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In Saxony (southeast Germany), the global early Late Cretaceous transgression is reflected by the onlap of shallow-marine siliciclastics of the lower Upper Cenomanian Oberhäslich Formation (Calycoceras naviculare Zone) onto the eastern Erzgebirge, the central part of the emergent Mid-European Island. Based on detailed logging of sections south of Dresden and the study of extensive collection material, the depositional environment and macroinvertebrate assemblages of the Oberhäslich Formation have been reconstructed. This unit, with a mean thickness of 10–15 m, usually shows a fining-upward trend that may become reversed towards the top, was laid down in a single 3rd-order sea-level cycle and is capped by an unconformity at the base of the overlying upper Upper Cenomanian Dölzschen Formation (sequence boundary Cenomanian 5; junction of the Calycoceras naviculare and Metoicoceras geslinianum zones). The macroinvertebrate assemblage of the Oberhäslich Formation, collected mainly from bioturbated, fine- or rarely medium-grained, quartz-rich sandstones, is fairly diverse, comprising nearly 50 taxa, predominantly bivalves (94.3%). Most conspicuous and abundant are relatively large forms such as Rhynchostreon (R.) suborbiculatum (25%) and Inoceramus pictus spp. (21%), eponymous taxa of the Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum/Inoceramus pictus assemblage. Non-bivalve benthic invertebrates are rare and represented by rather poorly preserved irregular and regular echinoids, siliceous sponges, a few gastropods, crustacean remains and a single starfish. Common Thalassinoides and Ophiomorpha burrows indicate that crustaceans were an important part of the infauna. Pervasive bioturbation resulted in a post-depositional homogenization of the sediments while all body fossils are preserved as (composite) internal moulds. The guild structure of the Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum/Inoceramus pictus assemblage shows a predominance of epifaunal and semi-infaunal suspension feeders (95.3%), suggesting eutrophic and unstable “green-water conditions” of an inner-shelf setting. Deposit-feeding biota are rare. The common occurrence of articulated bivalves and storm-induced shell beds indicate episodic rapid burial, most probably by tempestites. A current-influenced, well-oxygenated and nutrient-rich environment slightly below fair-weather base is inferred for the fine-grained sandy, fossiliferous sediments of the Oberhäslich Formation.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies of the immunoglobulin G (IgG) type have become mainstream therapeutics for the treatment of many life‐threatening diseases. For their successful application in the clinic and a favorable cost‐benefit ratio, the design and formulation of these therapeutic molecules must guarantee long‐term stability for an extended period of time. Accelerated stability studies, e.g., by employing thermal denaturation, have the great potential for enabling high‐throughput screening campaigns to find optimal molecular variants and formulations in a short time. Surprisingly, no validated quantitative analysis of these accelerated studies has been performed yet, which clearly limits their application for predicting IgG stability. Therefore, we have established a quantitative approach for the assessment of the kinetic stability over a broad range of temperatures. To this end, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) experiments were performed with a model IgG, testing chaotropic formulations and an extended temperature range, and they were subsequently analyzed by our recently developed three‐step sequential model of IgG denaturation, consisting of one reversible and two irreversible steps. A critical comparison of the predictions from this model with data obtained by an orthogonal fluorescence probe method, based on 8‐anilinonaphthalene‐1‐sulfonate binding to partially unfolded states, resulted in very good agreement. In summary, our study highlights the validity of this easy‐to‐perform analysis for reliably assessing the kinetic stability of IgGs, which can support accelerated formulation development of monoclonal antibodies by ranking different formulations as well as by improving colloidal stability models.  相似文献   
