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Analysis of soil samples using High Throughput Sequencing (HTS) frequently detects more Phytophthora species compared with traditional soil baiting methods. This study investigated whether differences between species in the timing and abundance of sporangial production and zoospore release could be a reason for the lower number of species isolated by baiting. Stems of Eucalyptus marginata were inoculated with ten Phytophthora species (P. nicotianae, P. multivora, P. pseudocryptogea, P. cinnamomi, P. thermophila, P. arenaria, P. heveae, P. constricta, P. gondwanensis and P. versiformis), and lesioned sections for each species were baited separately in water. There were significant differences between species in timing of sporangia production and zoospore release. P. nicotianae, P. pseudocryptogea, P. multivora and P. thermophila released zoospores within 8–12 h and could be isolated from lesioned baits within 1–2 days. In contrast, P. constricta did not produce zoospores for over 48 h and was only isolated 5–7 days after baiting. P. heveae and P. versiformis did not produce zoospores and were not recovered from the baits. When species were paired in the same baiting tub, those that produced zoospores in the shortest time were isolated most frequently, while species slow to produce zoospores, or which produced them in lower numbers, were isolated from few baits or not at all. Thus, species differences in the timing of sporangia production and zoospore release may contribute to the ease of isolation of some Phytophthora species when they are present together with other Phytophthora species in an environmental sample.  相似文献   
中国天然林资源保护工程综合评价指标体系与评估方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天然林资源是国家重要的战略资源与生态资源,在维护国土生态安全、应对气候变化、保护生物多样性等方面发挥着不可替代的重要作用。作为覆盖范围最广、投资规模最大的天然林资源保护工程(简称天保工程)自2000年正式启动以来,对长江上游、黄河上中游地区以及东北、内蒙古、新疆、海南等重点国有林区的森林资源保护修复、区域生态环境改善及经济社会可持续发展等多方面都产生了巨大、深远影响。天保工程二期于2020年结束,全面定量评估天保工程的生态、经济和社会综合效益和国内外的巨大影响,可为全面推进我国天然林资源保护修复提供科技支撑,为后续政策修订提供决策依据。本文基于空间信息技术、样地调查、生态站观测、比较分析等手段,构建了适用于天保工程的综合评价指标体系与评估方法,涵盖森林资源、生态效益、社会经济效益、生态修复措施和政策设计5个方面,对全面贯彻落实国家生态文明战略和《天然林保护修复制度方案》具有重要的现实意义和深远历史意义,为开展全国性的重大生态工程评估提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
The Fusarium oxysporum species complex (FOSC) is a ubiquitous ascomycetous group that includes both pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains, the former being responsible for disease in over 100 cultivated plant species. Previous phylogenetic studies have uncovered at least four major clades within the FOSC, with Clade 1 hypothesised as being ancestral. However, the origin of these clades and pathogenic strains is poorly understood. Due to an emphasis on agricultural isolates in previous studies, the underlying diversity of this species complex in non-cultivated soils is largely unknown. To address this imbalance an extensive survey of isolates associated with native vegetation geographically isolated from cultivation throughout the Australian continent was conducted. A multi-gene phylogenetic analysis of the translation elongation factor (EF-1α) and the mitochondrial small subunit (mtSSU) rDNA loci did not recover any novel clades. However, the Australian isolates had high levels of intra-Clade diversity based on EF-1α sequence type (ST) comparison with a global dataset. The ST diversity was not equally distributed across the four clades, with the majority of novel STs recovered from Clade 1. Implications on the origin of the FOSC are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Patterns of nucleotide substitutions in human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I genes were estimated by using phylogenetic trees of DNA sequences. The pattern is defined as a set of 12 parameters, each of which represents the relative frequency of substitutions from a particular nucleotide to another. The pattern at the antigen recognition sites (ARS) in functional MHC genes was remarkably different from that at the remaining coding region (non-ARS). In particular, the proportion of transitions among all the nucleotide substitutions (P s) was extremely low at the third codon positions of ARS. In the HLA-A genes, P s at the third codon