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甘肃、新疆、内蒙苹果蠹蛾成虫消长规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苹果蠹蛾Cydia pomonella(L.)是我国重要的果树害虫和检疫对象。2005年至2010年,本研究在甘肃、新疆及内蒙古的不同区县选取了16个果园,使用性信息素诱捕器对其中的苹果蠹蛾成虫发生规律进行长期监测。结果表明,苹果蠹蛾在西北地区每年发生2.5个世代;在正常气候条件下,3个成虫发生高峰分别出现在5月上旬、7月中下旬和8月中下旬,但不同地区及同一地区不同果园之间存在较大差异;化学防治、迷向防治等防治措施对苹果蠹蛾成虫捕获量的影响较大,因此生活史研究为主的监测并不适合在上述果园中开展。综合上述研究结果,未对苹果蠹蛾的季节动态进行准确的预测,需要对苹果蠹蛾除成虫外的其他虫态的季节性变化进行详细研究,并建议选择3个以上的果园进行监测,综合各个果园的监测结果并得出结论。  相似文献   
Three silhouette traps of novel design were used to investigate the trap finding ability of female Austrosimulium bancrofti (Taylor) (Diptera: Simuliidae) in southeast Queensland. The traps were 'upright', 'elongate' or 'square' in shape. Five highly significant factors: hour after sunrise, temperature, relative humidity, trap shape and distance between traps, were included in a model which generated fitted estimates of flies captured under defined conditions. The rate of increase and the level of maximum capture rate indicated that the elongate trap captured the highest numbers of blackflies. An interaction between hour after sunrise and temperature suggests a strong endogenous modification of trap finding activity. Numbers captured increased with increasing distance between traps and decreasing relative humidity. The importance of these results in understanding behaviour of A. bancrofti is discussed.  相似文献   
Ecological camera traps are increasingly used by wildlife biologists to unobtrusively monitor an ecosystems animal population. However, manual inspection of the images produced is expensive, laborious, and time‐consuming. The success of deep learning systems using camera trap images has been previously explored in preliminary stages. These studies, however, are lacking in their practicality. They are primarily focused on extremely large datasets, often millions of images, and there is little to no focus on performance when tasked with species identification in new locations not seen during training. Our goal was to test the capabilities of deep learning systems trained on camera trap images using modestly sized training data, compare performance when considering unseen background locations, and quantify the gradient of lower bound performance to provide a guideline of data requirements in correspondence to performance expectations. We use a dataset provided by Parks Canada containing 47,279 images collected from 36 unique geographic locations across multiple environments. Images represent 55 animal species and human activity with high‐class imbalance. We trained, tested, and compared the capabilities of six deep learning computer vision networks using transfer learning and image augmentation: DenseNet201, Inception‐ResNet‐V3, InceptionV3, NASNetMobile, MobileNetV2, and Xception. We compare overall performance on “trained” locations where DenseNet201 performed best with 95.6% top‐1 accuracy showing promise for deep learning methods for smaller scale research efforts. Using trained locations, classifications with <500 images had low and highly variable recall of 0.750 ± 0.329, while classifications with over 1,000 images had a high and stable recall of 0.971 ± 0.0137. Models tasked with classifying species from untrained locations were less accurate, with DenseNet201 performing best with 68.7% top‐1 accuracy. Finally, we provide an open repository where ecologists can insert their image data to train and test custom species detection models for their desired ecological domain.  相似文献   
《Free radical research》2013,47(3-6):169-180
Numerous studies have indirectly, suggested that oxygen-derived free radicals play an important path-ogenetic role in the prolonged depression of contractile function observed in myocardium reperfused after reversible ischemia (myocardial “stunning”). In order to provide direct evidence for the oxy-radical hypothesis of stunning, we administered the spin trap, α-phenyl N-tert-butyl nitrone (PBN), to open-chest dogs undergoing a 15-min coronary artery occlusion followed by reperfusion. Plasma of local coronary venous blood was analyzed by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. EPR signals characteristic of radical adducts of PBN appeared during ischemia and increased dramatically in the first few minutes after reperfusion. After this initial burst, the production of adducts abated but did not cease, persisting up to 3 h after reflow. The production of PBN adducts after reperfusion was inversely related to collateral flow during ischemia. PBN itself enhanced recovery of contractile function. indicating that the radicals trapped may play a pathogenetic role in myocardial stunning. Superoxide dismutase plus catalase attenuated PBN adduct production and, at the same time, improved recovery of contractile function. Antioxidant therapy given 1 min before reperfusion suppressed PBN adduct production and improved contractile recovery; however, the same therapy given 1 min after reperfusion did not suppress early radical production and did not attenuate contractile dysfunction. After i.v. administration, the elimination half-life of PBN was estimated to be approximately 4–5 h. The results demonstrate that 1) free radicals are produced in the stunned myocardium in intact animals; 2) inhibition of free radical production results in improved contractile recovery; and 3) the free radicals important in causing dysfunction are produced in the first few minutes of reperfusion. Taken together, these studies provide cogent evidence supporting the oxy-radical hypothesis of stunning in open-chest dogs. It is now critical to determine whether these results can be reproduced in conscious animal preparations.  相似文献   
