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Abiotic and vegetation data were collected along two altitudinal transects through mature montane Quercus forests on the Pacific and Atlantic slopes of Costa Rica's Chirripó Massif. Between 2000 and 3200 m asl twenty-four 0.05 ha forest plots were selected at altitudinal intervals of 100 m, and eight soil profiles were described at intervals of 200 m. A TWINSPAN classification aided in the determination of eight zonal forest communities on the basis of their floristic composition. They are grouped in two sets of four: (i) the palm-rich lauraceous-fagaceous Lower Montane Mollinedia-Quercus Forests (2000–2600 m asl) and (ii) the bamboo-rich myrsinaceous-fagaceous Upper Montane Schefflera-Quercus Forests (2500–3200 m asl), respectively. Vegetation changes seem correlated with two major climatic gradients: (i) a temperature gradient (altitude), and (ii) a moisture gradient (wet Atlantic vs. moist Pacific slope). Most soils are Andepts, and residual, colluvial or derived from volcanic material. Humus layers are thicker on the wetter Atlantic slope. A total of 431 vascular plant species consisted of 86 pteridophytes, 1 gymnosperm, 296 dicots and 48 monocots. Species richness, canopy height and stem diameter decrease with increasing altitude, while the canopy surface becomes more flattend. A comparison with other studies shows that Chirripó's montane Quercus forests fit within the environmental ranges known from altitudinal zonations elsewhere in the Tropics.Abbreviations asl above sea level - dbh diameter at breast height - LM Lower Montane - Mt. Mountain - TWINSPAN two way indicator species analysis - UM Upper Montane - VU code referring to soil profiles as presented in Van Uffelen (1991) This paper is dedicated to the memory of Alwyn H. Gentry, an outstanding and inspiring tropical botanist who tragically died in a plane crash in the mountains of Ecuador on August 3 1993, when surveying possible boundaries for a new tropical cloud forest reserve.  相似文献   
Selected life-history characteristics of Mesembryanthema species occurring on and off mima-like mounds (heuweltjies) were compared at Tierberg in the southern Succulent Karoo, South Africa. Seed production, the number of seeds retained in seed capsules and germination behaviour were measured in fourteen species of Mesembryanthema which were representatives of two sub-families: the Ruschioideae and the Mesembryanthemoideae. Species occurring onheuweltjies had low overall germination and high seed retention compared with those species occurring offheuweltjies. A strong negative correlation was found between the degree of seed retention and maximum germination. It was proposed that rapid germination and low seed dormancy in species occurring on the flats would be a viable strategy where competition for safe recruitment sites is strong. Species occurring on the flats are long-lived woody shrubs, thus the resulting high levels of seedling mortality probably do not have a major impact on population dynamics.Heuweltjies are sites of intense disturbance. Plant species that occur onheuweltjies can also occur offheuweltjies in disturbed vegetation. Opportunistic life-history characteristics allow these species to colonise disturbed areas.Heuweltjie species thus act as pioneers in a successional process which results ultimately in the re-colonisation of the long-lived flats species. Phylogenetic factors may also determine the species distributions. Members of the Mesembryanthemoideae did not occur offheuweltjies in undisturbed areas. Most Ruschioideae were found on the flats but the few species that occurred onheuweltjies shared similar characteristics with the Mesembryanthemoideae. The primitive life-history characteristics exhibited by the Mesembryanthemoideae enable them to exploit disturbed conditions.  相似文献   
The paper describes the local, national, European and wider-area framework, statutes, and formal and voluntary mechanisms for managing European estuaries. These aspects are discussed in relation to two large and representative estuarine systems, the Tagus, Portugal, and the Humber, on the English North Sea coast As estuaries are sites of many activities and uses, most of which are encouraged or at least condoned, management has the role of preventing and resolving conflicts between those uses and users. Accepted uses of estuaries include the discharge and dumping of waste materials, fin and shell-fisheries, conservation, land reclamation, natural usage, abstraction by industry, and recreation. Estuarine management is now being carried out within the constraints of local and regional government planning, planning and activities of water pollution control bodies, fisheries control bodies, and navigation and port authorities The Tagus and Humber estuaries support all of the above activities and uses, and have controls within a European legislative framework but have differing histories of management and planning in order to resolve conflicts. In addition the Humber is subject to controls placed on North Sea areas. The paper discusses the relevant national and European legislation (Directives) and accepted practices for management. Furthermore, the paper discusses the formulation and practice of estuarine management plans as used by various bodies (nature conservation, water quality and regional authority). It is of particular note that the lessons from these two estuaries are relevant to many other European estuaries.  相似文献   
