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We investigated vertical and horizontal transmission as means by which entomopathogenic microsporidia may be isolated in their hosts. Ostrinia nubilalis larvae were challenged with microsporidia isolated from other stalk-boring and row crop Lepidoptera and were susceptible to seven species. Two species were horizontally transmitted. A Nosema sp. from Eoreuma loftini was transmitted among O. nubilalis larvae but not among larvae of the E. loftini host. This species was also vertically transmitted to the offspring of infected O. nubilalis females. An rDNA sequence showed the E. loftini isolate to be Nosema pyrausta, a naturally occurring species in O. nubilalis. Our results suggest that both horizontal and vertical transmission provide physiological barriers to host switching in the microsporidia, thus restricting the natural host range.  相似文献   
Nosema herpobdellae was recorded in populations of the leech Erpobdella octoculata from lakes in northwest England and North Wales and is redescribed using light and transmission electron microscopy. It differes from N. glossiphoniae in the nature of the infection and tissues parasitized and from N. tractabile in its larger spore size, longer polar filament, in the angle of the anterior coils of the polar filament to the spore long axis, and apparently in its developmental cycle. The infection was found in a massive xenoma, in the connective tissue surrounding the gut, which was presumed to be formed from a single hypertrophied cell. Its developmental cycle included merogony and sporogony.  相似文献   
【目的】通过深度测序和组学分析在small RNA组学层面揭示意大利蜜蜂(Apis mellifera ligustica,简称意蜂)响应东方蜜蜂微孢子虫(Nosema ceranae)的免疫应答机制。【方法】利用small RNA-seq技术对正常及N. ceranae胁迫7 d和10 d的意蜂工蜂中肠(Am7CK、Am7T、Am10CK和Am10T)进行深度测序。利用相关生物信息学软件对测序数据进行质控、已知micro RNA (mi RNA)鉴定、新mi RNA预测及mi RNA的结构特征分析。通过Stem-loop RT-PCR验证新mi RNA的表达。按照|log2(Fold change)|≥1和P≤0.05的标准筛选出Am7CKvs.Am7T和Am10CKvs.Am10T比较组的差异表达mi RNA(differentially expressed mi RNA,DEmi RNA)。利用软件预测DEmi RNA靶向结合的m RNA并进行GO和KEGG数据库注释,根据注释信息对细胞和体液免疫相关通路及富集靶m RNA进行统计和分析。根据靶向结合关系构建DEmi RNA和免疫通路相关差异表达m RNA (differentially expressed m RNA,DEm RNA)的调控网络。采用RT-q PCR对数据的可靠性和DEmi RNA的差异表达进行验证。【结果】共获得165895574条原始读段和132028990条有效序列标签,各组的组内Pearson相关性平均在87.92%及以上。共鉴定到928个已知mi RNA和56个新mi RNA。这些mi RNA的长度介于18–28nt,多数的长度为18nt和22nt且首位碱基主要偏向U。验证了12个新mi RNA的真实表达。Am7CKvs.Am7T比较组包含48个上调mi RNA和36个下调mi RNA;Am10CK vs. Am10T比较组包含56个上调mi RNA和51个下调mi RNA。两个比较组的DEmi RNA可分别靶向结合9827个和10720个m RNA。这些靶m RNA可分别注释到50和47条功能条目,以及138和135条KEGG通路。DEmi RNA与免疫通路相关靶m RNA的调控网络分析结果显示,Am7CK vs. Am7T中有26个DEmi RNA靶向与内吞作用等免疫通路相关的10个DEm RNA;Am10CK vs. Am10T中有15个DEmi RNA靶向与MAPK信号通路等免疫通路相关的10个DEm RNA。验证了测序数据和4个DEmi RNA差异表达的可靠性。【结论】研究结果揭示了宿主DEmi RNA可能通过调控物质和能量代谢、细胞和体液免疫对N. ceranae产生应答,但DEmi RNA不参与抗菌肽基因的表达调控;mi R-1-z可能参与宿主的细胞增殖、细胞凋亡和免疫进程;氧化磷酸化通路可能在宿主免疫应答及宿主-病原互作中发挥特殊作用。  相似文献   
Predictions that precocious foraging in honeybee workers is a result of shortening of their life expectancy were tested in both laboratory and field experiments. In the laboratory experiment, we assessed the impact of anaesthesia with CO2 and infection with Nosema apis on the lifespan of workers. In the field experiment, the age at onset of foraging was observed in groups of workers with different expected lifespans. In both the experiments, workers originating from one queen inseminated with the semen of one drone were divided into five groups. The first group was anaesthetized with CO2 on the first day of life. Workers from the other three groups were individually inoculated with a constant number of N. apis spores on the 1st, 6th and 11th days of life. Workers from the fifth control group were neither treated with CO2 nor inoculated in any way. Both the laboratory and field experiments revealed that anaesthetized and infected workers had shorter expected lifespans compared to control bees. Amongst infected workers, those inoculated earlier in life survived for a significantly shorter period of time in comparison to those infected later in life. In agreement with the expectation, the field experiment showed that anaesthetized and infected workers with shorter expected lifespan start foraging earlier than control workers. Amongst the infected workers, age at inoculation correlated with age at onset of foraging. This means that short-lived workers complete safe nest tasks and begin riskier foraging earlier in life. Our results provide a strong support for the hypothesis that the division of labour in eusocial insects is a consequence of the different expected worker lifespan and different risk associated with their tasks; however, they do not contradict other existing explanations.  相似文献   
