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Summary Parts of the Wulst region of the chick embryo brain were maintained for 39 days in vitro. Processes of adjacent glial cell form zonulae occludentes and desmosomal junctions in the uppermost stratum of the cultures. Subjacent to this layer, in the neuropil, axodendritic synapses are abundant. 10–20 m below the surface the perikarya of glial cells and neurons are found. The latter form small clusters, plasma membranes of contiguous cells being directly apposed to each other. Axosomatic synapses terminate on the perikarya. Occasionally one terminal synapses on two nerve cells simultaneously. Two types of cilia arise from basal bodies in the cytoplasm of nerve cells. Type I is a slender protrusion of about 0.5 m in diameter, extending into the neuropil. On transverse sections it displays a 9 + 0 pattern of organization of paired micro tubules proximally, and an 8 + 1 configuration more distally. The length of the cilium is approximately 7 m. Type II cilia also originate in the neuronal cytoplasm. The structure of the proximal portion is identical with that of type I cilia. Toward the tip, however, the type II cilium is characterized by a bulbous enlargement which is filled with loosely folded membranes. The fine structural details of this cilium correlate closely to the outer segments of retinal photoreceptor cells during differentiation. The possible role of a light receptor in the Wulst region of birds, controlling biological rhythms, is discussed. Acknowledgements. The authors wish to thank Mrs. H. Frenk for her expert assistance in tissue culture and electron microscopic techniques  相似文献   
The Na level inside cells of Anacystis nidulans is lower than in the external medium reflecting an effective Na extrusion. Na efflux is an active process and is driven by a Na+/H+-antiport system. The necessary H+-gradient is generated by a proton translocating ATPase in the plasmalemma. This ATPase (electrogenic proton pump) also produces the membrane potential (about -110 mV) responsible for K accumulation. N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) inhibits the ATPase and the H+-gradient completely, but the membrane potential is only reduced (<-70 mV), since K efflux initiated by DCCD maintains the potential partly by diffusion potential.With DCCD, active Na efflux is inhibited thus revealing Na uptake and leading by equilibration to the membrane potential to a 5–20 fold accumulation. Na uptake depends on the DCCD concentration with an optimum at (1–2)×10-4 M DCCD. Pretreatment with DCCD for a few minutes followed by replacement of the medium suffices to induce Na uptake.DCCD induced Na influx is about 5 times faster in light than in darkness, and the steady state is reached much earlier in light; a 5 fold increase by light was also found for Rb uptake with untreated cells. Valinomycin stimulates the influx of Rb to about the same rate in light and dark. Therefore light may unspecifically increase the permeability of the plasma-lemma probably via the ATP level. Similarly to DCCD also 3×10-3 M N-ethylmaleimide induces Na uptake.Abbreviations Used DCCD N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - CCCP carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - Pipes piperazine-N,N-bis(2-ethanesulfonic acid) - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea  相似文献   
Crude extracts of Rhodospirillum rubrum catalyzed the formation of acid-volatile radioactivity from (35S) sulfate, (35S) adenosine-5-phosphosulfate, and (35S) 3-phosphoadenosine-5-phosphosulfate. An enzyme fraction similar to APS-sulfotransferases from plant sources was purified 228-fold from Rhodospirillum rubrum. It is suggested here that this enzyme is specific for adenosine-5-phosphosulfate, because the purified enzyme fraction metabolized adenosine-5-phosphosulfate, however, only at a rate of 1/10 of that with adenosine-5-phosphosulfate. Further, the reaction with 3-phosphoadenosine-5-phosphosulfate was inhibited with 3-phosphoadenosine-5-phosphate whereas this nucleotide had no effect on the reaction with adenosine-5-phosphosulfate. For this activity with adenosine-5-phosphosulfate the name APS-sulfotransferase is suggested. This APS-sulfotransferase needs thiols for activity; good rates were obtained with either dithioerythritol or reduced glutathione; other thiols like cysteine, 2-3-dimercaptopropanol or mercaptoethanol are less effective. The electron donor methylviologen did not catalyze this reaction. The pH-optimum was about 9.0; the apparent K m for adenosine-5-phosphosulfate was determined to be 0.05 mM with this so far purified enzyme fraction. Enzyme activity was increased with K2SO4 and Na2SO4 and was inhibited by 5-AMP. These properties are similar to assimilatory APS-sulfotransferases from spinach and Chlorella.Abbreviations APS adenosine-5-phosphosulfate - PAPS 3-phosphoadenosine-5-phosphosulfate - 5-AMP adenosine-5-monophosphate - 3-AMP adenosine-3-monophosphate - 3-5-ADP 3-phosphoadenosine-5-phosphate (PAP) - DTE dithiorythritol - GSH reduced glutathione - BAL 2-3-dimercaptopropanol  相似文献   
Thylakoids of Oscillatoria chalybea are able to split water. The Hill reaction of these thylakoids is sensitive to DCMU. Diphenylcarbazide can substitute for water as the electron donor to photosystem II with these fully functioning thylakoids. However, the diphenylcarbazide photooxidation is completely insensitive to 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-N-N-dimethyl urea (DCMU) at high diphenylcarbazide concentrations. In with Tris-treated Oscillatoria thylakoids the water splitting capacity is lost and diphenylcarbazide restores electron transport through photosystem II as occurs with higher plant chloroplasts. However, also these photoreactions are insensitive to DCMU. If diphenylcarbazide acts in Oscillatoria as an electron donor to photosystem II the result suggests that diphenylcarbazide feeds in its electrons behind the DCMU inhibition site. This in turn indicates that in Oscillatoria the site of inhibition of DCMU is on the donor side of photosystem II.Abbreviations Used DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-N-N-dimethyl urea - DPC diphenylcarbazide - DCPiP 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol - TMB tetramethyl benzidine - A-2-sulf anthraquinone-2-sulfonate  相似文献   
