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A 0.0625 m2 mini-box corer (MBC) was used to study the vertical distribution of macrobenthos in the shallow sublittoral zone of Admiralty Bay, during the 2003/2004 summer, near the Brazilian Station Comandante Ferraz, and the Peruvian Station Machu Picchu. Sediment samples were taken from 20, 30 and 60 m, and stratified for particle-size, total organic matter (TOM) and faunal composition analysis. The most abundant taxa were Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, Amphipoda, Cumacea, Bivalvia and Gastropoda. In general, macrofauna were concentrated in the 0–4 cm layer (64% of total organisms). Correlations between sediment characteristics and faunal densities have not completely explained neither the aggregation of organisms at the surface sediment layers nor the differences in faunal composition between locations at 20 m depth. Analysis of parameters such as organic carbon, heavy metals, interstitial water, and species composition should contribute to a better understanding of the diversity patterns found in this study.  相似文献   
The breeding performance and population trends of Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) was studied at Esperanza/Hope Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, by comparing an area with low levels of human disturbance (LLD) and an area with high levels of human disturbance (HLD), close to an Argentine research station. From 1995/1996 to 2004/2005 (except for 1999/2000 and 2003/2004), the following population parameters were measured in both areas: (1) the number of breeding pairs, (2) the number of chicks in creches and (3) the number of chicks produced by breeding pairs. Counts were made for 26 breeding groups situated in the LLD area and 63 breeding groups located in the HLD area. The number of chicks per breeding pair was obtaobtained by following 100 marked nests in each area. All parameters were measured as described in the CCAMLR Monitoring Program protocols. The magnitude and direction (increasing or decreasing) of the changes in breeding population size and the number of chicks creched were similar in both areas. Overall, the number of breeding pairs decreased from 4,744 to 2,968 (37.4%) in the LLD area, and from 8,744 to 5,378 (38.6%) in the HLD area. The number of chicks fledged increased from 3,808 to 4,065 (6.7%) in the LLD area, and decreased from 6,991 to 6,712 (4%) in the HLD area. Breeding success (chicks fledged per marked nest) did not differ significantly between areas for most of the seasons compared. In 1996/1997, breeding success was significantly higher in the HLD area. Our data suggest that environmental influences currently exert greater effects than human disturbance on the penguin population at Esperanza Bay.  相似文献   
We have conducted a preliminary study of tidal and diurnal variations in the distribution of dominant larval and juvenile fishes in the Chikugo River inlet (Ariake Bay, Kyushu, Japan) to determine whether selective tidal stream transport (STST) occurs. Larval and juvenile fish were collected from the mesohaline zone of the Chikugo River inlet during spring 2002. Temperature, salinity, depth, and current velocity were measured. Larval and juvenile abundance were compared among four tidal conditions, flooding tide, high tide, ebbing tide, and low tide, and between day and night. A total of 12 families, 15 species, and 5,577 individuals were collected. Temperature did not vary significantly with tidal conditions whereas salinity, depth, and current velocity varied significantly. Salinity also was correlated significantly and positively with depth. The abundance of most of the fishes was correlated positively and significantly with salinity and depth. Lateolabrax japonicus, Trachidermus fasciatus, Acanthogobius hasta, and other gobiid larvae (Gobiidae spp.) were significantly more abundant during high tide; in contrast, Coilia nasus and Neosalanx reganius were most abundant during low tide. The abundance of most of the fishes was higher during high tides at night than during the day, indicating the existence of STST, which may be strategically associated with ascending progress to upstream nursery areas.  相似文献   
Abstract Broadscale habitat use by Eastern Curlews (Numenius madagascariensis) in their non‐breeding range in eastern Australia was assessed using low tide surveys on feeding grounds, where 60 skilled volunteers made repeated counts of the birds on intertidal flats, across 41% (9500 ha) of the intertidal habitat within Moreton Bay, Australia. We analysed 32 defined sections of intertidal flat, of roughly equal area (mostly 200–400 ha), which varied greatly in their curlew density (2–47 birds per 100 ha) and also in substrate and other environmental features. Sites with the least resistant substrates had densities three times those with the most resistant substrates. Of 10 environmental characteristics measured for each site, substrate resistance was the best predictor of curlew density (r2 = 0.45). Characteristics that were poor predictors included distance to the nearest roost, level of human disturbance and distance to urban settlement. For a finer‐scale assessment, microhabitat use and feeding behaviour were recorded during low tide within 12 intertidal flats, which varied in size (23–97 ha), substrate, topography and other features. Across all flats, curlews strongly preferred to feed relatively close (0–50 m) to the low‐water line. They fed on a variety of substrates (including sand, sandy‐mud, mud and seagrass) in broadly similar proportions to their occurrence in the habitat. There was a statistically significant preference for sand, although its magnitude was not strong. These results indicate that curlews select habitat most strongly at a between‐flat rather than within‐flat scale.  相似文献   