Energy equivalence assumes equal contribution of large and small species to production and energy flow in communities. As in a double logarithmic plot, physiological rates decline with body weight by –0.25, log biomass should increase by 0.25 and log abundance decline by –0.75 with log species weight, when this concept is valid. This was tested with annual data sets of the macrobenthos of 4 intertidal sites in the German Wadden Sea (Königshafen) and 3 sites in a south Portuguese lagoon (Ria Formosa). Only abundance data from two of these sites displayed significantly negative slopes with mean body size of the species. Biomass and secondary production data were significantly positively correlated with mean body size for all Ria Formosa sites and also for the biomass of a mussel bed in Königshafen. However, high variation in body size of the individuals of a species limits interpretation of these plots.It is preferable to test this concept by body weight classes regardless of its species composition. At Königshafen, biomass and production displayed two distinct peaks. One peak at small body size was caused by browsing species. The other peak at larger body size was caused by animals which potentially extract their food from the water column. This bimodality was only vaguely reflected at one station in the Ria Formosa, possibly because of a dominance of detritus feeding species. In a normalized form (log biomass or production / width of size classvs. log size class), these spectra imply a dominance of small individuals in biomass and production at all sites (except for a mussel bank at Königshafen). This is interpreted as a consequence of permanent disturbances.  相似文献   
Photoinhibition of photosynthesis in the brown alga, Dictyota dichotoma, was studied with a PAM fluorometer (Walz, Effeltrich, Germany) and a homemade oxygen measuring device. As a measure of fluorescence, Fv/Fm, and for the photosynthetic yield, ΔF/Fm', were used. Oxygen measurements show clearly that the observed degree, as well as the time course, of photoinhibition depends on the fluence rate of the light used to measure changes of the production rate. After photoinhibition of photosynthesis the depression of oxygen production caused by non-saturating fluence rates was generally much more pronounced than that caused by saturating or nearly saturating fluence rates. At minimal photoinhibition the initial slope and the convexity of the fluence rate-response curve of oxygen evolution decrease, whereas the level of light saturation decreases only after strong photoinhibition. Nevertheless, at different degrees of photoinhibition, changes in the degree of the upper bending of the fluence rate-response curve of oxygen production are also linearly correlated to changes in the fluorescence ratios (Fv/Fm and ΔF/Fm'). The action spectrum of photoinhibition, calculated on the basis of changes of Fv/Fm, indicates that the reaction center of PS I is not involved in photoinhibition. The lower effectiveness of blue light in comparison to effects of green and red light may be due to chloroplast displacement, as in the so-called strong light position, the light absorbed by the thalli in vivo is decreased.  相似文献   
本文从物质和能量交换的角度,运用非平衡态热力学超熵产生理论,分析了寒害定态的稳定性,并建立了超熵产生判据.理论分析所得的结论与实验结果基本相符.  相似文献   
The phenology of different genotypes and the distribution of genetic variation among flowering plants and their progeny were examined to assess the levels of assortative mating and selection in a hybrid population of Iris. This study and a previous survey of RAPD nuclear markers and chloroplast markers indicate that the population consists of parental genotypes and recombinant hybrid genotypes that are similar to the parental species (I. fulva and I. brevicaulis), although lacking intermediate genotypes. Early in the season only I. fulva genotypes produced flowers, but as flowering in these plants decreased, the hybrid genotypes and I. brevicaulis genotypes began flowering, resulting in a 24-d period of coincidental flowering. The genotypic distribution of seeds produced during the period of flowering overlap contained a high frequency of intermediate genotypes that were not present in the adult generation. The degree of effective assortative mating was examined by comparing the observed progeny genotypic distributions with expected distributions from a mixed-mating model. The model included selfing and random outcrossing to the nearest plants that had pollen-bearing flowers on the day the recipient flower was receptive. The observed genotypic distribution of progeny from plants with I. brevicaulis chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) was not significantly different from the expected distribution. For I. fulva