Globalization has provided opportunities for parasites/pathogens to cross geographic boundaries and expand to new hosts. Recent studies showed that Nosema ceranae, originally considered a microsporidian parasite of Eastern honey bees, Apis cerana, is a disease agent of nosemosis in European honey bees, Apis mellifera, along with the resident species, Nosema apis. Further studies indicated that disease caused by N. ceranae in European honey bees is far more prevalent than that caused by N. apis. In order to gain more insight into the epidemiology of Nosema parasitism in honey bees, we conducted studies to investigate infection of Nosema in its original host, Eastern honey bees, using conventional PCR and duplex real time quantitative PCR methods. Our results showed that A. cerana was infected not only with N. ceranae as previously reported [Fries, I., Feng, F., Silva, A.D., Slemenda, S.B., Pieniazek, N.J., 1996. Nosema ceranae n. sp. (Microspora, Nosematidae), morphological and molecular characterization of a microsporidian parasite of the Asian honey bee Apis cerana (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Eur. J. Protistol. 32, 356-365], but also with N. apis. Both microsporidia produced single and mixed infections. Overall and at each location alone, the prevalence of N. ceranae was higher than that of N. apis. In all cases of mixed infections, the number of N. ceranae gene copies (corresponding to the parasite load) significantly out numbered those of N. apis. Phylogenetic analysis based on a variable region of small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSUrRNA) showed four distinct clades of N. apis and five clades of N. ceranae and that geographical distance does not appear to influence the genetic diversity of Nosema populations. The results from this study demonstrated that duplex real-time qPCR assay developed in this study is a valuable tool for quantitative measurement of Nosema and can be used to monitor the progression of microsprodian infections of honey bees in a timely and cost efficient manner.  相似文献   
Ninety three bumble bees belonging to the genus Bombus, subgenus Pyrobombus (three Bombus vagans, seven Bombus bimaculatus, 17 B. sandersoni and 68 B. impatiens) from Great Smoky Mountains National Park were examined for microsporidia. Light microscopy of calcoflour and trichrome-stained smears, and PCR revealed infection with N. bombi in one specimen each of B. sandersoni and B. impatiens. Sizes and shapes of spores in both N. bombi isolates were similar to those described for European isolates of the microsporidium. A region of the rRNA gene from the B. impatiens isolate (1689 bp, accession GQ254295) aligned with homologous sequences from eight European isolates, with only three variable sites. Sequence variability of this region between novel isolates and the European ones was the same as among European isolates.  相似文献   
蜜蜂微孢子虫(Nosema apis及Nosema ceranae)是微孢子虫的典型代表之一,由它寄生蜜蜂所产生的疾病,称为蜜蜂微孢子虫病。通过目前国际上普遍使用的克隆16srRNA基因(16srDNA)的片段并测序的方法来进行蜜蜂微孢子虫在我国主要养蜂地区的分布情况。结果表明,在我国主要养蜂地区,造成大量西方蜜蜂患蜜蜂微孢子虫病的是东方蜜蜂微孢子虫Nosema ceranae,至今为止未发现过去我们广泛认定的西方蜜蜂微孢子虫Nosema apis。  相似文献   
极管蛋白(Polar tube protein)是极管的主要成分,能特异性定位于微孢子虫极管,在微孢子虫侵染宿主过程中发挥重要作用。文中分析了家蚕微孢子虫极管蛋白1中潜在的O-、N-糖基化修饰位点,克隆了家蚕微孢子虫极管蛋白1全基因序列,并将其插入带有V5和His标签的真核表达载体pMT/Bip/V5-His A中,成功构建了pMT/Bip/V5-His A-NbPTP1重组质粒,经转染果蝇S2细胞后,发现NbPTP1基因能在果蝇细胞中高效表达。此外,Lectin blotting和β-消除反应分析结果表明:果蝇S2细胞内表达的NbPTP1具有O-糖基化修饰特征。以上结果为研究NbPTP1的糖基化修饰特征与其功能之间的关系提供了基础,有助于揭示微孢子虫侵染机制,建立可行有效的微孢子虫病诊断和防治措施。  相似文献   
To date, few organisms have been shown to possess variable ribosomal RNA, otherwise considered a classic example of uniformity by concerted evolution. The polymorphism for the 16S rRNA in Nosema ceranae analysed here is striking as Microsporidia are intracellular parasites which have suffered a strong reduction in their genomes and cellular organization. Moreover, N. ceranae infects the honeybee Apis mellifera, and has been associated with the colony‐loss phenomenon during the last decade. The variants of 16S rRNA include single nucleotide substitutions, one base insertion‐deletion, plus a tetranucleotide indel. We show that different gene variants are expressed. The polymorphic sites tend to be located in particular regions of the rRNA molecule, and the comparison to the Escherichia coli 16S rRNA secondary structure indicates that most variations probably do not preclude ribosomal activity. The fact that the polymorphisms in such a minimal organism as N. ceranae are maintained in samples collected worldwide suggest that the existence of differently expressed rRNA may play an adaptive role in the microsporidian.  相似文献   
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