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Zooplankton with calcareous skeletons are birefringent under cross-polarized light, and thus this technique can be quite useful, indeed sometimes almost essential, for the detection and enumemeration of these types of organisms in plankton samples. A simple and inexpensive application of this technique is described and illustrated with quantitative examples from research on the veligers of the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas). The time required to detect veligers in plankton samples was decreased by an order of magnitude; the accuracy of counts was substantially improved (15% more than controls), and the time required for counts was greatly reduced (41% of control times). This technique is especially useful in situations in which veligers are difficult to find or see (e.g., at low densities, in samples cluttered with extraneous organisms or material) or when the investigator is inexperienced with plankton sampling and planktonic organisms. The major limitations are its inability to discriminate among various bivalve species that have planktonic larvae and the similar appearance of ostracods which also have calcareous shells. Expanded use of this technique should (1) increase our ability to use plankton sampling for the early detection of veligers during range expansion and reproductive cycles and (2) permit more accurate estimates of veliger abundance.  相似文献   
K JÄRVI 《Cytopathology》1997,8(4):282-288
Cervex brush versus vaginal–cervical–endocervical (VCE) triple smear techniques in cervical sampling
Cervex brush sampling was compared with the conventional triple vaginal–cervical–endocervical (VCE) smear technique. Nine hundred and fifty‐nine Cervex brush smears and 1064 VCE smears were studied. All smears with both methods were technically satisfactory for evaluation. Endocervical cells were found in 90.7% and metaplastic cells in 73.3% of Cervex brush samples and in 92.5% and 64.1% of VCE samples, respectively. There were significantly more metaplastic cells in smears from premenopausal women. Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (SIL) was found in three Cervex brush samples and in two VCE samples. High‐grade SIL was found only in one Cervex brush sample. Benign cellular changes were found in 142 Cervex brush samples and in 144 VCE samples. Sampling with the Cervex brush is efficient, simple and fast and gives high quality cervical smears for cytological evaluation.  相似文献   
Previous experience with the Langevin/implicit-Euler scheme for dynamics (“LI”) on model systems (butane, water) has shown that LI is numerically stable for timesteps in the 5–20 fs range but quenches high-frequency modes. To explore applications to polypeptides, we apply LI to model systems (several dipeptides, a tetrapeptide, and a 13-residue oligoalanine) and also develop a new dynamics driver approach (“DA”). The DA scheme, based on LI, addresses the important issue of proper sampling, which is unlikely to be solved by small-time step integration methods or implicit methods with intrinsic damping at room temperature, such as LI. Equilibrium averages, time-dependent molecular properties, and sampling trends at room temperature are reported for both LI and DA dynamics simulations, which are then compared to those generated by a standard explicit discretization of the Langevin equation with a 1 fs timestep. We find that LI's quenching effects are severe on both the fast and slow (due to vibrational coupling) frequency modes of all-atom polypeptides and lead to more restricted dynamics at moderate timesteps (40 fs). The DA approach empirically counteracts these damping effects by adding random atomic perturbations to the coordinates at each step (before the minimization of a dynamics function). By restricting the energetic fluctuations and controlling the kinetic energy, we are able with a 60 fs timestep to generate continuous trajectories that sample more of the relevant conformational space and also reproduce reasonably Boltzmann statistics. Although the timescale for transition may be accelerated by the DA approach, the transitional. information obtained for the alanine dipeptide and the tetrapeptide is consistent with that obtained by several other theoretical approaches that focus specifically on the determination of pathways. While the trajectory for oligoalanine by the explicit scheme over the nanosecond timeframe remains in the vicinity of the full αR-helix starting structure, and a high-temperature (6000°K) MD trajectory departs slowly from the a helical structure, the DA-generated trajectory for the same CPU time exhibits unfolding and refolding and reveals a range of conformations with an intermediate helix content. Significantly, this range of states is more consistent with spectroscopic experiments on small peptides, as well as the cooperative two-state model for helix–coil transition. The good, near-Boltzmann statistics reported for the smaller systems above, in combination with the interesting oligoalanine results, suggest that DA is a promising tool for efficiently exploring conformational spaces of biomolecules and exploring folding/unfolding processes of polypeptides. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
