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Understanding carbon dynamics of switchgrass ecosystems is crucial as switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) acreage is expanding for cellulosic biofuels. We used eddy covariance system and examined seasonal changes in net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) and its components – gross ecosystem photosynthesis (GEP) and ecosystem respiration (ER) – in response to controlling factors during the second (2011) and third (2012) years of stand establishment in the southern Great Plains of the United States (Chickasha, OK). Larger vapor pressure deficit (VPD > 3 kPa) limited photosynthesis and caused asymmetrical diurnal NEE cycles (substantially higher NEE in the morning hours than in the afternoon at equal light levels). Consequently, rectangular hyperbolic light–response curve (NEE partitioning algorithm) consistently failed to provide good fits at high VPD. Modified rectangular hyperbolic light–VPD response model accounted for the limitation of VPD on photosynthesis and improved the model performance significantly. The maximum monthly average NEE reached up to ?33.02 ± 1.96 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1 and the highest daily integrated NEE was ?35.89 g CO2 m?2 during peak growth. Although large differences in cumulative seasonal GEP and ER were observed between two seasons, total seasonal ER accounted for about 75% of GEP regardless of the growing season lengths and differences in aboveground biomass production. It suggests that net ecosystem carbon uptake increases with increasing GEP. The ecosystem was a net sink of CO2 during 5–6 months and total seasonal uptakes were ?1128 ± 130 and ?1796 ± 217 g CO2 m?2 in 2011 and 2012, respectively. In conclusion, our findings suggest that the annual carbon status of a switchgrass ecosystem can be a small sink to small source in this region if carbon loss from biomass harvesting is considered. However, year‐round measurements over several years are required to assess a long‐term source‐sink status of the ecosystem.  相似文献   
  1. Shifts in dominance and species reordering can occur in response to global change. However, it is not clear how altered precipitation and disturbance regimes interact to affect species composition and dominance.
  2. We explored community‐level diversity and compositional similarity responses, both across and within years, to a manipulated precipitation gradient and annual clipping in a mixed‐grass prairie in Oklahoma, USA. We imposed seven precipitation treatments (five water exclusion levels [?20%, ?40%, ?60%, ?80%, and ?100%], water addition [+50%], and control [0% change in precipitation]) year‐round from 2016 to 2018 using fixed interception shelters. These treatments were crossed with annual clipping to mimic hay harvest.
  3. We found that community‐level responses were influenced by precipitation across time. For instance, plant evenness was enhanced by extreme drought treatments, while plant richness was marginally promoted under increased precipitation.
  4. Clipping promoted species gain resulting in greater richness within each experimental year. Across years, clipping effects further reduced the precipitation effects on community‐level responses (richness and evenness) at both extreme drought and added precipitation treatments.
  5. Synthesis: Our results highlight the importance of studying interactive drivers of change both within versus across time. For instance, clipping attenuated community‐level responses to a gradient in precipitation, suggesting that management could buffer community‐level responses to drought. However, precipitation effects were mild and likely to accentuate over time to produce further community change.
为深入理解人类活动对陆地生态系统的影响,采用CASA(Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach)模型估算广东省2000、2005和2010年实际植被净初级生产力(Net primary productivity,NPP),并基于情景模拟法估算气候和土地覆盖类型稳定条件下的植被NPP,对气候波动和土地覆盖变化在植被NPP变化中的相对贡献进行了研究。结果表明:太阳辐射对植被NPP具有显著的正向控制作用,气温与植被NPP表现为显著负相关,降水不是该区域植被生长的限制性因子;各气候因子与植被NPP的相关性具有季节和区域差异性。在气候不变条件下,土地覆盖变化整体上增加了NPP,对NPP变化的相对贡献与城市扩张格局相类似,不同生态区存在差异性,以珠三角区的贡献最大。总之,气候波动对NPP变化的相对贡献较为复杂,取决于气候因子的波动特征以及与NPP的相关性;其它因子(城市热岛、农耕活动和园林管理等)对NPP变化的相对贡献存在很多不确定性,整体上增加了NPP。  相似文献   
