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甲状腺激素应答Spot14(THRSP)是甲状腺激素诱导的核内蛋白质,对动物脂肪生成具有重要的调控作用.为了探明中国地方猪品种(脂肪型)和引入品种(瘦肉型)胴体脂肪沉积之差异的遗传机理,提取脂肪型猪(皖南花猪、绩溪黑猪、定远猪,n=228)和瘦肉型猪(长白猪、大白猪、杜洛克及其杂种猪,n=92)的耳组织DNA,检测THRSP基因编码区的单核苷酸多态性(SNP),分析其变异对mRNA折叠和蛋白质二级结构的影响以及在群体中的分布规律,研究其变异与猪产脂能力之间的关联性.结果发现,猪THRSP基因编码区的核苷酸序列与人和牛的同源性分别为86%和88%,存在2个SNPs位点(G123A和A308G)分别位于距CDS起点的123 bp和308 bp处,其中G123A为同义突变,而A308G导致THRSP蛋白质103位的赖氨酸变为精氨酸,引起了酪蛋白激酶Ⅱ磷酸化位点由TKEE转变为TREE,并产生了2种类型的mRNA折叠和蛋白质二级结构,脂肪型猪群中123G和308A的频率分别为0.975 9和0.589 9,瘦肉型猪群的123G和308A频率分别为0.657 7和0.815 2,脂肪型猪123G308A和123G308G配子的总频率达到0.975 9,而瘦肉型猪的123A308A和123G308A配子的总频率为0.815 3.实验提示,THRSP基因编码区的G123A和A308G位点多态性与猪脂肪生成能力密切关联,对脂肪生成相关基因表达具有重要的调节作用.  相似文献   
Cutinases belong to the α/β-hydrolase fold family of enzymes and degrade cutin and various esters, including triglycerides, phospholipids and galactolipids. Cutinases are able to degrade aggregated and soluble substrates because, in contrast with true lipases, they do not have a lid covering their catalytic machinery. We report here the structure of a cutinase from the fungus Trichoderma reesei (Tr) in native and inhibitor-bound conformations, along with its enzymatic characterization. A rare characteristic of Tr cutinase is its optimal activity at acidic pH. Furthermore, Tr cutinase, in contrast with classical cutinases, possesses a lid covering its active site and requires the presence of detergents for activity. In addition to the presence of the lid, the core of the Tr enzyme is very similar to other cutinase cores, with a central five-stranded β-sheet covered by helices on either side. The catalytic residues form a catalytic triad involving Ser164, His229 and Asp216 that is covered by the two N-terminal helices, which form the lid. This lid opens in the presence of surfactants, such as β-octylglucoside, and uncovers the catalytic crevice, allowing a C11Y4 phosphonate inhibitor to bind to the catalytic serine. Taken together, these results reveal Tr cutinase to be a member of a new group of lipolytic enzymes resembling cutinases but with kinetic and structural features of true lipases and a heightened specificity for long-chain triglycerides.  相似文献   
限定因子诱导胎猪成纤维细胞重编程为多能性细胞   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
尝试运用限定因子融合蛋白建立猪的诱导多能性干细胞.试验采用Oct4、Sox2、Klf4、c-Myc四种限定因子经慢病毒表达载体系统介导感染猪胎儿成纤维细胞,对表达外源限定因子的猪胎儿成纤维细胞进行培养传代,逐步分离培养出集落边缘界限清晰的细胞克隆,细胞集落生长状态稳定、核型正常、碱性磷酸酶检测为阳性,免疫细胞化学检测显示,Oct4、Nanog、SSEA-1蛋白表达为阳性,体内能够分化形成含有三个胚层的畸胎瘤.结果证实分离培养的细胞克隆为猪诱导多能性干细胞,为进一步完善诱导方案和深入研究应用猪诱导多能性干细胞奠定了基础.  相似文献   
猪肌肉素基因的cDNA克隆与表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从人肌肉素基因出发, 在dbEST数据库中进行同源性搜索, 找到七个有较高同源性的Expressed Sequence Tag(DY426490, CF787546, AJ660979, AJ664670, AJ663820, AJ680159, DN106254)。通过拼接和进一步RT-PCR实验验证, 获得猪肌肉素基因全长cDNA序列, 其全长651 bp, 开放阅读框为54~452 bp, 编码有132个氨基酸。同源性分析结果表明, 与人、小鼠和大鼠的肌肉素基因cDNA编码区(CDS)同源性分别为87.2%、77.6%和77.9%。利用克隆出的猪肌肉素cDNA, 构建表达载体pGEX-4T-1-musclin, 并在BL21大肠杆菌中成功表达和纯化了分子量为38.59 kD的融合蛋白GST-Musclin, 并运用蛋白印迹技术进行鉴定。  相似文献   
应用地高辛标记探针对转pGH基因(猪生长激素基因)猪染色体进行原位杂交,经胶体金抗体、银增强放大系统检测外源pGH基因在染色体上的整合位点。研究表明,转基因阳性个体间外源基因整合位点存在差异,但对个体而言,外源基因总是集中分布于某一特定的染色体上。本研究将为探究外源基因整合位点与其表达效率的关系及今后定点整合的研究提供理论指导。  相似文献   
猪激素敏感脂酶和甘油三酯水解酶基因组织表达特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以八眉猪为研究对象,采用RT-PCR和Western blot方法对猪激素敏感酯酶(HSL)和甘油三酯水解酶(TGH)基因组织表达特点进行了研究。RT-PCR半定量检测显示,HSL基因的mRNA在检测的7种组织中都有表达,其中在脂肪组织表达量较高,中等程度表达于心脏、肝脏、肺、脾和肾脏。TGH基因在7种组织也均有表达,其中肝脏和脂肪组织表达量较高,心脏和肾脏次之,脾脏和肺脏表达量较低。Western blot检测显示,HSL基因在大网膜脂肪和皮下脂肪表达量最高,而在肾脏中没有检测到表达,其他组织中中度表达;TGH基因在大网膜脂肪、皮下脂肪、肝脏、肺脏和脾脏组织中表达,其中在脂肪组织和肝脏组织中表达量最高,而在心脏和肾脏中没有检测到表达。以上结果表明:HSL和TGH基因存在转录后调控,这可能与其在不同组织中的功能差异有关。  相似文献   
An l-leucine aminopeptidase, having a specificity toward the substrate l-leucine amide, was purified 1084-fold from swine liver with a yield of 50.7 per cent. Purification procedure was carried out using successively centrifugation at 105 000 × g fractionation by ammonium sulfate, DEAE Sephacel chromatography and zonal ultracentrifugation.Enzyme homogeneity and purity studies were carried out by analytical ultracentrifugation and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.In SDS gel polyacrylamide a single band was observed. It corresponded to a 55 000 molecular weight protein.  相似文献   
