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Fatigue risk associated with work schedules of hospital doctors is coming under increasing scrutiny, with much of the research and regulatory focus on trainees. However, provision of 24 h services involves both trainees and specialists, who have different but interdependent work patterns. This study examined work patterns, sleep (actigraphy, diaries) and performance (psychomotor vigilance task pre‐ and post‐duty) of 28 anaesthesia trainees and 20 specialists across a two‐week work cycle in two urban public hospitals. Trainees at one hospital worked back‐to‐back 12 h shifts, while the others usually worked 9 h day shifts but periodically worked a 14 h day (08:00–22:00 h) to maintain cover until arrival of the night shift (10 h). On 11% of day shifts and 23% of night shifts, trainees were working with ≥2 h of acute sleep loss. However, average sleep loss was not greater on night shifts, possibly because workload at night in one hospital often permitted some sleep. Post‐night shift performance was worse than post‐day shift performance for the median (t(131)=3.57, p<0.001) and slowest 10% of reaction times (t(134)=2.91, p<0.01). At the end of night shifts, poorer performance was associated with longer shift length, longer time since waking, greater acute sleep loss, and more total work in the past 24 h. Specialists at both hospitals had scheduled clinical duties during the day and were periodically scheduled on call to cover after‐hours services. On 8% of day shifts and 14% of day+call schedules, specialists were working with ≥2 h of acute sleep loss. They averaged 0.6 h less sleep when working day shifts (t(23.5)=2.66, p=0.014) and 0.8 h less sleep when working day shifts+call schedules (t(26.3)=2.65, p=0.013) than on days off. Post‐duty reaction times slowed linearly across consecutive duty days (median reaction time, t(131)=?3.38, p<0.001; slowest 10%, t(160)=?3.33, p<0.01; fastest 10%, t(138)=?2.67, p<0.01). Poorer post‐duty performance was associated with greater acute sleep loss and longer time since waking, but better performance was associated with longer day shifts, consistent with circadian improvement in psychomotor performance across the waking day. This appears to be the first study to document sleep loss among specialist anaesthetists. Consistent with observations from experimental studies, the sleep loss of specialists across 12 consecutive working days was associated with a progressive decline in post‐duty PVT performance. However, this decline occurred with much less sleep restriction (< 1 h per day) than in laboratory studies, suggesting an exacerbating effect of extended wakefulness and/or cumulative fatigue associated with work demands. For both trainees and specialists, robust circadian variation in PVT performance was evident in this complex work setting, despite the potential confounds of variable shift durations and workloads. The relationship between PVT performance of an individual and the safe administration of anaesthesia in the operating theater is unknown. Nevertheless, the findings reinforce that any schedule changes to reduce work‐related fatigue need to consider circadian performance variation and the potential transfer of workload and fatigue risk between trainees and specialists.  相似文献   
Very little is known about the effects on sleep and sleepiness of entering or exiting shiftwork. The present study used a longitudinal database (n?=?3637). Participants completed a questionnaire on work hours, sleep, and work environment at the start and end of a 5-yr period. Changes in shift/day work status were related to change in a number of subjective sleep variables using logistic regression analysis. The analyses were adjusted for age, sex, and differences in socioeconomic status, work demands, work control, physical workload, marriage status, and number of children. In comparison with constant day work, entering shiftwork (with or without night shifts) from day work increased the risk of difficulties in falling asleep, and leaving shiftwork reduced this risk (odds ratio [OR]?=?2.8 [confidence interval, CI?=?1.8–4.5]). Also falling asleep at work showed a consistent pattern; an increased risk of falling asleep for those with shiftwork on both occasions, and for those with night work on both occasions. Also entering night work was associated with a strongly increased risk of falling asleep at work (OR?=?2.9 [CI?=?1.3–6.7]). These results suggest that entering and leaving shiftwork has a considerable impact on sleep and alertness. However, there is a need for large and more extended longitudinal studies to support our findings. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   
