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One of the central dichotomies in primate behavior is between species in which there are relationships among females that include stable dominance relationships, and those in which the relationships include weak or unstable dominance relationships. This dichotomy has been attributed to differences in food resources, with stable dominance hierarchies occurring in species that feed on usurpable foods. We compared rank-related differences in nonagonistic behaviors considered to be tightly linked to ecology in broadly sympatric vervets (Cercopithecus aethiops) and patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas), two closely related cercopithecines that are exemplars of this dichotomy, with the expectation that vervets would exhibit stronger rank differences than patas monkeys in these behaviors. Overall, rank explained more than twice as much variation among vervets as among patas monkeys in ranging behavior, activity budgets, and diet. Vervets did not, however, exhibit stronger rank differences when they used Acacia xanthophloea habitat, in which foods are more usurpable, compared to Acacia drepanolobium habitat, in which foods are less usurpable. In Acacia drepanolobium habitat, to which patas are restricted, higher-ranking vervets converged in behavior with patas monkeys to a greater extent than lower-ranking vervets, suggesting that social constraints interfere with the foraging efficiency of lower-ranking vervets even in habitats in which there are fewer opportunities to usurp foods.  相似文献   
Social complexity is not restricted to day-living primates. Nocturnal primates provide a remarkably diverse, and largely overlooked, array of species for comparison with the better known monkeys, apes, and diurnal lemurs. Nocturnal and diurnal species differ markedly in terms of their sensory and perceptual abilities, but they share a high relative brain size in association with long periods of gestation, development of the young, and lifespan. Both groups also show within- and between-species diversity in their systems of feeding, defence, and reproduction, mediated by remarkably complex channels of communication, and varying locally in relation to habitat, demography, and social tradition. This paper provides a broad overview of the physical and social diversity of nocturnal primates, leading to new perspectives on their speciation, social behaviour and conservation status.  相似文献   
中国现代灵长类的分布、现状与保护   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
本文对中国现生灵长类类群分布和现状作了较全面的总结;对现存的种群数量进行了初步估价;并就保护和存在的问题与展望提出了概括性评述。所得结果系据作者自1975年以来的实际考察和国内外有关文献记载。  相似文献   
Japanese monkeys, Macaca fuscata, living in a cool temperate forest experienced energy crises in winter. We measured feeding times and feeding rates (mass of foods eaten per unit time of feeding) in six different-sized, age–sex classes (1.2–12.6 kg body mass) in autumn and winter. One-, 2- and 3~4-year-olds spent 34–35% and 44–46% of the day feeding in autumn and winter, respectively. Monkeys less than 0 years old spent less time feeding (16–28%) than average in winter and autumn; adult females spent less (41%) in winter; and adult males spent less (25%) in autumn. All age–sex classes ate mainly fruits in autumn and the heavier classes fed more on tree bark than buds in winter. The feeding rate for fruits (2.3–53.5 g min–1) was nine to 12 times faster than those for buds (1.0– 4.8 g min–1) and bark (0.5–4.4 g min–1), and energy content did not differ among fruits (22.1 kJ g–1 dry mass), buds (19.9 kJ g–1 dry mass) and bark (23.2 kJ g–1 dry mass). Energy base feeding rates increased with body mass where the body mass exponent for buds (0.29) was smaller than those for bark (0.64) and fruits (0.63), which might be attributable to the unit size of food items and mass dependency of masticatory apparatus. Our monkeys obtained two to five times more energy in autumn (1567–1150 kJ day–1) than in winter (604–3020 kJ day–1). Adult females obtained 60% of expected energy expenditure and other classes obtained 77–88% of that in winter.  相似文献   
Conventional wisdom over the past 160 years in the cognitive and neurosciences has assumed that brains evolved to process factual information about the world. Most attention has therefore been focused on such features as pattern recognition, color vision, and speech perception. By extension, it was assumed that brains evolved to deal with essentially ecological problem-solving tasks. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Previous work indicates that compared to adult thick-tailed galagos, adult long-tailed macaques have much more bone strain on the balancing-side mandibular corpus during unilateral isometric molar biting (Hylander [1979a] J. Morphol. 