The results obtained by biochemical measurement demonstrated for the first time that significant decrease of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity occurred during capacitation and acrosome reaction of guinea pig sperm. Ethaorynic acid, one kind of Ca2+-ATPase antagonists, inhibited the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity, but calmodulin (50μg/mL) and trifluoperazine (200- 500μmol/L) did not, suggesting that calmodulin is not involved in ATP-driven Ca2+ efflux from sperm. However, calmodulin is involved in the control of Ca2+ influx. TFP, one kind of calmodulin antagonists, accelerated the acrosome reaction and Ca2+ uptake into sperm cells significantly. Ca2+-ATPase antagonists, quercetin, sodium orthovandate, furosemide and ethacrynic acid promoted the acrosome reaction, but inhibited Ca2+ uptake, which cannot be explained by their inhibitory effects on the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity. It is speculated that this phenomenon might be caused by simultaneous inhibitions of the activities of C  相似文献   
There is considerable evidence that adenosine 3, 5-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) is involved in the modulation of synaptic transmission in the guinea pig superior cervical ganglion (SCG). Presynaptic muscarinic receptors are known to attenuate, when activated, acetylcholine (ACh) release in the periphery as well as in the brain. Thus, the possible relationship between ganglionic adenylate cyclase activity and the output of ACh from electrically stimulated ganglia, preloaded with [3H]choline, was investigated. The muscarinic agonist oxotremorine significantly reduced in a dose-dependent manner the electrically evoked neurotransmitter release. The adenylate cyclase inhibitor N-(cis-2-phenylcyclopentyl)azacyclotridecan-2-imine hydrochloride (RMI 12330 A) also decreased ACh output. The inhibitory effects of these two drugs were additive. In crude ganglion membrane fractions oxotremorine significantly inhibited adenylate cyclase activity. The results indicate that drugs capable of inhibiting adenylate cyclase, significantly decrease ACh output from preganglionic nerve terminals in guinea pig SCG.  相似文献   
赣中南花猪随机扩增多态DNA与群体遗传关系的研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
用RAPD技术检测了泰和冠朝猪、永丰藤田花猪、瑞金三花猪、兴国茶园猪、上犹花猪、万安花猪、乐安花猪等7个赣中南花猪地方类群基因组混合DNA的多态性,经80个随机引物扩增筛选,16个引物产生了共44个多态标记。遗传距离指数计算结果显示:泰和冠朝猪和瑞金三花猪亲缘关系最近,而兴国茶园猪与乐安花猪遗传距离最远。各类群的UPMGA和NJ聚类分析结果与采用生化、免疫和细胞遗传标记分析的结论不尽相同,在此基础上,结合现行分类方法,认为各受试猪群可暂时归并为赣中南花猪类型,但对泰和冠朝猪和万安花猪的品种归属性应作进一步分析。 Abstract: Random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) were used to investigate bulked genomic DNA polymorphism of seven pig populations including Taihe Guanchao,Yongfeng Tengtian Spotted,Ruijin Spotted,Xingguo Chayuan,Shangyou Spotted,Wanan Spotted,and Lean Spotted pig.Eighty random primers were screened,of them,16 primers generated polymorphic markers with total number of 44.The genetic distance index matrix indicated that the genetic relationship between Taihe Gaunchao and Ruijin Spotted pig population was the closest,while that between Xingguo Chayuan and Laan Spotted pig population was the farthest.Our molecular phylogenetic trees constructed by UPMGA and NJ methods were in general consistent with that based on biochemical,immunogenetic and cellular genetic markers except for differences in some populations.It was inferred from this study that all pig populations examined could be temporary classified into one breed,however,the population genetic character of Taihe Guanchao and Wanan Spotted pig populations should be further evaluated.  相似文献   
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