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基于道路廊道的辽宁省旅游景区(点)空间格局分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
在分析辽宁省内旅游景(区)点和人口分布的空间格局的基础上,以双休日出游游程为服务距离,基于公路交通网络创建各主要城市的旅游区域和各旅游景区(点)的服务区域,揭示辽宁省内旅游景区(点)和人口之间的空间关系。结果表明,旅游景区(点)空间格局以一个旅游重点发展区域和一条滨海廊道热线为特征,重点发展“金三角区”由沈阳、大连、丹东3个重要城市节点和贯穿9个主要城市的3条旅游黄金廊道构成;辽西旅游廊道热线由盘锦和葫芦岛为主体的滨海廊道构成;辽宁省的14个地级市市区,特别是中部城市群成为省内旅游客源的主体;城市旅游域内景区(点)较多的城市也集中于金三角廊道;人口分布和旅游景区(点)的空间分布重心基本吻合。省内9个国家级风景名胜区的200 km的服务区总面积占全省总面积的92.5%,各服务区面积1.00×106~7.00×106hm2,其中4处可为千万以上人口服务。各服务区所覆盖的城市数、总人口数和城市人口数,与该风景区在道路网络中的位置及其与周围城市的空间分布密切相关,省内各景区(点)的服务范围及服务人口数量均已达一定规模。  相似文献   
周鸿  吕汇慧 《生态学杂志》2006,25(9):1114-1118
乡村生态旅游是适合我国国情的生态旅游形式,也是一项可持续发展的朝阳产业。乡村旅游地的生态文化传统与生态环境建设之间有一种互动机制。本文以云南石林县阿着底彝族村寨的密枝林文化传统与乡村旅游产业的互动效应为例,探讨了文化传统对乡村森林资源及生物多样性保护的意义,强调通过加强村民生态教育、加强村规民约建设、发展生态循环经济,使互动效应永续发展。  相似文献   
Conservation efforts have secured the partial recovery of Europe's wild reindeer, although only in 24 separate fragments of their original range, now separated by resorts and roads. Full recovery of the original range will require restoration of migration routes across developed or disturbed areas. We analyzed distribution of around 3500 Rangifer tarandus tarandus (reindeer) during winters (1984–2005) in relation to 10 alpine resorts and prior to and following relocation of ski trails and cabins in Norway done to restore use of former habitat. Reindeer used areas within 15 km of resorts, which is less than expected based on the availability of habitat, most likely as a result of cross‐country skiing activity surrounding the resorts, limiting their access to other ranges and historic migration corridors. Reindeer abundance declined and mean distance between reindeer groups and resorts increased with increasing resort size. No apparent habituation to resorts was observed during the 20‐year study period. However, when ski trails and an associated tourist cabin were removed to restore access to historic habitat, reindeer moved into the area. No such change in reindeer distribution was observed in the 10 years preceding relocation, or at the other nine resorts where no such experiments were conducted. Regulation of human traffic, relocation of trails, and removal of infrastructure and cabins are apparently effective in restoring access to and use of historic ranges and migration routes. However, restoration of historic migration routes between ranges will likely require the removal of hundreds of recreational cabins in order to become effective.  相似文献   
In the post-Sandinista period, Nicaragua has adjusted to the new terms of a neoliberal economy by turning to tourism development as a leading industry. As the nation is refashioned as a safe and desirable tourist destination, efforts have been made to conceal evidence of the recent revolutionary past that might discourage visitors from traveling to the country. Nevertheless, there are indications that selected images and memories of revolution are making a reappearance and may prove marketable for tourism. This article argues that the twin projects of neoliberalism and nationalism may be served by this seemingly contradictory process. The Nicaraguan case offers an example of how the past figures in the remaking of postrevolutionary nations for tourism in the era of globalization.  相似文献   
Neglect of biological riches: the economics of nature tourism in Nepal   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nepal's spectacular parks and reserves have attracted dramatically increasing numbers of foreign visitors. It might be expected that these protected areas would be nurtured as valuable and irreplaceable economic assets. However they are becoming seriously degraded and the financial resources provided for their management have been inadequate. This paper explores why — starting with the hypothesis that so little of the economic value of protected area tourism in Nepal is captured through fees and other charges assessed on foreign visitors that the protected areas are perceived as being of inconsequential value. It is conservatively estimated that $27 million of tourists' total expenditure in Nepal were attributable to the protected area network in 1988, when the costs of managing the parks were less than $5 million but direct fees colleeted from tourists visiting the protected areas amounted to less than $1 million. These figures suggest the parks are a good investment. But it could also be argued that the costs of park management were more than five times the revenues collected by the government from park tourists. Policy measures are identified which could help Nepal increase the economic as well as environmental benefits from nature tourism.Case studies of Nepal's most-visited protected areas emphasize that the lack of funds for protected area management is not the only constraint on effective management. Some important economic and institutional interests have yet to be effectively reconciled with conservation in the protected areas. Most problematic are local people's economic aspirations and the operating practices of the principal government agencies involved — the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation and the Ministry of Tourism. Fortunately there have recently been some encouraging signs of change within both of these agencies.  相似文献   
