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An evaluation of nitrite determination in marine lake sediments has shown that spectrophotometric measurements can be in error due to light scattering by colloidal (<0.2 μm) matter in extract solutions and incomplete nitrite recovery. The scatter error can be minimised by using uncoloured extract in the reference beam but precision at low levels remains poor (RSD 25 to 100%). Recovery tests on ‘spiked’ sediment indicated that optimum retrieval (~85%) occurred with 30 minute mixing with 0.2 M NH4Cl, using a sediment to extractant ratio of 1:30. To counter this variable, calibration based on standard addition to sample suspensions is recommended. Modified procedure proposed is suitable for measuring up to 10 μg g?1 of nitrite N; the lake sediments tested contained <100 ng g?1  相似文献   

Sorption of lead(II) or cadmium(II) ions on humic acid particles (at pH 3.5) yields surface complexes which are sparingly soluble in the pH 3.55 region. Interaction of these species with acetic acid or dilute nitric acid released ASV labile metal species (mainly hydrated metal ion). When the pH was adjusted between 4 and 7, increasing amounts of the metal humate species (and humic acid substrate) dissolved and low levels of ASV labile species were detected. Overnight interaction with an excess of acetate ions (0.01 M) led to higher lability values (attributed to acetate/humate ligand exchange). The percentage of labile metal ion detected in acetate solutions varied with the amount of metal ion initially sorbed (range 100 to 500 mmol g?1). With the lower loadings, the ASV labile levels peaked in the pH 6–7 region (at around 12% of total sorbed cadmium, and 4% of total lead). In alkaline solutions, the percentage of labile Cd fell to about half of the peak value, but with Pb, lability values increased at pH > 8, due possibly to the formation of hydroxy complex species. The ASV lability of the Cd and Pb humates, and their 24 hour lability values (determined using a transfer to cation exchanger technique) has been compared with the behaviour of Cu and Zn humates (using similar conditions).  相似文献   
Cadherins are homophilic cell-to-cell adhesion molecules that help cells respond to environmental changes. Newly formed cadherin junctions are associated with increased cell phosphorylation, but the pathways driving this signaling response are largely unknown. Since cadherins have no intrinsic signaling activity, this phosphorylation must occur through interactions with other signaling molecules. We previously reported that cadherin-11 engagement activates joint synovial fibroblasts, promoting inflammatory and degradative pathways important in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) pathogenesis. Our objective in this study was to discover interacting partners that mediate cadherin-11 signaling. Protein array screening showed that cadherin-11 extracellular binding domains linked to an Fc domain (cad11Fc) induced platelet-derived growth factor (PDGFR)-α phosphorylation in synovial fibroblasts and glioblastoma cells. PDGFRs are growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases that promote cell proliferation, survival, and migration in mesodermally derived cells. Increased PDGFR activity is implicated in RA pathology and associates with poor prognosis in several cancers, including sarcoma and glioblastoma. PDGFRα activation by cadherin-11 signaling promoted fibroblast proliferation, a signaling pathway independent from cadherin-11-stimulated IL-6 or matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-3 release. PDGFRα phosphorylation mediated most of the cad11Fc-induced phosphatidyl-3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt activation, but only part of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) response. PDGFRα-dependent signaling did not require cell cadherin-11 expression. Rather, cad11Fc immunoprecipitated PDGFRα, indicating a direct interaction between cadherin-11 and PDGFRα extracellular domains. This study is the first to report an interaction between cadherin-11 and PDGFRα and adds to our growing understanding that cadherin-growth factor receptor interactions help balance the interplay between tissue growth and adhesion.  相似文献   
BTV-HbC株和蓝舌病毒标准株BTV-10分别接种在不同种系细胞如猴肾传代细胞(Vero)、人宫颈癌细胞(Hela)和小鼠神经胶质瘤细胞(C6)等细胞株上,比较研究了BTV-HbC在不同种系细胞上的增殖特征,BTV-HbC与BTV-10在相同细胞上的复制增殖特征,病毒与细胞相互作用的显微和超微结构特征.用免疫交叉反应研究了BTV-HbC株与BTV-10型标准株之间的血清学关系.本研究结合本室对BTV-HbC株基因组图谱分析和蓝舌病毒群特异性抗原编码基因S7的RT-PCR分析,进一步证实了BTV-HbC株可能是一个新的血清型蓝舌病毒.  相似文献   
