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The acrosome reaction induced by the mouse egg's zona pcllucida in mouse sperm has been shown to proceed in two stages as characterized empirically by sequential changes in patterns of chlorletracycline fluorescence on the sperm plasma membrane surfaces. The chlortctracy-cline fluorescence pattern characteristic of fully intact sperm is designated B:in sperm bound to structurally intact zonae that induce the acrosome reaction, the B pattern changes first to an intermediate pattern S and then to a terminal pattern AR characteristic of the completed acrosome reaction. In the same study, it was shown, using a 9-amino acridine fluorescent pH probe, that completion of the first stage was characterized by increase in H+ permeability such that the H+ gradient between sperm head and medium was dissipated. In this study, we show that the fluorescent pH probe 9-N-dodecylamino acridine and the intracellular Ca2+ fluores cent probe fura-2 are both localized to the anterior part of the sperm head encompassing the acrosomal compartment in intact sperm, and the fluorescence associated with each probe is lost as the first stage of the acrosome reaction is completed. Loss of the pH probe fluorescence, pattern N, corresponds to onset of H+ permeability, and loss of fura-2 fluorescence, pattern F, corresponds to onset of Ca2+ permeability. Localization of intracellular fura-2 fluorescence to the acrosomal compartment required extracellular Mn2+ to quench surface-bound fura-2 AM, the tetra-acetoxymethyl ester of fura-2 used to load the cells. Loss of acrosomal fura-2 fluorescence is due to quenching by tracer Mn2+ accompanying Ca2+. Onset of membrane permeability to both H+ and Ca2+, asseenby loss of patterns N and F, occurred in synchrony in populations of sperm bound to isolated, structurally intact zonae, with an overall time coursfe of 210 min postbinding. The loss of pattern N in individual sperm cells bound to zonae was rapid, with a half time of 2.1 min. Concomitant with this rapid loss of pattern N was a shift in the amplitude of flagellar motion from large to small. The lag times to pattern N loss in 50 individual cells ranged from 30 to 140 min. The variable lag times determine the population kinetics; the rate of the endpoinl reaction seen in the individual cells is rapid and constant. Dissipation of the H+ gradient with immediate loss of pattern N was readily achieved by addition of nigericin with no change in the time course of the onset of Ca2+ permeability of the membranes enclcsing the acrasome. Onset of Ca2+ permeability was always accompanied by onset of H+ permeability, but the alkalinization caused by H+ permeability induced by nigericin had no effect on Ca2+ permeability in intact sperm. This indicates that the permeabilization of the membranes marking the endpoint reaction of the B-to-S transition is most likely due to pore formation induced by punctate fusion of the plasma and outer acrasomal membranes, as would be expected for an exocytotic reaction.  相似文献   
Microscopic spectrofluorimetry with acridine orange and 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate was used to assess the levels of translationally active rRNA (parameter α’, red/green emission ratio) and protein synthesis (parameter β, blue/green) in peripheral blood lymphocytes during rabbit immunization with ovalbumin. The averaged α’ and β changed synchronously and increased maximally after the third booster injection. At the height of the immune response, the distributions of lymphocytes in either parameter were broad and polymodal, suggesting differential activation of particular subpopulations. This two-dye, three-color assay holds much promise for monitoring the functional state of various cells.  相似文献   
The interactions of DNA-binding dyes (Hoechst 33258, DAPI, acridine orange) and DiBAC4(3) with hyperthermophilic archaeon Aeropyrum pernix cells were investigated by the combination of calorimetric, spectroscopic and microscopic techniques. All of the dyes, studied here, affect the thermal stability of DNA in vivo and in vitro. Hoechst 33258 is highly DNA-specific probe, which does not affect the thermal transitions of other cellular components as can be detected by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Due to this unique property, it can be used as a potential DNA marker for in vivo DSC studies. The localization of the dyes in the cells and viability assay was revealed by fluorescence microscopy. Hoechst 33258, DAPI and acridine orange did not distinguish between viable and non-viable cells of Aeropyrum pernix. Only with the commercially available Live/Dead BacLightTM kit we were able to discriminate viable and non-viable Aeropyrum pernix cells.  相似文献   
Summary The accumulation of neutral red and acridine orange, to indicate differences in vacuolar pH, was studied during embryogenesis of carrot. Neutral red accumulated barely in proembryogenic masses, but was present conspicuously in globular-shaped somatic embryos. From the late globular to the torpedo-shaped stage, it was mainly found in the root side of the somatic embryo. Here, neutral red was predominantly present in large dark-red to purple stained vesicles. In the cotyledons neutral red was found in small orange vesicles. In zygotic embryos of carrot, the dye was uniformly distributed with no specific localization in organelles. During germination, however, neutral red accumulated mainly in regions in the root side and the hypocotyl of the germling. Acridine orange was dispersed erratically in proembryogenic masses with a great variety in intensity. It was quite obviously present in early stages of somatic embryogenesis and restricted to the root side in late globular to torpedo-shaped embryos. Confocal images revealed the vacuolar presence of the fluorescence and the predominant presence in the protoderm. During germination of zygotic embryos the signal changed from uniform to localized, with sharp borders between fluorescent and non-fluorescent regions. Two to three days after the beginning of germination, acridine orange accumulated preferentially in the root tip of the germling. Differences between somatic and zygotic embryos and similarities between somatic embryogenesis and zygotic embryo germination are discussed.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - pHc cytosolic pH - pHe extracellular pH - pHv vacuolar pH  相似文献   
