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To assess the biodiversity potential of an ungrazed and a grazed inland salt meadow in the Seewinkel (Eastern Austria), spider assemblages were recorded by pitfall trapping for 1 year. Both species assemblages consisted, to a large extent, of rare species of conservation interest. The species assemblage of the grazed site was dominated by Pardosa agrestis, but highly specific halotopobiontic species also occurred in higher numbers. Halotolerant species were also present in the ungrazed meadow, but their individual number was much lower. The species composition of this site reflects the more balanced microclimatical situation of the high sward. Comparison of the two assemblages with 207 other meadow spider assemblages of Central Europe shows a separated position, especially of the grazed site assemblage. High similarities with assemblages of meadows with a similar vegetation structure indicate a high importance of management. Considering the high proportion of rare species on both sites, the best management of the salt meadow and pan shores of the Seewinkel should combine areas of light grazing with ungrazed areas. However, the proportion of these parts and the intensity of grazing still remains to be determined by quantitative experiments.  相似文献   
The novel method of Fourier transform multi-pixel spectroscopy was used for the nondestructive analysis of and comparison of pigmentation in different regions of live thalli of the red alga Porphyra linearis. Because the thallus in this alga consists of a monolayer of nonoverlapping cells, we were able to analyze the pigmentation of single cells by combining light absorbance with natural fluorescence data. From the image of each cell in the vegetative male and female reproductive and holdfast regions, more than 4 ± 104 fluorescence and absorbance spectra were obtained. Specific pigments in the different regions were localized by the use of a software program of similarity mapping followed by image construction. The reconstructed images revealed subcellular localization of each pigment according to specific spectroscopic fingerprints. The results showed that the vegetative and female reproductive cell types had a significantly higher content of phycoerythrin than of phycocyanin, and quite similar chlorophyll a levels. Most of the holdfast cells were poorly pigmented, but had more chlorophyll a than phycoerythrin or phycocyanin. The male reproductive cells contained only traces of pigments. Thus, by using Fourier transform multipixel spectroscopy, we were able to characterize the pigmentation of different regions of the thallus and follow the distribution patterns of the different pigments on the subcellular level along the differentiation gradient of the alga.  相似文献   
The utilization of inorganic carbon by three species of marine diatom, Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve. Ditylum brightwellii (West) Grun., and Chaetoceros calcitrans Paulsen was investigated using an inorganic carbon isotopic disequilibnum technique and inorganic carbon dose-response curves. Stable carbon isotope data of the diatoms are also presented. Observed rates of photosynthetic oxygen evolution were greater than could be accounted for by the theoretical rate of CO2 supply from the uncatalyzed dehydration of HCO3? in the external medium, suggesting use of HCO3? as an inorganic carbon source. Data from the isotopic disequilibrium experiment demonstrate the use of both HCO3? and CO2 for photosynthesis. Carbon isotope discrimination values support the use of HCO3? by the diatoms.  相似文献   
The determination of the genetic structure of microbial populations has, until recently, required the establishment of many independent clonal cultures for genotypic analysis. In such studies it has been necessary to assume that isolates able to grow in laboratory culture are representative of the full range of diversity within the natural population. In order to test this assumption we used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify the intergenic spacer region of the Phycocyanin operon (PC-IGS) from filaments of Nodularia taken both from clonal cultures and from natural populations in the Baltic Sea. Analysis of the nucleotide sequences revealed more variation among 16 cultured isolates than within 23 single filaments sampled from a natural population. As a means of rapidly determining population genetic structure we designed and used mixtures of allele-specific amplification primers in diagnostic PCRs to identify which PC-IGS allele was present in single filaments from natural cyanobacterial assemblages. Using this method, we determined the PC-IGS genotype of 156 filaments from 9 sampling stations throughout the central basin of the Baltic Sea in July 1996. Our results show that two distinct genotypes of Nodularia are present in the population at all stations. Although the two types were present in approximately equal numbers, they were not distributed uniformly.  相似文献   
Many morphologically similar, but chemically distinct, populations have been found in the marine red alga Laurencia nipponica Yamada (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) growing in Japan. Each chemical type is characterized by a specific end-product of halogenated secondaly metabolite synthesis: chamigrane-type sesquiterpenoids such as prepacifenol and halochamigrene epoxide and C15 bromoethers such as laurencin, laureatin, isoprelaurefucin, epilaurallene, and kumausallene. These seven types of secondary metabolite syntheses remained the same in the wild and under various culture conditions. Because bromoethers and terpenoids are probably synthesized by different metabolic pathways, it is virtually certain that different sets of enzymes participate in their synthesis. Prepacifenol- and laureatin-producing populations were selected as representatives of terpenoid and bromoether groups, respectively. F1 tetrasporophytes derived from crosses between reciprocal, female and male gametophytes of prepacifenol- and laureatin-producing strains bore both types of metabolites, suggesting that the genes Producing these enzyme systems are encoded by nuclear genomes. The F1 gametophytes resulting from the reciprocal crosses produced either prepacifenol or laureatin, and the four individuals derived from spore tetrads (a set of tetraspores derived from a single tetrasporangium) produced either prepacifenol or laureatin in a 1:1 ratio, indicating that genes participating in terpenoid synthsis and those participating in bromoether synthesis are on different loci of homologous chromosomes and are segregated at meiosis (tetrasporogenesis). One individual of this interpopulational F1 gamtophyte produced both parental types of metabolite, perhaps indicating the occurrence of a recombination type. Natural hybrid individuals, including such recombination-type gametophytes, were found in a sympatric locality at which these two chemical types occur. F1 tetrasporophytes derived from crosses between respective prepacifenol- and laureatin-producing strains and their F1 gametohytes produced only parental-type metabolite-producing plants. These results indicate that the diverse chemical types can be referred to as races (chemical races).  相似文献   
