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Summary During five different periods between Nov. 1982 and Aug. 1983, the diurnal patterns exhibited in photosynthetic CO2 uptake and stomatal conductance were observed under natural conditions on twigs of Cistus salvifolius, a Mediterranean semi-deciduous shrub which retains a significant proportion of its leaves through the summer drought. During the same periods, net photosynthesis at saturating CO2 partial pressure was measured on the same twigs as a function of irradiance at different temperatures. From these data, photosynthetic capacity, defined here as the CO2- and light-saturated net photosynthesis rate, was obtained as a function of leaf temperature. C. salvifolius is a winter growing species, shoot growth being initiated in Nov. and continuing through May. Photosynthetic capacity was quite high in Nov., March and June, exceeding 40 mol m-2 s-1 at optimum temperature. In Dec., photosynthetic capacity was somewhat reduced, perhaps due to low night-time temperatures (<5°C) during the measurement period. In Aug., capacity in oversummering shoots at optimum temperature fell to less than 8 mol m-2 s-1, due to water trees and perhaps leaf aging. Seasonal changes in maximal photosynthetic rates under ambient conditions were similar, and like those found in co-occurring evergreen sclerophylls. Like the evergreens, Cistus demonstrated considerable stomatal control of transpirational water loss, particularly in oversummering leaves. During each measurement period except Aug. when capacity was quite low, the maximum rates of net photosynthesis measured under ambient conditions were less than half the measured photosynthetic capacities at comparable temperatures, suggesting an apparent excess nitrogen investment in the photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   
The fate of15N labeled nitrogen applied to mature citrus trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The efficiency and balance of nitrogen from one year's application was studied in a long-term fertigation experiment. Enriched nitrogen fertilizer, K15NO3, was applied to a 22-year-old Shamouti orange tree with a history of high N applications (N3) and to an N-starved tree (N1). The distribution of N in the different parts of the trees and in the soil was determined after the experimental trees were excavated. Similar total recovery of the labeled fertilizer N was found in the trees and soil in both treatments (N1−61.7% N3−56%). However, the distribution between tree and soil was different. The amount of recovered residual fertilizer in the soil was much larger in the N3 treatment than in N1. The highest percentage of fertilizer N was found in the new organs,i.e. fruits, twigs and leaves. The roots and branches took up only 6–14% from the labeled fertilizer. Only 20.9% of the leaf N and 23.4% of the fruit N in the N3 tree originated in the labeled fertilizer, indicating translocation of N from older parts of the tree to new growth. Evidence was found of storage of N in the wooded branches, while the roots contained a surprisingly small part of labeled fertilizer. Contribution 1599E.  相似文献   
The syntypes ofBromus madritensis var.delilei Boiss. comprise two different elements: specimens ofB. haussknechtii Boiss. and ofB. fasciculatus C. Presl s.l. By its lectotypification and on the basis of new morphological characters, the validation ofB. fasciculatus subsp.delilei (Boiss.)H. Scholz 1971 was substantiated. This subspecies represents the eastern marginal segregate of the south-Mediterranean species.B. fasciculatus var.alexandrinus Thell. is a minor variant of the typical subspecies.Dedicated to Prof.K. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   
The morphology, altitudinal distribution and phytocoenology ofHypericum empetrifolium Willd., var.oliganthum Rech. fil. and var.tortuosum Rech. fil. are reassessed and as a result, the taxa are treated at subspecific rank. Essential characters proved to be growth form, number of flowers, foliage and epidermal surface characters, shape of seeds and testa sculpturing.The different growth forms can be interpreted as adaptations to the local habitats.Hypericum empetrifolium Willd. subsp.empetrifolium is a low subshrub of various vegetation types known as phrygana whereasHypericum empetrifolium Willd. subsp.oliganthum (Rech. f.)Hagemann grows as a cushion-like dwarf shrub in chasmophyte associations rich in relic species.Hypericum empetrifolium Willd. subsp.tortuosum (Rech. f.)Hagemann is confined in the high mountain regions and grows as a true dwarf espalier shrub with low spreading shoots.Dedicated to Hofrat Univ.-Prof. DrK. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   
When mature larvae of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) pupated in bran rather than naked there was an increase in adult eclosion, but no difference in 9 day pupal weight, 9 day lipid content, or flight ability. There was no difference when pupation occurred at 20 or 25°C. Pupation in sand at 20°C caused severe mortality, while pupation in sand at 25°C did not. Data are presented which favour naked pupation over pupation in any medium, and evidence is presented which indicates that collection of mature larvae in a rotary tumbler rather than by the conventional popping method is economically preferable and is without significant biologically adverse effects.