A sensitive and rapid method for detection and quantitative determination of pyrrolizidine alkaloids is presented. It is based on stoichiometric reaction of protonated alkaloids with methyl orange, followed by a release of the latter from the complex. The color intensity of the dye is assessed visually or spectrophotometrically. The method easily detects alkaloids at a concentration of 0.5 μg/ml. The sensitivity of the quantitative assay ranges from 0.006 to 0.045 μmol/ml (from about 2 to 15μg/ml). The method proved to be especially useful during extraction, purification, and separation of minor pyrrolizidine alkaloids.  相似文献   
Using acridine orange as a pH gradient probe, the effects of valinomycin and FCCP on the pH gradient across lysosomal membranes in an ATP-free medium as well as on the rate of the inward ATP-driven proton translocation were investigated. Both lysosome-enriched and highly purified lysosomal preparations from rat liver were used with identical results. Ionophore effects were found to be different depending upon whether passive ion fluxes or ATP-driven H+ translocation were involved and supported the existence of a membrane potential in the latter case. Anions stimulated the rate of ATP-driven proton translocation and stimulation increased with increasing anion lipophilicity. These results strongly support the electrogenic nature of the lysosomal proton pump.  相似文献   
本研究分离鉴定了来自赣南脐橙基地橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)雌性和雄性成虫生殖系统中的可培养细菌.采用LB培养基分离纯化和菌株16S rRNA基因序列分析相结合的方法,从饲养10 d的橘小实蝇雌雄成虫生殖系统,获得15株具有不同表观特征的细菌,分属变形菌门Proteobacteria...  相似文献   
Abstract Mycochromone, a metabolite produced by Mycosphaerella rosigena, inhibits the ATP-dependent proton translocation and the ATP-generated electrical potential in pea stem tonoplast-enriched vesicles, without affecting the H+/K+ exchange induced by nigericin or an artificially imposed proton gradient. The inhibition is dependent on the time of pre-incubation and mycochromone concentration. In addition, mycochromone inhibits the ATP-dependent proton translocation in radish plasma membrane-enriched vesicles, though it does not alter ATPase activity (evaluated by hydrolysis of ATP) in either type of plant vesicle. Mycochromone seems to act on the H+ channels for proton translocation of the H+-pumping ATPase localized on plasmalemma and tonoplast, without affecting the catalytic site of ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   
Recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) is the erythropoiesis-stimulating hormone that is being used concurrently with chemotherapeutic drugs in the treatment of anemia of cancer. The effect of rHuEPO on cancer cells in 3-dimensional (3D) cultures is not known. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of rHuEPO on the viability of MCF-7 breast cancer cells from 2-dimensional (2D) and 3D cell cultures. The monolayer MCF-7 cells from 2D culture and MCF-7 cell from 3D culture generated by ultra-low adhesive microplate technique, were treated with 0, 0.1, 10, 100 or 200 IU/mL rHuEPO for 24, 48 or 72 h. The effects of rHuEPO on MCF-7 cell viability and proliferation were determined using the (4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide assay (MTT), neutral red retention time (NRRT), trypan blue exclusion assay (TBE), DNA fragmentation, acridine orange/propidium iodide staining (AO/PI) assays. The MCF-7 cells for 3D culture were also subjected to caspase assays and cell cycle analysis using flow cytometry. rHuEPO appeared to have greater effect at lowering the viability of MCF-7 cells from 3D than 2D cultures.rHuEPO significantly (p < 0.05) decreased viability and down-regulated the caspase activities of 3D MCF-7 cells in dose- and time-dependent manner. The cell cycle analysis showed that rHuEPO caused MCF-7 cells to enter the subG0/G1 phase. Thus, the study suggests that rHuEPO has a cytostatic effect on the MCF-7 breast cancer cells from 3D culture.  相似文献   
Metabolites of azo dyes are often carcinogenic, teratogenic, mutagenic and recalcitrant in nature. In this study, four biofilm consortia such as C1 (Vitreoscilla sp. ENSG301, Acinetobacter lwoffii ENSG302, Klebsiella pneumoniae ENSG303 and Pseudomonas fluorescens ENSG304), C2 (Escherichia coli ENSD101, Enterobacter asburiae ENSD102 and E. ludwigii ENSH201), C3 (E. asburiae ENSD102, Vitreoscilla sp. ENSG301 and Bacillus thuringiensis ENSW401), and C4 (E. coli ENSD101, E. ludwigii ENSH201 and B. thuringiensis ENSW401) were applied to degrade and detoxify methyl orange (MO), a carcinogenic, sulfonated mono azo dye, used in textile dyeing industry worldwide. The consortia of C1, C2, C3 and C4 showed 97.30, 98.75, 99.51 and 99.29% decolorization, respectively in yeast extract peptone (YEP) broth containing 200 mg L−1 MO within 60 h of incubation in static condition. The optimum pH and temperature for decolorization was 7.0 and 28 °C, respectively. Some divalent metal ions including Mg2+, Ca2+, Zn2+ and Mn2+ could stimulate MO decolorization. UV–Vis spectral analysis showed that the absorption peak at 465 nm originated from the azo (N Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019 N) bond was completely disappeared within 60 h of incubation. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) results also revealed that several major peaks including azo bond peak at 1602.6 cm−1 are completely or partly vanished, deformed or shifted. Activities of azoreductase, NADH-DCIP reductase and laccase were significantly increased in the bacterial cells within 60 h of incubation in comparison to that of control (0 h). The chemical oxygen demand was incredibly reduced by 85.37 to 91.44% by these consortia. Accordingly, plant (wheat seed germination) and microbial (growth of the plant probiotic bacteria such as Pseudomonas cedrina ESR12 and Bacillus cereus ESD3 on biodegraded products) toxicity studies showed that biodegraded products of MO are non-toxic. Thus, all these consortia can be utilized in bioremediation of MO from wastewater for safe disposal into environment. To our knowledge, this is the first report on degradation and detoxification of MO from wastewater by bacterial biofilm consortia.  相似文献   
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