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系统记述了红■属Pyrrhosoma Charpentier的研究历史,明确了本属的属征,描述了中国的种类,并确定一个采自中国云南省的新种Pyrrhosoma latiloba sp.nov.,模式标本保存于南开大学生命科学学院昆虫学研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   
啮齿类取食的物种偏好与时空格局   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
沈泽昊  唐圆圆  李道兴 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6018-6024
通过强烈消耗土壤种子库,动物取食种子对植物种群更新和群落动态产生深远的影响。一般认为种子被食概率的空间格局取决于种子密度和离母树的距离,而环境(如地形)异质性的影响则一直没有得到足够的关注,与此相关的机制及其影响程度亦不清楚。研究设计在野外埋放种子以模拟种子扩散后的情形,监测啮齿类对种子的取食,以检验种子取食受埋藏生境、时间及动物对种子种类的偏好等因素的影响。结果表明,经过1a实验,8种落叶阔叶树种子的累计取食概率为0~48.25%,平均值为20%;山顶部位的取食概率大致是其它部位概率的3倍;埋放在凋落物层中的种子被食概率大约为埋放在土壤层中概率的2倍。利用logistic回归模型进行统计分析表明,种子被食概率变化的45%可以被上述因素解释。其中,物种偏好是影响种子被取食概率的首要因素,其后依次是地形、埋藏时间和深度。啮齿类明显喜好较大的种子;其取食行为在山脊部位明显较其它部位更频繁和剧烈;对埋藏种子的取食从3月份开始加剧,到7月份以后平息下来。种子埋放深度对啮齿类的取食概率有显著影响。  相似文献   
新疆塔里木河下游荒漠河岸(林)植被合理生态水位   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
 该文依据塔里木河下游地下水位多年监测资料, 将地下水位按不同埋深划分为0~2、2~4、4~6、6~8、8~10和>10 m 6个梯度, 并设置植 被调查样方进行连续监测, 以分析地下水位变化对植物物种多样性与种群生态位的影响。研究结果表明: 在地下水位2~4 m时, 物种多样性最高 , 其次为4~6 m, 再次为0~2 m; 当地下水位在6 m以下时, 物种多样性锐减, Hill多样性指数曲线变化趋势趋于平直化。荒漠河岸(林)植被主要 植物种群生态位随着地下水位的逐步下降而扩展, 并在地下水位4~6 m处达到最宽; 尔后, 生态位又显著变窄; 地下水位4~6 m时, 种群间生态 位重叠最不显著, 物种数较为丰富。因此, 该文分析得出结论: 塔里木河下游植被恢复的地下水位应确保达到6 m以上, 大部分地区地下水位应 维持在4~6 m, 而部分河道附近地区地下水位争取达到2~4 m。  相似文献   
于永光  赵斌 《微生物学报》2008,27(2):209-216
设计在不同pH水平(4.3、5.1、5.8、6.8)下两种VA菌根真菌Glomus mosseae和Gigaspora margarita对紫云英Astragalus sinicus进行单接种、混合接种及无接种对照的盆栽实验。对紫云英地上和地下部分生物量、根部侵染率、SDH和ALP酶活进行了检测。实验结果表明:紫云英的生长效应与VA菌根真菌的侵染率及两种酶活成明显相关性。土壤pH升高,单接种Glomus mosseae和混合接种的侵染率也随之升高,而单接种Gigaspora margarita的侵染率呈现  相似文献   
记述了我国绿纹蝗属5种,其中有1新种,即暗边绿纹蝗Aiolopus morulimarginis sp.nov,附有检索表和种类分布情况,模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。暗边绿纹蝗,新种Aiolopus morulimarginis sp.nov.(图1~3)新种近似于芒康绿纹蝗Aiolopus markamensis Yin,1984,主要区别为:1)头顶侧缘隆线在端部弯曲,到达复眼前缘;2)复眼纵径为眼下沟长的1.5倍;3)雌性产卵瓣端部钩状;4)前翅亚前缘脉域基半具白色纵纹;5.)后翅透明,沿外缘具烟色边;6)后足胫节黑色,中部具二宽黄色环。正模♀,陕西西安(陕西帅范大学长安校区),2007-08-30,孙慧敏;副模1♀,同正模。词源:种名以拉丁字"morul"及"marg"为名.  相似文献   
塔里木河下游不同退化区地表植被和土壤种子库特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对塔里木河下游不同退化程度的4个典型断面进行了植被和土壤种子库的取样调查,采用种子萌发试验研究了不同退化区植被和土壤种子库的特征,结果表明:(1)塔里木河下游地表植被表现为严重的逆行演替,具体体现为胡杨林都为过熟林,几乎没有胸径在10cm以下的幼林;植被盖度、密度和多样性指数均维持在一个较低的水平上;随退化程度不断加重,地表植被中草本植物的相对密度、相对盖度和相对频度逐渐降低,而灌木和乔木的相对密度、相对盖度和相对频度逐渐增加;(2)研究区土壤种子库的基本特征是:土壤种子库种类贫乏、密度低、多样性指数和相似性系数不高;(3) 随退化程度的加重,土壤种子库物种数不断减少、密度明显下降、优势种组成趋于单一、表层种子库比例升高、1年生草本植物占优势逐渐向多年生草本植物和灌木植物转变及土壤种子库物种组成与地上植被物种组成上差异显著.  相似文献   
Vladimir A. Shuvalov 《BBA》2007,1767(6):422-433
It has been shown [V.A. Shuvalov, Quantum dynamics of electrons in many-electron atoms of biologically important compounds, Biochemistry (Mosc.) 68 (2003) 1333-1354; V.A. Shuvalov, Quantum dynamics of electrons in atoms of biologically important molecules, Uspekhi biologicheskoi khimii, (Pushchino) 44 (2004) 79-108] that the orbit angular momentum L of each electron in many-electron atoms is L = mVr = n? and similar to L for one-electron atom suggested by N. Bohr. It has been found that for an atom with N electrons the total electron energy equation E = (Zeff)2e4m/(2n2?2N) is more appropriate for energy calculation than standard quantum mechanical expressions. It means that the value of L of each electron is independent of the presence of other electrons in an atom and correlates well to the properties of virtual photons emitted by the nucleus and creating a trap for electrons. The energies for elements of the 1st up to the 5th rows and their ions (total amount 240) of Mendeleev' Periodical table were calculated consistent with the experimental data (deviations in average were 5 × 10− 3). The obtained equations can be used for electron dynamics calculations in molecules. For H2 and H2+ the interference of electron-photon orbits between the atoms determines the distances between the nuclei which are in agreement with the experimental values. The formation of resonance electron-photon orbit in molecules with the conjugated bonds, including chlorophyll-like molecules, appears to form a resonance trap for an electron with E values close to experimental data. Two mechanisms were suggested for non-barrier primary charge separation in reaction centers (RCs) of photosynthetic bacteria and green plants by using the idea of electron-photon orbit interference between the two molecules. Both mechanisms are connected to formation of the exciplexes of chlorophyll-like molecules. The first one includes some nuclear motion before exciplex formation, the second one is related to the optical transition to a charge transfer state.  相似文献   
