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The composition of conodont apparatuses is crucial for understanding the feeding mechanisms of these early vertebrates. However, the multielement apparatus reconstructions of most species remain equivocal because they have been inferred from loose element collections, guided by knowledge from rare articulated ‘bedding plane assemblages’ and fused clusters, often from distantly related taxa. Even these natural assemblages can be difficult to interpret because the component elements can be closely juxtaposed or embedded in matrix, making it hard to discern the morphology of each element and their relative positions within the architecture of the feeding apparatus. Here we report five exceptionally preserved conodont clusters from the Middle Triassic Luoping Biota, Yunnan Province, Southwest China. These materials were scanned using synchrotron radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM), revealing the morphology and positional homology of the component elements in the fused clusters. We confirm that the apparatus of Nicoraella was composed of eight types of elements, comprising a total of 15 elements. SRXTM reveals the positional homologies of the component elements, viz. a single alate element is located in the S0 position, flanked successively abaxially by pairs of breviform digyrate S1 and S2 elements, bipennate S3 and S4 elements, and a pair of inwardly curved breviform digyrate M elements. Carminate elements occupy the P1 and P2 positions. The apparatus of Nicoraella is among the most completely characterised of all conodonts and serves as a template for the reconstruction of gondollellids.  相似文献   
Gnetalean compression-impression fossils are described from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation, Liaoning Province, north-eastern China, and assigned to six species of Liaoxia Cao et S.Q. Wu. The fossils have opposite-decussate phyllotaxis and cones comprising 2–12 pairs of bracts. Ovulate cones have seeds typically in a distal position. The species differ from each other and from previously described fossils in the absence or presence of leaves, shape of cones and seeds, and shape and position of cone bracts. The species of Liaoxia are probably close relatives of extant species of Ephedra L., but diagnostic reproductive details that could confirm this hypothesis are not preserved. The restricted information in the fossils and the poorly understood morphological diversity of extant Ephedra, prevent assignment of the fossils to any particular subgroup of Ephedra, as well as an explicit exclusion of them from the extant genus.  相似文献   
寒武纪凯里生物群在贵州镇远竹坪地区的发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贵州东部镇远县竹坪地区付家冲寒武系凯里组中上部Oryctocephalus indicus带至Peronopsis taijiangensis带粉砂质泥岩、泥岩中新发现丰富的多门类化石组合,共计22属及3未定属种,分属海绵动物、节肢动物、腕足动物、软体动物、棘皮动物、腔肠动物,鳃曳动物、水母状动物及藻类9大门类,其中动...  相似文献   
Ornithuromorpha is the most derived avian group in the Early Cretaceous, advanced members of which encompass all living birds (Neornithes). Here we report on a new basal ornithuromorph bird, Bellulia rectusunguis gen. et sp. nov., represented by a nearly complete skeleton from the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota in northeastern China. A comprehensive phylogenetic analysis resolved the new taxon in a basal position that is only more derived than Archaeorhynchus and Jianchangornis among ornithuromorphs, increasing the morphological diversity of basal ornithuromorphs. The new specimen has a V‐shaped furcula with a short hypocleidium, a feature otherwise known only in Schizooura among Cretaceous ornithuromorphs. We discuss the implications of the new taxon on the evolution of morphology of primitive ornithuromorphs, particularly of pectoral girdle, sternum and limb proportion pertaining to powered flight. The preserved gastroliths and pedal morphology indicate herbivory and lakeshore adaption for this new species. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   
After the end-Permian crisis and the extinction of their four Paleozoic subclasses, crinoids rapidly recovered. This group is classically believed to have radiated from a small surviving clade and to have diversified during the Middle and Upper Triassic from two lineages. Nevertheless, recent findings suggested that several lineages of crinoids had already diversified during the Early Triassic, and that their diversity has been overlooked. Here we describe a new form of holocrinid, Holocrinus nov. sp., from the earliest Spathian (Early Triassic) of southeastern Idaho (USA). So far, the exceptional completeness of sampled specimens, with skeletal elements of arms and stem in connection, is unique for the Early Triassic. They show that derived morphological features had already evolved ∼1.3 million years after the Permian–Triassic boundary, supporting the scenario of a rapid Early Triassic diversification of crinoids.  相似文献   
