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Highly purified noradrenergic, large, dense-cored vesicles were isolated from bovine sympathetic nerve endings by sucrose-D2O density gradient centrifugation. Their concentration of glycoprotein hexosamine and sialic acid was 6.6 and 3.9 mumol/100 mg lipid-free dry weight, respectively, values which are similar to those previously found in bovine chromaffin granules. However, whereas chromaffin granule glycoproteins are characterized by their high proportion of N-acetylgalactosamine-containing O-glycosidically-linked oligosaccharides (present in the chromogranins), such oligosaccharides accounted for only 17% of those in noradrenergic synaptic vesicle glycoproteins. Fractionation of N-3H-acetylated glycopeptides by sequential lectin affinity chromatography demonstrated that approximately two-thirds of the oligosaccharides were of the tri- and tetraantennary complex type, accompanied by 14% biantennary oligosaccharides and 3% high-mannose oligosaccharides. The vesicles had a relatively low concentration of chondroitin sulfate (less than 5% of that in chromaffin granules) but significant amounts of heparan sulfate (0.4 mumol N-acetylglucosamine/100 mg lipid-free dry weight). No hyaluronic acid was detected. The concentration of ganglioside sialic acid in the noradrenergic vesicles was approximately 1 mumol/100 mg lipid-free dry weight, which is significantly higher than that of a crude membrane mixture from which the vesicles were prepared; the ratio of N-acetyl- to N-glycolylneuraminic acid was 0.8. Several molecular species of gangliosides were detected by thin-layer chromatography, but most of these did not exactly comigrate with bovine brain gangliosides. Cholera toxin binding indicated that approximately half or less of the gangliosides belong to the gangliotetraose series.  相似文献   
Bovine chromaffin granules from adrenal medulla contain three acidic secretory proteins: chromogranins A, B, and C. For isolation of these proteins, methods based mainly on high performance liquid chromatography were developed. After removal of contaminating glycoproteins by lectin affinity chromatography, chromogranins were separated by high performance anion-exchange, gel-filtration, and reverse phase liquid chromatography. As a final purification step sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis was performed. Amino acid analysis of isolated bovine chromogranins revealed a similar composition of all three proteins, with glutamic acid being the most prominent amino acid. The methods developed for bovine proteins also proved suitable for isolating rat chromogranins A and B from a transplantable pheochromocytoma. Chromogranin C was not present in sufficient amounts to be isolated from this tissue. The chromogranins purified by these methods were used to raise specific antibodies in rabbits. The use of purified chromogranins together with specific antisera may be valuable in understanding the still undiscovered function of these proteins.  相似文献   
The carboxyl methylation of secretory proteins in vivo was investigated in bovine adrenal medullary cells in culture. Chromogranin A, the major intragranular secretory protein in adrenal medullary cells, and other secretory proteins were found to be carboxyl-methylated within secretory vesicles. The in vivo labeling pattern using [methyl-3H]methionine and the in vitro labeling pattern using S-adenosyl-[methyl-14C]methionine of intravesicular secretory proteins were similar. The detection of methylated chromogranin A in mature secretory vesicles required 3-6 h, a time consistent with the synthesis and storage of secretory proteins in this tissue. Carboxyl-methylated chromogranin A was secreted from medullary cells by exocytosis via activation of nicotinic cholinergic receptor and recovered still under the methylated form in the incubation medium. Since protein-carboxyl-methylase is cytosolic, these results suggest that methylation of secretory proteins is a cotranslational phenomenon.  相似文献   
Summary In earlier ultrastructural studies of the supraoptic nucleus in adult rats we noted free and incompletely covered postsynaptic densities (collectively referred to here as vacant postsynaptic densities) on dendritic shafts. Free postsynaptic densities have been reported in other parts of the central nervous system of normal rodents. We investigated the possibility that physiological activation of the supraoptic cells, which produces changes in many aspects of their morphology, would alter the incidence of the free or incompletely covered postsynaptic densities on dendrites in the supraoptic basal dendritic zone. The cells of the supraoptic nucleus are activated to increase cell firing and secretion of oxytocin and/or vasopressin in response to