Résumé Si des larves mûres de Ceratitis capitata se nymphosent dans du son ou à l'air libre, dans le premier cas le taux d'éclosions est plus élevé, mais le poids et la teneur en lipides au neuvième jour de nymphose ainsi que l'aptitude au vol sont identiques dans les deux. Il n'y a pas de différences pour les pupaisons à 20°C et 25°C, mais la pupaison dans le sable à 20°C provoque une forte mortalité, tandis qu'à 25°C le sable n'a aucun effet. Les résultats obtenus sont favorable à une pupaison à nu plutôt que dans un substrat, et des arguments sont apportés montrant que la collecte des larves mûres dans un culbuteur rotatif ne provoque significativement pas plus d'effets nocifs que la méthode classique du saut.
Synopsis The assertion has been made by Halliday (1987) that trends in size and age at maturity of Atlantic groundfish published by Beacham (1983a, b, c, d, e, f) are artifacts induced by errors in determining the sex of an individual, distinguishing between immature and mature fish, sampling fish outside of the regular spawning season, and by nonrandom sampling of the population. In particular, Halliday asserts that for the Atlantic argentine,Argentina silus analysis, the conclusions of Beacham (1983a) that: (1) median length at sexual maturity declined over time; and (2) males matured at older ages than did females are invalid owing to biases in both sampling and analysis. In fact, if some of the biases indicated by Halliday were significant, then the decline in median length at sexual maturity is enhanced and the conclusions of Beacham (1983a) reinforced. Size and age at sexual maturity are dynamic characters in many vertebrate populations, and the fact that they should change for Atlantic groundfish should not be surprising given variable exploitation patterns in the fisheries since 1960.  相似文献   
Fifty-six compounds from the odor of calling, sexually mature, laboratory reared males of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) were isolated by headspace trapping on Tenax columns and identified using GC/MS techniques (69 total compounds were detected). Electroantennogram responses (EAGs) to 54 of the 56 identified compounds as well as 5 analogs were tested on both sexes. Significant differences between the sexes in their responsiveness were found in 9 of the 54 identified compounds tested. There was no correlation between the amplitude of the EAG response and the relative abundance of compound identified from headspace analysis. Of the five major identified components, three elicited relatively small EAG responses, while two elicited large EAGs compared to the hexan-1-ol standard. The relative ranking of EAG responses were: methyl and ethyl hexenoates and hexanoates > C4–C6 esters and/or acetates > ethyl and methyl octenoates > monoterpenes > sesquiterpenes > C2–C5 acetates, alcohols and ketones. Behavioral bioassays on each of the five major identified components as well as a blend of six of the compounds showed some degree of attractancy to virgin females which in some cases approached the response to a pheromonal standard (male odors absorbed onto filter paper). These results are discussed in relationship to the insect's antennal sensitivity to putative pheromone components and/or allomonal components and to other reported C. capitata pheromone studies.