Knowledge on the morphology of Early Triassic ophiuroids is very limited, in spite of the relatively high number of described species. This hampers attempts to use morphology-based phylogenetic analyses in order to explore the early diversification of the ophiuroid modern clades between the latest Paleozoic and the early Mesozoic. Here, a new ophiuroid from the Early Triassic of southern Idaho (USA) is described and assigned to the new taxon Shoshonura brayardi Thuy nov. gen., nov. sp. It is part of an exceptional Early Triassic faunal assemblage recently described as the Paris Biota. On account of the arm morphology and the shape of the arm spines and arm spine articulations, Shoshonura brayardi nov. gen., nov. sp. is considered a basal member of the suborder Ophiodermatina.  相似文献   
Interpretation of the enigmatic soft‐bodied yunnanozoans from the Lower Cambrian (Stage 3, Series 2) Chengjiang Biota has remained controversial for decades because of their strange body plan and their variable taphonomic alteration. Proposed affinities have ranged from stem bilaterian to stem vertebrate. A study of over seven hundred slabs, many newly collected, from five sections at two localities demonstrates that yunnanozoans have sclerotized dorsal and axial segments, a body cavity, a unique feeding region and a coiled alimentary canal. Although two genera have been previously discriminated, all specimens have the same number of filamentous arches (seven pairs) and of ventral circular structures (four pairs); this indicates that Haikouella Chen, Huang and Li, 1999 is a junior synonym of Yunnanozoon Hou, Ramsköld and Bergström, 1991. Our analysis reveals new details of the putative pharyngeal pores of Yunnanozoon lividum, and although there are similarities with the gill slits of deuterostomes, the question of their homology remains moot. The filamentous arches and their supporting rods were probably sclerotized and represent a specialized feeding structure. Yunnanozoans exhibit characters that are open to a number of alternative interpretations of putative homology, encompassing comparisons with deuterostomes and protostomes (including members of the Platyzoa). Given their unique features, and the current lack of secure homologies, the affinities of yunnanozoans should continue to be considered in a wider bilaterian context.  相似文献   
道虎沟化石层分布于内蒙古宁城县道虎沟以及毗邻的河北北部和辽宁西部等地,已报道4种有尾类、1个无尾类蝌蚪、1个幼年蜥蜴、3种带原始羽毛的兽脚类恐龙、2种翼龙、3种哺乳动物以及双壳类、叶肢介、昆虫和植物等化石(有学者称之为"前热河生物群")。该层位比热河群义县组低,但地层划分存在争议:中侏罗统九龙山组、上侏罗统道虎沟组和下白垩统热河群均有报道。本文研究的道虎沟蜥蜴是该地点发现的第2个蜥蜴化石,其身体细长,为一幼年个体;前颌骨、顶骨和额骨均成对;上颌骨的面突高;后额骨和后眶骨不愈合;后额骨较大,但可能未进入上颞孔;后眶骨具宽的后突;牙齿小而尖锐,结构简单且可能为侧生;头骨的眶前区较长;具27个荐前椎;虽然未成年但个体较大;未见真皮骨板;手掌和四肢较长。上述特征组合区别于所有现生蜥蜴类,四肢比例也与其他蜥蜴有较大区别。欧美中侏罗世-早白垩世的小盗蜥(Parviraptor)和蒙古早白垩世的一个幼年个体(可能属于壁虎型类)与道虎沟标本比较相似。头骨特征和较大的荐前椎数目显示道虎沟标本可能属于硬舌蜥类(scleroglossan)。但因标本为幼年个体,本文暂将它归入有鳞类属种未定(Squamata gen.et sp.indet.)。测量数据显示,道虎沟标本的手掌和前肢相对较长;该特征常见于适应攀爬的蜥蜴种类,似可显示攀爬习性。但肢体比例可能会随身体增长而发生变化,所以此生活习性并非定论。  相似文献   
The paleoenvironmental setting in which the Ediacara Biota lived, died, and was preserved in the eponymous Ediacara Member of the Rawnsley Quartzite of South Australia is an issue of long‐standing interest and recent debate. Over the past few decades, interpretations have ranged from deep marine to shallow marine to terrestrial. One of the key features invoked by adherents of the terrestrial paleoenvironment hypothesis is the presence of iron oxide coatings, inferred to represent the upper horizons of paleosols, along fossiliferous sandstone beds of the Ediacara Member. We find that these surficial oxides are characterized by (234U/238U) values which are not in secular equilibrium, indicating extensive fluid‐rich alteration of these surfaces within the past approximately 2 million years. Specifically, the oxide coatings are characterized by (234U/238U) values >1, indicating interaction with high‐(234U/238U) fluids derived from alpha‐recoil discharge. These oxides are also characterized by light “stable” δ238/235U values, consistent with a groundwater U source. These U isotope data thus corroborate sedimentological observations that ferric oxides along fossiliferous surfaces of the Ediacara Member consist of surficial, non‐bedform‐parallel staining, and sharply irregular patches, strongly reflecting post‐depositional, late‐stage processes. Therefore, both sedimentological and geochemical evidence indicate that Ediacara iron oxides do not reflect synsedimentary ferruginization and that the presence of iron oxides cannot be used to either invoke a terrestrial paleoenvironmental setting for or reconstruct the taphonomic pathways responsible for preservation of the Ediacara Biota. These findings demonstrate that careful assessment of paleoenvironmental parameters is essential to the reconstruction of the habitat of the Ediacara Biota and the factors that led to the fossilization of these early complex ecosystems.  相似文献   
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