positions was only 6% in ARS, whereas it was 69% in non-ARS. In HLA-B, the corresponding values were 30% in ARS and 80% in non-ARS, respectively. On the other hand, P s in a class I pseudogene (HLA-H) was 57%, which was in good agreement with P s in other pseudogenes. Because pseudogenes are selectively neutral, the pattern in pseudogenes is regarded as the pattern of spontaneous substitution mutations. In general, the pattern in functional genes that are subject to selective forces deviates from the pattern in pseudogenes. At the third codon positions in coding regions, transitions scarcely cause amino acid replacements, whereas about half of transversions do cause replacements. Accordingly, P s at the third codon positions decreases if amino acid replacements are accelerated by natural selection but increases if amino acids are conserved by functional constraint. Our observations imply that the ARS region is subject to natural selection favoring amino acid replacements, whereas the non-ARS region is subject to functional constraint. Offprint requests to: T. Gojobori  相似文献   
伏牛山森林生态系统灌木植物功能群分类   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
胡楠  范玉龙  丁圣彦 《生态学报》2009,29(8):4017-4025
伏牛山国家级自然保护区位于中国东部亚热带和暖温带的过渡区,植被优势种明显,以灌木优势种为主体进行植物功能群分类,可以对森林生态系统的功能、框架结构及类群分布有一个明确的认识.采用群落生态学的调查方法,在伏牛山南北坡设置66个典型样方.根据调查结果,通过计算重要值,选取优势度相对较大的灌木树种进行种间联结及相关性分析,以X2(卡方)检验为基础,结合联结系数AC和共同出现百分率PC来测定灌木优势种间的联结性,根据优势种间的联结性及其在海拔梯度上的变化异同来划分植物功能群,把灌木优势种划分为7组植物功能群.植物功能群间物种表现出显著正联结,一起在同一生境中出现的几率较大,在长期的生长演化过程中,能适应相似的资源环境和对干扰有相似的响应,所以将其划分同一组植物功能群.植物功能群内有一些重要的形态特征有相似之处,功能群间的形态特征有明显的区别,如叶片的大小、形状等,功能群的这些相似及区别还需要生理生态学的进一步研究.  相似文献   
光合细菌H3菌株色素分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
H3菌株系由盐田微生物层中分离获得的光合细菌株。具有丰富的天然色素。经活细胞色素光谱吸收峰值测定,色素经有机溶剂提取、硅胶薄板层析、SDS-PAGE电泳等,结果表明H3菌株的主要色素包括细菌叶绿素a、细菌脱镁叶绿素(Bacteriophaeophytin)和三种类胡萝卜素。总胡萝卜素含量占细胞于重的0.6%,胡萝卜素蛋白复合体的分子量约11,000.培养条件的差异对色素形成及相对含量有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   
锥栗自然居群遗传多样性的ISSR分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用20条ISSR分子标记对栗属中国特有种-锥栗(Castanea henryi)的16个自然居群进行了遗传多样性与遗传关系分析。在449份试材上共扩增得到379个位点,其中多态性位点378个,多态性位点百分率(PPL)达99.74%,平均期望杂合度(He)为0.2950,Shannon信息指数(I)为0.4522;居群水平遗传多样性为46.09%,且不同居群遗传多样性水平有较大差异,16个自然居群中以湘西居群的遗传多样性水平最高(PPL=53.30%,He=0.1861,I=0.2781),其次为靖州、庆元、昭通及都江堰居群,南平居群最低(PPL=36.94%,He=0.1202,I=0.1817)。Nei’s遗传多样性和AMOVA分析表明,居群间产生了较大的遗传分化(Gst=0.4466),锥栗自然居群内的遗传变异稍占优势(52.51%)。UPGMA聚类分析将16个锥栗居群分为2大类5亚类。湘西地区可能是锥栗的次生分布中心和现代遗传多样性分布中心,是锥栗研究的资源中心,也是最有价值的基因库,需要重点保护。  相似文献   
促进兴安落叶松天然更新的出苗条件研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据40多块标准地调查,促进更新措施后兴安落叶松1年生幼苗出现的频度及数量与种子年关系很大,幼苗更新效果最好的是种子年当年,更新频度可达60%以上,幼苗平均为1.0—2.0×103株·ha-1,其他年份促进的效果较差.同时,也与迹地类型、种源状况和整地质量关系较大.一般在山坡中、下部,土壤湿润的杜香落叶松和藓类越桔落叶松林迹地促进效果较好,其更新频度为60—70%.绝大部分更新幼苗出现在表土裸露、无杂草灌木、土壤湿润的地方.更新频度与植被盖度呈明显的衰减指数相关.促进地块距下种林墙最好不超过60m范围.  相似文献   
In order to identify target antigens of anti-endothelial cell (anti-EC) antibodies (AECA) in healthy individuals, we have used a proteomic approach combining 2-DE and immunoblotting. Whole cell protein extracts obtained from human umbilical vein EC (HUVEC) cultures were used as a source of antigens. Serum IgG from 12 healthy blood donors were tested at a concentration of 200 microg/mL. Targeted spots were identified by MS. The HUVEC proteome was composed of 884 protein spots. Among these, 61 +/- 25.8 (mean +/- SD) spots were recognized by serum IgG from healthy individuals, with marked differences from one individual to another. Among these spots, 11 were recognized by serum IgG from all healthy individuals tested. These spots corresponded to six different proteins with several spots corresponding to different isoforms of the same protein. Target antigens were: cytoskeletal proteins (beta-actin, alpha-tubulin, and vimentin); glycolytic enzymes (glucose-3-phosphate-deshydrogenase and alpha-enolase); and prolyl-4-hydroxylase beta subunit, a member of the disulfide isomerase family. This study shows that the repertoire of IgG AECA is heterogeneous among healthy individuals. IgG from all of the healthy individuals tested recognized a restricted set of highly conserved ubiquitous proteins playing key roles in cell biology and maintenance of homeostasis.  相似文献   
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