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Autophagy is a process through which intracellular cargoes are catabolised inside lysosomes. It involves the formation of autophagosomes initiated by the serine/threonine kinase ULK and class III PI3 kinase VPS34 complexes. Here, unbiased phosphoproteomics screens in mouse embryonic fibroblasts deleted for Ulk1/2 reveal that ULK loss significantly alters the phosphoproteome, with novel high confidence substrates identified including VPS34 complex member VPS15 and AMPK complex subunit PRKAG2. We identify six ULK‐dependent phosphorylation sites on VPS15, mutation of which reduces autophagosome formation in cells and VPS34 activity in vitro. Mutation of serine 861, the major VPS15 phosphosite, decreases both autophagy initiation and autophagic flux. Analysis of VPS15 knockout cells reveals two novel ULK‐dependent phenotypes downstream of VPS15 removal that can be partially recapitulated by chronic VPS34 inhibition, starvation‐independent accumulation of ULK substrates and kinase activity‐regulated recruitment of autophagy proteins to ubiquitin‐positive structures.  相似文献   
Increasing evidence suggests that chronic, sub-clinical inflammation plays an important role in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy. We have established the potential role of the inflammatory enzyme, core 2 β-1, 6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (C2GNT) in diabetic retinopathy. The present study was designed to explore the NADPH oxidase signaling pathway in the tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α)-induced activity of C2GNT in leukocytes. Human leukocytes (U937 cells) and an Epstein-Barr-transformed lymphoblastoid cell line deficient in p47phox (F10007 cells) were used for the study. Cells were exposed to TNF-α for 24 h in the presence and absence of 1) NADPH oxidase inhibitors (apocynin and scrambled and unscrambled gp91ds-tat), 2) LY379196 (specific protein kinase C β1/2 (PKCβ1/2) inhibitor), and 3) the antioxidant tiron. Subsequent C2GNT and NADPH activity was measured and the adhesion of U937 and F10007 cells to endothelial cells was assessed. TNF-α-induced C2GNT activity (1813 ± 326 pmol/h/mg protein) (mean ± SEM) in human leukocytes was significantly reversed with apocynin (153 ± 82 pmol/h/mg protein), unscrambled gp91ds-tat (244 ± 122 pmol/h/mg protein) and tiron (756 ± 87 pmol/h/mg protein). We further supported this C2GNT-NADPH oxidase link using p47phox-deficient leukocytes. The deficiency in p47phox prevented TNF-α-induced NADPH oxidase and C2GNT activity and adherence to endothelial cells. The response to TNF-α was restored by transfection with an expression plasmid containing a p47phox cDNA inserted in the sense direction. Our results demonstrate for the first time a novel signaling crosstalk between TNF-α, NADPH oxidase, PKCβ1/2 and C2GNT in leukocytes.  相似文献   
Genes for plant Autophagy: Functions and interactions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Autophagy, or self-consuming of cytoplasmic constituents in a lytic compartment, plays a crucial role in nutrient recycling, development, cell homeostasis, and defense against pathogens and toxic products. Autophagy in plant cells uses a conserved machinery of core Autophagy-related (Atg) proteins. Recently, research on plant autophagy has been expanding and other components interacting with the core Atg proteins are being revealed. In addition, growing evidence suggests that autophagy communicates with other cellular pathways such as the ubiquitin-proteasome system, protein secretory pathway, and endocytic pathway. An increase in our understanding of plant autophagy will undoubtedly help test the hypothesized functions of plant autophagy in programmed cell death, vacuole biogenesis, and responses to biotic, abiotic, and nutritional stresses. In this review, we summarize recent progress on these topics and suggest topics for future research, after inspecting common phenotypes of current Arabidopsis atg mutants.  相似文献   
Direct intercellular communication mediated by gap junctions (GJs) is a hallmark of normal cell and tissue physiology. In addition, GJs significantly contribute to physical cell-cell adhesion. Clearly, these cellular functions require precise modulation. Typically, GJs represent arrays of hundreds to thousands of densely packed channels, each one assembled from two half-channels (connexons), that dock head-on in the extracellular space to form the channel arrays that link neighboring cells together. Interestingly, docked GJ channels cannot be separated into connexons under physiological conditions, posing potential challenges to GJ channel renewal and physical cell-cell separation. We described previously that cells continuously-and effectively after treatment with natural inflammatory mediators-internalize their GJs in an endo-/exocytosis process that utilizes clathrin-mediated endocytosis components, thus enabling these critical cellular functions. GJ internalization generates characteristic cytoplasmic double-membrane vesicles, described and termed earlier annular GJs (AGJs) or connexosomes. Here, using expression of the major fluorescent-tagged GJ protein, connexin 43 (Cx43-GFP/YFP/mApple) in HeLa cells, analysis of endogenously expressed Cx43, ultrastructural analyses, confocal colocalization microscopy, pharmacological and molecular biological RNAi approaches depleting cells of key-autophagic proteins, we provide compelling evidence that GJs, following internalization, are degraded by autophagy. The ubiquitin-binding protein p62/sequestosome 1 was identified in targeting internalized GJs to autophagic degradation. While previous studies identified proteasomal and endo-/lysosomal pathways in Cx43 and GJ degradation, our study provides novel molecular and mechanistic insights into an alternative GJ degradation pathway. Its recent link to health and disease lends additional importance to this GJ degradation mechanism and to autophagy in general.  相似文献   
The sequestosome 1/p62 protein has been implicated in the regulation of a multitude of cellular processes such as NF-kB signaling,NRF2-driven oxidative stress response,protein turnover through the ubiq...  相似文献   
