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Quantification of annual carbon sequestration is very important in order to assess the function of forest ecosystems in combatting global climate change and the ecosystem responses to those changes. Annual cycling and budget of carbon in a forested basin was investigated to quantify the carbon sequestration of a cool-temperate deciduous forest ecosystem in the Horonai stream basin, Tomakomai Experimental Forest, northern Japan. Net ecosystem exchange, soil respiration, biomass increment, litterfall, soil-solution chemistry, and stream export were observed in the basin from 1999–2001 as a part of IGBP-TEMA project. We found that 258 g C m–2 year–1 was sequestered annually as net ecosystem exchange (NEE) in the forested basin. Discharge of carbon to the stream was 4 g C m–2 year–1 (about 2% of NEE) and consisted mainly of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). About 43% of net ecosystem productivity (NEP) was retained in the vegetation, while about 57% of NEP was sequestered in soil, suggesting that the movement of sequestered carbon from aboveground to belowground vegetation was an important process for net carbon accumulation in soil. The derived organic carbon from aboveground vegetation that moved to the soil mainly accumulated in the solid phase of the soil, with the result that the export of dissolved organic carbon to the stream was smaller than that of dissolved inorganic carbon. Our results indicated that the aboveground and belowground interaction of carbon fluxes was an important process for determining the rate and retention time of the carbon sequestration in a cool-temperate deciduous forest ecosystem in the southwestern part of Hokkaido, northern Japan.  相似文献   
Base Cation Cycling in a Pristine Watershed of the Canadian Boreal Forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In forest ecosystems the single largest respiratory flux influencing net ecosystem productivity (NEP) is the total soil CO2 efflux; however, it is difficult to make measurements of this flux that are accurate at the ecosystem scale. We examined patterns of soil CO2 efflux using five different methods: auto-chambers, portable gas analyzers, eddy covariance along and two models parameterized with the observed data. The relation between soil temperature and soil moisture with soil CO2 effluxes are also investigated, both inter-annually and seasonally, using these observations/results. Soil respiration rates (R soil) are greatest during the growing season when soil temperatures are between 15 and 25 °C, but some soil CO2 efflux occurs throughout the year. Measured soil respiration was sensitive to soil temperature, particularly during the spring and fall. All measurement methods produced similar annual estimates. Depending on the time of the year, the eddy covariance (flux tower) estimate for ecosystem respiration is similar to or slightly lower than estimates of annual soil CO2 efflux from the other methods. As the eddy covariance estimate includes foliar and stem respiration which the other methods do not; it was expected to be larger (perhaps 15–30%). The auto-chamber system continuously measuring soil CO2 efflux rates provides a level of temporal resolution that permits investigation of short- to longer term influences of factors on these efflux rates. The expense of building and maintaining an auto chamber system may not be necessary for those researchers interested in estimating R soil annually, but auto-chambers do allow the capture of data from all seasons needed for model parameterization.  相似文献   