An Australian trial of ThinPrep: a new cytopreparatory technique   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To evaluate the sensitivity and suitability of ThinPrep, a new slide preparation technique, 2026 paired cervical cytology slides were examined. After conventional Papanicolaou smears were prepared, the sampling instruments were rinsed in a fluid fixative. ThinPrep slides were then prepared in the laboratory from the surplus cells in the fixative. Compared with the Pap smears, ThinPrep slides were easier and quicker to screen, were inconclusive less often, and had similar rates for detecting abnormalities and infection. There were more unsatisfactory ThinPrep slides and more ThinPrep slides lacked endocervical cells. Both of these shortcomings were found to be linked to the choice of sampling implements. This study, in which a variety of sampling instruments was used, fails to confirm some of the previous claims made for the new technique.  相似文献   
Some optimal designs for sampling in two dimensions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BELLHOUSE  D. R. 《Biometrika》1977,64(3):605-611
Summary Kinetic data in (brush-border) membrane vesicles which rely on the validity of the initial rate assumption for their interpretation and depend on tracer flux studies using the rapid filtration technique for their experimental measurement have been limited to some extent by the absence of techniques that would allow for real-time data analysis. In this paper, we report on our successful design of a fast sampling, rapid filtration apparatus (FSRFA) which seems to fill up this technical gap since showing the following characteristics: (i) rapid injection (5 msec) and mixing (less than 100 msec) of small amounts of vesicles (10–40 l) with an incubation medium (0.2–1.0 ml); (ii) fast (20 to 80 msec depending on the sample volume) and multiple (up to 18 samples at a maximal rate of 4/sec) sampling of the uptake mixture followed by rapid quenching in the stop solution (approximately 5 msec) according to a predetermined time schedule (any time combination from 0.25 to 9999 sec); and (iii) fast, automated, and sampling-synchronized filtration and washings of the quenched uptake medium (only 15–20 sec are necessary for the first filtration followed by two washings and extra filtrations). As demonstrated using adult human jejunal brush-border membrane vesicles and Na+-d-glucose cotransport as models, the FSRFA accurately reproduces the manual aspects of the rapid filtration technique while allowing for very precise initial rate determinations. Moreover, the FSRFA has also been designed to provide as much versatility as possible and, in its present version, allows for a very precise control of the incubation temperature and also permits a few efflux protocols to be performed. Finally, its modular design, which separates the fast sampling unit from the rapid filtration device, should help in extending its use to fields other than transport measurement.  相似文献   
The between-stalk dispersion characteristics of adults of the pink sugarcane mealybug Saccharicoccus sacchari (Cockerell) were determined in southern Queensland. Iwao's patchiness regression was inappropriate to describe the relationship between mean and variance. Taylor's power law indicated that adults were aggregated, especially at the beginning and end of the ratoon growth period. Binomial data were modelled by the Nachman model; the model of Grout and two models of Wilson & Room were inappropriate to describe the relationship between proportion of stalks infested and mean numbers of adults per stalk. Relationships to determine sample sizes for fixed levels of precision and binomial fixed-precision-level stop lines are developed for different sampling times using Taylor's power law and Nachman's equation.  相似文献   
Counts of adults of the false wirewormsGonocephalum macleayi (Blackburn) andPterohelaeus darlingensis Carter in pitfall traps in burnt, mulched and sorghum treatments conformed to Taylor's power law. Within a species there were no significant differences in distributions of counts of either sex in any habitat butG. macleayi were more aggregated thanP. darlingensis (Taylor'sb 1.35 and 1.26, respectively). Relationships to determine sample sizes for fixed levels of precision and fixed-precision-level stop lines for sequential sampling are developed for each species using Taylor's parameters for combined data over all habitats.  相似文献   
Cereal aphids infesting spring wheat in southwestern Idaho were surveyed during 1988 and 1989 for the presence of entomophthoralean fungi and hymenopterous parasitoids. Cereal aphids killed by the fungi (cadavers) and parasitoids (mummies) includedDiuraphis noxia (Mordvilko),Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker),Sitobion avenae (F.), andSchizaphis graminum (Rondani). Taylor's power law was used to describe the relationships between mean densities of cadavers or mummies (number per tiller) and associated variances. Except forS. graminum mummies, which were at low levels throughout the growing seasons and tended to be randomly distributed, Taylor's slopes exceeded 1.0 for all the aphid cadavers and mummies, indicating varying degrees of clumping in spatial pattern. The spatial patterns ofD. noxia andM. dirhodum cadavers were similar, simply reflecting those of their own populations, but more aggregated than were their respective mummies resulting from parasitoid attack. The intercepts and slopes from the power law analysis were used to generate functional relationships between the proportion of wheat tillers bearing cadavers or mummies of each aphid species and the mean density, and develop optimal numerical (direct counting) and binomial (presence or absence) sample size curves for both cadavers and mummies of each aphid species.   相似文献   
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