Lake Bonney is one of numerous permanently ice-covered lakes located in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. The perennial ice cover maintains a chemically stratified water column and unlike other inland bodies of water, largely prevents external input of carbon and nutrients from streams. Biota are exposed to numerous environmental stresses, including year-round severe nutrient deficiency, low temperatures, extreme shade, hypersalinity, and 24-hour darkness during the winter 1. These extreme environmental conditions limit the biota in Lake Bonney almost exclusively to microorganisms 2.Single-celled microbial eukaryotes (called "protists") are important players in global biogeochemical cycling 3 and play important ecological roles in the cycling of carbon in the dry valley lakes, occupying both primary and tertiary roles in the aquatic food web. In the dry valley aquatic food web, protists that fix inorganic carbon (autotrophy) are the major producers of organic carbon for organotrophic organisms 4, 2. Phagotrophic or heterotrophic protists capable of ingesting bacteria and smaller protists act as the top predators in the food web 5. Last, an unknown proportion of the protist population is capable of combined mixotrophic metabolism 6, 7. Mixotrophy in protists involves the ability to combine photosynthetic capability with phagotrophic ingestion of prey microorganisms. This form of mixotrophy differs from mixotrophic metabolism in bacterial species, which generally involves uptake dissolved carbon molecules. There are currently very few protist isolates from permanently ice-capped polar lakes, and studies of protist diversity and ecology in this extreme environment have been limited 8, 4, 9, 10, 5. A better understanding of protist metabolic versatility in the simple dry valley lake food web will aid in the development of models for the role of protists in the global carbon cycle.We employed an enrichment culture approach to isolate potentially phototrophic and mixotrophic protists from Lake Bonney. Sampling depths in the water column were chosen based on the location of primary production maxima and protist phylogenetic diversity 4, 11, as well as variability in major abiotic factors affecting protist trophic modes: shallow sampling depths are limited for major nutrients, while deeper sampling depths are limited by light availability. In addition, lake water samples were supplemented with multiple types of growth media to promote the growth of a variety of phototrophic organisms.RubisCO catalyzes the rate limiting step in the Calvin Benson Bassham (CBB) cycle, the major pathway by which autotrophic organisms fix inorganic carbon and provide organic carbon for higher trophic levels in aquatic and terrestrial food webs 12. In this study, we applied a radioisotope assay modified for filtered samples 13 to monitor maximum carboxylase activity as a proxy for carbon fixation potential and metabolic versatility in the Lake Bonney enrichment cultures.  相似文献   
The repeated and well-understood cellular architecture of the cerebellum make it an ideal model system for exploring brain topography. Underlying its relatively uniform cytoarchitecture is a complex array of parasagittal domains of gene and protein expression. The molecular compartmentalization of the cerebellum is mirrored by the anatomical and functional organization of afferent fibers. To fully appreciate the complexity of cerebellar organization we previously refined a wholemount staining approach for high throughput analysis of patterning defects in the mouse cerebellum. This protocol describes in detail the reagents, tools, and practical steps that are useful to successfully reveal protein expression patterns in the adult mouse cerebellum by using wholemount immunostaining. The steps highlighted here demonstrate the utility of this method using the expression of zebrinII/aldolaseC as an example of how the fine topography of the brain can be revealed in its native three-dimensional conformation. Also described are adaptations to the protocol that allow for the visualization of protein expression in afferent projections and large cerebella for comparative studies of molecular topography. To illustrate these applications, data from afferent staining of the rat cerebellum are included.  相似文献   
Our research activities target the use of biological methods for the evaluation of environmental quality, with particular reference to saltwater/brackish water and sediment. The choice of biological indicators must be based on reliable scientific knowledge and, possibly, on the availability of standardized procedures. In this article, we present a standardized protocol that used the marine crustacean Artemia to evaluate the toxicity of chemicals and/or of marine environmental matrices. Scientists propose that the brine shrimp (Artemia) is a suitable candidate for the development of a standard bioassay for worldwide utilization. A number of papers have been published on the toxic effects of various chemicals and toxicants on brine shrimp (Artemia). The major advantage of this crustacean for toxicity studies is the overall availability of the dry cysts; these can be immediately used in testing and difficult cultivation is not demanded1,2. Cyst-based toxicity assays are cheap, continuously available, simple and reliable and are thus an important answer to routine needs of toxicity screening, for industrial monitoring requirements or for regulatory purposes3. The proposed method involves the mortality as an endpoint. The numbers of survivors were counted and percentage of deaths were calculated. Larvae were considered dead if they did not exhibit any internal or external movement during several seconds of observation4. This procedure was standardized testing a reference substance (Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate); some results are reported in this work. This article accompanies a video that describes the performance of procedural toxicity testing, showing all the steps related to the protocol.  相似文献   
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