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Summary Plants of white clover Trifolium repens were grown under the canopies of three grass species, Lolium perenne, Agrostis tenuis and Holcus lanatus, and under simulated canopies of black polythene and controls were exposed to unfiltered natural radiation. The canopies were adjusted so that they transmitted equal intensities of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (P.A.R.). The ratio of red to far red radiation () was unchanged under the black polythene canopies but was reduced under canopies of Lolium and Agrostis and even more so under Holcus. The effect of canopy filtered radiation on the growth of clover was greatly to reduced internode length, mean number of nodes, the number of branched nodes and the number of rooted nodes and greatly to increase petiole length. The effect of canopies of Holcus was greater than that of the other grass species both in its effect on and on the responses of the clover plant to its shade.  相似文献   
A brief review of the photosynthetic apparatus of higher plants is given, followed by a consideration of the modifications induced in this apparatus by changes in light intensity and light quality. Possible strategies by which plants may optimize photosynthetic activity by both long- and short-term modifications of their photosynthetic apparatus in response to changing light regimes are discussed.  相似文献   
Stomatal sensing of the environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of environmental factors on stomatal behaviour are reviewed and the questions of whether photosynthesis and transpiration eontrol stomata or whether stomata themselves control the rates of these processes is addressed. Light affects stomata directly and indirectly. Light can act directly as an energy source resulting in ATP formation within guard cells via photophosphorylation, or as a stimulus as in the case of the blue light effects which cause guard cell H+ extrusion. Light also acts indirectly on stomata by affecting photosynthesis which influences the intercellular leaf CO2 concentration ( C i). Carbon dioxide concentrations in contact with the plasma membrane of the guard cell or within the guard cell acts directly on cell processes responsible for stomatal movements. The mechanism by which CO2 exerts its effect is not fully understood but, at least in part, it is concerned with changing the properties of guard cell plasma membranes which influence ion transport processes. The C i may remain fairly constant for much of the day for many species which is the result of parallel responses of stomata and photosynthesis to light. Leaf water potential also influences stomatal behaviour. Since leaf water potential is a resultant of water uptake and storage by the plant and transpirational water loss, any factor which affects these processes, such as soil water availability, temperature, atmospheric humidity and air movement, may indirectly affect stomata. Some of these factors, such as temperature and possibly humidity, may affect stomata directly. These direct and indirect effects of environmental factors interact to give a net opening response upon which is superimposed a direct effect of stomatal circadian rhythmic activity.  相似文献   
T T Kibota  S P Courtney 《Oecologia》1991,86(2):251-260
Summary Host selection by phytophagous insects is generally thought to be based on chemical or nutritional characteristics of the host. This is especially true for monophagous insects. However, many other factors may influence host choice. The present study examines host selection by Drosophila magnaquinaria, whose sole host is the yellow skunk cabbage, Lysichitum americanum. Utilization of skunk cabbage was tested relative to a set of alternative hosts. In the pre-alighting stage of host selection, skunk cabbage was found to be less attractive than tomato, cucumber, and commercial mushrooms. In pairwise oviposition tests, there were no differences among hosts. There were no differences in larval survivorship among skunk cabbage, tomato, cucumber, or Ramaria, and larvae developed into pupae earlier on tomato than on skunk cabbage. These results indicate that this monophagy is not based on characteristics of the host. We suggest that habitat selection is the more important factor in determining the association between D. magnaquinaria and skunk cabbage.  相似文献   
Summary Seedlings of shade-intolerant species react to alterations of the light climate caused by their neighbors with morphological changes that may influence the pattern of resource acquisition and utilization at the whole-canopy level. One such change, the increased stem elongation rate that is triggered by low red (R, 660 nm) to far-red (FR, 730 nm) ratios (R:FR) in dense canopies, might reduce the amount of assimilates available for leaf area expansion or root growth, and in that way affect resource capture by the canopy. We have tested this hypothesis by comparing the growth of both isolated individuals and canopies of the weed Amaranthus quitensis under conditions differing only in the spectral distribution of the incident light. When canopies received the full spectrum of sunlight, the stems were a large proportion (40–57%) of total biomass. Filtering the FR waveband (and hence raising the R:FR ratio to eliminate the neighbors' proximity-signal) resulted in shorter canopies with lighter stems. However, the growth of leaves and roots was not promoted by this treatment, indicating that the opportunity cost of the assimilates invested in the stems was nil or very small. Filtering the FR had no effect on biomass accumulation when plants were grown as isolated individuals. The higher growth of the canopics under full spectrum could be due to a higher light interception or to a higher efficiency of light conversion into biomass. The first possibility is weakened by the observation that filtering the FR had no effect on the dynamics of soil covering by the crops. The second is indirectly strengthened by results of an experiment with isolated plants showing that stem elongation, stem growth, and total plant biomass can be increased by reducing the flux of R light received by the stems without affecting the light climate of the leaves. Further work is needed to distinguish between these two possibilities; whatever the cause, our results show that the elongation responses to decreased R:FR may lead to a net increase in canopy productivity, and do not necessarily have a negative impact on the growth of resource-harvesting organs.  相似文献   
