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Calmodulin (CaM) is a ubiquitous Ca2 + receptor protein mediating a large number of signaling processes in all eukaryotic cells. CaM plays a central role in regulating a myriad of cellular functions via interaction with multiple target proteins. This review focuses on the action of CaM and CaM-dependent signaling systems in the control of vertebrate cell proliferation, programmed cell death and autophagy. The significance of CaM and interconnected CaM-regulated systems for the physiology of cancer cells including tumor stem cells, and processes required for tumor progression such as growth, tumor-associated angiogenesis and metastasis are highlighted. Furthermore, the potential targeting of CaM-dependent signaling processes for therapeutic use is discussed.  相似文献   
In the past fifteen years the notion that cell membranes are not homogenous and rely on microdomains to exert their functions has become widely accepted. Lipid rafts are membrane microdomains enriched in cholesterol and sphingolipids. They play a role in cellular physiological processes such as signalling, and trafficking but are also thought to be key players in several diseases including viral or bacterial infections and neurodegenerative diseases. Yet their existence is still a matter of controversy. Indeed, lipid raft size has been estimated to be around 20 nm, far under the resolution limit of conventional microscopy (around 200 nm), thus precluding their direct imaging. Up to now, the main techniques used to assess the partition of proteins of interest inside lipid rafts were Detergent Resistant Membranes (DRMs) isolation and co-patching with antibodies. Though widely used because of their rather easy implementation, these techniques were prone to artefacts and thus criticized. Technical improvements were therefore necessary to overcome these artefacts and to be able to probe lipid rafts partition in living cells. Here we present a method for the sensitive analysis of lipid rafts partition of fluorescently-tagged proteins or lipids in the plasma membrane of living cells. This method, termed Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS), relies on the disparity in diffusion times of fluorescent probes located inside or outside of lipid rafts. In fact, as evidenced in both artificial membranes and cell cultures, probes would diffuse much faster outside than inside dense lipid rafts. To determine diffusion times, minute fluorescence fluctuations are measured as a function of time in a focal volume (approximately 1 femtoliter), located at the plasma membrane of cells with a confocal microscope (Fig. 1). The auto-correlation curves can then be drawn from these fluctuations and fitted with appropriate mathematical diffusion models. FCS can be used to determine the lipid raft partitioning of various probes, as long as they are fluorescently tagged. Fluorescent tagging can be achieved by expression of fluorescent fusion proteins or by binding of fluorescent ligands. Moreover, FCS can be used not only in artificial membranes and cell lines but also in primary cultures, as described recently. It can also be used to follow the dynamics of lipid raft partitioning after drug addition or membrane lipid composition change.  相似文献   
Traditionally, hamsters are experimentally inoculated in the snout or the footpad. However in these sites an ulcer not always occurs, measurement of lesion size is a hard procedure and animals show difficulty to eat, breathe and move because of the lesion. In order to optimize the hamster model for cutaneous leishmaniasis, young adult male and female golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) were injected intradermally at the dorsal skin with 1 to 1.5 x l07 promastigotes of Leishmania species and progression of subsequent lesions were evaluated for up to 16 weeks post infection. The golden hamster was selected because it is considered the adequate bio-model to evaluate drugs against Leishmania as they are susceptible to infection by different species. Cutaneous infection of hamsters results in chronic but controlled lesions, and a clinical evolution with signs similar to those observed in humans. Therefore, the establishment of the extent of infection by measuring the size of the lesion according to the area of indurations and ulcers is feasible. This approach has proven its versatility and easy management during inoculation, follow up and characterization of typical lesions (ulcers), application of treatments through different ways and obtaining of clinical samples after different treatments. By using this method the quality of animal life regarding locomotion, search for food and water, play and social activities is also preserved.  相似文献   
