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In this paper we discuss and demonstrate the importance of several factors relative to the relationship between time and evolution of biosequences. In both quantitative and qualitative measurements of the genetic distances, the compositional constraints of the nucleotide sequences play a very important role. We demonstrate that when homologous sequences significantly differ in base composition we get erratic branching order and/or wrong evaluation of the evolutionary rates. We must consider that every gene may have a different evolutionary dynamic along its sequence, generally linked to its functional constraints; this too can seriously affect its clocklike behavior. We report some cases showing how these factors can affect the quantitative measurements of the genetic distances of biosequences. Presented at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop onGenome Organization and Evolution, Spetsai, Greece, 16–22 September 1992  相似文献   
聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(polyethylene terephthalate,PET)是应用最广泛的合成聚酯之一。由于PET不易降解,在环境中积累,对陆地、水生生态系统以及人类健康构成严重威胁。基于生物酶催化的生物降解策略为PET回收利用提供了一种绿色途径,在过去20年间,已发现了多种PET水解酶,并通过蛋白质工程等手段来改善这些酶的降解性能,但是目前仍未找到适合大规模工业应用的PET水解酶。利用传统的检测方法筛选PET水解酶是一个缓慢而复杂的过程。为了促进PET酶法回收的工业化应用,需要研发高效的检测方法。近年来,研究人员开发了多种表征PET水解酶的分析方法。本文总结了可用于筛选PET水解酶的检测方法,如高效液相色谱法、紫外吸光度法和荧光激活液滴分选法等,并对其在筛选PET水解酶的应用方面进行了展望。  相似文献   
Performing causal inference in observational studies requires we assume confounding variables are correctly adjusted for. In settings with few discrete-valued confounders, standard models can be employed. However, as the number of confounders increases these models become less feasible as there are fewer observations available for each unique combination of confounding variables. In this paper, we propose a new model for estimating treatment effects in observational studies that incorporates both parametric and nonparametric outcome models. By conceptually splitting the data, we can combine these models while maintaining a conjugate framework, allowing us to avoid the use of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. Approximations using the central limit theorem and random sampling allow our method to be scaled to high-dimensional confounders. Through simulation studies we show our method can be competitive with benchmark models while maintaining efficient computation, and illustrate the method on a large epidemiological health survey.  相似文献   
Introduction and objectivesThere is a considerable lack of structure in training health professionals in geriatrics. The narratives can promote a collaborative reflection on different topics and might be used as a pedagogic strategy for undergraduate health students. This study aimed to explore the adoption of new perspectives on ageing after the implementation of dynamic narratives in the first graduate year for physiotherapy students.Materials and methodsAn exploratory qualitative study was performed. Participants were included if they were: ≥18 years old, physiotherapy students and agreed to participate. Physiotherapy students (n = 44) were recruited from the School of Health Sciences, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria. Two gaming sessions were performed to help students, as narrators, express their visions and ways to deal with the geriatrics field. Students’ perspectives about ageing at baseline (T1) and after the narratives experience (T2) were collected by answering the following question: What is your perception regarding ageing? Two evaluators were involved in qualitative data analysis by performing: (i) an individual analysis of themes/subthemes and a discussion meeting to evaluate discrepancies and to reach a consensus.ResultsNegative perceptions about ageing were referred 39 times at T1 (most of them related to restriction; deterioration subthemes). There were no negative perceptions registered at T2. Positive perceptions increased at T2, from n = 39 to n = 52, and three new subthemes emerged (beginning of something, fighting ageism, challenge).ConclusionThis study demonstrated the potential of narrative-based experiences as a desirable pedagogic methodology (board games-oriented) for geriatric education in undergraduate health students.  相似文献   