dehydration, gestation, and lactation. We have examined: (i) untreated virgin females; (ii) untreated males; (iii) 24 h water-deprived males; (iv) prepartum (21st day of gestation) females; (v) postpartum females (on the day of parturition); (vi) lactating females (14 days of suckling); (vii) mothers 10 days after weaning their pups; (viii) females given 2% saline to drink (dehydrated) for 10 days; and females or males given 2% saline to drink for 10 days, then given tap water for (ix) 2 or (x) 5 weeks to allow rehydration. Only long-term activation of the supraoptic nucleus by lactation or by drinking saline for 10 days brought about significant decreases in the percentage of dendrites with vacant postsynaptic densities. These densities did not reappear in saline treated rats which had been rehydrated for 2 weeks, but did return in both the 5-week rehydration and the 10-day postweaning groups. Short-term activation of the supraoptic nucleus, such as occurs at parturition or in acute dehydration, did not affect the vacant postsynaptic densities. Analysis of semiserial thin sections indicated that presynaptic elements facing the incompletely covered postsynaptic densities contain predominantly clear round vesicles and also that apparently free postsynaptic densities were usually at least partially contacted by a presynaptic ending in adjacent sections.  相似文献   
Summary The development and fate of the secretory granules in murine, rat and human juxtaglomerular epithelioid cells were examined using ultrastructural and immunocytochemical methods. The formation of mature renin granules occurs by fusion of rhomboid protogranules followed by coalescence of their paracrystalline contents, and by the fusion of roundish juvenile granules having an amorphous internum. Protogranules with paracrystalline contents are prominent in animals with stimulated renin synthesis, indicating an overcharge in processing and/or packaging of the secretory product, renin, under these conditions. Various similarities between lysosomes/multivesicular bodies (MVBs) and juvenile renin granules have been observed. With the exception of small MVBs, no renin-negative organelles that could be regarded as lysosomes were found in epithelioid cells of mice and rats. Therefore, we suggest that renin granules are modified lysosomes. Immunocytochemical findings indicate that juvenile secretory granules of epithelioid cells represent the converting and activating compartment for prorenin. Endocytosed foreign tracers such as HRP or cationized ferritin are preferentially internalized by juvenile renin granules, which hence appear to be outstanding by their fusogeneity. Consequently, juvenile granules are probably responsible for the secretion of prorenin, and mature granules for that of active renin.These studies were supported by the German Research Foundation within the Forschergruppe Niere/Heidelberg  相似文献   
Abstract: It was recently claimed that lysolecithin (lysophosphatidylcholine) in chromaffin granules is a postmortem artefact. We have, therefore, determined catecholamine/lysolecithin ratios in adrenal tissues and isolated chromaffin granules. In rat adrenals and bovine medulla the ratios in both tissues and granules were similar. This indicates that even in rapidly frozen rat adrenal glands, sufficient lysolecithin is present in the total tissue to account for its presence in isolated organelles. Owing to the high cortexhedulla ratios such studies cannot be performed with guinea pig or rabbit adrenals. However, isolated chromafh granules from guinea pig, in contrast to a previous study, do contain lysolecithin. We conclude that lysolecithin is an in vivo constituent of chromaffin granules of all species so far investigated.  相似文献   
Abstract: Cultured PC12 pheochromocytoma cells were labeled with [3H]gIucosamine, and the glycoproteins and proteoglycans released following potassium-induced depolarization were fractionated and characterized. Exposure of PC12 cells for 20 min to a high concentration of potassium (51.5 mM in Krebs-Ringers-HEPES buffer) results in an approximately sixfold increase in the release of labeled glycoproteins and proteoglycans, compared to incubation in physiological levels of potassium (6 mM ). The released complex carbohydrates include chromogranins, dopamine β-hydroxylase, and two chondroitin sulfate/heparan sulfate proteoglycan fractions, which together account for 7.4% of the soluble cell radioactivity. The chromogranins contained galactosyl(β l ± 3 )N-ace tylgalactosamine, as well as several mono- and disialyl O -glycosidically-linked oligosaccharides, and the tetra-saccharide AcNeu(α2 ± 3)Gal(β l ± 3)[AcNeu(α2 ± (6)] GalNAcol, obtained by alkaline borohydride treatment of the chromogranin glycopeptides, accounted for almost half of the total chromogranin labeling. The proteoglycan fractions varied in their relative proportions of chondroitin sulfate (23–68%), heparan sulfate (16–23%), and glycoprotein oligosaccharides (16–54%), which are of the triand tetraantennary and O -glycosidic types. As previously found in the case of proteoglycans from bovine chromaffin granules, the more acidic species has a considerably higher proportion of carbohydrate in the form of sulfated glycosaminoglycans.  相似文献   
