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Collins A 《Molecular biotechnology》2009,41(1):83-89
The linkage disequilibrium (LD) structure of the human genome is now well understood and characterised for a number of human populations. The LD structure underpins the design and execution of candidate gene and genome-wide association mapping studies. Successful association mapping studies completed to date provide vital new insights into the genetic influences on common diseases, such as diabetes, some cancers and heart disease. The LD structure also presents new avenues of research into the genetic history of human populations, the effects of natural selection and the impact of recombination on the genomic landscape. This review introduces this exciting and complex field by encompassing this range of topics. 相似文献
大别山山地次生林鸟类群落集团结构的季节变化 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
2007年12月—2008年12月,在大别山鹞落坪,对落叶阔叶次生林鸟类的集团结构的季节变化特征进行了研究。采用连续取样法采集鸟类取食行为数据,用聚类分析法对繁殖和非繁殖季节鸟类群落进行集团划分,通过无倾向对应分析(DCA)对32种森林鸟类的两个季节资源利用特点进行了研究。结果表明,鸟类群落在非繁殖季节可以分为地面、灌丛、树干(枝)、冠层等4个取食集团,而在繁殖季节还出现空中取食集团;候鸟影响鹞落坪次生林鸟类群落取食集团的结构,产生新的取食集团。DCA的第一轴主要代表鸟类取食高度信息,第二轴主要代表鸟类取食位置信息,第三轴代表鸟类取食方式和取食基质信息;用DCA前两轴对32种鸟类排序表明,有6种鸟主要在第一轴发生变化,有4种鸟主要在第二轴发生变化。 相似文献
目的:探讨疤痕子宫妊娠妇女经产道分娩的可行性、安全性和相关危险因素。方法:选择疤痕子宫妊娠妇女120例,根据分娩方式的不同分为剖宫产组(80例)与自然分娩组(40例),观察再次剖宫产的原因与两组的预后情况。结果:再次剖宫产的指征主要为疤痕子宫(患者拒绝试产)、产程异常、胎儿窘迫、前置胎盘等。自然分娩组的产时出血量明显少于剖宫产组(P0.05),产后出血与产后感染发生率也均明显低于剖宫产组(P0.05)。两组的5分钟Apgar评分对比差异无统计学意义,但自然分娩组新生儿黄疸与新生儿湿肺发生情况明显低于剖宫产组(P0.05)。自然分娩组的分娩满意度为97.50%,剖宫产组为83.75%,自然分娩组明显高于剖宫产组(P0.05)。结论:疤痕子宫妊娠妇女经产道分娩可行性好,能减少对于产妇与新生儿的影响,安全性佳,但也要根据产妇的实际情况进行具体选择。 相似文献
总结了2001年度获得国家自然科学基金资助的医药生物技术与生物技术药物领域项目的基本情况,分析了其主要研究方向、特点,提出加强医药生物技术与生物技术药物基础研究的建议。 相似文献
天宝岩3种典型森林类型CWD持水能力的比较 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
对天宝岩国家级自然保护区3种典型森林类型内粗死木质残体(CWD)的持水量进行研究。结果表明,柳杉(Crytomeria fortunei)林内CWD的持水量最低;不同森林类型各类CWD的水分蓄持能力不同,猴头杜鹃(Rhododendron simiarum)林内以倒木枯立木树桩,长苞铁杉(Tsuga longibracteata)林和柳杉林内为枯立木倒木树桩;CWD有效持水量和自然含水率随CWD腐烂程度增加呈上升趋势。 相似文献
天然阔叶红松林的红松种子经过动物活动的处理,在林内呈四个层次的垂直分布.其中在地被物下是以簇状埋藏着,数量相当多,尤其在红松密林中高大树木的周围,这些簇状分布的种子成为红松天然更新的基础。在次生阔叶林中红松种子埋藏量则很小。而埋藏位置与红松幼苗适生生境的不吻合是红松天然更新的主要障碍。 相似文献
T. Ryan Gregory 《Evolution》2009,2(1):5-27
It is clear from his published works that Charles Darwin considered domestication to be very useful in exploring and explaining
mechanisms of evolutionary change. Not only did domestication occupy the introductory chapter of On the Origin of Species, but he revisited the topic in a two-volume treatise less than a decade later. In addition to drawing much of his information
about heredity from studies of domesticated animals and plants, Darwin saw important parallels between the process of artificial
selection by humans and natural selection by the environment. There was resistance to this analogy even among Darwin’s contemporary
supporters when it was proposed, and there also has been disagreement among historians and philosophers regarding the role
that the analogy with artificial selection actually played in the discovery of natural selection. Regardless of these issues,
the analogy between artificial and natural selection remains important in both research and education in evolution. In particular,
the present article reviews ten lessons about evolution that can be drawn from the modern understanding of domestication and
artificial selection. In the process, a basic overview is provided of current approaches and knowledge in this rapidly advancing
T. Ryan GregoryEmail: |