ObjectivesWhen the prognosis of COVID-19 disease can be detected early, the intense-pressure and loss of workforce in health-services can be partially reduced. The primary-purpose of this article is to determine the feature-dataset consisting of the routine-blood-values (RBV) and demographic-data that affect the prognosis of COVID-19. Second, by applying the feature-dataset to the supervised machine-learning (ML) models, it is to identify severely and mildly infected COVID-19 patients at the time of admission.Material and methodsThe sample of this study consists of severely (n = 192) and mildly (n = 4010) infected-patients hospitalized with the diagnosis of COVID-19 between March-September, 2021. The RBV-data measured at the time of admission and age-gender characteristics of these patients were analyzed retrospectively. For the selection of the features, the minimum-redundancy-maximum-relevance (MRMR) method, principal-components-analysis and forward-multiple-logistics-regression analyzes were used. The features set were statistically compared between mild and severe infected-patients. Then, the performances of various supervised-ML-models were compared in identifying severely and mildly infected-patients using the feature set.ResultsIn this study, 28 RBV-parameters and age-variable were found as the feature-dataset. The effect of features on the prognosis of the disease has been clinically proven. The ML-models with the highest overall-accuracy in identifying patient-groups were found respectively, as follows: local-weighted-learning (LWL)-97.86%, K-star (K*)-96.31%, Naive-Bayes (NB)-95.36% and k-nearest-neighbor (KNN)-94.05%. Also, the most successful models with the highest area-under-the-receiver-operating-characteristic-curve (AUC) values in identifying patient groups were found respectively, as follows: LWL-0.95%, K*-0.91%, NB-0.85% and KNN-0.75%.ConclusionThe findings in this article have significant a motivation for the healthcare professionals to detect at admission severely and mildly infected COVID-19 patients.  相似文献   
Zea mays (Z. mays) is one of the main cereal crops in the world, and it′s by-products have exhibited medicinal properties to explore. This article intends to review the chemical compositions and pharmacological activities of by-products of Z. mays (corn silks, roots, bract, stems, bran, and leaves) which support the therapeutic potential in the treatment of different diseases, with emphasis on the natural occurring compounds and detailed pharmacological developments. Based on this review, 231 natural compounds are presented. Among them, flavonoids, terpenes, phenylpropanoids, and alkaloids are the most frequently reported. The by-products of Z. mays possess diuretic effects, hepatoprotective, anti-diabetic, antioxidant, neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, plant protection activity, and other activities. This article reviewed the phytochemistry and pharmacological activities of Z. mays for comprehensive quality control and the safety and effectiveness to enhance future application.  相似文献   
The cultivation of algae either in open raceway ponds or in closed bioreactors could allow the renewable production of biomass for food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, or chemical industries. Optimal cultivation conditions are however required to ensure that the production of these compounds is both efficient and economical. Therefore, high-frequency analytical measurements are required to allow timely process control and to detect possible disturbances during algae growth. Such analytical methods are only available to a limited extent. Therefore, we introduced a method for monitoring algae release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the headspace above a bioreactor in real time. This method is based on ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) in combination with a membrane inlet (MI). The unique feature of IMS is that complete spectra are detected in real time instead of sum signals. These spectral patterns produced in the ion mobility spectrum were evaluated automatically via principal component analysis (PCA). The detected peak patterns are characteristic for the respective algae culture; allow the assignment of the individual growth phases and reflect the influence of experimental parameters. These results allow for the first time a continuous monitoring of the algae cultivation and thus an early detection of possible disturbances in the biotechnological process.  相似文献   
Dow and Cheverud (Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 68:367–373, 1985) have published a statistical test for comparing any three similarity matrices. Using both simulations and analytical arguments, I establish that the presence of spatial autocorrelation, a common feature of geographically based anthropological and biological data, causes this test to reject too often. Increasing the spatial autocorrelation increases the spurious rejection rate. About 20% of the papers that reference Dow and Cheverud's paper have used their test with spatially autocorrelated data. Mantel's (Cancer Res. 27:209–220, 1967) method, when used as a test of spatial autocorrelation, is unaffected by these considerations, since its null hypothesis is that the data are uncorrelated. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
第四纪甲虫的研究在国外已开展多年,形成了一套完整的方法,而在我国几乎为一空白。第四纪甲虫研究方法一般包括如下几个步骤:野外采样,实验室分离,标本保存,标本鉴定,结果分析。第四纪甲虫研究的意义主要表现在如下三个方面:重建古气候、恢复昆虫地理史和第四纪考古。  相似文献   
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