Résumé Cinquante-six composés de l'odeur de mâles de C. capitata Weidemann, élevés en laboratoire, sexuellement mûrs et en appel, ont été isolés par piégeage sur colonnes tenax et identifiés par la technique GC/MS (69 composés avaient été détectés en tout). Les électroantennogrammes (EAGs) ont été examinés chez les deux sexes pour 54 des 56 composés identifiés et 5 de leurs analogues. Des différences significatives entre les sexes ont été observées pour 9 des 54 composés identifiés. Il n'y avait pas de corrélation entre l'ampleur de l'EAG et l'abondance relative du composé lors de son isolement. Pour les 5 principaux composés identifiés, 3 ont induit des EAGs relativement faibles, tandis que 2 étaient importants, par comparaison avec l'Hexane-1-ol utilisé comme témoin. Le classement relatif des EAG a été: hexénoates et hexanoates d'éthyl et de méthyl C4–C6 esters et/ou acétates octénoates d'éthyl ou de méthyl monoterpènes sesquiterpènes C2–C5 acétates, alcools et kétones. Les expériences de comportement avec chacun des 5 composés principaux identifiés, comme avec des mélanges de 6 composés ont mis en évidence une attraction des femelles vierges qui dans quelques cas avoisine la réponse à la phéromone témoin (odeur du mâle absorbée sur papier filtre). Ces résultats sont discutés en fonction de la sensibilité de l'antenne d'insexte aux composés supposés de la phéromone et aux composés allomonaux, et en fonction des autres études connues sur les phéromones de C. capitata.
This essay examines ritual and ceremonial activities among the Arawakspeaking Wakuénai of the Venezuelan Amazon as processes of constructing power relations in changing historical and ecological conditions. Ritual evocations of the vertical dimension of power relations between mythic ancestors and human descendants adapt local populations to conditions of relatively severe stress, such as epidemics and scarcity of fish in long wet seasons. Other rituals evoke the horizontal dimension of power relations between affinally-related groups as a way of expanding the local descent group in conditions of lowered stress. These two ways of exercising ritual power link human populations to specific natural habitats and provide flexibility needed to adjust to demographic and other historical changes. Through ritual performances, the Wakuénai transform the natural environment into a cultural landscape of socialized objects and, conversely, remember the history of political relations among peoples through spirit-naming of natural species, objects, places, and geographic landmarks.  相似文献   
A nonmetric trait, known as the supra-acetabular fossa and groove, is described for European Upper Paleolithic and mesolithic populations. This morphological feature consists of a pit posterior or superior to the anterior-inferior iliac spine and an associated groove which arcs over the roof of the acetabulum. Presence of the trait seems to be primarily related to the origin of the reflected head of rectus femoris. The trait is variable in its expression, shows an increase in definition with age, and occurs equally in males and females. Although the trait is commonly found in pre-Upper Paleolithic hominids, it is extremely rare in the Upper Paleolithic, limited to a single occurrence in the Oberkassel 2 female. In the Mesolithic, except for two innominates from Vlasac (Yugoslavia), the trait is found only in NW European populations, especially Skateholm (Sweden) and Henriksholm-Bøgebakken (Denmark) where it occurs in more than 50% of the known pelves. Given the trait’s restricted geographic distribution and high occurrence in Skateholm and Henriksholm-Bøgebakken, it is suggested the supra-acetabular fossa and groove represents a skeletal marker for NW European Mesolithic populations. As such, it provides evidence for the development of social territories in the early Holocene.  相似文献   
Summary There is much more variation in the composition of bird communities in the earlier open and semi-open seral stages of ecological successions in forested landscapes of Europe than later on in preforested and forested climactic stages. The demonstration of this trend is achieved from the study of four habitat gradients, two in the mediterranean region (Provence and Corsica) and two in central Europe (Burgundy, France and Poland). A multivariate analysis has been used to illustrate the dynamics of communities along these succession. Displays of the results in bivariate space as well as an illustration of the distributional profiles of some of the most characteristic species show that: i) there is a discrimination between the two mediterranean gradients and the two medioeuropean ones and ii) each succession starts with a very distinct set of species and then the four gradients regularly converge in the last climactic stage where there is almost no discrimination between communities. These results are discussed in the light of the history of European biotas during the Pleistocene. The reason why there is more variation in species composition in the earlier seral stages than in the later forested stages are discussed according to current theories on the role of habitat selection on speciation processes.  相似文献   
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