genotypes, however, there were higher than expected frequencies in the extreme genotypic classes, although intermediate genotypes were absent, indicating that these plants were preferentially mating with similar genotypes. Compared with the extreme genotypes, a larger proportion of the intermediate seed progeny produced were aborted, indicating that intermediate genotypes have lower viability. On the basis of the observed progeny genotypes and genetic disequilibria estimates for the adults and the progeny, there appears to be a pattern of effective asymmetrical mating in this population. This asymmetry is most likely due to pollen-style interactions that reduce the fertilization ability of genetically dissimilar pollen, or preferential abortion of genetically intermediate zygotes by I. fulva-like genotypes. The lack of any apparent discrimination by I. brevicaulis-like genotypes creates a directional exchange of nuclear genetic elements that will have implications for introgression and the evolution of hybrid genotypes.  相似文献   
We analysed the spatio-temporal distribution of zooplankton along a profile of 10 stations from the shore to the pelagic zone from April to September 1988, the period when the larvae and juveniles Rutilus rutilus, the most abundant species in the Lake, are in the littoral zone. The digestive tracts of the young roach were analysed. They fed essentially on rotifers and on cladocerans. For comparison, zooplankton was also analysed at one littoral area without fish fry. There was an increase of cladoceran density from the vegetated nearshore zone to the offshore zone. Considering the density of Bosmina longirostris, Daphnia longispina, Chydorus sphaericus and Ceriodaphnia quadrangula, we observed a different distribution pattern in the course of the year. In the nearshore zone, the relative abundance of small species, Bosmina and Chydorus, was much higher than that of the larger Daphnia. From April to September, predation pressure mainly affected the smallest species: in contrast to the inshore station without fish fry, the density of Bosmina decreased in May in the littoral with fish. Chydorus was concentrated in the littoral between February and April, then grew into the pelagic zone, where predation pressure obviously was low during the warm season. The number of Daphnia, which was eaten by the fish fry at any time, remained low in the nearshore zone, which suggests that the presence of fish may cause Daphnia to avoid this zone. Ceriodaphnia which was not affected by this predation, was scarce in the nearshore zone during mid-summer. The low density of the cladocerans in the nearshore zone is likely associated with vertebrate predation by roach fry and juveniles, the result of such a process being either a depletion in density of the prey, or an avoidance behaviour.  相似文献   
The profundal zone of Lake Esrom, Denmark has a dense population of Chironomus anthracinus, which survives 2–4 months of oxygen depletion each summer during stratification. The metabolism of 3rd and 4th instar larvae was examined in regard to variation in biomass and temperature. Respiration at air saturation was described by a curvilinear multiple regression relating oxygen consumption to individual AFDW and temperature. At 10 °C and varying oxygen regimes the O2 consumption and CO2 production of 4th instar larvae were almost unaltered from saturation to about 3 mg O2 l–1, but decreased steeply below this level. The respiratory quotient increased from 0.82 at saturation to about 3.4 at oxygen concentrations near 0.5 mg O2 l–1. This implied a shift from aerobic to partially anaerobic metabolism. At 0.5 mg O2 l–1 the total energy production equalled 20% of the rate at saturation of which more than one third was accounted for by anaerobic degradation of glycogen. This corresponded to a daily loss of 12 µg mg AFDW–1 or approximately 5% of the body reserves. At unchanged metabolic rate the glycogen store would last three weeks, but long term oxygen deficiency causes a further suppression of the energy metabolism in C. anthracinus.  相似文献   
High-density algal photobioreactors using light-emitting diodes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lack of high-density algal photobioreactors (PBR) has been a limitation in exploiting the biotechnological potential of algae. Recent developments of highly efficient light-emitting diodes (LED using gallium aluminum arsenide chips) have made the development of a small LED-based PBR possible. We have calculated theoretical values of gas mass transfer requirements and light-intensity requirement to support high-density algal cultures for the 680 nm monochromatic red light from LED as a light source. A prototype PBR has been designed based on these calculations. A cell concentration of more than 2 x 10(9) cells/mL (more than 6.6% v%sol;v), cell doubling times as low as 12 h, and an oxygen production rate as high as 10 mmol oxygen/L culture/h were achieved using on-line ultrafiltration to periodically provide fresh medium. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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