequence of P. pygmaeus n. sp. and that of P. corventum. Three new host records for P. corventum are reported. Adelomyllos teenae n. g., n. sp. is described from Epinephelus coioides (Serranidae), the Estuary Cod, from Moreton Bay, southeast Queensland. The new genus differs from the 22 other sanguinicolid genera in the combined possession of two testes, a cirrus-sac, separate genital pores, a post-ovarian uterus and an H-shaped intestine. A. teenae n. sp. is the third sanguinicolid described from the Epinephelinae. Sanguinicolids have now been reported from 11 species of Serranidae.  相似文献   
New insights may be gleaned by taking an ontogenetic approach to investigations of adult dimorphism. Previous work in this area relied on traditional, caliper-based, morphometric methods, and produced conflicting results. This study uses a three-dimensional (3-D) approach for both local and global form comparisons of sex-specific growth and growth patterns. 3-D coordinate data were collected for 20 landmarks on 94 orangutan crania divided into five developmental stages. Data were analyzed using Euclidean distance matrix analysis (EDMA). Results indicate that differences in growth patterns between male and female orangutans exist in the youngest age intervals. Dimorphic patterns are strongest in the face and basicranium at the youngest age intervals, and in the face and neurocranium during adult stages. Females grow substantially more in the cranial base and face during the youngest age groups, while males grow more than females in all anatomical regions later in development. Growth in the palate was similar between sexes. Sexual dimorphism may be produced through the continued growth of one sex relative to the other, representing differences in timing, or growth duration. Dimophism may also result from different growth rates between sexes, where one sex develops faster than the other sex in the same time interval. Orangutan males and females differ in both the rate and duration of their craniofacial development. The data analysis technique used here, EDMA, was integral in identifying dynamic growth processes rather than just the static end results of each developmental stage.  相似文献   
We investigated the genetic structure within and among Bornean orang-utans (Pongo pygmaeus) in forest fragments of the Lower Kinabatangan flood plain in Sabah, Malaysia. DNA was extracted from hair and faecal samples for 200 wild individuals collected during boat surveys on the Kinabatangan River. Fourteen microsatellite loci were used to characterize patterns of genetic diversity. We found that genetic diversity was high in the set of samples (mean H(E) = 0.74) and that genetic differentiation was significant between the samples (average F(ST) = 0.04, P < 0.001) with F(ST) values ranging from low (0.01) to moderately large (0.12) values. Pairwise F(ST) values were significantly higher across the Kinabatangan River than between samples from the same river side, thereby confirming the role of the river as a natural barrier to gene flow. The correlation between genetic and geographical distance was tested by means of a series of Mantel tests based on different measures of geographical distance. We used a Bayesian method to estimate immigration rates. The results indicate that migration is unlikely across the river but cannot be completely ruled out because of the limited F(ST) values. Assignment tests confirm the overall picture that gene flow is limited across the river. We found that migration between samples from the same side of the river had a high probability indicating that orang-utans used to move relatively freely between neighbouring areas. This strongly suggests that there is a need to maintain migration between isolated forest fragments. This could be done by restoring forest corridors alongside the river banks and between patches.  相似文献   
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