Animals sample the odorous environment around them through the chemosensory systems located in the nasal cavity. Chemosensory signals affect complex behaviors such as food choice, predator, conspecific and mate recognition and other socially relevant cues. Olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) are located in the dorsal part of the nasal cavity embedded in the olfactory epithelium. These bipolar neurons send an axon to the olfactory bulb (see Fig. 1, Reisert & Zhao, originally published in the Journal of General Physiology) and extend a single dendrite to the epithelial border from where cilia radiate into the mucus that covers the olfactory epithelium. The cilia contain the signal transduction machinery that ultimately leads to excitatory current influx through the ciliary transduction channels, a cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel and a Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) channel (Fig. 1). The ensuing depolarization triggers action potential generation at the cell body. In this video we describe the use of the "suction pipette technique" to record odorant-induced responses from ORNs. This method was originally developed to record from rod photoreceptors and a variant of this method can be found at jove.com modified to record from mouse cone photoreceptors. The suction pipette technique was later adapted to also record from ORNs. Briefly, following dissociation of the olfactory epithelium and cell isolation, the entire cell body of an ORN is sucked into the tip of a recording pipette. The dendrite and the cilia remain exposed to the bath solution and thus accessible to solution changes to enable e.g. odorant or pharmacological blocker application. In this configuration, no access to the intracellular environment is gained (no whole-cell voltage clamp) and the intracellular voltage remains free to vary. This allows the simultaneous recording of the slow receptor current that originates at the cilia and fast action potentials fired by the cell body. The difference in kinetics between these two signals allows them to be separated using different filter settings. This technique can be used on any wild type or knockout mouse or to record selectively from ORNs that also express GFP to label specific subsets of ORNs, e.g. expressing a given odorant receptor or ion channel.  相似文献   
Motor proteins move cargos along microtubules, and transport them to specific sub-cellular locations. Because altered transport is suggested to underlie a variety of neurodegenerative diseases, understanding microtubule based motor transport and its regulation will likely ultimately lead to improved therapeutic approaches. Kinesin-1 is a eukaryotic motor protein which moves in an anterograde (plus-end) direction along microtubules (MTs), powered by ATP hydrolysis. Here we report a detailed purification protocol to isolate active full length kinesin from Drosophila embryos, thus allowing the combination of Drosophila genetics with single-molecule biophysical studies. Starting with approximately 50 laying cups, with approximately 1000 females per cup, we carried out overnight collections. This provided approximately 10 ml of packed embryos. The embryos were bleach dechorionated (yielding approximately 9 grams of embryos), and then homogenized. After disruption, the homogenate was clarified using a low speed spin followed by a high speed centrifugation. The clarified supernatant was treated with GTP and taxol to polymerize MTs. Kinesin was immobilized on polymerized MTs by adding the ATP analog, 5''-adenylyl imidodiphosphate at room temperature. After kinesin binding, microtubules were sedimented via high speed centrifugation through a sucrose cushion. The microtubule pellet was then re-suspended, and this process was repeated. Finally, ATP was added to release the kinesin from the MTs. High speed centrifugation then spun down the MTs, leaving the kinesin in the supernatant. This kinesin was subjected to a centrifugal filtration using a 100 KD cut off filter for further purification, aliquoted, snap frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at -80 °C. SDS gel electrophoresis and western blotting was performed using the purified sample. The motor activity of purified samples before and after the final centrifugal filtration step was evaluated using an in vitro single molecule microtubule assay. The kinesin fractions before and after the centrifugal filtration showed processivity as previously reported in literature. Further experiments are underway to evaluate the interaction between kinesin and other transport related proteins.  相似文献   
Kwon J  Han E  Bui CB  Shin W  Lee J  Lee S  Choi YB  Lee AH  Lee KH  Park C  Obin MS  Park SK  Seo YJ  Oh GT  Lee HW  Shin J 《EMBO reports》2012,13(2):150-156