Relay operations are an important mode of freight transportation within Australia. Relay work requires multiple crews to drive the train continuously from one specified destination to another and return. Importantly, the nature of relay work requires train drivers to sleep on‐board during designated resting shifts. The main aim of the present study was to investigate the quality and quantity of sleep obtained in on‐board rest facilities (relay vans) during extended (four‐day) relay operations. Drivers (n=9) working the Port Augusta to Darwin relay operation volunteered to participate. The first leg of the trip typically took 40 h followed by an overnight stay in Darwin (between 8–12 h) prior to return. Two crews, each consisting of two drivers, changed every 8 h, giving the crew an 8 h rest in the relay van prior to each 8 h working shift. Using polysomnography, home sleep data were collected prior to and following each trip using a standard five‐channel EEG montage. All sleep periods during the relay trip (including Darwin) were also recorded. Additionally, subjective sleep quality ratings were recorded following each sleep period. Analyses revealed that the quantity of sleep obtained in the relay vans (3.3 h) was significantly reduced compared to home (6.8 h). In general, the total sleep time was increased at night and reduced during the day. In terms of quality, sleep onset latency, sleep efficiency, and amount of slow wave and rapid eye movement sleep did not differ significantly between home and the relay vans. The results of the study highlight sleep quantity as the main concern during extended relay operations. Future research should focus on investigating the subjective and objective impact of this sleep reduction on waking functions.  相似文献   
Middle‐aged and elderly populations exhibit gender differences in polysomnographic (PSG) sleep; however, whether young men and women also show such differences remains unclear. Thirty‐one young healthy sleepers (16 men and 15 women, aged 18 to 30 yr, mean±SD, 20.5±2.4 yr) completed 3 consecutive overnight sessions in a sleep laboratory, after maintaining a stable sleep‐wake cycle for 1 wk before study entry. Standard PSG sleep and self‐rated sleepiness data were collected each night. Across nights, women showed better sleep quality than men: they fell asleep faster (shorter sleep onset latency) and had better sleep efficiency, with more time asleep and less time awake (all differences showed large effect sizes, d=0.98 to 1.12). By contrast, men were sleepier than women across nights. Both men and women demonstrated poorer overall sleep quality on the first night compared with the subsequent 2 nights of study. We conclude young adult healthy sleepers show robust gender differences in PSG sleep, like older populations, with better sleep quality in women than in men. These results highlight the importance of gender in sleep and circadian rhythm research studies employing young subjects and have broader implications for women's health issues relating to these topics.  相似文献   
Approximately 10% of employees undertake night work, which is a significant predictor of weight gain, possibly because responses to activity and eating are altered at night. It is known that the appetite-related hormone, acylated ghrelin, is suppressed after an acute bout of exercise during the day, but no researcher has explored whether evening exercise alters acylated ghrelin and other appetite-related outcomes during a subsequent night shift. Six healthy men (mean?±?SD: age 30?±?8 yrs, body mass index 23.1?±?1.1?kg/m2) completed two crossover trials (control and exercise) in random order. Participants fasted from 10:00?h, consumed a test meal at 18:00?h, and then cycled at 50% peak oxygen uptake or rested between 19:00–20:00?h. Participants then completed light activities during a simulated night shift which ended at 05:00?h. Two small isocaloric meals were consumed at 22:00 and 02:00?h. Venous blood samples were drawn via cannulation at 1?h intervals between 19:00–05:00?h for the determination of acylated ghrelin, leptin, insulin, glucose, triglyceride, and non-esterified fatty acids concentrations. Perceived hunger and wrist actimetry were also recorded. During the simulated night shift, mean?±?SD acylated ghrelin concentration was 86.5?±?40.8 pg/ml following exercise compared with 71.7?±?37.7 pg/ml without prior exercise (p?=?0.015). Throughout the night shift, leptin concentration was 263?±?242 pg/ml following exercise compared with 187?±?221 pg/ml without prior exercise (p?=?0.017). Mean levels of insulin, triglyceride, non-esterified fatty acids, and wrist actimetry level were also higher during the night shift that followed exercise (p?<?0.05). These data indicate that prior exercise increases acylated ghrelin and leptin concentrations during a subsequent simulated night shift. These findings differ from the known effects of exercise on acylated ghrelin and leptin during the day, and therefore have implications for energy balance during night work. (Author correspondence: ).  相似文献   