Summary When host quality varies, parasitoid wasps are expected to oviposit selectively in high-quality hosts. We tested the assumption underlying host-size models that, for solitary species of wasps, quality is based on host size. Using Ephedrus californicus, a solitary endoparasitoid of the pea aphid, we evaluated the influence of aphid size (= mass), age and defensive behaviours on host selection. Experienced parasitoid females were given a choice among three classes of 5-day-old apterous nymphs: small aphids that had been starved daily for 4 h (S4) and 6 h (S6) respectively, and large aphids permitted to feed (F) normally. Wasps attacked more, and laid more eggs in, small than large aphids (S6>S4>F). This rank-order for attack did not change when females could choose among aphids of the same size that differed in age; however, wasps oviposited in all attacked aphids with equal probability. Host size did not influence parasitoid attack rates when aphids were anaesthetized so that they could not escape or defend themselves. As predicted by host-size models, wasp size increased with host size (F>S4; S6), but large wasps required longer to complete development than their smaller counterparts (S4E. californicus reflects a trade-off between maximization of fitness gains per egg and the economics of search-time allocation. Because large aphids are more likely to escape parasitization, a wasp must balance her potential gain in fitness by ovipositinng in a high-quality (large) aphid against her potential cost in terms of lost opportunity time if the attack fails.  相似文献   
Dissolved nutrient inputs in bulk precipitation and outputs in streamwater were measured during 3 years of contrasting hydrological conditions in a 6.3-ha, grazed heathland watershed on schists in the Montseny mountains (NE Spain), drained by an intermittent stream. On average, 39% of the precipitation became streamflow. Bulk precipitation delivered positive net alkalinity (mean 0.22 keq/ha/yr), sulphate input was moderate (9.0 kg SO4-S/ha/yr), and the mean input of inorganic N was not exceptionally high (6.6 kg/ha/yr). Ion concentrations were relatively low in streamwater; SO4 2- was the dominant anion. Most concentrations in streamwater varied seasonally, with maxima in late summer or early autumn and minima in spring. This pattern probably resulted from increased availability of ions for leaching due to decomposition of organic matter and chemical weathering during the warm period. Nitrate concentrations were relatively high in winter and dropped sharply in early spring, probably because of biological uptake. Annual element outputs in streamwater varied between years and seemed to be controlled by both the amount of annual streamflow and its seasonal distribution. Annual inputs exceeded outputs for dissolved inorganic N. The watershed accumulated H+ and Ca2+, had net losses of Na+ and Mg2+, and was close to steady state for K+, SO4 2-, Cl- and alkalinity. The chloride budgets gave no evidence of substantial dry deposition in this system. The cationic denudation rate was negative (-0.14 keq/ha/yr) because Ca2+ retention was higher than net exports of Na+ and Mg2+ from silicate weathering. Low nutrient export and little production of alkalinity suggest that this watershed has a low buffering capacity.  相似文献   
生态因子对中药甘草质量影响的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
甘草是一种常用中药,由于具有“调和诸药”之功效而成为方剂中最常用的一味药。古有“十方九草”之说,可见对甘草的需求量之大;目前,对甘草的需求不仅仅限于医药界,在食品、轻工、畜牧等行业也有广泛的应用。然而,由于长期滥采、滥挖,只挖不种,使得甘草的蕴藏量急剧下降,有些地区的甘草资源濒临枯竭。例如,东北松嫩平原,原是我国“东草”商品的主产区之一,并大量出口国外,  相似文献   
茶园生态环境对红茶芳香化学物质及品质影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
赵和涛 《生态学杂志》1992,11(5):59-61,65
国内外研究均表明,芳香化学物质是构成红茶品质的主要化学物质。茶叶中芳香化学物质的形成,与茶树品种、加工工艺密切相关。至于茶园生态环境和气象因子对红茶  相似文献   
Synopsis Male beaugregory damselfish,Stegastes leucostictus, were provided with three types of artificial breeding structures to determine if they change habitats based on past or future reproductive payoffs. All three site types quickly lured males away from their natural sites. In comparison to those living on natural sites, those using artificial sites were less likely to move to different areas and had a higher reproductive success. When given no choice, male reproductive success was correlated to structural type. A second experiment provided males with an additional structure after using the intermediate quality type for 2 months. Males would often initially use both sites but would eventually shift their spawning activity to the new site if it was of the same quality or better than the old one. However, males would not move if the new site was of inferior quality. When given a new site identical to the initial one, approximately half of the males shifted to the new site. There was no evidence that reproductive performance influenced a male's decision to use a new site.  相似文献   
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