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In rodents, the mediobasal hypothalamus and the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) are implicated in leptin signaling. Surprisingly little data is available on the human hypothalamus. We set out to study the expression of suppressor-of-cytokine-signaling 3 (SOCS3), α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (αMSH) and agouti-related protein (AgRP) in the infundibular nucleus (IFN) and to investigate the relationship between these neuropeptide expressions and serum leptin concentrations in a blood sample taken within 24h before death. We studied post-mortem human brain material by means of quantitative immunocytochemistry. We found that SOCS3 immunoreactivity was widely distributed throughout the hypothalamus, and most prominent in the PVN, whereas expression levels in the IFN were low. Surprisingly, SOCS3 expression in the PVN was inversely related to serum leptin. A significant positive correlation was observed between AgRP and NPY expression in the IFN. The inverse correlation between SOCS3 expression in the PVN and serum leptin was unexpected and may be related to the hypothalamic adaptation to fatal illness rather than to nutritional status, or may represent an interspecies difference.  相似文献   
Lipid rafts/caveolae as microdomains of calcium signaling   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ca2+ is a major signaling molecule in both excitable and non-excitable cells, where it serves critical functions ranging from cell growth to differentiation to cell death. The physiological functions of these cells are tightly regulated in response to changes in cytosolic Ca2+ that is achieved by the activation of several plasma membrane (PM) Ca2+ channels as well as release of Ca2+ from the internal stores. One such channel is referred to as store-operated Ca2+ channel that is activated by the release of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+ which initiates store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE). Recent advances in the field suggest that some members of TRPCs and Orai channels function as SOCE channels. However, the molecular mechanisms that regulate channel activity and the exact nature of where these channels are assembled and regulated remain elusive. Research from several laboratories has demonstrated that key proteins involved in Ca2+ signaling are localized in discrete PM lipid rafts/caveolar microdomains. Lipid rafts are cholesterol and sphingolipid-enriched microdomains that function as unique signal transduction platforms. In addition lipid rafts are dynamic in nature which tends to scaffold certain signaling molecules while excluding others. By such spatial segregation, lipid rafts not only provide a favorable environment for intra-molecular cross-talk but also aid to expedite the signal relay. Importantly, Ca2+ signaling is shown to initiate from these lipid raft microdomains. Clustering of Ca2+ channels and their regulators in such microdomains can provide an exquisite spatiotemporal regulation of Ca2+-mediated cellular function. Thus in this review we discuss PM lipid rafts and caveolae as Ca2+-signaling microdomains and highlight their importance in organizing and regulating SOCE channels.  相似文献   
Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases (LRR-RLKs) belong to a large group of cell surface proteins involved in many aspects of plant development and environmental responses in both monocots and dicots. Brassinosteroid insensitive 1 (BRI1), a member of the LRR X subfamily, was first identified through several forward genetic screenings for mutants insensitive to brassinosteroids (BRs), which are a class of plant-specific steroid hormones. Since its identification, BRI1 and its homologs had been proved as receptors perceiving BRs and initiating BR signaling. The co-receptor BRIl-associated kinase 1 and its homologs, and other BRI1 interacting proteins such as its inhibitor BRI1 kinase inhibitor I (BKI1) were identified by genetic andbiochemical approaches. The detailed mechanisms of BR perception by BRI1 and the activation of BRI1 receptor complex have also been elucidated. Moreover, several mechanisms for termination of the activated BRI1 signaling were also discovered. In this review, we will focus on the recent advances on the mechanism of BRI1 phosphorylation and activation, the regulation of its receptor complex, the structure basis of BRI1 ectodomain and BR recognition, its direct substrates, and the termination of the activated BRI1 receptor complex.  相似文献   
