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A coracoid of an enantiornithine bird from Upper Cretaceous (probably late Campanian) fluvial sediments at Castigno (Villespassans, Hérault, southern France) is described. It differs from all hitherto reported enantiornithine coracoids and is referred a new genus and species, Castignovolucris sebei. This bone is large and robust, indicating a bird that was among the largest known enantiornithines, possibly the size of a Canada Goose (Branta canadensis). The new taxon is an addition to the short list of Late Cretaceous birds from France and confirms that enantiornithines were an important component of European avifaunas until late in the Cretaceous.  相似文献   
横脊叶蝉科一新记录属及一新种:(同翅目:叶蝉总科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文记述分布在贵州的横脊叶蝉科1新记录属及1新种。模式标本保存在贵州农学院。 弯头叶蝉属Vangama Distant 1907中国新记录属 本属最显著的特征是头冠部向前极度延长突出,其长度约与后足胫节等长,端部向上弯曲,中央有1明显纵脊;颜面长大于宽,适度隆起,中央有1显著的纵脊;单眼位于头冠侧缘,着生在复眼前域。前胸背板宽大于长,中城隆起,向两侧斜倾,前缘弧圆突出,后缘微凹;小盾片宽三角形,微短于前胸背板;前翅狭长,爪片宽大,具4个端室。  相似文献   
双翅目长角亚目的极蚊科(Axymyiidae)为中国新记录科,是极罕见的昆虫,世界只记载过5种;现报道贵州梵净山的1个新种,模式标本藏北京农业大学昆虫标本室。 极蚊体型中等,粗壮而色暗,外貌象毛蚊类,Coquillett(1909)曾将北美种包括在毛蚊科的Eupeitenus属内。McAtee(1921)建立了Axymia furcata新属种,同时由Shannon(1921)讨论了其分类地位,作为殊蚊科(Anisopodida=Rhyphidae)的1个新  相似文献   
隐粉蛉属Cryptoscenea在囊粉蛉亚科(Aleuropteryginae)中是比较特殊的,其前翅中脉上缺少一般均具有的2个脉鬃。Enderlein 1914年以其1906年所描述的Helicoconis australiensis作为模式种建立了此属,至今只记载有5个种,除1种在新几内亚外,其余均分布在澳洲,本文系此属在我国的首次纪录,并增加1新种。所有模式标本均保存在北京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   
寡毛实蝇属三新种:(双翅目:实蝇科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述的3新种,即广西实蝇Dacus(Zeugodacus)guangxianus、近黑颜实蝇D.(Zeugodacus)parater和那大实蝇D.(Asiadacus)nadanus,是1982-1985年在南方各地果园中用诱蝇酮(cue-lure)诱获的,寄主不明。所有模式标本均存放于北京农业部植物检疫实验所。在此谨向提供标本的同志致谢。  相似文献   
Dwora.  I 《昆虫分类学报》1993,15(2):91-121
本文首先根据眼小叶蝉族Alebrini讨论翅的命名,接着是眼小叶蝉属Alebra Fieb.和东半球眼小叶蝉族各属的评论。Homa elongata Kato移入属AsialebraDwor.,Shaddai distanti Dwor.是S.typicus Dist.的异名。描述了6个新种,即Sobralacapreola,S.clara,Orientalebra drawidana,Afralebra melichari,A.youngi,A.paolii. 本文引言部分讨论小叶蝉亚科Typhlocybinae翅的形态学,正文为分类部分。 在描述内部构造以及端节、头、和胸部背面时,使用习惯术语。 新种模式标本系列保存于下列博物馆中;正模的保管者在有关描述中最先提到: SMTD——德国得累斯顿,国家动物学博物馆。 BMNH——英国伦敦,英国自然历史博物馆。 USNM——美国华盛顿,美国国家博物馆。 MM——捷克斯洛伐克Brno,Moravian博物馆。  相似文献   
报道了在海南热带雨林国家公园内发现的兰科牛齿兰属中国一新记录种:广椭牛齿兰[Appendicula ovalis(Schltr.) J.J.Sm. ex Mansf.]。该种原分布于马来半岛、苏门答腊岛、爪哇岛、婆罗洲、苏拉威西岛,在形态上与国内记录的4种牛齿兰属植物均有较大差别,如茎中部具分枝、叶广椭圆形、单个花序仅着生1朵花、且唇瓣扭转具粉紫色斑块等特征。对产自海南的该种形态和生境进行了详细描述,并提供高清解剖照片。凭证标本保存于海南大学林学院教学标本馆(HUFB)。  相似文献   
通过形态学及化学研究,结合nrDNA ITS序列的系统发育分析,该文报道了茶渍属(Lecanora Ach.)和石蕊属(Cladonia P. Browne)地衣4中国新记录种:莱氏茶渍(Lecanora layana Lendemer)、白头山茶渍(L. baekdudaeganensis B. G. Lee&Hur)、伪银茶渍(L. pseudargentata Lumbsch)和草皮石蕊[Cladonia caespiticia (Pers.) P. Gaertn., B. Mey&Scherb.]。该文对这些物种的分类学特征进行了详细描述,并与相似种进行了对比,同时提供了各种的地理分布图和形态图。这为中国茶渍属和石蕊属地衣物种多样性及资源利用提供了基础资料。  相似文献   