Summary A pot-culture experiment was conducted to assess the leaching losses of N from the conventional and new nitrogen fertilizers under low-land rice culture. Leaching losses of N were generally less than 20% of applied N with sources other than sodium nitrate and these could be reduced by blending urea with nitrification inhibitor N-Serve or coating withneem cake or by using urea super granules or slow-release N fertilizer sulphur coated urea. These new nitrogen fertilizers were more effective than urea for rice.  相似文献   
Electrical stimulation of nervus corpus cardiacum I (NCCI) resulted in the propagation of a compound action potential into the storage and glandular lobes of the corpus cardiacum (CC) of Locusta migratoria. The compound action potential was abolished in the presence of both sodium-free saline and tetrodotoxin (TTX). Calcium-free saline had variable effects.The release of a neurosecretory protein (estimated following precipitation with an antiserum directed against neurosectetory protein) was examined after treatment with high potassium saline and electrical stimulation of NCC I. Release was induced by elevated potassium salines and by the propagation of a compound action potential along NCC I. The release was calcium-dependent. TTX and sodium-free saline abolished the electrically-induced release of protein. Concomitant with the release of protein was the release of a factor with diuretic activity, illustrating that hormones are also being released along with the neurosecretory protein. The release of this protein was dependent upon the frequency of electrical stimulation (up to approx. 5 Hz) and the patterning of electrical stimulation. This neurosecretory protein which has previously been shown to be very similar in both size and amino acid composition to the pituitary neurophysins, now also shares the characteristic of being released along with hormone.  相似文献   
Summary Neurosecretory granules (NSG) of rat posterior pituitary glands were prepared by differential centrifugation techniques mainly according to the procedure as described by Barer, Heller and Lederis (1963). As revealed by electron microscopy, the recovery of neurophysin and the contents of enzymes, purified NSG were obtained in a pellet at 30 000 g/60 min (0.44 M sucrose). Eighteen h after injection of (35S) cysteine into the supraoptic nucleus 60% of the recovered radioactivity in the neural lobe was found in the NSG, whereas 20% was found in the final supernatant (100 000 g/120 min). Sixteen days after injection the NSG and the final supernatant fraction contained fairly equal amount of (35S) cysteine (approximately 40%). It is suggested that after a period of intragranular maturation neurophysin is extruded into an extragranular pool of neurosecretory material.With the use of conventional polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis it was shown that the predominating proportion of radioactivity in the NSG after a hypothalamic injection of (35S) cysteine was located within the neurophysin fraction A and in fraction B. Fraction B is suggested to be partly bound to the NSG membranes. When the NSG soluble and NSG insoluble proteins, obtained after lysis of NSG, were separated on polyacrylamide gels in the presence of sodium dodecylsulphate, the highly radioactive soluble protein was shown to consist of two components with average molecular weights of 12 300 and 14 600. Most of the proteins in the lysate were found in the NSG membranes, though less radioactive. A component with a mol.wt. of 37 000 was enriched in the membrane fraction. At longer times after isotope injection the high mol.wt. proteins, particularly those of the NSG membranes, contained increased amounts of radioactivity.Abbreviations NSG neurosecretory granule - NSM neurosecretory material - SON supraoptic nucleus The present investigation was supported by grants from Svenska Livförsäkringsbolags nämnd för medicinsk forskning from Svenska Sällskapet för Medicinsk forskning, from the Medical Faculty, University of Göteborg, and from the Swedish Medical Research Council (B 72-12X-2543-04A).We are indebted to Mrs. Marie-Louise Eskilsson, Mrs. Wally Holmberg and Mrs. Ulla Svedin for technical assistance, and to Miss Gull Grönstedt for careful secreterial work.  相似文献   
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