It is widely believed that partial root drying (PRD) reduces water losses by transpiration without affecting yield. However, experimental work carried out to date does not always support this hypothesis. In many cases a PRD treatment has been compared to a full irrigated treatment, so doubt remains on whether the observed benefits correspond to the switching of irrigation or just to PRD being a deficit irrigation treatment. In addition, not always a PRD treatment has been found advantageous as compared to a companion regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) treatment. In this work we have compared the response of mature ‘Manzanilla‘ olive trees to a PRD and an RDI treatment in which about 50% of the crop evapotranspiration (ETc) was supplied daily by localised irrigation. We alternated irrigation in the PRD treatment every 2 weeks in 2003 and every 3 weeks in 2004. Measurements of stem water potential (Ψstem), stomatal conductance (g s) and net CO2 assimilation rate (A) were made in trees of both treatments, as well as in trees irrigated to 100% of ETc (Control trees) and in Rain-fed trees. Sap flow was also measured in different conductive organs of trees under both PRD and RDI treatments, to evaluate the influence of alternating irrigation on root water uptake and tree water consumption. We found small and random differences in Ψstem, g s and A, which gave no evidence of PRD causing a positive effect on the olive tree performance, as compared to RDI. Stomatal conductance decreased in PRD trees as compared to Control trees, but a similar decrease in g s was also recorded in the RDI trees. Sap flow measurements, which reflected water use throughout the irrigation period, also showed no evidence of g s being more reduced in PRD than in RDI trees. Daily water consumption was also similar in the trees of the deficit irrigation treatments, for most days, throughout the irrigation period. Alternating irrigation in PRD trees did not cause a change in either water taken up by main roots at each side of the trees, or in the sap flow of both trunk locations and main branches of each side. Results from this work, and from previous work conducted in this orchard, suggest that transpiration is restricted in trees under deficit irrigation, in which roots are left in drying soil when water is applied by localised irrigation, and that there is no need to alternate irrigation for achieving this effect. Section Editor: R. E. Munns  相似文献   
During two intensive field campaigns in summer and autumn 2004 nitrogen (N2O, NO/NO2) and carbon (CO2, CH4) trace gas exchange between soil and the atmosphere was measured in a sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) forest in Hungary. The climate can be described as continental temperate. Fluxes were measured with a fully automatic measuring system allowing for high temporal resolution. Mean N2O emission rates were 1.5 μg N m−2 h−1 in summer and 3.4 μg N m−2 h−1 in autumn, respectively. Also mean NO emission rates were higher in autumn (8.4 μg N m−2 h−1) as compared to summer (6.0 μg N m−2 h−1). However, as NO2 deposition rates continuously exceeded NO emission rates (−9.7 μg N m−2 h−1 in summer and −18.3 μg N m−2 h−1 in autumn), the forest soil always acted as a net NO x sink. The mean value of CO2 fluxes showed only little seasonal differences between summer (81.1 mg C m−2 h−1) and autumn (74.2 mg C m−2 h−1) measurements, likewise CH4uptake (summer: −52.6 μg C m−2 h−1; autumn: −56.5 μg C m−2 h−1). In addition, the microbial soil processes net/gross N mineralization, net/gross nitrification and heterotrophic soil respiration as well as inorganic soil nitrogen concentrations and N2O/CH4 soil air concentrations in different soil depths were determined. The respiratory quotient (ΔCO2 resp ΔO2 resp−1) for the uppermost mineral soil, which is needed for the calculation of gross nitrification via the Barometric Process Separation (BaPS) technique, was 0.8978 ± 0.008. The mean value of gross nitrification rates showed only little seasonal differences between summer (0.99 μg N kg−1 SDW d−1) and autumn measurements (0.89 μg N kg−1 SDW d−1). Gross rates of N mineralization were highest in the organic layer (20.1–137.9 μg N kg−1 SDW d−1) and significantly lower in the uppermost mineral layer (1.3–2.9 μg N kg−1 SDW d−1). Only for the organic layer seasonality in gross N mineralization rates could be demonstrated, with highest mean values in autumn, most likely caused by fresh litter decomposition. Gross mineralization rates of the organic layer were positively correlated with N2O emissions and negatively correlated with CH4 uptake, whereas soil CO2 emissions were positively correlated with heterotrophic respiration in the uppermost mineral soil layer. The most important abiotic factor influencing C and N trace gas fluxes was soil moisture, while the influence of soil temperature on trace gas exchange rates was high only in autumn.  相似文献   
