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Fire is a primary driver of boreal forest dynamics. Intensifying fire regimes due to climate change may cause a shift in boreal forest composition toward reduced dominance of conifers and greater abundance of deciduous hardwoods, with potential biogeochemical and biophysical feedbacks to regional and global climate. This shift has already been observed in some North American boreal forests and has been attributed to changes in site conditions. However, it is unknown if the mechanisms controlling fire‐induced changes in deciduous hardwood cover are similar among different boreal forests, which differ in the ecological traits of the dominant tree species. To better understand the consequences of intensifying fire regimes in boreal forests, we studied postfire regeneration in five burns in the Central Siberian dark taiga, a vast but poorly studied boreal region. We combined field measurements, dendrochronological analysis, and seed‐source maps derived from high‐resolution satellite images to quantify the importance of site conditions (e.g., organic layer depth) vs. seed availability in shaping postfire regeneration. We show that dispersal limitation of evergreen conifers was the main factor determining postfire regeneration composition and density. Site conditions had significant but weaker effects. We used information on postfire regeneration to develop a classification scheme for successional pathways, representing the dominance of deciduous hardwoods vs. evergreen conifers at different successional stages. We estimated the spatial distribution of different successional pathways under alternative fire regime scenarios. Under intensified fire regimes, dispersal limitation of evergreen conifers is predicted to become more severe, primarily due to reduced abundance of surviving seed sources within burned areas. Increased dispersal limitation of evergreen conifers, in turn, is predicted to increase the prevalence of successional pathways dominated by deciduous hardwoods. The likely fire‐induced shift toward greater deciduous hardwood cover may affect climate–vegetation feedbacks via surface albedo, Bowen ratio, and carbon cycling.  相似文献   
Global climate change will undoubtedly be a pressure on coastal marine ecosystems, affecting not only species distributions and physiology but also ecosystem functioning. In the coastal zone, the environmental variables that may drive ecological responses to climate change include temperature, wave energy, upwelling events and freshwater inputs, and all act and interact at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. To date, we have a poor understanding of how climate‐related environmental changes may affect coastal marine ecosystems or which environmental variables are likely to produce priority effects. Here we use time series data (17 years) of coastal benthic macrofauna to investigate responses to a range of climate‐influenced variables including sea‐surface temperature, southern oscillation indices (SOI, Z4), wind‐wave exposure, freshwater inputs and rainfall. We investigate responses from the abundances of individual species to abundances of functional traits and test whether species that are near the edge of their tolerance to another stressor (in this case sedimentation) may exhibit stronger responses. The responses we observed were all nonlinear and some exhibited thresholds. While temperature was most frequently an important predictor, wave exposure and ENSO‐related variables were also frequently important and most ecological variables responded to interactions between environmental variables. There were also indications that species sensitive to another stressor responded more strongly to weaker climate‐related environmental change at the stressed site than the unstressed site. The observed interactions between climate variables, effects on key species or functional traits, and synergistic effects of additional anthropogenic stressors have important implications for understanding and predicting the ecological consequences of climate change to coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   
We examined browsing by red-necked pademelons (Thylogale thetis) on shoots of rainforest plants at areas of rainforest–grassland interface in the Lamington Plateau of southeast Queensland. Terminal shoots from nine species (three each of vines, trees and shrubs) were compared. The effects of five factors (plant species, site, distance from forest edge, habitat (grassland or forest) and time (trip) at two levels of exposure (caged or uncaged)) were also compared. Among the uncaged shoots, 98% showed signs of damage compared with 18% of the caged shoots. In general, shoot predation was higher in the grassland than in the forest and decreased with increasing distance away from the forest edge in both habitats. The three vine species were more heavily browsed than all other species. Browsing by red-necked pademelons is likely to influence regeneration near forest edges through direct death of seedlings as a result of predation and through altered competitive interactions resulting from selective herbivory. This effect, however, would be lower on seedlings within the forest habitat and would also reduce as seedlings establish themselves further from the forest edge into grassland habitat.  相似文献   
We present floristic and structural data on serai plant communities (Old-Field, Grassland, Shrubland, and Early Successional, Mid-Successional, and Mature Forest) resulting from the current land use pattern in the Pinus-Quercus forests in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. The number of species ranged from 24 in the Old-Field stage up to 100 in the Mature Forest, and the shrub layer was richest in all the forested stands. An almost complete floristic replacement exists between the open and the forested communities. Quercus and Pinus dominate the canopy of old-growth stands, but their recruitment does not occur or is very low in the shade. Vigorous seedlings and saplings of these species are found only in the open serai stages or in forest gaps. Demographic and phytosociological data are used to indicate the successional role of dominant species in the forested stages. Some implications of the regional land use patterns for conservation and succession are discussed.  相似文献   
