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七姊妹山自然保护区黄杉林群落学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄杉为国家Ⅱ级保护植物,是我国特有的第三纪孑遗的珍贵树种,主要分布在我国亚热带的中山地带。采用Braun-Blanquet的植物社会学调查方法并结合典型样方法对七姊妹山自然保护区的原生黄杉群落进行调查,并对其群落特征进行了分析。结果表明:在2300 m~2的调查样地,共有维管束植物52种,隶属24科38属,群落物种组成主要以杜鹃花科、豆科、五加科、壳斗科等种类为主;群落生活型组成分析显示,该黄杉群落高位芽植物占绝对优势,高位芽植物、地面芽植物占比分别为76.9%、13.5%,地上芽和地下芽植物较少,植物的生活型谱大致呈"L"型;群落重要值分析表明,黄杉重要值为53.6,占较大优势,是群落建群种,乌冈栎、石韦分别是灌木层及草本层的优势种,其重要值分别为24.0、54.8;该黄杉群落物种多样性指数整体较低,除均匀度指数外,优势度指数、多样性指数、丰富度指数总体表现出灌木层乔木层草本层,上坡山脊的规律;种群年龄结构分析表明,七姊妹山自然保护区黄杉种群年龄结构呈"L"型分布,属于增长型种群,在一定时间内,表明黄杉仍为该群落的优势种群,林窗的出现使该黄杉群落保持持续更新。  相似文献   
The rates of anthropogenic climate change substantially exceed those at which forest ecosystems – dominated by immobile, long‐lived organisms – are able to adapt. The resulting maladaptation of forests has potentially detrimental effects on ecosystem functioning. Furthermore, as many forest‐dwelling species are highly dependent on the prevailing tree species, a delayed response of the latter to a changing climate can contribute to an extinction debt and mask climate‐induced biodiversity loss. However, climate change will likely also intensify forest disturbances. Here, we tested the hypothesis that disturbances foster the reorganization of ecosystems and catalyze the adaptation of forest composition to climate change. Our specific objectives were (i) to quantify the rate of autonomous forest adaptation to climate change, (ii) examine the role of disturbance in the adaptation process, and (iii) investigate spatial differences in climate‐induced species turnover in an unmanaged mountain forest landscape (Kalkalpen National Park, Austria). Simulations with a process‐based forest landscape model were performed for 36 unique combinations of climate and disturbance scenarios over 1000 years. We found that climate change strongly favored European beech and oak species (currently prevailing in mid‐ to low‐elevation areas), with novel species associations emerging on the landscape. Yet, it took between 357 and 706 years before the landscape attained a dynamic equilibrium with the climate system. Disturbances generally catalyzed adaptation and decreased the time needed to attain equilibrium by up to 211 years. However, while increasing disturbance frequency and severity accelerated adaptation, increasing disturbance size had the opposite effect. Spatial analyses suggest that particularly the lowest and highest elevation areas will be hotspots of future species change. We conclude that the growing maladaptation of forests to climate and the long lead times of autonomous adaptation need to be considered more explicitly in the ongoing efforts to safeguard biodiversity and ecosystem services provisioning.  相似文献   
对石人山自然保护区秦岭冷杉群落特征和动态进行了研究,结果表明:秦岭冷杉群落共有种子植物61种,分属27科40属,群落垂直结构简单,可分为乔木层、灌木层和草本层。秦岭冷杉和华山松种群大、中胸径的个体占绝对优势,幼苗、幼树较少,属于衰退种群;湖北花楸小、中胸径的个体占优势,属于进展种群。通过聚类分析,将秦岭冷杉群落分为5个群丛类型:①秦岭冷杉 湖北花楸-山刺玫-结缕草群丛;②秦岭冷杉 华山松-秀雅杜鹃-藜芦群丛;③秦岭冷杉 血皮槭-黄刺玫-野菊群丛;④秦岭冷杉 华山松-箭竹-牛蒡群丛;⑤秦岭冷杉 锐齿栎-箭竹-水芹群丛。5个群丛类型均处于动态变化中,种群恢复应实行就地保护,减少人为干扰,促进天然更新。  相似文献   
民勤连古城自然保护区群落结构和物种多样性特征分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过物种多样性指数、林地承载力以及土壤水分等指标对民勤连古城自然保护区荒漠群落的结构和物种多样性以及影响因子进行了研究。结果表明:(1)群落的优势层片为灌木层,其物种组成和结构比较稳定,受环境变化的影响较小,而草本层为不稳定层片;(2)荒漠群落的物种多样性指数均偏低,生态优势度较高,群落的生态功能主要由优势种群或建群种群实施,在无外界干扰情况下,优势种群或建群种群的稳定性可以揭示群落的稳定性;(3)土壤水分是影响群落结构的主导因子,而降水是土壤水分的主要来源,对群落结构具有显著影响。土壤异质性对群落结构同样具有显著影响,是第二主导因子,其物种多样性指数为黏性土壤>灰棕荒漠土>风沙土;(4)群落物种多样性与其林地承载力无一定规律的相关性,灌木层片中,二者呈对数相关(y=64.787ln(x) 214.04,R2=0.829,P<0.01),能够比较科学地揭示物种多样性与林地承载力之间的关系,而草本层中二者呈幂指数相关(y=0.3198e6.1654x,R2=0.6999,P<0.01),反映了林地承载力受环境因子变化的影响。  相似文献   
福建万木林天然马尾松林分特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
福建万木林天然马尾松林为以马尾松占绝对优势的松阀混交林,物种多样性与四周的天然阔叶林相近,林分蓄积量高达984.2m3hm-2,是罕见的、典型的天然马尾松丰产林,为珍贵的自然资源。  相似文献   
太白山自然保护区羚牛分布的初步调查   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
马亦生 《兽类学报》1999,19(2):155-157,149
羚牛(Budorcastaxicolor),为国家一级保护野生动物。羚牛秦岭亚种为我国特产亚种,分布于甘肃、陕西两省。在陕西省内分布于秦岭中、西段。羚牛在太白山自然保护区的分布情况,迄今仅见一些零星报道[1,2]。1996年6~9月,作者在太白山自然...  相似文献   