Flagellar and basal body development during cell division was studied in the biflagellate green alga Spermatozopsis similis Preisig et Melkonian by light microscopy of immobilized living cells, statistical analysis of flagellar lengths during the cell cycle, and electron microscopy of cells and isolated cytoskeletons. Interphase cells display two flagella of unequal/subequal length. An eyespot located in an anterior lobe of the chloroplast is connected to the basal body bearing the shorter flagellum by means of a five-stranded microtubular root. Until cell division, the two parental flagella attain the same length. During cell division, each cell forms two new flagella that grow to a length of 1.5 μm before they are distributed in a semiconservative fashion together with the parental flagella to the two progeny cells at cytokinesis. During the following interphase, the flagella newly formed during the preceding cell division grow to attain the same length as the parental flagella until the subsequent cell division. The shorter of the two flagella of a cell thus represents the developmentally younger flagellum, which transforms to the mature state during two consecutive cell cycles. Interphase cells display only two flagella-bearing basal bodies; two nascent basal bodies are formed during cell division and are connected to the microtubular d-roots of respective parental basal bodies with which the newly formed basal bodies are later distributed to the progeny cells. During segregation, basal body pairs shaft into the 11/5 o'clock direction, thus conserving the 1/7 o'clock configuration of basal body pairs of interphase cells. Prior to chloroplast and cell division, an eyespot is newly formed near the cell posterior in close association with a 1s microtubular root, while the parental eyespot is retained. During basal body segregation, eyespot-root connections for both the old and newly formed eyespots are presumably lost, and new associations of the eyespots with the 2s roots of the newly formed basal bodies are established during cytokinesis. The significance of this “eyespot-flagellar root developmental cycle” for the absolute orientation of the progeny cells is discussed.  相似文献   
The incidence of caries and abscesses in 246 archeologically derived skeletal specimens from the Ipiutak and Tigara levels at Point Hope, Alaska, and 79 specimens excavated from Jones Point, Kodiak Island, Alaska were investigated. All three collections span long periods of time. Only pre-white contact specimens were used. Each specimens was sexed and aged in five year groupings, using standard techniques. Caries and abscesses were recorded by type and degree of severity and correlated with age, sex, and site of origin. All samples displayed very low caries rates and few abscesses per tooth and per individual (both observed frequencies, and frequencies corrected for postmortem loss of teeth). DMF scores were tabulated using both observed and corrected frequencies. Very heavy occlusal wear in all three samples could account for the majority of abscesses and pulp exposures, while the low caries rates are attributable to traditional diets totally devoid of refined sugars, starches, and food additives.  相似文献   
The T-cell deficiency of nude mice is due to an abnormal differentiation of the thymus epithelium; it can be persistently corrected by grafting a neonatal thymus. However, grafted adult thymuses or epithelial thymuses are not repopulated by large numbers of host-derived lymphocytes, as is the case when a whole neonatal thymus is grafted. Furthermore, the repopulation of the spleen and lymph nodes by T cells is less pronounced than after whole neonatal thymus transplantation, and the restoration of the reactivity to T-cell mitogens is irregular. Therefore, the integrity and the age of the thymus graft are important for a good restoration of the T-lymphoid system of congenitally athymic animals.  相似文献   
Résumé Les remainements intestinaux affectant la paroi intestinale sont quantifiés chez les larves d'un Amphibien Anoure,Alytes obstetricans, traitées par la thyroxine. La fraction correspondant à chaque zone composant la paroi est déterminée sur coupe. La répartition et la fréquence des noyaux marqués sont recherchées chez des larves ayant reçu de la thymidine tritiée.L'indice de marquage nucléaire de l'épithélium primaire tend vers zéro durant les 3 premiers jours du traitement. Ces résultats reflètent un ralentissement de la croissance du tissue, précédant sa dégénérescence et son élimination complète au 14ème jour d'immersion dans la solution hormonale.Dès de 3ème jour de traitement, un épithélium secondaire se développe à partir de cellules-souches basales. Son indice de marquqge croît, culmine au 9ème jour avec une valeur proche de 50%, puis s'abaisse. La prolifération cellulaire est plus modérée dans la zone extra-épithéliale, qui s'épaissit toutefois au cours de cette métamorphose provoquée.
Quantitative analysis of intestinal changes and the evolution of DNA synthesis in thyroxine-treated larvae ofAlytes obstetricans. (Amphibia, Anura)
Summary Changes in the intestinal wall ofAlytes obstetricans (Amphibia, Anura) were quantified during thyroxine treatment. The relative proportion of each intestinal wall component was determined in tissue sections. Autoradiographic studies on intestine with3H-thymidine revealed the distribution and frequency of labeled nuclei.The labeling index in the primary epithelium falls to zero by 3 days. Thyroxine treatment induces a decrease in the growth rate of this tissue, just before its degeneration and complete elimination by 14 days.Three days after T4-treatment, a secondary epithelium develops from basal stem cells. Its labeling index rises to a maximum of about 50% by 9 days, and thereafter declines. Cell proliferation is less marked in the extraepithelial zone, which nevertheless thickens during this thyroxine-induced metamorphosis.
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