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Aim This study aims to document the floristic changes that occurred in Iceland between 15 and 6 Ma and to establish the dispersal mechanisms for the plant taxa encountered. Using changing patterns of dispersal, two factors controlling floristic changes are tested. Possible factors are (1) climate change, and (2) the changing biogeography of Iceland over the time interval studied; that is, the presence or absence of a Miocene North Atlantic Land Bridge. Location The North Atlantic. Methods Species lists of fossil plants from Iceland in the time period 15 to 6 Ma were compiled using published data and new data. Closest living analogues were used to establish dispersal properties for the fossil taxa. Dispersal mechanisms of fossil plants were then used to reconstruct how Iceland was colonized during various periods. Results Miocene floras of Iceland (15–6 Ma) show relatively high floristic turnover from the oldest floras towards the youngest; and few taxa from the oldest floras persist in the younger floras. The frequencies of the various dispersal mechanisms seen in the 15‐Ma floras are quite different from those recorded in the 6‐Ma floras, and there is a gradual change in the prevailing mode of dispersal from short‐distance anemochory and dyschory to long‐distance anemochory. Two mechanisms can be used to explain changing floral composition: (1) climate change, and (2) the interaction between the dispersal mechanisms of plants and the increasing isolation of proto‐Iceland during the Miocene. Main conclusions Dispersal mechanisms can be used to extract palaeogeographic signals from fossil floras. The composition of floras and dispersal mechanisms indicate that Iceland was connected both to Greenland and to Europe in the early Middle Miocene, allowing transcontinental migration. The change in prevalence of dispersal modes from 15 to 6 Ma appears to reflect the break‐up of a land bridge and the increasing isolation of Iceland after 12 Ma. Concurrent gradual cooling and isolation caused changes in species composition. Specifically, the widening of the North Atlantic Ocean prevented taxa with limited dispersal capability from colonizing Iceland, while climate cooling led to the extinction of thermophilous taxa.  相似文献   
It is difficult to completely understand the life history of an intellectual excluding an understanding of his family upbringing and formative years. Family upbringing and childhood environment, often the less known part of a life history, play crucial roles in shaping the ideas and values individuals espouse in their adult life. Notwithstanding, this paper is not concerned with Don C. Ohadike’s childhood. It rather focuses on the professional career of our able historian – that is the part of his life as revealed by his most outstanding published writings. Ohadike’s published works contain a wellspring of idioms that tell much about his values, quality of mind, and his mission as an African historian. Ohadike was a humanist, an African patriot, and a nationalist crusader. His entire philosophy centered on safeguarding his African identity in an emergent world of cultural imperialism. The funds for this research were provided by a NEH-funded fellowship at the Schomburg Center, New York in the Spring of 2007. I owe a lot of gratitude to Professor John McLeod and Dean Blaine Hudson for granting me the extra incentives to pursue my research in New York. While all errors and misinterpretations are mine, I wish to thank the editors and anonymous reviewers for Journal of Dialectical Anthropology for their perspective comments and suggestions on earlier drafts of this paper.  相似文献   
A. H. Coetzer 《Hydrobiologia》1987,144(3):193-210
Paramesochra mielkei sp.n. is described and figured from the interstices of subtidal sandy sediments off the SW Dutch coast. Kunz' (1981) phylogenetic scheme of the Paramesochridae Lang, 1948 is re-examined and it is suggested that the family comprises two phyletic lines which originated early in paramesochrid evolution. Translation into Linnean hierarchies implies the establishment of two new sub-families. Within the primitive Diarthrodellinae subfam. n., Tisbisoma Bozic, 1964 is ancestral to Diarthrodella Klie, 1949 s.l. and Rossopsyllus Soyer, 1975. Remanea Klie, 1929 is transferred to the Paramesochrinae subfam. n. which comprises the genera of both the Scottopsyllus- and the Paramesochra-group. The aberrant genus Caligopsyllus Kunz, 1975, standing close to Apodopsyllus, is removed from the Paramesochra-group. P. brevifurca Galhano, 1970 is splitted into two subspecies and replaced in the genus Paramesochra. An attempt is made to assess the phyletic interrelationships of the Paramesochra-species and the resulting cladogram splits the genus into four species-groups. P. mielkei sp.n. is referred to the dubia-group and seems to be closely related to P. borealis Geddes, 1981. Finally, an amended diagnosis and a revised key to the species of the genus Paramesochra are presented.  相似文献   
Most of the exploited fish stocks in the North Sea are also used as a food supply by a number of seal species; the same is true for some fish and invertebrate stocks in the Antarctic—although the fisheries there are, at present, much smaller than those in the North Sea. The information needed for a critical assessment of such interactions is reviewed. Using existing techniques it is possible to estimate the quantity and size-classes of each fish or invertebrate species consumed by seals and to compare this with the commercial catch. If fishing mortality is known, these estimates can be used to calculate the level of mortality imposed by the seals. However, a realistic evaluation requires information on the distribution and movements of the fish, the seals' feeding effort, and the fisheries effort in time and space. At present it is difficult or impossible to obtain this information, but recent technological developments in telemetry equipment will soon make it feasible. To assess the economic effects of changes in seal numbers on the fishery, or the ecological effects of changes in fisheries effort on seal populations, requires additional information on the responses of the fishery and the seals to changes in fish abundance, and of the commercial market to changes in the supply of fish.  相似文献   