整合素(integrin)是一类重要的跨膜黏附分子,在T细胞定向迁移到淋巴器官、感染或炎症部位以及T细胞与抗原呈递细胞(antigen presenting cell,APC)之间相互作用等过程中起重要作用。T细胞受到抗原或趋化因子等的刺激后,启动细胞内大量的信号传导分子,并形成"inside-out"信号通路,导致整合素构像的改变(conformation change)或促进整合素在细胞表面的聚集(integrinclustering),最终增强整合素的affinity或avidity,促进其与配体结合的能力,提高淋巴细胞间的黏附。近年来的研究已经鉴定出调控整合素活化的多个关键的信号分子及其形成的信号转导复合体。该文主要阐述T细胞受到抗原刺激后,由T细胞受体(T cell receptor,TCR)介导的"inside-out"信号通路中关键的信号分子如ADAP、SKAP-55、RapL、Rap1、Talin和Kindlins等如何与上下游信号分子协同作用,调控整合素LFA-1活化的分子机制。  相似文献   
植物肽类信号分子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来研究表明植物中也存在着肽类信号分子,类似于动物的肽激素。目前可分成三类:即EN-OD40、植物硫动蛋白(phytosulfokine)和系统素。ENOD40影响着细胞分裂,可能是参与控制了细胞对生长素的反应所致。植物硫动蛋白最初从芦笋叶肉细胞培养中分离,是一种减数分裂诱导因子,为细胞增殖必需,但具体机制还不清楚。系统素的研究较为深入,巳提出了它所激发的植物伤诱信号传导过程和模型。  相似文献   
Regeneration of pulmonary epithelial cells plays an important role in the recovery of acute lung injury (ALI), which is defined by pulmonary epithelial cell death. However, the mechanism of the regenerative capacity of alveolar epithelial cells is unknown. Using a lung injury mouse model induced by hemorrhagic shock and lipopolysaccharide, a protein mass spectrometry‐based high‐throughput screening and linage tracing technology to mark alveolar epithelial type 2 cells (AEC2s), we analyzed the mechanism of alveolar epithelial cells proliferation. We demonstrated that the expression of Hippo‐yes‐associated protein 1 (YAP1) key proteins were highly consistent with the regularity of the proliferation of alveolar epithelial type 2 cells after ALI. Furthermore, the results showed that YAP1+ cells in lung tissue after ALI were mainly Sftpc lineage‐labeled AEC2s. An in vitro proliferation assay of AEC2s demonstrated that AEC2 proliferation was significantly inhibited by both YAP1 small interfering RNA and Hippo inhibitor. These findings revealed that YAP functioned as a key regulator to promote AEC2s proliferation, with the Hippo signaling pathway playing a pivotal role in this process.  相似文献   
【目的】普遍存在于鳞翅目昆虫中的ENF肽具有非常相似的结构和生理功能, 对昆虫的发育、 免疫、 应激反应等方面都起着重要的调控作用。有研究报道, 作为ENF肽家族成员之一的家蚕Bombyx mori麻痹肽(paralytic peptide, PP)通过激活MAPK来调控家蚕的免疫应答, 但其完整的分子作用机制尚不明确。本研究旨在解析传递家蚕PP免疫诱导信号的分子通路。【方法】首先通过荧光定量PCR检测了多种昆虫细胞系在PP诱导下抗菌肽基因的转录水平, 并利用Western blot检测p38 MAPK的磷酸化水平, 然后利用不同信号传递分子的抑制剂处理BmE细胞筛选参与传递PP免疫诱导信号的分子。【结果】PI3K抑制剂LY294002和受体型酪酸激酶抑制剂Genistein抑制了PP对BmE细胞抗菌肽基因表达的诱导作用; 且BmE细胞和家蚕血细胞在PP的诱导下, Akt和大小约为70 kDa的细胞膜蛋白均出现磷酸化水平的动态变化。【结论】PI3K/Akt信号通路和Genistein敏感性的受体型酪氨酸激酶介导了PP免疫诱导信号的传递。  相似文献   
干扰素信号通路是细胞抵抗病原微生物侵染的重要防线。通过识别病源相关模式分子、激活下游通路,干扰素的表达被显著上调并分泌于细胞外,作用于自身和周围细胞,引发众多下游基因的转录激活。这些基因产物直接参与抗侵染过程或调控机体免疫反应。干扰素信号通路需要被正确调控,其异常激活会导致炎症和自身免疫疾病的发生。正确地识别“自己”和“非己”分子是首要的一步。鉴于干扰素通路所抵抗的微生物侵染中,核酸分子是重要的免疫原性分子,内源性核酸分子的代谢调控显得尤为重要。细胞编码一系列参与核酸代谢的酶,这些蛋白质功能的发挥对保持细胞核酸稳态至关重要。以单基因突变引发的自身免疫疾病Aicardi-Goutières综合征为例,目前发现9种基因可突变致病,均来自DNA代谢相关的和RNA代谢相关的基因。尽管这9种基因突变都导致干扰素通路的异常激活,但中间所依赖的参与蛋白并不相同。可见,同样症状的疾病,其致病机理也可能不同,这也将影响有效治疗方案的确定,凸显基因检测在诊治自身免疫疾病中的必要性。本综述通过阐述细胞内环境稳态对干扰素通路正确识别“自己”和“非己”的重要作用,帮助理解自身免疫疾病的发病机理。  相似文献   
有性生殖是真菌的生殖方式之一,是真菌遗传重组的重要驱动力。交配型(mating-type,MAT)位点控制真菌性别,在有性生殖过程中起决定性作用。不同类型真菌MAT位点的基因组成、排列方式和编码蛋白不尽相同。近年来,MAT位点和MAT基因的功能与调控网络研究进展较快。本文对子囊菌交配型位点的基因组成及分布、MAT基因的功能、MAT位点与有性生殖调控通路的关系等进行了综述。  相似文献   
Vitamin D deficiency has been epidemiologically linked to Alzheimer''s disease (AD) and other dementias, but no interventional studies have proved causality. Our previous work revealed that the genomic vitamin D receptor (VDR) is already converted into a non‐genomic signaling pathway by forming a complex with p53 in the AD brain. Here, we extend our previous work to assess whether it is beneficial to supplement AD mice and humans with vitamin D. Intriguingly, we first observed that APP/PS1 mice fed a vitamin D‐sufficient diet showed significantly lower levels of serum vitamin D, suggesting its deficiency may be a consequence not a cause of AD. Moreover, supplementation of vitamin D led to increased Aβ deposition and exacerbated AD. Mechanistically, vitamin D supplementation did not rescue the genomic VDR/RXR complex but instead enhanced the non‐genomic VDR/p53 complex in AD brains. Consistently, our population‐based longitudinal study also showed that dementia‐free older adults (n = 14,648) taking vitamin D3 supplements for over 146 days/year were 1.8 times more likely to develop dementia than those not taking the supplements. Among those with pre‐existing dementia (n = 980), those taking vitamin D3 supplements for over 146 days/year had 2.17 times the risk of mortality than those not taking the supplements. Collectively, these animal model and human cohort studies caution against prolonged use of vitamin D by AD patients.  相似文献   
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