The seasonal occurrence of the monogenean ectoparasite Gyrodactylus salaris Malmberg infecting Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.) in the two rivers Skibotnelva and Signaldalselva in northern Norway was studied in the period from autumn 2003 to autumn 2005. Skibotnelva has been infected with the parasite since 1979, and treated with rotenone twice. Most likely resident Arctic charr avoided the rotenone treatment in small tributary streams, and thus was the source of the repeated re-infection of this river. G. salaris was first recorded in Signaldalselva in the year 2000 and it is still untreated. Unlike Atlantic salmon, which is highly susceptible to G. salaris, Arctic charr can display a wide range of host-responses to G. salaris infections. Arctic charr were sampled by electro fishing with a total sample of 681 Arctic charr. The results from this study demonstrate an evident seasonal dynamic in G. salaris infection in charr in both rivers. Parasite intensities fluctuated with the rise and fall in temperature through the year, with an autumn high and spring low. There was a significantly lower prevalence and mean intensity of G. salaris in Skibotnelva than in Signaldalselva. There were also a lower prevalence and intensity of G. salaris in the older than in the youngest charr. The different history of infection and treatment in the two rivers might be the underlying cause of these observed dissimilarities. The current study indicates that Arctic charr is a good natural host for G. salaris.  相似文献   
Benthic foraminiferal assemblages belonging to a mixed carbonate–siliciclastic shelf succession of the Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) in the Prebetic, southern Spain, were analyzed. The faunal data, obtained on thin sections of strongly lithified sediments, allowed the detailed differentiation of a foraminiferal morphogroups system to be applied to the interpretation of paleoenvironmental conditions. Eleven morphogroups were differentiated according to shell composition, general morphology, number of chambers and mode of coiling. Paleoenvironmental analysis combines these features with inferred life-style (epifaunal, shallow infaunal and deep infaunal) and feeding strategy (suspension-feeder, deposit-feeder, herbivores, etc.) of the foraminifera. Analogies and differences regarding previously established morphogroup systems could be outlined accordingly.

In the Prebetic Oxfordian, distribution trends of foraminiferal morphogroups allow for a comparison of mid to outer shelf environments occupying the South-Iberian paleomargin, indicating that nutrient supply was the most important factor controlling morphogroup development. The mid shelf settings are dominated by epifaunal active herbivores–phytodetritivores, in shallow to deep substrate position of the redox boundary. The outer shelf is dominated by agglutinated and infaunal detritivore-bacterial scavenger morphogroups revealing a deep substrate position of the redox boundary. Particularly favorable trophic conditions in mid shelf environments are related with higher phytodetritus input from more proximal and shallower shelf areas.  相似文献   

Aim Our main aim is to determine if ring‐width variations in Empetrum hermaphroditum reflect regional or local topoclimate signals in an alpine environment. In the case that topoclimate provides the dominant signal, a secondary aim is to link these to spatial distribution patterns of different vegetation types. Location The study area is situated in the middle alpine belt in the Vågåmo region, Central Norwegian Scandes. Sampling sites cover different topoclimates: ridges, north‐facing slopes and south‐facing slopes. Methods We constructed ring‐width chronologies of E. hermaphroditum for each type of microsite for the common period 1951–2004. Climate data were prepared on an hourly, daily and growing‐season time scale. Climate–growth relationships were evaluated using bivariate correlations and regression tree methods for continuous time‐series analyses. In addition, extreme growth anomalies (pointer years) were compared with the climate conditions in those years. The impact of water supply on wood anatomy was determined by correlating the conductive area (percentage of vessel per growth ring) with a running mean (sum) of 10‐day intervals for temperature and precipitation. Results This study indicates that mean summer (June–August) temperatures determine the width of the growth rings of E. hermaphroditum irrespective of topoclimate. The length of the growing season, which is the most differentiating climatic factor between microsites, does not substantially alter the anatomical ring structure. Microsite differences in mean growth rates are attributed to the higher frequency of warm days. Extremely warm days limit ring‐width development at south‐facing slopes, while plants at ridges and north‐facing slopes still benefit from higher temperatures. As a consequence, pointer years are not developed synchronously at all microsites. Vessel formation is affected by available moisture, especially in the later part of the growing season. Main conclusions Topoclimate induces slight modifications of annual growth‐ring increments of E. hermaphroditum at different microsites. In contrast to the distribution patterns of vegetation types that are determined by snow cover, growth‐ring variations are related to summer temperature conditions, and the prominent regional climate signal is still reflected at all microsites. This offers the opportunity to reconstruct climatic change in alpine regions from dwarf shrub ring‐width chronologies.  相似文献   