Certain types of Paleolithic perforated batons possess the characteristics of a type of composite tool, a spinning device, used to fabricate cords of different diameters. These devices are composed of a rotor (the perforated baton) made of antler and a stator or crank-shaft made of wood, examples of which have not yet been found. The batons’ knoblike projections can be seen as the point of attachment by which horse hair is twisted into strings and then laid up into larger-diameter cordage. These observations and analyses, partly based on the expertise of Texas cowhand B. Brett and partly on H. Glory's writings about the Lascaux rope, indicate other possibilities of cordage production and the use of ropes during the Upper Palaeolithic. Resuming work begun by E. Piette on possible Palaeolithic bridles and halters (“les chevêtres”), a new analysis of engravings and paintings shows the possible use of ropes extended on poles in the manner of lassos, hunting nets with square mesh or vertical strands, and prompts a hypothesis about the possible use of certain parts of these batons as fids. Distinctions between perforation types seen in perforated batons (type A and type B) demonstrate their possible employment as belaying devices. These objects could have used friction to safely and efficiently control ropes used in the hunting of large game animals.  相似文献   
根际高温对植物生长和代谢的影响综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根系作为植株吸收、运输水分和养分的主要器官,其代谢直接影响植株地上部的生长和产量。适宜、稳定的根际温度是植物根系生长和代谢的重要保证。炎热夏季导致的根际高温逆境往往是影响作物生长和产量的一个重要原因。本文在阐明根际高温概念的基础上,综述了根际高温对植株生长方面的影响,分析了根际高温对植株体内水分关系、光合作用和干物质生产、呼吸作用和矿质吸收、根系激素代谢和抗逆酶系统等方面的影响,并指出了今后该领域需进一步研究的问题和控制根际高温的应用前景。  相似文献   
贵州葡萄属野生种光合特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为掌握野生葡萄种间和种内不同单株间的光合特性差异,利用Li-6400便携式光合测定系统测定了7种野生葡萄25个单株的光合参数.结果表明:野生葡萄种间光合特性差异明显,美丽葡萄净光合速率最高,其次是刺葡萄,腺枝葡萄的净光合速率最低.野生葡萄种内不同单株间的光合指标多样性丰富,单株间光合特性差异最大的是葛藟葡萄;种内不同单株间原产地气候条件相似,其光合特性差异较小,而原产地气候差异大的单株光合特性差异也大;野生葡萄的光合速率调控机制多样,非气孔因素调控在野生葡萄种群内非常普遍.  相似文献   
河西走廊植被净初级生产力时空变化及其影响因子研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
干旱半干旱区植被NPP变化对全球碳循环有重要影响,该区域NPP对气候变化的响应表现出较大的时空异质性,其驱动机制并不十分清楚。选择中国河西走廊,利用随机森林算法估算了2002-2018年的NPP,基于偏导数法计算了气候与人类活动对NPP的影响。结果表明:(1)随机森林算法能较好的适用于干旱半干旱区NPP估算。(2)2002-2018年间河西走廊年NPP的平均值为153.32 gC m-2 a-1,总量为37.468 Tg C/a,呈东南向西北递减的分布特征,研究期间NPP呈2.37 gC m-2 a-1P=0.09)增长趋势。(3)河西走廊NPP变化52.51%由气候因子贡献,47.49%由人类活动贡献。(4)在气候变化对NPP的影响中,降水主导了该区72.21%的区域,温度对NPP变化量的贡献占73.71%,前者影响着NPP变化格局,后者主导NPP变化数量。升温和增湿均有利于该区NPP增加,随着西北地区气候暖湿化,河西走廊植被会持续改善,该研究有助于理解干旱半干旱区NPP对气候变化的响应机制,为适应气候变化政策制定提供理论依据。  相似文献   
 Recent research suggests that increases in growing-season length (GSL) in mid-northern latitudes may be partially responsible for increased forest growth and carbon sequestration. We used the BIOME-BGC ecosystem model to investigate the impacts of including a dynamically regulated GSL on simulated carbon and water balance over a historical 88-year record (1900–1987) for 12 sites in the eastern USA deciduous broadleaf forest. For individual sites, the predicted GSL regularly varied by more than 15 days. When grouped into three climatic zones, GSL variability was still large and rapid. There is a recent trend in colder, northern sites toward a longer GSL, but not in moderate and warm climates. The results show that, for all sites, prediction of a long GSL versus using the mean GSL increased net ecosystem production (NEP), gross primary production (GPP), and evapotranspiration (ET); conversely a short GSL is predicted to decrease these parameters. On an absolute basis, differences in GPP between the dynamic and mean GSL simulations were larger than the differences in NEP. As a percentage difference, though, NEP was much more sensitive to changes in GSL than were either GPP or ET. On average, a 1-day change in GSL changed NEP by 1.6%, GPP by 0.5%, and ET by 0.2%. Predictions of NEP and GPP in cold climates were more sensitive to changes in GSL than were predictions in warm climates. ET was not similarly sensitive. First, our results strongly agree with field measurements showing a high correlation between NEP and dates of spring growth, and second they suggest that persistent increases in GSL may lead to long-term increases in carbon storage. Received: 26 May 1998 / Accepted: 6 July 1998  相似文献   
肖瑜 《植物生态学报》1992,16(3):227-233
 经测定分析陕西南部28—37年生巴山松天然林的生物量和净初级生产量,结果表明,林分乔木层生物量为81.28t/ha,草本下木生物量为1.45t/ha,林分凋落物量为11.16t/ha;乔木层净初级生产量为6.94t/ha·yr,约45%分配到树叶。巴山松林的消光系数平均为0.33。在地上部生产结构方面,枝重主要集中在树冠中、下部,叶龄愈大,叶重在树冠下部的比例愈高。巴山松林木的根系总长度约99.4km/ha,其中细根占58%。  相似文献   
UV-B辐射对南亚热带森林木本植物幼苗生长的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
研究了UV -B辐射对广东省南亚热带森林木本植物九节、鸭脚木、猴耳环、半枫荷、山乌桕和绿化树种大叶合欢幼苗生长的影响。实验结果表明 ,UV -B辐射降低叶片光合色素的含量 ;显著降低幼苗的净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度 ;降低干物质的增长 ;抑制大叶合欢幼苗根瘤的形成  相似文献   
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