Rapid oxidation processes relevant to the degradation of [4Fe4S] clusters in Clostridium pasteurianum ferredoxin were studied via direct (unmediated) heterogeneous electron transfer at a pyrolytic graphite electrode. Differential-pulse voltammograms of native [4Fe4S] ferredoxin showed two well-defined oxidation peaks corresponding to apparent E-values of +793 and +1120 mV at 5°C. Direct involvement of the cluster was established through parallel experiments with the 2[4Fe4Se] derivative for which peak positions were shifted. Square-wave voltammetry showed that the product of the first electron transfer, which may correspond to the ‘super-oxidised’ [4Fe4S]3+ oxidation level, undergoes rapid degradation (t12 < 1.6 ms at 5°C). The second oxidation process, as characterised by a significant (?100 mV) negative shift upon selenium substitution, very likely represents oxidation of S(Se) still associated with the protein and possibly contained within the remaining FES(Se) substructure.  相似文献   
Abstract: State wildlife agencies often use input obtained through public meetings to develop management policies. Because public meetings can be dominated by single stakeholder groups, these policies may not reflect the attitudes of new wildlife stakeholders. In 2000 the Utah Wildlife Board, after a series of public meetings, adopted a statewide policy for winter-feeding mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus). The policy was implemented by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources from 2001 to 2007 in Cache County of northern Utah, USA. In 2007, we surveyed Utah households representing metropolitan, nonmetropolitan, and Cache County residents (n = 1,800) to evaluate whether the winter-feeding policy reflected the attitudes of all wildlife stakeholders. Survey respondents, regardless of residence strata, believed winterfeeding programs were essential for managing mule deer in Utah (χ26 = 7.02, P = 0.32). However, most respondents were reluctant to support feeding programs at the expense of habitat restoration projects (χ26 = 11.64, P = 0.07). Our results suggest that the winter-feeding policy represented the attitudes of the Utah residents surveyed, though few had participated in its development. Respondents' strong utilitarian attitudes toward wildlife (e.g., strong support for hunting and feeding) influenced those respondents' perceptions of the policy. Given the effects of increased urbanization on utilitarian attitudes toward wildlife in many parts of the United States, coupled with decreasing numbers of traditional wildlife stakeholders, state wildlife agencies should continually reevaluate their public involvement processes to ensure new wildlife stakeholders' attitudes and concerns are represented.  相似文献   
Novikoff hepatocellular carcinoma cells possess cell-surface glycoproteins that bind the lectin, concanavalin A. A subset of Con A-binding plasma membrane glycoproteins was solubilized by addition of n-butanol to a suspension of Novikoff cells. Glycoproteins solubilized into the n-butanol-saturated aqueous phase of the two-phase mixture were purified by sequential chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and Sepharose-conjugated concanavalin A. Glycoproteins specifically bound to the Sepharose-conjugated Con A exhibited apparent Mr = 72,000 to 125,000. The plasma membrane localization of these components was inferred by their isolation from cells surface labeled with NaIO4/ NaB3H4. A xenoantiserum, raised against glycoproteins specifically bound to Sepharose-conjugated concanavalin A was employed to identify reactive components in nonionic detergent extracts of Novikoff tumor cells or rat hepatocytes surface labeled using lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination (125I). Major reactive peptides in extracts of Novikoff cells exhibited apparent Mr = 74,000, 82, 000, 110,000, and 135,000, while those in extracts of hepatocytes possessed apparent Mr = 98,000 and 105,000. The reactivity of the antiserum with extracts of 125I-labeled Novikoff cells was abolished by absorption of the antiserum with hepatocytes, indicating that the qualitative differences observed may result from structural modification of one or more cell-surface glycoproteins, rather than the expression of new or inappropriate glycoproteins. This antiserum will provide a useful probe to investigate alterations in the expression or structure of glycoproteins that occur as a consequence of malignant transformation or adaptation of malignant cells to growth in the ascitic form.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT River otter (Lontra canadensis) populations have been difficult to monitor and information on densities is lacking throughout their range. To obtain DNA-based population estimates of river otters we developed 2 traps to capture hair; a modified body-snare and a modified foot-hold trap. Of 82 traps activated 77 captured hairs (94%). Traps snagged 3–20 guard hairs per capture. Our capture rates of otter hair ranged from one capture per 3.6 trap nights to one capture per 156.6 trap-nights. Our traps provide an effective, noninvasive technique for obtaining hair DNA from individual river otters.  相似文献   
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