The reproductive and developmental biology of Gonatocerus ashmeadi Girault, a parasitoid of the glassy-winged sharpshooter Homalodisca coagulata (Say), was determined at five constant temperatures in the laboratory: 15; 20; 25; 30; 33 °C. At 30 °C, G. ashmeadi maintained the highest successful parasitism rates with 46.1% of parasitoid larvae surviving to adulthood. Lifetime fecundity was greatest at 25 °C and fell sharply as temperature either increased or decreased around 25 °C. Temperature had no effect on sex ratio of parasitoid offspring. Mean adult longevity was inversely related to temperature with a maximum of 20 days at 15 °C to a minimum of eight days at 33 °C. Developmental rates increased nonlinearly with increasing temperatures. Developmental rate data were fitted with the modified Logan model for oviposition to adult development times across each of the five experimental temperatures to determine optimal and upper lethal temperature thresholds. The lower developmental threshold estimated by the Logan model and linear regression were 1.10 and 7.16 °C, respectively. Linear regression of developmental rate for temperatures 15–30 °C indicated that 222 degree-days were required above a minimum threshold of 7.16 °C to complete development. A temperature of 37.6 °C was determined to be the upper development threshold with optimal development occurring at 30.5 °C. Demographic parameters were calculated and pseudo-replicates for intrinsic rate of increase (rm), net reproductive rates (Ro), generation time (Tc), population doubling time (Td), and finite rate of increase (λ) were generated using the bootstrap method. Mean bootstrap estimates of demographic parameters were compared across temperatures using ANOVA and nonlinear regression.  相似文献   
 水分条件不仅影响半干旱区群落的组成, 而且在一定程度上决定了群落的功能。处于不同水分条件生境下群落的优势物种在水分利用和同化物利用效率方面的功能特征会存在差异, 这些差异将导致群落对于气候变化产生不同的响应, 进而影响到景观和区域尺度上对于全球变化下碳动态和格局的分析。该文选取了锡林河流域典型草原区沿水分梯度的4个代表群落, 在野外实验测定并结合长期定位研究成果基础上, 利用BIOME-BGC模型对代表群落的长期净初级生产力(Net primary productivity,NPP)动态进行了模拟和模型验证。 通过分析该地区1953~2005年气候变化趋势, 推测了未来可能的气候变化情景, 进而模拟了气候变化下4个群落长期NPP动态的响应。结果表明,当前气候条件下, 羊草(Leymus chinensis)群落NPP平均值为197.76 gC·m-2 (SE=7.11), 大针茅(Stipa grandis)群落NPP平均值为198.95 gC·m-2 (SE=6.41), 贝加尔针茅(Stipa baicalensis)群落NPP平均值为210.41 gC·m-2(SE=7.87), 克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)群落NPP平均值为144.92 gC·m- 2 (SE=4.64), 4个群落NPP平均值为188.01 gC·m-2 (SE=3.72); 气候变化情景下, 温度增加下(P0T1),NPP平均下降14.2%,降水增加下(P1T0), NPP平均增加13.2%,温度与降水都增加情景下(P1T1), NPP平均下降2 .7%, 但由于生境水分条件差别和优势物种功能特征差异, 4个群落表现出了增减幅度不同的趋势。对气候因子的敏感性分析及回归分析表明, 降水是该地区NPP最主要的决定因子, 而温度决定作用相对较小,主要通过影响植物的呼吸和水分蒸散等过程影响NPP。在最有可能代表未来气候 变化的温度增加的两种情景下(P0T1、P1T1), NPP均呈下降趋势。群落NPP对气候变化的响应趋势与水分胁迫系数(Water stress index, WSI)、碳胁迫系数(Carbon stress index, CSI)变化密切相关。克氏针茅群落由于所处生境水分条件差,WSI高,对降水的依赖程度最大;贝加尔针茅群落一方面处于较好的水分生境,具有较小的WSI,另一方面,由于具有高碳氮比,维持呼吸消耗的光合产物比例低,CSI远低于其它3个群落, 未来气候变化下, NPP较其它3个群落仍较高。  相似文献   
The German Wildlife Information System, founded in 2001, is a long-term monitoring program documenting occurrence, number, and development of game populations throughout Germany. Population numbers are recorded by standardized counting methods in so-called reference areas. The population densities of the European hare are calculated by spotlight strip censuses in the reference areas each spring and autumn all across Germany. From 2002 to 2005, the censuses were carried out by local hunters in 510 to 676 reference areas each year. During these years, the calculated spring densities increased significantly from 11.0 (2002) to 14.5 hares/km2 (2005) nationwide. The overall increase in spring densities was primarily caused by the population rise from spring 2003 to 2004, which correlates with the high net growth rate in 2003. In 2005, the number of counted hares varied between less than 1 and more than 107 hares/km2 in spring and between 0 and more than 170 hares/km2 in autumn. Because of differing landscapes in Germany, three regions were differentiated. In spring 2005, the average population densities (median) in East Germany (5.4 hares/km2) and Southwest Germany (14.6 hares/km2) were significantly lower than in Northwest Germany (23.9 hares/km2). These regional differences had been similarly distinct in former years.  相似文献   
