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Silk materials are receiving significant attention as base materials for various functional nanomaterials and nanodevices, due to its exceptionally high mechanical properties, biocompatibility, and degradable characteristics. Although crystalline silk regions are composed of various repetitive motifs with differing amino acid sequences, how the effect of humidity works differently on each of the motifs and their structural characteristics remains unclear. We report molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on various silkworm fibroins composed of major motifs (i.e. (GAGAGS)n, (GAGAGA)n, and (GAGAGY)n) at varying degrees of hydration, and reveal how each major motifs of silk fibroins change at each degrees of hydration using MD simulations and their structural properties in mechanical perspective via steered molecular dynamics simulations. Our results explain what effects humidity can have on nanoscale materials and devices consisting of crystalline silk materials.  相似文献   
Several recent theoretical considerations of mating-system evolution predict within-population covariation between levels of inbreeding depression and genetically controlled mating-system characters. If inbreeding depression is caused by deleterious recessive alleles, families with characters that promote self-pollination should show lower levels of inbreeding depression than families with characters that promote outcrossing. The converse is expected if inbreeding depression is due to overdominant allelic interactions. Whether these associations between mating-system and viability loci evolve will have important consequences for mating-system evolution. The evolution of selfing within the genus Mimulus is associated with a reduction in stigma-anther separation (i.e., a loss of herkogamy) and high autogamous seed set. In this study we compared families from two M. guttatus populations that differed genetically in their degree of stigma-anther separation. In one of these populations we also compared families that differed genetically in the degree to which they autogamously set seed in a pollinator-free greenhouse. Dams often differed significantly in levels of inbreeding depression for aboveground biomass and flower production, but variation in inbreeding depression was never explained by herkogamy class or autogamy class. Several factors might account for why families with traits associated with selfing did not show lower inbreeding depression, and these are discussed. Our study also demonstrated significant variation among self progeny from a given female likely due to differences in pollination date and position of fruit maturation. The detection of significant dam × sire interactions suggests biparental inbreeding or differences in combining ability for specific pairs of parents.  相似文献   
The empirical distribution of the mean viability of mutation accumulation lines, obtained from three published experiments, was analyzed using minimum-distance estimation. In two cases (Mukai et al. 1972; Ohnishi 1977), mutations were allowed to accumulate in copies of chromosome II protected from natural selection and recombination. In the other one (Fernández and López-Fanjul 1996), they accumulated in inbred lines derived from an isogenic stock. In contrast with currently accepted hypotheses, we consistently estimated low (about 0.01) genomic viability mutation rates, λ, and a small kurtosis of the distribution of mutational effects on viability (a) in the three datasets. Minimum-distance estimates of the per-generation mean viability change due to mutation (λE[a]) were also obtained. These were very similar for both chromosomal datasets, their absolute values being about five times smaller than estimates obtained from the observed change in mean viability during the mutation process. It must be noted that, in both experiments, viability was measured relative to the Cy chromosome of a Cy/Pm stock. Thus, an unnoticed viability increase in this Cy chromosome may have resulted in overestimation of the mean viability reduction in the lines. In parallel, minimum-distance estimation of λE(a) from inbred lines data (where the selective pressure during the accumulation process was larger) was even somewhat smaller, in absolute value, and very close to the estimate obtained by comparing the mean viability of the lines with that of the control isogenic line. The evolutionary importance of these results, as well as their relevance to the solution of the mutational load paradox, is discussed.  相似文献   
 BW-Sp3 is a BW-5147-derived T cell lymphoma with limited immunogenicity since, despite regression of the majority of subcutaneous tumors, an important fraction of the animals will die from metastases. In the present study, the BW-Sp3 cells were transfected with genes encoding B7-1 or B7-2, known to be involved in the induction of T cell responses. The resulting transfectants exhibited a reduced tumorigenicity and did not cause mortality in the syngeneic recipients. Furthermore, immunization with the B7-1 or B7-2 transfectants resulted in an increased generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) that lysed both the transfectants and the wild-type BW-Sp3 cells. Since the B7 transfectants were completely rejected in syngeneic recipients and induced potent CTL recognizing the wild-type BW-Sp3 cells, these engineered cells were considered as candidates for immunotherapy. Vaccinations with the B7-1 or B7-2 transfectants could completely protect the animals from metastatic disease when subsequently challenged with wild-type BW-Sp3 cells. Furthermore, immunization with the B7 transfectants could prolong the survival time of mice that had been challenged intravenously with BW-Sp3 cells. Surprisingly, however, when these transfectants, as well as the wild-type BW-Sp3 cells, were used for vaccination of tumor-bearing animals, the presence of the subcutaneous BW-Sp3 tumors clearly interfered with the outcome of immunotherapy, resulting in increased malignancy, as reflected by a higher incidence of progressing tumors and a reduced survival rate. Possible implications for immunotherapy in humans are discussed. Received: 5 August 1997 / Accepted: 15 August 1997  相似文献   