A 42 kDa anionic peroxidase (EC having a pl of 3.6 was purified from suspension cultures of cells of sycamore maple ( Acer pseudoplatanus L.) grown in the dark by a combination of lectin-affinity, anion-exchange and gel permeation chromatography. The enzyme had an amino acid composition similar to that found for other anionic plant peroxidases, but the protein was blocked to amino-terminal protein sequencing. Commercially available antibodies against horseradish peroxidase were shown to cross-react with the sycamore maple enzyme on immunoblots. The purified peroxidase displayed differences in its affinity for each of the three monolignols, and these differences were compared to those found for a commercial preparation of horseradish peroxidase, as well as a laccase ( p -diphenol:O2 oxidoreductase: EC purified from sycamore maple cell suspension cultures. These results are discussed with respect to the role played by peroxidases in lignin deposition and host-pathogen response.  相似文献   
Presentations and discussions about the impacts of nitrogenous compounds dispersed via the atmosphere, and of ozone as a secondary pollutant  相似文献   
The ecological and evolutionary dynamics of newly introduced invasive species can best be understood by identifying the source population(s) from which they originated, as many species vary behaviorally, morphologically, and genetically across their native landscapes. We attempt to identify the source(s) of the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) in the southern USA utilizing data from three classes of genetic markers (allozymes, microsatellites, and mitochondrial DNA sequences) and employing Bayesian clustering simulations, assignment and exclusion tests, and phylogenetic and population genetic analyses. We conclude that the Mesopotamia flood plain near Formosa, Argentina represents the most probable source region for introduced S. invicta among the 10 localities sampled across the native South American range. This result confirms previous suspicions that the source population resides in northern Argentina, while adding further doubts to earlier claims that the Pantanal region of Brazil is the source area. Several lines of evidence suggest that S. invicta in the southern USA is derived from a single location rather than being the product of multiple invasions from widely separated source localities. Although finer-scale sampling of northern Argentina and Paraguay combined with the use of additional genetic markers will be necessary to provide a highly precise source population assignment, our current results are of immediate use in directing future sampling and focusing ongoing biological control efforts.  相似文献   
Meristem culture of Acacia mearnsii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Black Wattle (Acacia mearnsii) is aneconomically important forest tree hence the need forefficient methods of amplification and clonalpropagation of superior trees. To overcome maturationeffects and the number of diseases infecting thewattle, rejuvenated tissue such as apical meristems,can be used. Meristems were taken from 30-day-old in vitro grown plants, from coppice (rejuvenatedtissue) and adult material from trees of fivedifferent ages over two seasons. Meristems from the coppice and adult material was successfullydecontaminated. Shoot production was obtained bymeristems from in vitro grown plants, coppiceand adult material, irrespective of plant age, onsolidified Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium alone orsupplemented with 2.0 mg l–1 benzyladenine,half-strength MS and Woody Plant Medium (WPM), underlight or dark culture conditions. The age of theparent tree, from which plant material (adult orcoppice plant material) was obtained, did not have asignificant effect on the degree of shoot production.Apparently the use of coppice material was notnecessary as shoot production from the meristems takenfrom the adult material was equal, if not greater,than that obtained by meristems from the coppicematerial. Adult trees, of different ages, weresuccessfully rejuvenated through the use of meristemculture.(request for offprint)  相似文献   
Globulins are an important group of seed storage proteins in dicotyledonous plants. They are synthesized during seed development, assembled into very compact protein complexes, and finally stored in protein storage vacuoles (PSVs). Here, we report a proteomic investigation on the native composition and structure of cruciferin, the 12 S globulin of Brassica napus. PSVs were directly purified from mature seeds by differential centrifugations. Upon analyses by blue native (BN) PAGE, two major types of cruciferin complexes of ∼ 300–390 kDa and of ∼470 kDa are resolved. Analyses by two-dimensional BN/SDS-PAGE revealed that both types of complexes are composed of several copies of the cruciferin α and β polypeptide chains, which are present in various isoforms. Protein analyses by two-dimensional isoelectric focusing (IEF)/SDS-PAGE not only revealed different α and β isoforms but also several further versions of the two polypeptide chains that most likely differ with respect to posttranslational modifications. Overall, more than 30 distinct forms of cruciferin were identified by mass spectrometry. To obtain insights into the structure of the cruciferin holocomplex, a native PSV fraction was analyzed by single particle electron microscopy. More than 20,000 images were collected, classified, and used for the calculation of detailed projection maps of the complex. In contrast to previous reports on globulin structure in other plant species, the cruciferin complex of Brassica napus has an octameric barrel-like structure, which represents a very compact building block optimized for maximal storage of amino acids within minimal space.  相似文献   
We studied the influence of summer drought and winter temperatures on seasonal and spatial variations of light-saturated net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in Mediterranean woody species. We measured variations in leaf gas exchange over 3 years in 13 Mediterranean trees and shrubs, located at four different sites along a climate gradient of temperature and precipitation in the island of Mallorca (West Mediterranean basin). Net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were at a maximum during spring, autumn or winter and at a minimum during summer in most sites, species and years. Nevertheless, important spatial, temporal and species-specific variations were observed. Summer drought limitation to gas exchange was greatest in the dry part of the transect, where many species showed their maximum gas exchange rate during winter. In contrast, winter temperatures limited gas exchange of many species at the wet and cool end of the transect, while summer depression of gas exchange was shorter and less pronounced. These results suggest that the effect on carbon fixation and productivity by the predicted future increase of aridity in the Mediterranean basin will depend on whether gas exchange is mostly limited by summer drought or by low winter temperatures.  相似文献   
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