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Summary Cellular binding of anti-bSTH and anti-oPRL IgG is demonstrated in the brain and the pituitary gland of the African freshwater fish Calamoichthys calabaricus by means of the unlabeled antibody enzyme method at the light microscopic level. In the brain, somatotropin and prolactin are demonstrated in separate neurons in the preoptic area. The somatotropinergic and prolactinergic perikarya are distinct from those of the hypothalamic-hypophysial neurosecretory neurons, i.e., those stainable with aldehyde fuchsin presumed to be vasotocinergic and isotocinergic. The somatotropinergic and prolactinergic neuronal perikarya give rise to separate beaded axons which pass either ventroposteriorly into the infundibulum, terminating in the neurohypophysis, or ventro-laterally through the wall of the preoptic recess, terminating near the superficial capillary bed covering this part of the brain surface. Moreover, coarse dendrite-like processes of both kinds of immuno-reactive neurons extend towards, and end in, the third ventricle. Binding sites in the brain to antisera against hLH, hFSH, hTSH and anti-(1–24) ACTH IgG, all reactive in the pituitary, are not observed in the neurons confined to the preoptic area.Supported by the Danish Natural Sciences Research CouncilThe authors wish to thank Professor Dr K.G. Wingstrand, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, for placing two series of C. calabaricus at their disposal. They would also like to thank the National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism and Digestive Diseases, Bethesda, USA, for the generous gift of antisera against the subunits of human LH, TSH and FSH, and likewise Dr L. Hummer, Glostrup Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark, for the gift of the anti-(1-24)ACTH IgG  相似文献   
Summary In cichlid, poecilid and centrarchid fishes luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH)-immunoreactive neurons are found in a cell group (nucleus olfactoretinalis) located at the transition between the ventral telencephalon and olfactory bulb. Processes of these neurons project to the contralateral retina, traveling along the border between the internal plexiform and internal nuclear layer, and probably terminating on amacrine or bipolar cells. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) injected into the eye or optic nerve is transported retrogradely in the optic nerve to the contralateral nucleus olfactoretinalis where neuronal perikarya are labeled. Labeled processes leave this nucleus in a rostral direction and terminate in the olfactory bulb. The nucleus olfactoretinalis is present only in fishes, such as cichlids, poecilids and centrarchids, in which the olfactory bulbs border directly the telencephalic hemispheres. In cyprinid, silurid and notopterid fishes, in which the olfactory bulbs lie beneath the olfactory epithelium and are connected to the telencephalon via olfactory stalks, the nucleus olfactoretinalis or a comparable arrangement of LHRH-immunoreactive neurons is lacking. After retrograde transport of HRP in the optic nerve of these fishes no labeling of neurons in the telencephalon occurred. It is proposed that the nucleus olfactoretinalis anatomically and functionally interconnects and integrates parts of the olfactory and optic systems.  相似文献   
Proteinaceous intranuclear crystals are found in the fern Scolopendrium vulgare. During mitosis these crystals are eliminated from the nucleus into the cytoplasm, where they are dissolved. New crystals appear in the nucleus. The site of synthesis of intranuclear crystal proteins was investigated using quantitative ultrastructural autoradiography after incubation with tritiated lysine. The results suggest a migration of cytoplasmic proteins to the nucleus, part of which would then be incorporated into the intranuclear crystals.  相似文献   
Summary The movement and transport of material between intranuclear dense particles, the chromatoid body and the Golgi complex have been studied in early spermatids of the rat. The analyses involved observation of living accurately identified cells, time-lapse cinemicrography and electron microscopy.The chromatoid body establishes transient contacts with intranuclear material during early spermiogenesis. The chromatoid body also makes contacts with the Golgi complex. It is suggested that the chromatoid body receives material from the nucleus during the postmeiotic period and participates in the early formation of the acrosomic system.This work was supported by the Finnish National Research Council for Medical Sciences. The authors are grateful to Mrs. Marita Aaltonen and Mrs. Raija Andersen for their skilful technical assistance  相似文献   
E. Szigethy  G. L. Wenk  A. Beaudet 《Peptides》1988,9(6):1227-1234