Six selected plants, belonging to 3 families from Nanjing of China, were extracted with the solvent 95% (v/v) ethanol to yield 11 extracts. The extracts were evaluated for their effects on the growth of eight clinical bacteria, two fungi and one yeast using a modified agar diffusion method. The results showed that the majority of the extracts investigated showed greater activities against the Gram-positive bacteria than against the Gram-negative bacteria, the fungi and the yeast. The strongest antimicrobial activity was exhibited by the stem extracts of Mahonia fortunei against multiresistant Staphylococcus aureus strains, followed by the stem extracts of Mahonia bealei, while Bacillus thuringiensis was the most sensitive to all extracts.  相似文献   
Aquatic oligochaetes are abundant in polluted areas and are, therefore, commonly used as bioindicators to study organic pollution in rivers and streams. In order to develop a species-level oligochaete biotic index to reflect the River Pollution Index (RPI) in the Taichung Water Basin in Taiwan, we conducted a systematic sampling scheme to collect aquatic oligochaetes from the sediment samples of watercourses in the Taichung Water Basin, Taiwan. We evaluated the relationships between aquatic oligochaetes and the sewage pollution using statistical methods. The distribution of aquatic oligochaetes in relation to environmental variables, such as water quality and sediment characteristics of the regional urban contaminated streams was expressed by Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). We identified 17 species of aquatic oligochaetes (Annelida, Clitellata) including 3 species of Tubificidae, 13 species of Naididae, and 1 species of Enchytraeidae from the watercourses of an urban region in the Taichung Water Basin in Taiwan, during the summer and winter of 2005 and 2006. A positive correlation was found between the total abundance of aquatic oligochaetes and the RPI (r = 0.58, P < 0.05). However, only population density of the most abundant tubificid, Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, increased with increasing RPI values and a significantly negative correlation was found between the population density of the naidid, Nais communis, and RPI values. The results of CCA indicated that certain naidids, such as Aulophorus furcatus and Allonais gwaliorensis also tolerated extremely polluted environments in upper stream or stony habitats, implying that tubificids should not be the sole representation of simple biotic indices but should also include pollution-tolerant naidids. We found that the community structure of aquatic oligochaetes was influenced by short-term variations in microhabitat rather than according to seasonal factors in our study region. The results proved that aquatic oligochaetes were sensitive enough to provide a supplement for the regional urban pollution assessment applications for biotic indicators at the species-level.  相似文献   
Mexican Arnica Anti–Inflammatory Action: Plant Age Is Correlated with the Concentration of Anti–inflammatory Sesquiterpenes in the Medicinal Plant Heterotheca inuloides Cass. (Asteraceae). Mexican árnica (Heterotheca inuloides Cass.) is a widely used anti–inflammatory medicinal plant in Mexican folk medicine. Although it has been suggested that plant age, fertilization, and harvesting regime influence the concentration of secondary compounds affecting the therapeutic activity of the plant, the effect of these variables on the concentration of the Mexican árnica anti–inflammatory compounds was not known. We quantified anti–inflammatory sesquiterpenes (caryolan–1, 9β–diol, cadalen–15–oic acid, 7–hydroxycadalene, 4–hydroxy–2–isopropyl–4, 7–dimethyl–1[4H] naftalinone, 7–hydroxy–4αH–3, 4–dihydrocadalene, β–caryophyllene, and β–caryophyllene epoxide) in Mexican árnica plants subjected to fertilization and successive harvests of flowering stems, conditions that mimic the cultivation and harvesting for árnica in México. Fertilization and successive harvesting and their interaction had no significant effect on the concentration of anti–inflammatory compounds. However, the concentrations of these compounds were 60% higher in flowering stems from 15–month–old plants than in those from 4– or 8–month–old plants and was independent of the number of harvests and fertilization regime applied.  相似文献   
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