BackgroundAn increasing trend of oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) has been reported in several countries with different demographic characteristics, and often attributed to increases in human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The survival of patients with OPC has steadily improved, especially for those with positive HPV status. This study assessed the incidence, trends, and survival of OPC in Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ) by age at diagnosis, sex and ethnicity.MethodsThe study included all 2109 patients resident in NZ with a primary diagnosis of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma from 2006 to 2020, identified from the National Cancer Registry. We assessed age-standardised incidence rate (ASR), annual percent change (APC) and overall and relative survival rates.ResultsThe average annual incidence of OPC was 2.2 per 100,000 population. There was a steady increase of 4.9% per year over 15 years. Although the incidence rates were higher in males over the study period, the overall rate of increase was similar in males (4.9%) and in females (4.3%). The incidence was highest in the 50–69-year group (8.8/100,000 population). This age group had an incidence that increased by 7.5% per year to 2018, and then declined. The main increase in rates was seen between the birth cohort of 1946–50 and that of 1956–60. The increase in incidence was seen in Māori and Pākehā/European populations, but no increase was seen in Pacific or Asian populations. The 5-year overall relative survival rate improved from 69% in 2006‐13 to 78% in 2014–20. Survival rates were lower in older patients, females, and Māori patients.ConclusionThis study confirmed a substantial increase in OPC incidence in NZ, with some evidence to suggest a recent slowing in this increase. Māori and Pākehā/European had the highest incidence, while Pacific and Asian populations showed the lowest rates and no increase over the study period. Survival rates have improved over time, but remained lower in some demographic groups.  相似文献   
王文采 《植物研究》1993,13(1):1-10
自H.Smith在二十,三十年代从我国采集的紫草科标本中鉴定出15属,36种,4变种,均属紫草亚科,其中包括附地菜属一新种,其中,这批标本本来应该包括更多的新种,如Johnston在1928年及以后描述的Microula rockii Johnst.,Onosma mertensioides Johnst.,O.adenopus Johnst.,Trionotis floribunda Johnst.,Kitagawa在六十年代描述的Lappula shanhsiensis Kitag.,本文作者和王庆瑞在八十年代描述的Microula pseudotrichocarpa W.T.Wang,M.turbinata W.T.Wang,M.turbinata W.T.Wang,M.floribunda W.T.Wang,Trigontis longipes W.T.Wang,T.corispermoides C.J.wang。只是由于这批柴草科标本未得到及时鉴定,才推迟了这10个种的发表。  相似文献   
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