The author interviewed Glenn Nierman on the occasion of the recent conclusion of his term as National Association for Music Education (NAfME) president. Topics included the current state of music education and advocacy of music education in the United States, the role of NAfME, and the recently revised national music education standards.  相似文献   
Snow dominates the hydrology and climate of the United States’ central Pacific Coast, but because local measurements of snowpack and winter precipitation often extend back only a few decades, observations by themselves are not adequate to describe potential amplitude of wintertime conditions. Here we present a set of updated and extended mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana [Bong.] Carr.) tree-ring width records from Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, and use these data to make inferences about snowpack prior to the start of instrumental monitoring. In July and August 2013, we collected cores from 228 trees at seven high-elevation hemlock stands that surround the crater’s rim. The oldest tree had an inner ring date of CE 1474, and the longest ring-width chronology maintained a satisfactory common signal back to the middle of the 16th century. The growth of high-elevation mountain hemlock is strongly and inversely related to cool-season precipitation, making these records some of the most southerly examples of a robust inverse cool-season moisture signal in North American tree rings. The growth of these snow-limited forests does not appear to have been affected by the substantial decline in spring snowpack observed in the past two decades across the broader Cascade Range, and we did not find any indication of changing relationships between tree growth and either monthly or seasonal winter precipitation since the early 1990s. The exceptional three-year sequence in Crater Lake tree rings between CE 1809 and 1811, which includes the narrowest ring since CE 1540 and anatomical abnormalities produced by cold weather, leads us to conclude that 1809–1810 was the most snowy and severe winter to affect south-central Oregon during the past four and a half centuries.  相似文献   
A socioeconomic model is used to estimate the land‐use implications on the U.S. Conservation Reserve Program from potential increases in second‐generation biofuel production. A baseline scenario with no second‐generation biofuel production is compared to a scenario where the Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS2) volumes are met by 2022. We allow for the possibility of converting expiring CRP lands to alternative uses such as conventional crops, dedicated second‐generation biofuel crops, or harvesting existing CRP grasses for biomass. Results indicate that RFS2 volumes (RFS2‐v) can be met primarily with crop residues (78% of feedstock demand) and woody residues (19% of feedstock demand) compared with dedicated biomass (3% of feedstock demand), with only minimal conversion of cropland (0.27 million hectares, <1% of total cropland), pastureland (0.28 million hectares of pastureland, <1% of total pastureland), and CRP lands (0.29 million hectares of CRP lands, 3% of existing CRP lands) to biomass production. Meeting RFS2 volumes would reduce CRP re‐enrollment by 0.19 million hectares, or 4%, below the baseline scenario where RFS2 is not met. Yet under RFS2‐v scenario, expiring CRP lands are more likely to be converted to or maintain perennial cover, with 1.78 million hectares of CRP lands converting to hay production, and 0.29 million hectares being harvested for existing grasses. A small amount of CRP is harvested for existing biomass, but no conversion of CRP to dedicated biomass crops, such as switchgrass, are projected to occur. Although less land is enrolled in CRP under RFS2‐v scenario, total land in perennial cover increases by 0.15 million hectares, or 2%, under RFS2‐v. Sensitivity to yield, payment and residue retention assumptions are evaluated.  相似文献   
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