The reproductive success of three co-flowering species ofVaccinium (V. myrtillus, V. vitis-idaea andV. uliginosum) was studied in one heathland of the Upper Ardennes, Belgium, during three years (1988–1990). The purpose was to examine whether pollen limitation, flower position and flowering phenology may influence patterns of fruit set in these three sympatric species. I quantified fruit and seed set following supplementary hand-pollinations and compared this to natural fruit set. On the same plants, I also quantified fruit and seed set in relation to the spatial position of the flowers on the ramet and their temporal sequence of blooming. Hand-pollination had no significant effect on fruit set inV. vitis-idaea andV. uliginosum, but significantly increased seed number per fruit in 1989. InV. myrtillus both fruit and seed set were increased by supplementary pollination, but significantly in only one year. Analyses of position effects revealed that the fruits in the lower positions in the ramet did not mature preferentially and did not contain more seeds inV. uliginosum and inV. vitis-idaea. Flowering phenology also had no significant effect for these species. InV. myrtillus hand-pollinated flowers showed a seasonal decline in seed number, and control (naturally pollinated) flowers showed a seasonal increase in fruit set. Fruit and seed set appear to be pollen-limited rather than resource-limited inV. uliginosum. In the two other species, unfavorable weather (frosts) could be a more important cause of low fruit and seed set.  相似文献   
The sea water temperature off the Norwegian coast was lower in 1994 than in 1992 and 1993. RNA/DNA ratios of Norwegian spring spawning herring increased with increasing larval dry weight all years, except for larvae sampled south of 62°N in 1994. The RNA/DNA ratios indicated that each year, only a small portion ( 0.7%) of the larvae were starving. RNA/DNA ratios and temperature were negatively correlated in 1992, but in other years no significant correlations were found. Residuals of In RNA v . In DNA and In W v. L s were poorly correlated in all years, but residuals of In RNA v. In DNA and In DNA v. In W were negatively correlated in all years. Principal component analysis showed that the RNA/DNA ratio and DNA (% of weight) were correlated with different axes. Abundance data for herring at the early larval and 0-group stages in 1992–1994 indicated higher mortality in 1994 compared with the other years. The data do not indicate that average larval condition was poorer in 1994 than in other years. However, the variability in larval condition was higher in 1994 than in other years, and the condition of later larval stages was relatively lower in 1994 than in other years.  相似文献   
S. L. Chown  W. Block 《Oecologia》1997,111(2):216-224
South Georgia has many introduced plant and animal species, a consequence of its long history of human habitation. Introduced reindeer have a strong effect on the vegetation of the Stromness Bay area by causing the replacement of indigenous species by grazing-tolerant grasses such as the exotic Poa annua, and in certain circumstances, the indigenous Festuca contracta. Recently it has been argued that an introduced predatory carabid has contributed to declines in the abundance and an increase in the body size of adults of the indigenous perimylopid beetle Hydromedion sparsutum. However, it also appears that body size of these beetles is smaller in areas where exotic grasses predominate compared to undisturbed areas. Here we test the hypothesis that by causing the spread of poorer quality grasses, especially the exotic Poa annua, reindeer may be having an indirect effect on H. sparsutum. To do this we examined the nutritional ecology of H. sparsutum larvae on four grass species which form a major part of its diet, viz. the indigenous Parodiochloa flabellata, Phleum alpinum and Festuca contracta, and the exotic Poa annua. Larvae showed the highest growth rate on Parodiochloa flabellata, followed by Phleum alpinum, F. contracta and Poa annua. These differences are due to poorer absorption of the exotic grass, and poorer utilization of the absorbed material in the case of F. contracta. Poor growth of larvae on F. contracta appears to be due to its low water and nitrogen contents, whereas in the case of P. annua a combination of low water content and high nitrogen content may be responsible for low growth rates. Low growth rates associated with poor-quality food may lead either to a prolongation of the life cycle or of the length of feeding bouts of an insect. Neither option appears to be feasible for H. sparsutum, and this means that the outcome of feeding on poorer-quality foods would be a reduction in final adult size. This has fitness consequences for the beetle. Hence it appears that by causing the spread of grasses that are unsuitable for growth of H. sparsutum, reindeer may be having an indirect effect on this beetle species. Received: 18 August 1996 / Accepted: 7 February 1997  相似文献   
 We monitored the cover and seed bank response of shrubs, perennial herbs, and ephemeral plants to experimental exclusion of both the principal rodent herbivore, Octodon degus, and its vertebrate predators from 1989 to 1994 in a semiarid Chilean mediterranean site. Although both richness and species composition of the plant community at the study site were largely determined by abiotic factors (mainly rainfall and soil nutrients), predator and herbivore exclusion had significant effects on the relative abundance of several plant species. Experimental exclusion of herbivores was associated with increased cover of some shrubs and a perennial grass, and decreased cover and seed densities of several ephemerals, especially those exotic or restricted to areas underneath shrubs. Herbivores apparently reduced shrubs through browsing and indirectly affected herb cover and seed densities by opening up areas under shrubs and/or modifying physical and chemical conditions of the soil. Plant responses to predator exclusion were less clear. Nevertheless, higher cover of some shrubs and ephemerals in the presence of predators suggests tritrophic effects through changes in small mammal densities and/or foraging behavior. Received: 22 April 1996 / Accepted: 14 August 1996  相似文献   
氮离子注入棉花花粉诱发农艺性状变异的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李立祥  李爱青 《激光生物学报》1997,6(3):1160-1164,1159
N+注入陆地棉和海岛棉的成熟花粉用于自交和远缘杂交,结果表明:离子注入花粉,在M1代就可表出现较高频率的有益突变,在M1相对成苗率和花粉育性为50%时,花粉辐照M2突变率是种子辐照的1.6倍,用N+离子注入陆地棉和海岛棉花粉进行正反远缘杂交,F2M2农艺性状表现出偏母遗传且后代遗传稳定加快,并观察到父本某些性状的转移。离子注入花粉适宜的剂量范围为2×1015—10×1015N+/cm2。  相似文献   
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