We have previously shown by combined radioautography and acetylcholinesterase histochemistry that the distribution of 125I-neurotensin (NT) binding sites was in register with that of cholinergic neurons in the rat nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM). The present study utilized three experimental approaches to elaborate on the type and cellular localization of NT binding sites in the NBM. Competition studies using levocabastine, a selective blocker of the low affinity NT binding component, revealed that most of the 125I-NT binding sites labeled in the NBM are of the levocabastine-insensitive high affinity type, known to correspond to the physiologically active receptor. Ibotenic acid-induced lesions of the NBM produced a marked reduction in both cholinesterase reactivity and cellular 125I-NT binding suggesting that most of the labeled sites are associated with the cholinergic neurons themselves rather than with an afferent input to those cells. Finally, examination of the high resolution radioautographic distribution of 125I-NT binding sites in semithin sections revealed that a proportion of 125I-NT-labeled receptors is associated with the plasma membrane of magnocellular perikarya and proximal processes, thereby providing an anatomical substrate for a local action of NT in the NBM.  相似文献   
Maintaining physical connections between the nucleus and the cytoskeleton is important for many cellular processes that require coordinated movement and positioning of the nucleus. Nucleo-cytoskeletal coupling is also necessary to transmit extracellular mechanical stimuli across the cytoskeleton to the nucleus, where they may initiate mechanotransduction events. The LINC (Linker of Nucleoskeleton and Cytoskeleton) complex, formed by the interaction of nesprins and SUN proteins at the nuclear envelope, can bind to nuclear and cytoskeletal elements; however, its functional importance in transmitting intracellular forces has never been directly tested. This question is particularly relevant since recent findings have linked nesprin mutations to muscular dystrophy and dilated cardiomyopathy. Using biophysical assays to assess intracellular force transmission and associated cellular functions, we identified the LINC complex as a critical component for nucleo-cytoskeletal force transmission. Disruption of the LINC complex caused impaired propagation of intracellular forces and disturbed organization of the perinuclear actin and intermediate filament networks. Although mechanically induced activation of mechanosensitive genes was normal (suggesting that nuclear deformation is not required for mechanotransduction signaling) cells exhibited other severe functional defects after LINC complex disruption; nuclear positioning and cell polarization were impaired in migrating cells and in cells plated on micropatterned substrates, and cell migration speed and persistence time were significantly reduced. Taken together, our findings suggest that the LINC complex is critical for nucleo-cytoskeletal force transmission and that LINC complex disruption can result in defects in cellular structure and function that may contribute to the development of muscular dystrophies and cardiomyopathies.  相似文献   
目的:探讨葡萄糖对体外培养髓核细胞的生物学特性的影响。方法:酶消化法分离培养正常椎间盘髓核细胞。对照组:DF12+20%FBS培养液(葡萄糖浓度1000mg/L)、无糖组:无糖DMEM+20%FBS(葡萄糖浓度0mg/L)培养液培养髓核细胞。HE染色观察细胞形态变化,计数板计数细胞总数,台盼蓝染色计算髓核细胞活性比率,流式细胞仪检测细胞凋亡率,Hoechst33258染色观察凋亡细胞核的变化。结果:两组培养液培养细胞形态大体正常,并无明显变化。对照组细胞总数明显多于无糖组。细胞活性率对照组也高于无糖组。Hoechst33258染色凋亡细胞,凋亡细胞核内可见致密的颗粒状和块状荧光,细胞核形态不规则,少数细胞核碎裂,部分细胞核呈月牙形。结论:葡萄糖对椎间盘髓核细胞的增殖及凋亡有显著的影响。  相似文献   
Based on the breeding synchrony hypothesis, we predicted, intwo congeners that nest in simiilar habitat but differ in nestingsynchrony, that blue-headed vireos (Vireo solitarius) wouldhave fewer extrapair fertilizations (EPFs) thaii red-eyed vireos(V. olivaceus EPFs were rare in blue-headed vireos (1/37 nestlings),but common in red-eyed vireos (11/19 nestlings). We studiedthe behavior of blue-headed vireos to determine what factorscould promote genetic monogamy. We found no evidence that malesmate guarded to prevent extrapair copulations from occurring.Males did not follow fertile mates closely when mates left thenest (14–25% of female departures) and, during the egg-layingperiod, males were often alone on the nest (22.3 mm/h). Femaleblue-headed vireos, but not red-eyed vireos, obtain direct benefitsfrom social mates such as nest building and incubation (49.1%of the total), and they assess male quality long before becomingfertile. Female blue-headed vireos spent more time incubatingwhen their mates had low incubation effort. Furthermore, maleincubation effort was positively correlated with nest survivalduring incubation. We discuss the evolution of genetic monogamyand sex role convergence in blue-headed vireos in relation toasynchronous breeding.  相似文献   
In vivo microdialysis has been used to study the acute effects of antipsychotic drugs on the extracellular level of dopamine from the nucleus accumbens, striatum, and prefrontal cortex of the rat. (-)-Sulpiride (20, 50, and 100 mg/kg i.v.) and haloperidol (0.1 and 0.5 mg/kg i.v.) enhanced the outflow of dopamine in the striatum and nucleus accumbens. In the medial prefrontal cortex, (-)-sulpiride at all doses tested did not significantly affect the extracellular level of dopamine. The effect of haloperidol was also attenuated in the medial prefrontal cortex; 0.1 mg/kg did not increase the outflow of dopamine and the effect of 0.5 mg/kg haloperidol was of shorter duration in the prefrontal cortex than that observed in striatum and nucleus accumbens. The atypical antipsychotic drug clozapine (5 and 10 mg/kg) increased the extracellular concentration of dopamine in all three regions. In contrast to the effects of sulpiride and haloperidol, that of clozapine in the medial prefrontal cortex was profound. These data suggest that different classes of antipsychotic drugs may have distinct effects on the release of dopamine from the nigrostriatal, mesolimbic, and mesocortical terminals.  相似文献   
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