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冯红  张义正   《微生物学通报》2000,27(5):341-345
将从杉木和大叶黄杨上分离获得的8个胶孢炭疽菌(Colletoctrichum gloeosporioides)分离物培养在含氯酸钾的平板上,得到快速生长抗氯酸钾的不利用硝酸盐的突变体(Nit)。所有的突变体经鉴定分属于3种表现型,即硝酸还原酶结构位点(nit1),硝酸盐同化途径的专化调节位点(nit3),和钼辅因位点(nitM)。分离物发生突变的频率随氯酸钾浓度的增加而提高,并且不同的氮源在一定程度上会影响突变表型种类。除CC3外,所有的分离物都是自身亲和的,即不同表型的突变体能遗传互补,其  相似文献   
Chromosomal high-mobility-group (HMG) proteins have been examined as substrates for calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase C. Protein kinase C from rat brain phosphorylated efficiently both HMG 14 and HMG 17 derived from calf thymus and the reactions were calcium/phospholipid-dependent. About 1 mol of 32P was incorporated per mol of HMG 14 and HMG 17. Phosphopeptide mapping suggested that the same major site was phosphorylated in both proteins at serine. The apparent Km values for HMG 14 and HMG 17 were about 5 μM. HMG 14, HMG 17 and the five histone H1 subtypes prepared from rat thymus, liver and spleen were phosphorylated by the kinase. HMG 14 and HMG 17 from transformed human lymphoblasts (Wi-L2) were also phosphorylated in a calcium/phospholipid-dependent manner. HMG 1 and HMG 2 from the tissues examined were found to be poor substrates for the kinase.  相似文献   
唐家河自然保护区大熊猫种群数量及栖息地的移动   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
本文根据大熊猫季节性活动规律特点,应用海拔高度路线调查法,全面收集唐家河自然保护区大熊猫的比较新鲜粪便,计获124个粪样材料,提取DNA作DNA指纹图,经微机检测,保护区有大熊猫37只,个体数量与粪样采集量之比为1∶33514,有6个家系,雌兽21只,雄兽16只。并搞清了保护区生态环境质量,箭竹遭受病虫害的程度,洪水对栖息地的影响,特别对引起大熊猫数量减少及栖息地移动等原因,作了较为详细的分析。  相似文献   
开封地区不同土地利用方式农田杂草群落结构及动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谷艳芳  胡楠  丁圣彦  张丽霞 《生态学报》2007,27(4):1359-1367
2005年春、秋两季对开封地区不同土地利用方式小麦-玉米、小麦-大豆轮作地,葡萄地,弃耕地中杂草进行调查,统计分析各杂草群落中物种相似系数、物种相对多度分布、功能群相对多度和生物多样性。杂草功能群分为单子叶短期生植物(MA)、双子叶短期生植物(DA)、单子叶多年生植物(MP)及双子叶多年生植物(DP)4个功能类群。调查共记录杂草种类71种,隶属27个科;春季51种、共同种7个,秋季36种、共同种8个。不同土地利用方式杂草群落相似系数春季各群落间0.3~0.5,秋季玉米地-大豆地、秋葡萄地-弃耕地最高,分别是0.73和0.70;季节间小麦地与秋季各杂草群落间相似系数小于0.1。春、秋季弃耕地物种-相对多度分布曲线下降缓慢,常见种和偶见种多、相对多度分配分别占61.32%和47.09%;小麦地、玉米地、大豆地和葡萄地优势种突出。春季DA功能群占优势,小麦地高达81.06%;MP功能群较少,小麦地缺少MP。秋季玉米地和大豆地杂草功能群分布较均衡,葡萄地以DA和MP为主、分别为42.34%和42.64%;弃耕地MA、DA和MP平均,为33.63、31.07和30.25%。多样性指数为春、秋季弃耕地最高1.76和1.72,玉米、大豆地次之为1.55和1.52,春、秋葡萄地1.49、1.30,小麦地最低1.12。结论:不同土地利用方式杂草群落种群构成不同,功能群相对多度分配格局以免耕农田玉米地、大豆地和葡萄地杂草功能群分布均衡;功能群季节变化明显,趋势为MP上升,DA下降。不同土地利用方式土地多样性等级为小麦地〈葡萄地〈大豆地和玉米地〈弃耕地。  相似文献   
线虫区系分析指示土壤食物网结构和功能研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈云峰  韩雪梅  李钰飞  胡诚 《生态学报》2014,34(5):1072-1084
土壤食物网结构复杂,功能众多,直接测定土壤食物网各功能群生物量并结合数学模型来推断土壤食物网结构和功能,工作量大且分析过程繁琐。线虫生态学的发展为土壤食物网的研究开辟了一条新的思路,即利用线虫区系分析来定性推断食物网的结构和功能。线虫作为土壤中数量最丰富的后生动物,占据着土壤食物网的中心位置,其物种多样性、食性多样性、生活史策略多样性、功能团多样性奠定了其作为土壤食物网结构和功能指示生物的生态学基础。线虫区系分析根据发展历史可以分为个体分类、生活史策略分类、功能团分类和代谢足迹分类四个时期,其中后两个时期主要用于推断土壤食物网结构和功能。基于功能团的线虫区系分析将线虫的食性和生活史策略结合起来,发展出一系列指数来判断土壤食物网的连通性、食物网链长度、外界养分投入情况、分解途径及对外界干扰的响应等。基于代谢足迹的线虫区系分析在功能团分析基础上,加入线虫能流分析,从而定性反映了土壤食物网功能的大小。两者在指示土壤食物网自下而上调节及对植物线虫控制等方面起着重要的作用。  相似文献   
Individual foraging tactics are widespread in animals and have ecological and evolutionary implications. Indo‐Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) in Shark Bay, Western Australia, exhibit a foraging tactic involving tool use, called “sponging.” Sponging is vertically, socially transmitted through the matriline and, to date, has been described in detail in the eastern gulf of Shark Bay (ESB). Here, we characterize sponging in the western gulf of Shark Bay (WSB), in which a different matriline engages in the behavior. We identified 40 individual “spongers” in 9 mo of boat‐based surveys over three field seasons. As is the case in ESB, the majority of WSB spongers was female and engaged in sponging in deep channel habitats. In contrast to ESB, however, there was no difference in the number of associates between spongers and nonspongers in WSB, and activity budgets differed between spongers and deep‐water nonspongers; spongers foraged more frequently and rested less than nonspongers. Group sizes in deep channel habitat, where sponging was prevalent, were typically larger than those in shallow habitat, except for foraging, perhaps indicative of higher predator abundance and/or scattered prey distribution in deep‐water habitat. This research improves our understanding of within‐population foraging variations in bottlenose dolphins.  相似文献   
Three new species of Nepalomyia henanensis species group are described from China, N. damingshanus sp. nov., N. dongae sp. nov., and N. shennongjiaensis sp. nov. A key to known species of this species group is presented.  相似文献   
调查了原籍华北地区汉族的ABO、Lewis、MN、Rh、P等血型系统和ABH分泌型的分布,结果表明:O型(33.44%)和B型(29.38%)较多;N型(27.97%)略多于M型(27.65%);Le(a )型的频率很高(24.17%)。在94人中还发现四名Le(a )型属于ABH分泌型,且都属于分泌A或B血型物质的类型,无一例为分泌H血型物质的类型;Rh(D)阴性率仅0.3%,CCDee和CcDE型占75%以上;P_1( )型占39.1%;ABH分泌型占72%,低于全国其他民族中已知的分布。  相似文献   
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