Sqstm1/p62 functions in the non-canonical activation of nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2). However, its physiological relevance is not certain. Here, we show that p62(-/-) mice exhibited an accelerated presentation of ageing phenotypes, and tissues from these mice created a pro-oxidative environment owing to compromised mitochondrial electron transport. Accordingly, mitochondrial function rapidly declined with age in p62(-/-) mice. In addition, p62 enhanced basal Nrf2 activity, conferring a higher steady-state expression of NAD(P)H dehydrogenase, quinone 1 (Nqo1) to maintain mitochondrial membrane potential and, thereby, restrict excess oxidant generation. Together, the p62-Nrf2-Nqo1 cascade functions to assure mammalian longevity by stabilizing mitochondrial integrity.  相似文献   
Nucleoporins represent the molecular building blocks of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs), which mediate facilitated macromolecular trafficking between the cytoplasm and nucleus of eukaryotic cells. Phenylalanine-glycine (FG) repeat motifs are found in about one-third of the nucleoporins, and they provide major binding or docking sites for soluble transport receptors. We have shown recently that localization of the FG-repeat domains of vertebrate nucleoporins Nup153 and Nup214 within the NPC is influenced by its transport state. To test whether chemical effectors, such as calcium and ATP, influence the localization of the FG-repeat domains of Nup153 and Nup214 within the NPC, we performed immuno-electron microscopy of Xenopus oocyte nuclei using domain-specific antibodies against Nup153 and Nup214, respectively. Ca2+ and ATP are known to induce conformational changes in the NPC architecture, especially at the cytoplasmic face, but also at the nuclear basket of the NPC. We have found concentrations of calcium in the micromolar range or 1 mM ATP in the surrounding buffer leaves the spatial distribution of the FG-repeat of Nup153 and Nup214 largely unchanged. In contrast, ATP depletion, calcium store depletion by EGTA or thapsigargin, and high concentrations of divalent cation (i.e. 2 mM Ca2+ and 2 mM Mg2+) constrain the distribution of the FG-repeats of Nup153 and Nup214. Our data suggest that the location of the FG-repeat domains of Nup153 and Nup214 is sensitive to chemical changes within the near-field environment of the NPC.  相似文献   
Dendritic cells are important for the induction of T-lymphocyte-mediated immunity by acting as antigen-presenting cells. We have previously reported that dendritic cells are prevalent in the chronic non-expanding phase of rat apical periodontitis. To characterize these cells further, immunoelectron microscopy with three dendritic cell markers (CD11c, OX6, OX62) was conducted for samples from rat models of apical periodontitis. Dendritic cells were divided into two types (type I or type II). Most of the type I dendritic cells expressed CD11c, showed an irregular large profile, had typical cytoplasmic processes, and were recognized as the major dendritic cell population. Most of the type II dendritic cells expressed OX62, showed oval small profiles with a few thin short processes, and were sometimes observed infiltrating from blood vessels. Cell-to-cell contacts between type I dendritic cells and lymphocytes were the most frequently observed associations. These results suggest that dendritic cells are composed of heterogeneous populations that exhibit different phenotypes, morphologies, and maturation/differentiation/activation. This study was supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (no. 11470402 to T.O., and nos. 15791091 and 18791393 to T.K.) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences.  相似文献   
Yanan Wang  Wei-Guo Zhu 《Autophagy》2017,13(1):212-213
The importance of autophagy in the DNA damage repair process is clear; however, the detailed molecular mechanism is still largely unknown. Here we found that DNA damage-induced histone H2A ubiquitination is suppressed in autophagy-deficient cells in a SQSTM1/p62 dependent manner. SQSTM1 binds and inhibits E3 ligase RNF168s activity, which is essential for H2A ubiquitination. As a result, several important factors for DNA repair cannot be recruited to the sites of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in autophagy-deficient cells, leading to diminished DNA repair and increased sensitivity of cells to radiation.  相似文献   
Yuchen Feng 《Autophagy》2017,13(6):995-996
Macroautophagy/autophagy is primarily a degradative pathway that clears malfunctioning cellular components in response to various types of stress. Recent studies have indicated that autophagy also plays an important role in maintaining genome stability. Loss of autophagy is associated with increased damage to DNA, inappropriate amplification of genomic regions and abnormal chromosome number. In a recent paper by Wang et al. the authors uncover a mechanism through which autophagy regulates the ubiquitination of chromatin. In particular, the autophagy receptor and substrate SQSTM1/p62 inhibits the E3 ligase RNF168-dependent ubiquitination of histone in response to DNA double-strand breaks. Dysregulation of this process leads to a reduced ability to repair DNA and a corresponding increase in the sensitivity of cells to radiation-induced damage.  相似文献   
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