The authors examined the associations of shiftwork with overweight and abdominal obesity through a cross-sectional study of 1206 employees 18 to 50 yrs of age who were working on a production line in a poultry processing plant. Night-shift workers (n?=?800) were considered exposed, whereas day shiftworkers (n?=?406) were considered nonexposed. Overweight was defined as a body mass index ≥25?kg/m2 and abdominal obesity as a waist circumference ≥88?cm in women and ≥102?cm in men. The mean age of the workers was 30.5 yrs (standard deviation?=?8.7 yrs), and 65.2% were women. Nightshift workers compared to dayshift workers showed higher prevalences of overweight (42.2% vs. 34.3%; p?=?.020) and abdominal obesity (24.9% vs. 19.5%; p?=?.037). After adjusting for sociodemographics, parental overweight status, behavioral characteristics, and sleep characteristics, including hours of sleep, the prevalence ratios for overweight and abdominal obesity were 1.27 (95% confidence interval [ CI]: 1.00–1.61) and 1.45 (95% CI: 1.10–1.92), respectively, for the nightshift workers compared to the dayshift workers. A consistent finding in our study was the independent contribution of night shiftwork to overweight and abdominal obesity among Brazilian workers. Further studies are needed to understand the biological mechanisms involved and the complex behavioral and social adaptations experienced by night-shift workers. (Author correspondence: )  相似文献   
In addition to sleep processes, it has been suggested that an intrinsic circadian rhythmicity is involved in the temporal organization of prolactin (PRL) secretion. Eight night workers were studied to determine whether the PRL rhythm is adapted to their rest-activity schedule and whether this provides evidence in favor of an endogenous clock-driven component. Ten day-active subjects, sleeping once during the night and once after an 8-h delay in their sleep period, were used as a control group. Plasma PRL, body temperature, and plasma melatonin were measured at 10-min intervals. Twenty-four-hour PRL profiles did not differ between night workers sleeping as usual during the daytime and day-active subjects submitted to an abrupt sleep shift to daytime. For the two groups of subjects a transient PRL peak, similar in size and time of occurrence, was observed during the night. Melatonin, a strong marker of the primary circadian oscillator, displayed a phase shift that differed widely among night workers. Body temperature, on the other hand, was found to be more regularly adapted despite the persistence of a small decrease or leveling off during the night. Although no relationship was found between the melatonin increase and the nocturnal PRL peak, a concomitance with this transient temperature decrease could be demonstrated. The persistence of this PRL peak in night workers raises the question of its significance. (Chronobiology International, 13(4), 283-293, 1996)  相似文献   
环境温度和体内储备物水平被认为是鸟类在静止状态下能量利用的重要调节因子(夜间体重降低).然而,以往的研究没有把环境温度和体内储备物对夜间能量维持加以明确的区分.为了研究环境温度是否是为煤山雀(Periparus ater)夜间体重调节的直接因子,在自由取食条件下,实验室控制日-日和日-夜环境温度.温度变化模拟西班牙中部地中海山区秋季日-夜温度的变化.夜间体重取决于黄昏时的体重以及前一天体重的增加值.当前一日白天煤山雀体重增加最大时,记录夜间体重最大降低的比率.然而,环境温度的不可预见性没有影响煤山雀夜间体重降低,可以解释煤山雀内在的生理能量平衡.这些结果提示,当一些环境因子如温度变得不可预见时,鸟类在狭小范围内保持体内储备物  相似文献   
太湖地区夜鹭配对年龄及繁殖效果   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了解夜鹭同龄配对及其与窝卵数、窝雏数、雏鸟成活率的关系,2001年4-6月对无锡太湖地区夜鹭(Nycticorax nycticorax)的年龄配对及其繁殖作了观察。在方便观察的206个样巢中,二龄(2Y)、三龄(3Y)鸟参与配对繁殖的达35.4%:亲鸟“2Y 4Y^ “的2对,“2Y 2Y“的39对,“3Y 3Y“的34对。“4Y^ 4Y^ 的131对(含6对弃巢鸟)。在200个成功育雏的巢中,不同年龄亲鸟所产卵的体积和窝卵数无差异,但卵重、窝雏数、孵化率及成活率有随亲鸟年龄增加的趋势。  相似文献   
用距离取样技术估算森林生境中的梅花鹿密度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作者于 1999年 9、 10月在日本国日光国立公园的一个梅花鹿 (Cervusnippon)高密度区域实施了 16次夜间探照样带距离法取样调查。采用车载探照记数和激光测距仪测距 ,记录了梅花鹿的结群大小和距样带中心样线的垂直距离。应用距离取样技术 (Distancesamplingtechnique ,DST)计算的结果表明 ,梅花鹿的密度为12 5 8头 /km2 (95%CI 10 0 7-157 3 ) ,在两侧 80m宽度的调查样带内梅花鹿的总发现率为 52 5% ;对线样带法的传统动物密度计算方法 (King s ,Hayne s ,Leopold s ,Gates sⅠ ,Gates sⅡ ,Gates sⅢ和Frye s方法 )的结果验证表明 ,这些传统密度计算方法过高估算梅花鹿的密度 ,其结果为距离取样技术 (DST)计算结果的 1 76(Frye′s法 ) -6 10 (Hayne′s法 )倍。因此 ,作者建议在使用线样带法测定动物密度时应尽量避免使用这些传统计算方法 ;不同地区间及同一地区不同季节间应用线样带法调查得到的动物个体记数值之间的比较存在偏差 ,应该使用距离取样技术计算动物的密度  相似文献   
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