Human developments have detrimental effects on wildlife populations globally with carnivores being particularly sensitive. The bobcat (Lynx rufus) is often considered an adaptable mesocarnivore that occurs throughout varied landcover types within its wide distribution and may be less susceptible to the negative effects of development. Our objectives were to investigate the landscape occupancy dynamics of bobcats in a highly developed and densely populated region of the northeastern United States to evaluate the sensitivity of bobcat occurrence to natural and anthropogenic landscape features. We established a large-scale camera trapping survey throughout Rhode Island, USA, sampling from 2018 to 2020. Using dynamic occupancy models, we found initial site occupancy was positively influenced by the amount of forested wetland habitat, while increasing road density and shrub cover negatively influenced the probability of site colonization. Surprisingly, we found no hypothesized variables to influence site-level extirpation probability, or any seasonal effects on dynamic parameters. Lastly, we found that forest cover and road density negatively influenced the probability of detection. The probability of occupancy was high, >0.8, throughout much of the study area (49%), but we also found relatively high site transients, with the probability a site would change occurrence status from season to season at ≈0.27 in the majority of the study area (70%). Our results show that although bobcats can persist in human-dominated landscapes, they require contiguous natural areas to do so. Future expansion of road infrastructure may reduce habitat connectivity and increase road mortalities, thus jeopardizing the population.  相似文献   
野生与栽培黄花蒿净光合速率对光强和CO2浓度的响应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
比较了相同种源的野生和栽培黄花蒿(Artemisia annua L.)净光合速率对光强和CO2浓度的响应特性。结果表明,野生和栽培黄花蒿的光饱和点(LSP)分别为1 183和1 564μmol m-2s-1,光补偿点(LCP)为17和18μmol m-2s-1,最大净光合速率(Pmax)为18.78和22.38μmol m-2s-1,表观量子效率(AQY)为0.08和0.075μmol m-2s-1,表明黄花蒿的光合能力强,能够利用很高的光强,且对弱光的适应性也较强。栽培黄花蒿的Pmax、LSP和最大羧化速率(Vcmax)显著高于野生黄花蒿,两者的LCP、不包括光下呼吸的CO2补偿点、AQY、光下呼吸速率和最大电子传递速率(Jmax)差异不显著。强光下栽培黄花蒿主要通过提高Vcmax和Jmax等来增强光合能力,强的光合能力有利于黄花蒿的生长,因此在人工栽培黄花蒿的过程中应选择阳光充足的开阔生境。  相似文献   
1 The ability to quantify whitefly migration provides a tool that can contribute to an improved understanding of the epidemic development of whitefly‐transmitted viruses. 2 In an attempt to develop a protocol for estimating whitefly immigration and emigration rates in an annual crop, new traps and sampling devices were tested in the field and models for population dynamics were developed. 3 An estimate of immigration rate was derived from the growth of a natural population of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) in the beginning of a crop cycle before offspring of immigrants contributed to population growth. 4 A model for changes in whitefly density during an entire bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) crop cycle, including an immigration parameter, was also developed. 5 Non‐attractant window traps surrounding an annual field crop were assumed to intercept whiteflies immigrating into and emigrating away from the crop. Captures on these traps could not categorically be identified as immigrants or emigrants, but the cumulated captures nevertheless explained 66% of the variation in population density found within the field. Hence, window traps may be used as an efficient and reliable alternative to yellow sticky traps, aspirator methods and leaf‐turn methods, etc., for estimating whitefly densities in field crops.  相似文献   
Abstract: Ips typographus is the main spruce pest of European forests. In most areas of the Italian Alps there are two generations per year; overwintering adults fly in May looking for trees suitable for breeding, their offspring emerge in summer, 7–8 weeks after tree colonization, and the adults of the second generation emerge in spring of the following year after overwintering under the bark or in the litter. A long‐term population monitoring was carried out in north‐east Italy with the aim at developing a prediction model able to estimate the population density of the following year. Between 1996 and 2004, pheromone traps monitored populations of I. typographus annually. Monitoring lasted 4 months (May–August), with replacement of pheromone dispensers after 8 weeks. Insects trapped before dispenser change were called ‘spring captures’ (May–June), and included both overwintering and re‐emerging adults. Beetles caught after dispenser change were called ‘summer captures’ (July–August), and included the adults of the first generation. The results show a high positive correlation between the ratio of summer and spring captures of one year (Summerx/Springx), and the ratio of total captures of the following year (Yx+1) and those of the current year (Yx) (Yx+1/Yx). Summerx/Springx lower than 0.62 indicate decreasing populations in the following year (Yx+1/Yx <1), whereas Summerx/Springx higher than 0.62 indicate increasing populations (Yx+1/Yx >1). The applicability of the model in the study of I. typographus risk of outbreak and in the forest management is discussed. The prediction of the short‐time trend of the population allows assessing its density in the following year, and therefore the risk of outbreak.  相似文献   
The capturing efficiency of four coloured (yellow, green, white and blue) sticky traps, placed at the top, middle and bottom strata of cotton plants, was tested for the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), and its predatory bug, Orius niger (Wolff) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), as well as spatial distributions of both insects on the plant in years 2006 and 2007. The white coloured trap was the most attractive to F. occidentalis and O. niger in the 2-year study. The blue coloured trap was the least attractive for Orius. The mean numbers of F. occidentalis and O. niger on the top plant parts (flowers and leaves) and in all coloured traps positioned on the upper parts of the plants were greater than those found in the lower two strata. Taylor's power law analysis showed that F. occidentalis and O. niger adults aggregated in the flowers or on the leaves. This study suggests that top flowers could be preferentially sampled to determine population densities of Frankliniella flower thrips and Orius species in cotton, and thus, sticky traps should be placed on the top level of plants. F. occidentalis: O. niger ratios in the flowers varied from 4 to 60 thrips per Orius adult in the three plant strata. This result may indicate that F. occidentalis experiences more predation from Orius.  相似文献   
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