A macromorphological study is made on taxa of the genusOrnithogalum subg.Heliocharmos in North Africa, Spain, and France. The results obtained are consistent with data from cytogenetics, reproductive biology and strategies of reproduction. They allow the retention of two species:O. algeriense andO. umbellatum. A biogeographical and phylogenetic interpretation of the subgenus is proposed for the western Mediterranean. Theoretical views on phenetics are discussed.  相似文献   
Volker Nicolai 《Oecologia》1991,88(1):132-137
Summary The arthropod communities living on the bark of the oak species Quercus macrocarpa and Q. ellipsoidalis were investigated in a North American oak savanna. Differences were found in the community structure of the arthropods living on the bark of these two tree species, although they have the same fissured bark type. In the North American oak savanna ecosystem the most important disturbance factor is fire, which maintains species richness. Highest numbers of species and specimens were found at moderately disturbed sites. Three main ecological groups of arthropods living on the bark of trees can be distinguished in relation to the degree of disturbance: (1) Inhabitants of bark of trees restricted to undisturbed sites: they do not occur in fire-disturbed areas; (2) Inhabitants of bark of trees adapted to a moderate degree of disturbance: many species occur in high numbers only in moderately disturbed areas; and (3) Specialist inhabitants of bark of trees in heavily disturbed areas. The number of specimens of these species increases per trunk with the frequency of disturbance.  相似文献   
C. M. Brasier 《Mycopathologia》1991,115(3):151-161
The aggressive subgroup of the Dutch elm disease pathogen Ophiostoma ulmi (Buism.) Nannf. syn. Ceratocystis ulmi (Buism.) Moreau is named as a new species, O. novo-ulmi, and is thereby separated from the old non-aggressive subgroup, which is retained as O. ulmi. O. novo-ulmi differs from O. ulmi in colony morphology, growth rate, optimum temperature for growth, perithecial neck length, pathogenicity to elm, bark colonising ability, cerato-ulmin protein production, synnemetal and protoperithecial production, mating type frequency, protein and isozyme polymorphisms, mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA polymorphisms, and mitochondrial DNA size. In addition, a strong unidirectional fertility barrier operates between the two species, while their hybrids show remarkable variation, poor fitness, and many are infertile. These aspects are summarised. New information on perithecial dimensions is presented. O. ulmi is redefined and a neotype designated. The status of the Eurasian and North American races of O. novo-ulmi is currently under investigation.Abbreviations EAN Eurasian race - NAN North American race  相似文献   
In a 1 ha haricot bean (HB) (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) field strip-cropped with 2 rows of maize (MZ) (Zea mays L.) on either side and then at 25 m intervals, the number of African bollworm (ABW) (Heliothis armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)) eggs + larvae on MZ was higher than that on HB by a factor of nearly 18. In a replicated experiment where five trap crops were compared with HB, as a check, all of them contained significantly greater numbers of ABW eggs + larvae than the check. Among the crops tested, lupin (LP) (Lupinus termis Forsk.) and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) followed by hyacinth bean (Dolichos lalab L.) contained the highest ABW egg + larval population while sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) contained the lowest; MZ was intermediate. On the other hand, HB plots bordered with MZ suffered significantly lower percent pod damage by ABW than did the check. Although grain yield differences among treatments were not significant, MZ-bordered plots gave nearly 22% higher yield than the check during the heavy ABW infestation in 1982. These differences were less obvious during the 1983 season because of low ABW infestation. In hot pepper (Capsicum spp.) strip-cropped with lupin, egg + larval counts on the latter were greater by a factor of nearly four in 1981 and 18 in 1982. It is concluded that trap-cropping has a great potential in the integrated management of ABW.
Résumé En 1981, dans un champ de haricot (Phaseolus vulgaris), des cultures pièges de maïs (Zea mays) ont été semées en rangs doubles tous les 25 m et de chaque côté du champ, soit un total de 5 rangs doubles. Le nombre d'H. armigera (oeufs + chenilles) a été près de 18 fois plus élevé sur maïs que sur haricot.En 1982 et 1983, l'attractivité de 5 cultures pièges: Dolichos lablab, Lupinus termis, Z. mays, Cajanus cajan et Helianthus annuus, a été comparée à celle du haricot. Toutes ces plantes portaient un nombre d'oeufs et de chenilles supérieur au témoin (P. vulgaris). L'ordre décroissant des contaminations était: L. termis, C. cajan, D. lablab, Z. mays et H. annuus. Les rangs de P. vulgaris bordés par des rangs de Z. mays étaient moins contaminés que les témoins. Bien que les différences de rendements en graines suivant les expériences n'aient pas été significatives, les parcelles bordées de maïs ont fourni une récolte supérieure de 22%, pendant l'année 1982, où la contamination par H. armigera a été forte. En 1983, où l'infestation a été faible, les différences étaient moins claires.En 1981 et 1982, 5 rangs de L. tremis à 25 m d'intervalle ont été utilisés comme pièges pour protéger le piment fort (Capsicum spp.). Les décomptes d'oeufs et de chenilles ont été respectivement près de 4 et 18 fois plus élevés.La conclusion est que les cultures pièges ont un grand avenir dans la lutte intégrée contre H. armigera.
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