黄土高原退耕还林(草)区旅游开发探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄金火 《生态学杂志》2005,24(8):980-984
黄土高原退耕还林(草)区生态环境相对脆弱,经济发展较为落后,如何在多元化目标主导下寻求退耕还林政策的合理模式,关系到西部大开发政策的实施效果。在简要介绍区域概况,评价退耕还林(草)模式的基础上,认为生态保护型和生态经济型模式缺乏社区利益的考虑,可持续发展的动力不足,但生态旅游开发模式可以解决动力不足的问题。通过分析退耕还林(草)区生态旅游开发的资源、区位、政策、交通、接待设施等旅游开发的影响因子,提出了黄土高原退耕还林(草)区旅游开发的阶段及任务,并构建了该区域旅游开发的分区框架。  相似文献   
A program where wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are fed by tourists in shallow water adjacent to a wharf has been established at Tangalooma, Queensland, Australia. Up to nine dolphins attend the nightly feedings, and between 60 and 80 resort guests are permitted to hand feed these dolphins each night. Since this program began in 1992, the dolphins have increased in confidence and have started, at times, to make forceful contact with guests who enter the water to feed them. This paper categorizes such behavior as "pushy" and reports on a study which quantifies the "pushiness" of the dolphins which feed at Tangalooma. The study examines ecological variables which may determine how pushy the dolphins are at different feeding sessions. The number of dolphins attending a particular feeding significantly increases the pushiness. In addition, the presence of adult males at a feeding is likely to increase pushing. Tidal state also influences how pushy the dolphins are. At low tide, when the dolphins'mobility is restricted by the water depth, they are less likely to be pushy. Given the problems experienced in a number of other situations where wild animals are fed by humans, it is important to monitor carefully the escalation of pushy behavior in this dolphin feeding program, as it may be a precursor to more aggressive actions on the part of the dolphins.  相似文献   
Animals that establish new sites near the edge of the species' range may be vulnerable to disturbance as they are low in numbers and are not tied to the sites. Pinniped distributions world‐wide are changing as many species are recolonizing areas of their former ranges and establishing new colonies. Little research is available on the impact that vessel presence may pose on pinnipeds at such sites. This study documents responses of New Zealand fur seals to vessels in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, at a recently established breeding colony. Fur seal behavior at the breeding location was recorded in the presence of vessels. GLMM and GAM analyses revealed that fur seal responses varied with month, time of day, duration of vessel exposure, and the distance to the vessel. Age and sex of the seals, and the number of seals present also influenced fur seal response. Fur seals at this site became disturbed when vessels approached to the 10–20 m distance category, and a precautionary minimum approach distance of 50 m has been suggested. This research provides direction for monitoring and minimizing impacts of vessels on fur seals, especially where new sites are being colonized.  相似文献   
As the interest for nature-based tourism activities increases, it is important to provide evidence-based guidelines for wildlife-human interactions to minimize the disturbance caused to wildlife. In Fennoscandia, the endangered arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) is subject to increasing tourism interest and some regions recommend a minimum approach distance of 300 m, but the guidelines have not been scientifically validated. We conducted experimental human approaches towards arctic fox den sites to study activity and behavioral changes in response to the approaching observer. The first arctic foxes hid when approached within 300 m, but many had increased their vigilance already at the start distance of 500 m. At approximately 200 m, the hiding probability increased rapidly at dens disturbed and undisturbed by tourism activities. Arctic foxes at disturbed dens allowed the observer to approach more closely before they increased their vigilance and before they hid compared to foxes at undisturbed dens. We confirm that a minimum distance of 300 m might be sufficient for most arctic foxes to refrain from hiding, but a longer distance would be required to avoid causing any disturbance. We recommend a minimum approach distance of ≥300 m to be implemented in all Fennoscandian regions inhabited by the arctic fox. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
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