目的:探讨重组人尿激酶原(rhPro-UK)冻干产品的稳定性。方法:采用S-2444发色底物法测定贮存在4℃和-20℃的rhPro-UK冻干产品的活性、单链比例随时间的变化规律;用SDS-PAGE及RP-HPLC肽图分析贮存在-20℃的rhPro-UK冻干产品的结构与组成的变化。结果:4℃保存3年后的rhPro-UK冻干产品的总活性和单链比例基本没有变化,但随着贮存时间的延长,有部分产品降解,如贮存78个月的样品,总活性可降低13%~15%;-20℃保存78个月后,rhPro-UK冻干产品的总活性和单链比例未见明显变化。SDS-PAGE及RP-HPLC肽图图谱显示,-20℃贮存78个月后的rhPro-UK冻干产品的组成和结构没有变化。结论:rhPro-UK冻干产品在4℃的贮存寿命可达3年;长期贮存于-20℃的rhPro-UK冻干产品,其总活性、单链比例及结构组成非常稳定。  相似文献   
The seafloor of two Norwegian fjords (Lurefjord and Sognefjord) was studied using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). Two large sea anemone species, Actinostola callosa and Bolocera tuediae, are part of the benthic fauna of these fjords. The first species is the most abundant in the Lurefjord north of Bergen. A special linear model to calculate the distances between specimens was constructed using the Geographic Information System data from the ROV. A. callosa was found to be medusivorous. Its biomass and high abundance seem to be correlated with a mass occurrence of its important local prey, the coronate medusa Periphylla periphylla.Communicated by H.-D. Franke  相似文献   
In the present study we investigated four variables using factorial design to decide if any of these could explain the variations in the control measurements of interstitial fluid pressure (Pif) in rat trachea that were experienced. This approach requires only a fraction of the animals normally needed when studying each factor separately. Pif in tracheal tissue was measured with the servocontrolled counterpressure system using sharpened micropipettes. The measurements were performed over a period of 60 min and are presented as mean for every 15 min period. The factors investigated in the study were: three strains of female rats (Strain) two brands of diets (Food); two breeder companies (Source); and finally two batches of the same set of animals to repeat the experiment twice (Week), using a total of 48 animals. There was a highly significant effect within Strain the first week (p=0.007), but this response was not observed the second week. The interaction between Strain×Week was significant (p=0.007) while the main effects Strain or Week alone were not significant. The response pattern for Strain and Food was inconsistent for the two experimental weeks studied. These experiments made it possible for us to simultaneously test several factors and exclude these factors as the reason for the observed changes in our experiments since the experiments did not allow the conclusion that one or several of these factors could explain the variation in Pif.  相似文献   
Exploitation of groundfish off the U.S. Pacific coast reached maximum levels during the 1990s, resulting in severe declines in at least nine species of groundfish. From 1988 to 1990, we used the 2-man submersible Delta to make 42 dives and run replicate visual belt transects at six stations ranging from 67-360 m in depth at Heceta Bank on the outer continental shelf of Oregon. We identified four major habitats and associated benthic macroinvertebrate and groundfish assemblages: (1) shallow rock ridges and large boulders (< 100 m deep) dominated by basket stars, juvenile rockfishes, yelloweye rockfish, and lingcod; (2) mid-depth small boulder-cobbles (100-150 m) dominated by crinoids, brittle stars, rosethorn, pygmy/Puget sound, and canary rockfishes; (3) deep cobble (150-200 m) dominated by crinoids, brittle stars and various small rockfish species, and (4) deep mud slope (> 200 m) dominated by fragile urchins, sea cucumbers, shortspine thornyhead, and flatfishes. Although substantial interannual variation in groundfish abundance among seafloor types was evident in the 12 most abundant and/or commercially important fish taxa sampled, high variance resulted in statistically significant differences among years only in juvenile rockfishes. These data provide a baseline for future comparisons exploring long-term change this continental-shelf ecosystem.  相似文献   
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