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桃儿七属的命名学考订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桃儿七属(SinopodophyUum)是中国一喜马拉雅地区特有的单型属,仅桃儿七(S.hexandrum)一种。桃儿七的根茎和果实均具有较高的药用价值,人类的过度采挖和种群恢复较慢使其种群数量急剧下降,现已被列入《中国物种红色名录》。在近年来的一些研究论文中,学名S.hexandrum和S.emodi常被}昆用,这使得有必要考证桃儿七学名的命名学历史,确认正确的学名使用。查阅原始文献发现.S.hexandrum的基名Podophyllum hexandrum Royle发表于1834年.而S.emodi的基名PodophyUum emodiWall.ex Honigberger到1852年才合格发表(大多数学者认为是Hooker和Thomson在1855年合格发表).因此,名称S.hexandrum比名称S.emodi具有优先权。名称的混乱起于1979年应俊生建立桃儿七属时,他提出组合“S.emodi(Wall.)Ying”作为桃儿七的学名。另外,由于他未引证Honigberger或Hooker和Thomson的文献信息,所以组合“S.emodi”没有被合格发表(规则41.5)。随后,1985年出版的《西藏植物志》桃儿七属中,应俊生发现之前的错误并采用名称“S.hexandrum”取代了“S.emodi”。遗憾的是他虽然意识到该名称是新组合,但未引证基名P.hexandrum合格发表的文献信息,使得组合“S.hexandrum(Rolye)Ying”没有被合格发表。近年来出版的《云南植物志》、《青海植物志》、《中国植物》和《Flora of China〉〉均未发现该错误,一直认为“S.hexandrum(Rolye)Ying”合格发表时间是1985。实际上.在1993年由于编写格式要求,应俊生在王文采和武素功主编的《横断山区维管束植物》中引证了基名合格发表的文献信息。因此,该名称的合格发表时间是1993年,而不是常认为的1985年。  相似文献   
杨永康等建立并发表的化石新种福建双翅龙脑香(Diptercoarpus fujianensis Y.K.Yang,H.M.Li et J.K.wu sp.nov.fossil plant)未附任何照片或素描图,且无正规的模式标本登记号和确切的存放单位,与国际植物命名法规中有关古植物的重要条款和规则不符.因此,这个新种名属于不合格发表.  相似文献   
Cytochromes P450 (CYPs) form a gene superfamily involved in the biotransformation of numerous endogenous and exogenous natural and synthetic compounds. In humans, CYP3A4 is regarded as one of the most important CYPs due to its abundance in liver and its capacity to metabolize more than 50% of all clinically used drugs. It has been suggested that all CYP3s arose from a common ancestral gene lineage that diverged between 800 and 1100 million years ago, before the deuterostome-protostome split. While CYP3s are well known in mammals and have been described in lower vertebrates, they have not been reported in non-vertebrate deuterostomes. Members of the genus Ciona belong to the tunicates, whose lineage is thought to be the most basal among the chordates, and from which the vertebrate line diverged. Here we describe the cloning, exon-intron structure, phylogeny, and estimated expression of four novel genes from Ciona intestinalis. We also describe the gene structure and phylogeny of homologous genes in Ciona savignyi. Comparing these genes with other members of the CYP clan 3, show that the Ciona sequences bear remarkable similarity to vertebrate CYP3A genes, and may be an early deuterostome CYP3 line.  相似文献   
描述了自广东省发现的茜草科一新种——阳春螺序草,其与宽昭螺序草相似,两者均具有半木质化的茎、披针形的叶片、线状的苞片和小苞片以及高脚碟形的花冠,但本种因茎叶无毛、花序蝎尾状、花萼裂片小三角形、长柱花的雄蕊着生位置更近于花冠管基部等特征而不同于后者.目前阳春螺序草仅在其模式种产地发现一个不足200株的居群,根据IUCN评价标准,其应处于濒危(EN)等级.  相似文献   
原核微生物的发现已有约340年,成千上万的原核微生物被发现和命名。近年来,随着分子生物学技术的发展,众多新的种属已经得到鉴定和命名,对这些微生物系统的总结并对中文命名系统适当调整已迫在眉睫。本文试图对人类发现最早、总量最多的350多属1 500多种杆菌和120多属1 200多种小杆菌进行总结和归纳,从生境、形态学(动静态、形状和尺寸)、生物化学、细菌和古菌属性等特征层次规范这类菌属的命名,期盼有助于推动国内外微生物分类学发展,有利于推动国际交流与合作。  相似文献   
The taxonomy, distribution and nomenclature of Lepidagathis species with basal inflorescences are discussed. The Indian species L. hamiltoniana is considered to be conspecific with the African L. collina which is reduced to subspecific status within L. hamiltoniana . The differences between these taxa and L. anobrya and L. rogersii are discussed. L. diversa is treated as a distinct species recognized by the inflorescences which occur at the upper nodes of the stem and by its falcate bracts.  相似文献   
In 1929 a subspecies of chimpanzee was classified asPan satyrus paniscus, a subspecies of theeastern chimpanzee, and elevated to species level,Pan paniscus, in 1933. Review of the literature indicates that this ape type was known since 1881 from several locations throughout the Congo Basin and first scientifically described in 1887 asTroglodytes niger var.marungensis, a subspecies of thewestern chimpanzee. The evidence presented here demonstrates that the synonymmarungensis was known and used as an earlier name. According to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, the earliest name awarded to a species is the one which has to be recognized in use. However, maintaining the emphasis on stability and assuming that to change the name would cause considerable confusion in the literature, it is this author's recommendation that the earlier namemarungensis be suppressed and the later synonympaniscus be conserved while an application is being considered for ruling by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature.  相似文献   
Paraholosticha muscicola, type species of Paraholosticha Wenzel, inhabits mainly terrestrial habitats, but also freshwater. A brackish water population from Korea is described, the first record from such a habitat. Principal component analysis shows that this population is more similar to a terrestrial population from Denmark than to a population from Antarctic soil. Keronopsids have two strong morphological/ontogenetic apomorphies (frontal corona formed from anlagen I–III; division in cysts). However, the SSU rRNA sequence of the Korean population does not cluster with that of the Antarctic population in the phylogenetic tree, but both branch off consecutively and immediately before a mixture of other non-dorsomarginalian hypotrichs, including two further keronopsids. Furthermore, the keronopsids cluster in the phylogenetic network, providing phylogenetic conflicts, which cannot be exemplified in the conventional gene tree. To complete the picture of P. muscicola, we provide a detailed overview about nomenclature, history, taxonomy, and its geographic distribution. From the four synonyms proposed so far, we tentatively accept only P. lichenicola and P. ovata. Paraholosticha algivora is likewise very similar. Thus we propose to include these three taxa as members of the P. muscicola complex. Stylonethes sterkii and P. algivora are transferred to Paraholosticha Wenzel. A key to the Paraholosticha species is provided.  相似文献   
Thielavia heterothallica spec. nov. is described as a heterothallic, thermophilic fungus with spherical, black, non-ostiolatecleistothecia; ellipsoidal, evanescent asci which contain eight one-celled ellipsoidal ascospores, darkening to deep brown to black, with one germ pore. The conidial state is Chrysosporium thermophilum (Apinis) von Klopotek.
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