Measurement of net ecosystem exchange was made using the eddy covariance method above three forests along a north-south climatic gradient in Sweden: Flakaliden in the north, Knottåsen in central and Asa in south Sweden. Data were obtained for 2 years at Flakaliden and Knottåsen and for one year at Asa. The net fluxes (Nep) were separated into their main components, total ecosystem respiration (Rt) and gross primary productivity (Pg). The maximum half-hourly net uptake during the heart of the growing season was highest in the southernmost site with ?0.787 mg COm?2 s?1 followed by Knottåsen with ?0.631 mg COm?2 s?1 and Flakaliden with ?0.429 mg COm?2 s?1. The maximum respiration rates during the summer were highest in Knottåsen with 0.245 mg COm?2 s?1 while it was similar at the two other sites with 0.183 mg COm?2 s?1. The annual Nep ranged between uptake of ?304 g C m?2 year?1 (Asa) and emission of 84 g C m?2 year?1 (Knottåsen). The annual Rt and Pg ranged between 793 to 1253 g C m?2 year?1 and ?875 to ?1317 g C m?2 year?1, respectively. Biomass increment measurements in the footprint area of the towers in combination with the measured net ecosystem productivity were used to estimate the changes in soil carbon and it was found that the soils were losing on average 96–125 g C m?2 year?1. The most plausible explanation for these losses was that the studied years were much warmer than normal causing larger respiratory losses. The comparison of net primary productivity and Pg showed that ca 60% of Pg was utilized for autotrophic respiration.  相似文献   
A simulation study based on recent regional climate scenarios for Sweden investigated possible changes in carbon (C) dynamics and net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of Swedish Norway spruce forest ecosystems. Four sites, representative of well-drained soils in four regions, were included. Stand development was simulated for a 100-year rotation period using a coupled model describing abiotic and biotic processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere system. Two IPCC climate change scenarios, corresponding to a mean annual temperature increase of about 2°C (A2) or 3°C (B2) from the reference period 1961–1990 to a new period 2061–2090, were considered. Annual maximum snow depth decreased with the increase in air temperature, whereas maximum soil frost depth and mean annual soil temperature showed only small changes, especially for the sites in northern Sweden. Simulations suggested that in the warmer climate, gross primary production (GPP) increased by 24–32% in northern Sweden and by 32–43% in the south. In the north, the increase was related to the combined effect of air and soil temperature extending the growing season, whereas in the south it was mainly governed by increased N availability due to increased soil temperature. NEE increased by about 20% (A2) or 25% (B2) at all sites, more or less solely due to increased accumulation of C in the tree biomass (including harvest residues), since changes in soil C were small compared with the current climate. Both light use efficiency and water use efficiency were improved in the future climate scenarios, despite increases in atmospheric CO2 not being considered.  相似文献   
Obesity is a rapidly growing public health issue. This paper investigates obesity's relationship to individuals' wealth by analyzing data from a large U.S. longitudinal socio-economic survey. The results show a large negative association between BMI and White female's net worth, a smaller negative association for Black women and White males and no relationship for Black males. Weight changes and dieting also appear associated with wealth changes. Individuals who lose small amounts of weight experience little change in net worth, but those who lose large amounts of weight have a dramatically improved financial position, with Whites showing larger changes than Blacks.  相似文献   
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