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在细叶黄芪叶肉原生质体发育早期,细胞器的变化较大。离体培养4h后,线粒体的嵴和基质物质开始增加。培养3—5天后,线粒体的数量增加5倍以上,此时可见大部分线粒体围绕细胞核分布。在培养24h后,高尔基体开始发育,它们主要分布在细胞质周边区域。多糖细胞化学染色表明,高尔基体内沉积着大量嗜银物质。培养1天后,粗面内质网开始发育。培养3天时,部分叶绿体边缘出现一些空隙结构。随着叶绿体内膜结构的消失,淀粉粒增大,叶绿体逐渐转变为造粉质体。  相似文献   
菜心(BrassicacampestrisL.ssp.chinensisvar.utilis)叶子高速捣碎后,滤液经酸碱处理,硫酸铵分步沉淀,凝胶柱层析等步骤分离纯化溶菌酶,酶比活力达3414.6U/mg,纯化倍数为197.4。菜心溶菌酶在较宽的温度或pH值范围均有活性,最适温度为60℃,最适pH值为5.8,底物Km值为87μg/mL。该酶对热和酸碱的稳定性较高,巯基和酪氨酸残基不是该酶活性中心的必需基团。  相似文献   
骨缘当归的化学成分   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
骨缘当归Angellica cartilaginomarginata var.foliata Yuan et Shen,别名:山藁本、野芹菜(江苏),仅分布于江苏和浙江。在江苏镇江等地用干燥全草作山藁本入药,其化学成分未见报道。 样品采自江苏省句容县。将干根磨粉,提取物经中性氧化铝层析,根据色谱及光谱鉴定为两种脂肪酸、四种已知香豆素和一种植物甾醇即:正葵酸(n-capric acid)、月桂酸(lauric acid)、骨缘当归素(cartilaginomarginadin)、蝉翼素(pteryxin)、白花前胡素F(praeruptorin F)、佛手柑内酯(bergapten)及β-谷甾醇(β-sitosterol)。  相似文献   
13 species of the lichen genusCatapyrenium are reported from South America. Five species (C. analogicum, C. andicolum, C. exaratum, C. lachneoides, andC. podolepis) are described as new. A key to the species known from South America is presented. Remarks on taxonomy, ecology and distribution of the species are given.Studies on the lichen genusCatapyrenium (Verrucariaceae) III. For second part seeBreuss (1991).  相似文献   
Intrapopulation and interpopulation variations in floral sex ratio in hermaphrodites of gynodioeciousChionographis japonica var.kurohimensis (Liliaceae) were examined. The relative ratio of male flowers to total flowers (male and perfect flowers) decreased with plant size, suggesting size-dependent gender modification. The relative ratio of male flowers per population-basis is negatively correlated with the mean number of perfect flowers. Since the number of perfect flowers proportionally increased with plant size, populations showing low maleness consist of relatively bigger plants and are considered to be in high-quality environment. On the other hand, the relative ratio of male flowers per population basis is independent of female frequency in the population. Plasticity in gender expression probably plays an important role of maintenance of gynodioecy inC. japonica var.kurohimensis.  相似文献   
Seeds of twoRubus species,R. palmatus var.coptophyllus andR. microphyllus, buried for 7.5 years in soil were subjected to germination tests to investigate their germinability and germination traits. Most of the retrieved seeds were viable, and germinated at the alternating temperatures of 20/30°C in both light and dark. The twoRubus species showed similar responses of germination to temperature and light, although the final percentages of germination were slightly higher inR. palmatus var.coptophyllus. These characteristics of seed dormancy and germination would be involved in the species' utilization of ephemeral habitats created by unpredictable and infrequent disturbances.  相似文献   
同源异型域-亮氨酸拉链(homedomain-leucine zipper,HD-Zip)转录因子广泛参与植物的生长发育和抗胁迫过程。该研究通过生物信息学方法对青稞HD-Zip基因家族进行全基因组分析鉴定,并采用qRT-PCR技术分析非生物胁迫下该基因的表达特性,为深入探讨青稞HD-Zip转录因子的生物学功能及其在高原作物抗逆育种中的应用奠定基础。结果表明:(1)成功从青稞基因组中共鉴定出41个HD-Zip基因家族成员,依次命名为i>HvvHD-ZipⅠ-1~Ⅳ-13,且这些基因在7条染色体上呈不均匀分布。(2)理化性质分析发现,HvvHD-Zip蛋白包含197~885个不等的氨基酸残基;分子量范围在19 914.36~94 014.87 Da;亚细胞定位表明HvvHD-Zip蛋白都位于细胞核。(3)根据多序列比对、系统进化、基因结构和保守基序差异将其聚为4个亚家族,各亚家族分类特征与系统聚类结果一致。(4)顺式作用元件预测分析发现,i>HvvHD-Zip基因启动子中含有11种植物激素和胁迫响应元件。(5)qRT-PCR结果显示,HvvHD-Zip Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ亚家族基因对各胁迫响应明显;与根组织相比,多数i>HvvHD-Zip基因在叶组织中响应明显(上调或下调);与冷和盐胁迫相比,i>HvvHD-Zip各基因对旱胁迫响应较强。  相似文献   
Casearia species are found in the America, Africa, Asia, and Australia and present pharmacological activities, besides their traditional uses. Here, we reviewed the chemical composition, content, pharmacological activities, and toxicity of the essential oils (EOs) from Casearia species. The EO physical parameters and leaf botanical characteristics were also described. The bioactivities of the EOs from the leaves and their components include cytotoxicity, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, antimicrobial, antidiabetic, antioxidant, antifungal, and antiviral activities. The main components associated with these activities are the α-zingiberene, (E)-caryophyllene, germacrene D, bicyclogermacrene, spathulenol, α-humulene, β-acoradiene, and δ-cadinene. Data on the toxicity of these EOs are scarce in the literature. Casearia sylvestris Sw. is the most studied species, presenting more significant pharmacological potential. The chemical variability of EOs components was also investigated for this species. Caseria EOs have relevant pharmacological potential and must be further investigated and exploited.  相似文献   
Carrageenan, the major cell wall carbohydrate of certain red algae, is variable in structure and gelling properties. Sequence types include gelling (kappa and iota) and nongelling (lambda) types in addition to precursors, often in hybrid molecules containing more than one precursor and/or sequence type. Molecular markers to subunits were needed to study carrageenan synthesis, cell wall organization, and the relationship between structure and function. Monoclonal antibodies were produced to carrageenan, and their specificities were determined by competitive enzyme immunoassay. Antibodies were identified with specificities related to kappa, iota, and lambda carrageenan. The patterns of immunofluorescence localization on Kappaphycus alvarezii = Eucheuma alvarezii var. tambalang (Doty) sections were distinctive for each antibody. The antibody to a kappa-related epitope labeled mature tissue strongly; antibodies to an iota-related epitope and a lambda-related epitope labeled weakly, consistent with the kappa-enriched carrageenan produced by this alga. Kappa-related epitopes were distributed throughout the wall and matrix, whereas iota-related epitopes were concentrated in the middle lamella. Lambda-related epitopes were localized primarily at the plant cuticle where kappa and iota antigens were lacking. An antibody appeared to be specific for a precursor of the gelling subunits because it showed maximal wall and intracellular labeling at the youngest developmental stage. All antibodies labeled intracellular inclusions in the transition zone between the epidermis and medulla during the development of medullary cells from the peripheral meristem in young branches. The results demonstrate the intracellular synthesis of epitopes related to all major carrageenan subunits and their differential extracellular distribution.  相似文献   
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