159:253–296). Recently we have confirmed in these same two species the presence of similar differences in bone-strain patterns during forceful mastication. Moreover, we have also recorded mandibular bone strain patterns in adult owl monkeys, which are slightly smaller than the galago subjects. The owl monkey data indicate the presence of a strain pattern very similar to that recorded for macaques, and quite unlike that recorded for galagos. We interpret these bone-strain pattern differences to be importantly related to differences in balancing-side jaw-adductor muscle force recruitment patterns. That is, compared to galagos, macaques and owl monkeys recruit relatively more balancing-side jaw-adductor muscle force during forceful mastication. Unlike an earlier study (Hylander [1979b] J. Morphol. 160:223–240), we are unable to estimate the actual amount of working-side muscle force relative to balancing-side muscle force (i.e., the W/ B muscle force ratio) in these species because we have no reliable estimate of magnitude, direction, and precise location of the bite force during mastication. A comparison of the mastication data with the earlier data recorded during isometric molar biting, however, supports the hypothesis that the two anthropoids have a small W/ B jaw-adductor muscle force ratio in comparison to thick-tailed galagos. These data also support the hypothesis that increased recruitment of balancing-side jaw-adductor muscle force in anthropoids is functionally linked to the evolution of symphyseal fusion or strengthening. Moreover, these data refute the hypothesis that the recruitment pattern differences between macaques and thick-tailed galagos are due to allometric factors. Finally, although the evolution of symphyseal fusion in primates may be linked to increased stress associated with increased balancing-side muscle force, it is currently unclear as to whether the increased force is predominately vertically directed, transversely directed, or is a near equal combination of these two force components (cf. Ravosa and Hylander [1994] In Fleagle and Kay [eds.]: Anthropoid Origins. New York: Plenum, pp. 447–468). Am J Phys Anthropol 107:257-271, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
We report new body mass estimates for the North American Eocene primate Omomys carteri. These estimates are based on postcranial measurements and a variety of analytical methods, including bivariate regression, multiple regression, and principal components analysis (PCA). All body mass estimation equations show high coefficients of determination (R2), and some equations exhibit low prediction errors in accuracy tests involving extant species of body size similar to O. carteri. Equations derived from PCA-summarized data and multiple regression generally perform better than those based on single variables. The consensus of estimates and their statistics suggests a body mass range of 170–290 g. This range is similar to previous estimates for this species based on first molar area (Gingerich, J Hum Evol 10:345–374, 1981; Conroy, Int J Primatol 8:115–137, 1987). Am J Phys Anthropol 109:41–52, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Investigations of size variation in fossil and archaeological skeletal assemblages may be complicated by incomplete skeletons, biased representation of sexes, and the lack of morphological features that identify sex. In order to refine our ability to evaluate size variation, we test the accuracy of three methods that are currently used to estimate size differences in unsexed (pooled) samples: the means method, the median method, and a newly applied technique, the method of moments. Using body mass data from 42 primate species, we calculated actual levels of sexual dimorphism for each species and compared these values to estimates produced by each method. Multivariate regression was used to examine the effects of sample distribution characteristics, including sample size, kurtosis, skewness, sample variance, sex ratio, and intrasexual variance on the performance of the methods. None of the methods appears to be especially accurate. However, one of the simplest methods, the means method, performs relatively well. Factors that lead to inaccuracies in estimation are not readily evident based on multiple regression analysis. We urge caution in the utilization of these techniques, and advocate further analysis of simulated data. Am J Phys Anthropol 110: 95–104, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
This study reports on infection by Trypanoxyuris (Trypanoxyuris) minutus among Alouatta guariba clamitans through biometry on adults and eggs. A total of 58 adult helminths were recovered from the small segment of the animal's large intestine. This study is the first report of this parasite among A. guariba clamitans in Rio de Janeiro.  相似文献   
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