A highly active inhibitor of the binding of estrone and estradiol-17β to rat alpha-fetoprotein is demonstrated for the first time in embryo, immature and adult rat sera as well as in fetal and adult human sera. The competitive character and the narrow specificity of this inhibition effect is shown. The major compound responsible for this activity is isolated by successive column Sephadex LH20 and thin layer chromatography : it is characterized as a nonpolar, nonphenolic, dialysable and thermostable substance, unreactive towards anti-estrone and anti-estradiol-17β anti-bodies. The possible biological role of an endogenous non-estrogen ligand of rodent fetoproteins is discussed.  相似文献   
Six bicyclo[3,2,1]octanoid neolignans, isolated from the benzene extract of Aniba simulans Allen (Lauraceae) trunk wood, are shown to derive from two basic structures: 1-allyl-8-hydroxy-6-(3′-methoxy-4′,5′-methylenedioxyphenyl)-7-methyl-3-oxobicyclo[3,2,1]octane, substituted by 4-hydroxy, 4-hydroxy-5-methoxy, 4-methoxy or 4,5-dimethoxy groups; and 1-allyl-8-hydroxy-6-(3′-methoxy-4′,5′-methylenedioxyphenyl)-7-methyl-4-oxobicyclo[3,2,1]oct-2-ene, substituted by 3-hydroxy or 3-hydroxy-5-methoxy groups. The structural proposals are based on spectral data, interconversions synthesis of a derivative from the known (2R,3S,3aS)-3a-allyl-5-methoxy-2-(3′-methoxy,4′,5′-methylenedioxyphenyl)-3-methyl-2,3,3a,6-tetrahydro-6-oxobenzofuran.  相似文献   
Summary The rate of increase in the mean polymer formation rate constant during competitive replication byQ RNA variants (Kramer et al., 1974) has been shown to agree statistically with the variance in their formation rate constants. This result demonstrates that Fisher's fundamental theorem of natural selection (Fisher, 1930) can define time variations in the mean rate of synthesis for a heterogeneous population of replicating polymers. It was also revealed that RNA replication, far from equilibrium, accompanied a progressive decrease in the order of the entropy production derivative, with respect to time, that reached a maximum (with the next higher order being zero). Maximization of entropy at equilibrium, in compliance with the second law of thermodynamics, therefore appears as a natural extension of the earlier non-equilibrium pattern of entropy production within the system. The order of the zero-valued entropy production derivative was shown to be determined by the chemical affinity, and its rate of decrease was specified by the mean polymer formation rate constant.  相似文献   
Chloroplast thioredoxin that is reduced by dithiothreitol activates the ATPase that is associated with solubilized preparations of chloroplast coupling factor (CF1).  相似文献   
Five rices (Oryza sativa L.) differing in final grain size were studied at the midmilky stage to determine if any factor could be identified which might limit rate of starch accumulation. Only UDP glucose pyrophosphorylase activity increased with increasing grain size. Detached rice panicles incubated in liquid medium containing 1% sucrose and 0.1% glutamine, in addition to minerals and vitamins, produced grains similar to those on intact plants. Sucrose level (0–1.5%) in the medium determined the extent of dry matter and starch accumulation and influenced physiological development of the ripening grains. Chemical and enzymic composition of the grain were similar to previously reported levels in grains of intact panicles analysed at regular intervals after anthesis. Addition of 3-P glycerate or K+ to the medium did not improve dry matter accumulation in the developing grain.  相似文献   
Robert Locy  Hans Kende 《Planta》1978,143(1):89-99
The involvement of the endomenbrane system of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) aleurone cells in the secretion of gibberellin-induced hydrolases has been investigated at the biochemical level. Our results show that at least 40–60% of the -amylase activity in homogenates of aleurone layers occurs in a membrane-bound, latent form. The latent -amylase can be assayed quantitatively following disruption of membranes by treatment with Triton X-100, ethanol, sonication, or osmotic shock and shear. The association of -amylase with the membrane is not an artifact arising from homogenization of the tissue, and acid protease is also enriched in the same subcellular fraction as the -amylase. The membrane fraction with which the -amylase is associated has many properties of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). When membranebound -amylase is prepared in buffers containing 3 mM MgCl2 two fractions from a sucrose step gradient contain most of the -amylase activity. These fractions are enriched in the ER marker enzyme, NADH-dependent cytochrome-c reductase, and show densities characteristic of smooth and rough ER during subsequent purification on continuous gradients. In step gradients prepared with ethylenediaminete-traacetic-acid-treated membranes, -amylase activity is contained primarily in one fraction having the density of smooth ER. Electron microscopy of the purified fractions is consistent with -amylase being associated with smooth and rough ER. However, it has not been ruled out that the enzyme is also associated with plasma membrane, Golgi membranes, or tonoplast. Examination of the isoenzyme patterns of secreted, of total-homogenate and of membrane-associated -amylases, as well as the results from pulsechase experiments using L-[3H]leucine for labeling of -amylase, are all consistent with the hypothesis that membrane-associated -amylase is an intermediate in the secretory process.Abbreviations CNTPE N-carbobenzoxy-L-tyrosine p-nitrophenylester - Cyt oxidase Cytochrome oxidase - ER endoplasmic reticulum - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - GA3 gibberellic acid - IDPase inosine diphosphatase - K+-ATPase pH 6.5 K+-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase - MES 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid - MOPS 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid - NADH: Cyt c reductase cyanide-insensitive NADH-linked cytochrome-c reductase - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum - Tris tris-(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane  相似文献   
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