This study examines resource use (diet, habitat use, and trophic level) within and among demographic groups (males, females, and juveniles) of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). We analyzed the δ13C and δ15N values of 15 prey species constituting 84% of the species found in stomach contents. We used these data to establish a trophic enrichment factor (TEF) to inform dietary analysis using a Bayesian isotope mixing model. We document a TEF of 0‰ and 2.0‰ for δ13C and δ15N, respectively. The dietary results showed that all demographic groups relied heavily on low trophic level seagrass‐associated prey. Bayesian standard ellipse areas (SEAb) were calculated to assess diversity in resource use. The SEAb of females was nearly four times larger than that of males indicating varied resource use, likely a consequence of small home ranges and habitat specialization. Juveniles possessed an intermediate SEAb, generally feeding at a lower trophic level compared to females, potentially an effect of natal philopatry and immature foraging skills. The small SEAb of males reflects a high degree of specialization on seagrass associated prey. Patterns in resource use by the demographic groups are likely linked to differences in the relative importance of social and ecological factors.  相似文献   
本研究在原来CASA模型的基础上,对模型参数最大光能利用率和水分胁迫系数的算法进行了改进,利用改进后的CASA模型模拟了2010年内蒙古锡林郭勒盟草原植被净初级生产力(NPP),并用地面实测样方数据对改进后的模型进行精度验证。结果表明:改进的CASA模型可应用于内蒙古草原小尺度植被NPP的估测,模拟NPP值与地面实测值之间的相关性达到显著水平(R2=0.829,P0.05);2010年内蒙古锡林郭勒盟草原植被生长季(4—10月)NPP为284.64 g C·m-2·a-1,不同地区年均NPP相差较大,东北部东乌珠穆沁旗草原NPP高达411.11 g C·m-2·a-1,而西北部的二连浩特市草原NPP仅为158.87 g C·m-2·a-1;整体上,锡林郭勒盟草原的NPP由东向西逐步递减,这与该区域水热条件限制基本一致;由于降水量的时滞效应,该年度内NPP出现两次峰值;2010年锡林郭勒境内草原NPP集中分布在250~350 g C·m-2·a-1,草甸草原的NPP最大,典型草原次之,荒漠草原最小。  相似文献   
Mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) were transplanted from a reference site (Syracuse harbour) to an impacted site (Augusta Bay) from January to July 2013 to assess the biochemical response of caged mussels to high trace element and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination, using lipid and fatty acid (FA) biomarkers. Sediment and mussels were analysed to assess contaminant bioavailability in the study sites and bioaccumulation in mussel tissue. Trace elements (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, Zn) and PAHs were significantly higher in mussels from Augusta than in those from Syracuse, mirroring the different environmental contamination. The biological impact quotient (BIQs), which indicates the potential biological impact of mussel-accumulated contaminants, reflected the highest contaminant concentrations found in Augusta and their temporal trend, which increased from the start of the experiment to 3–4 months after transplanting, followed by a decrease, as indication of mussel detoxification processes. Lower condition index (CI) and phospholipids (PL), as well as higher total (TL) and neutral lipids (NL) in mussels from Augusta, indicated the occurrence of a physiological and biochemical stress response to pollutant exposure and accumulation. Differences in FA composition, especially polyunsaturated (PUFA), essential (EFA) and non-methylene interrupted dienoic (NMID) FAs between the study sites revealed the occurrence of stress-induced lipid peroxidation, followed by compensatory/adaptive processes in Augusta mussels. The marked increase in bacterial biomarkers, mainly cyclopropyl (CY) FAs, reflecting the greater bioaccumulation of chemicals in the Augusta mussels, may be the result of bacterial infections or symbiosis with bacteria involved in detoxification processes.  相似文献   
Li ZG  Li XY  Gao B  Chen W  He XY 《应用生态学报》2011,22(4):943-949
利用Landsat TM和高精度ALOS影像数据,在比较不同水体指数提取海域面积精度的基础上,利用改进的归一化差异水体指数(MNDWI),研究了1988、1995和2006年锦州湾海域填海造地情况.结果表明:1988-2006年间,锦州湾海域填海造地面积达23.63 km2,其中,12.38 km2被用作开发区建设,5.48 km2用于工业用地,3.47 km2用于码头建设,1.37 km2被用作养殖用地,0.93 km2被用为滨海浴场.大面积填海造地反映了锦州湾沿海城市建设和经济发展对土地的强烈需求,同时也必然会对该区域的生态环境造成较大影响,需要进一步加强监测和评价.  相似文献   
南堡凹陷是位于渤海湾盆地黄骅坳陷北部的小型构造单元。为深入研究南堡凹陷古近纪孢粉组合,采集了Gp1和Np288等七口钻井样品。经传统酸、碱处理法获得孢粉化石,并在研究区古近系地层中划分出六个孢粉亚组合:沙三段4亚段的Ephedripites-Taxodiaceaepollenites-Ulmoideipites tricostatus-Pterisisporites属于始新世鲁特期、沙三段1—3亚段的Quercoidites microhenrici-Ulmipollenites minor属于始新世中晚期、沙二段的Ephedripites-Rutaceoipollis-Meliaceoidites与沙一段的Quercoidites-Meliaceoidites属于渐新世早期、东二段与东三段的Ulmipollenites undulosus-Piceaepollenites-Tsugaepollenites与东一段的Juglandaceae-Celtispollenites属于渐新世中晚期。研究区古近纪孢粉组合与黄骅坳陷中北区及滩海地区的孢粉组合可以形成良好对比,并且研究区局部出现的沙三段4、5亚段与渤海湾盆地普遍出现的沙河街组四段上部为同一时期的产物。  相似文献   
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