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Green cybrids with a new nucleus-chloroplast combination cannot be selected after protoplast fusion in the intersubfamilial Nicotiana-Solanum combination. As an approach to overcome the supposed plastomegenome incompatibility, a partial plastome transfer by genetic recombination has been considered. After fusions of protoplasts of a light-sensitive Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) plastome mutant and lethally irradiated protoplasts of wild-type Solanum tuberosum (potato), a single green colony was recovered among 2.5×104 colonies. The regenerated plants had tobacco-like (although abnormal) morphology, but were normally green, and sensitive to tentoxin, demonstrating chloroplast markers of the potato parent. Restriction enzyme analysis of the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) revealed recombinant, nonparental patterns. A comparison with physical maps of the parental cpDNA demonstrated the presence of a considerable part of the potato plastome flanked by tobacco-specific regions. This potacco plastome proved to be stable in backcross and backfusion experiments, and normally functional in the presence solely of N. tabacum nucleus.  相似文献   
A variety of bacterial O-polysaccharides were covalently linked to enzymes and it was demonstrated with three discrete monoclonal antibodies that enzyme-glycoconjugates function as convenient labelled antigens in direct enzyme immunoassays, particularly competitive assays that quantify bacterial O-antigens. Two strategies, each involving reductive amination, were used to couple O-polysaccharides to enzymes, while retaining high enzymic activity. Reduction of the Schiff base formed between, 1,3-diaminopropane and the terminal reducing ketodeoxyoctanoic acid (KDO) residue present in the majority of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) core domains, following mild acid removal of Lipid A, offered the most direct route to mono-aminated polysaccharide. Alternatively, mild periodate oxidation of KDO and heptose residues generated multiple aldehyde targets for Schiff base formation, without affecting the O-antigenic determinant. Hetero- and homobifunctional coupling reagents, sulphosuccinimidyl 4-(N-maleimidomethyl)-cyclohexane-1-carboxylate and discuccinimidyl suberate, activated polysaccharide for coupling to enzymes at amino and sulphydryl sites and produced conjugates that retained at least 95% of the original enzymic activity. The most suitable enzyme conjugates, especially for competitive inhibition EIA were those bearing one polysaccharide chain, and these were easily prepared from horse-radish peroxidase. Although the extent of conjugation of activated polysaccharide to -galactosidase and alkaline phosphatase could be controlled by reaction stoichiometry, the use of these enzymes was a less effective utilization of valuable antigen and enzyme.Issued as NRCC No. 31634  相似文献   
Summary The biosynthesis of rhodanese was studied in human hepatoma cell lines by immunoblotting and pulselabeling experiments using polyclonal antibodies raised against the bovine liver enzyme. Rhodanese, partially purified from human liver, showed an apparent molecular weight of 33,000 daltons, coincident with that of rhodanese from Hep 3B cells. After pulse labeling of Hep 3B cells both at 37°C and 25°C, rhodanese in the cytosol fraction exhibited the same molecular weight as the enzyme isolated from the particulate fraction containing mitochondria. Moreover, newly synthesized rhodanese from total Hep 3B RNA translation products showed the same electrophoretic mobility as rhodanese from Hep 3B cells. These results suggest that rhodanese, unlike most mitochondrial proteins, is not synthesized as a higher molecular weight precursor.  相似文献   
-We have previously shown that NAD kinase and NADP phosphatase activities display circadian rhythms, in the soluble (SN) and membrane-bound (P) fractions of crude extracts of the achlorophyllous ZC mutant of the phytoflagellate Euglena gracilis (which displays circadian rhythmicity of cell division). We determined if changes in the affinity of NADP phosphatase and NAD kinase for their substrates, NADP+ and NAD+, were occurring by calculating the ratios 100(velocity found in Km conditions/velocity found in saturating conditions). The rationale was that if the affinity remained unchanged according to circadian time (CI), these values should always equal 50, independently of any changes in enzyme quantity; values greater than 50 should indicate increases in enzyme affinity, and values less than 50 decreases in affinity. Our results indicated that these values calculated for NADP phosphatase exhibited a complex pattern of rhythmicity, while those for NAD kinase displayed circadian variations strongly correlated with the rhythms in enzyme activity. The curves showed troughs at CT 00-04 both in dividing and nondividing cells and peaks at CT 18-20 or at CT 08-14 in cells sampled, respectively, from a dividing or a stationary culture. Such variations are indicative of changes in the kinetic properties of the enzyme, which may reflect modifications in its affinity either for effectors (such as Ca2+-calmodulin) or for its substrate, NAD+. This may be due to (i) the expression of different isoenzymes at different CTs; (ii) different posttranslational modifications of the enzyme; or (iii) concentrations of effectors varying in a circadian manner.  相似文献   
C1q, a collagen-like complement protein, was purified from the serum of a ddermatosparactic calf which lacks procollagen N-terminal proteinase (pN-proteinase). The specific hemolytic activity of the serum Clq from the dermatosparactic animal was identical to that of C1q from a normal calf. Gel-filtration of serum from dermatosparactic calf, on Sepharose 6B, showed the presence of C1q-antigenic material at only one position which was identical to the elution position of normal bovine C1q. No differdence, under dissociating conditions, could be seen in the size of the chains of C1q in specific immunoprecipitates isolated from the sera of dermatosparactic and normal animals, as judged by polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis (PAGE) in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The C1q from the dermatosparactic animal showed the same N-terminal amino acid and typtic-digest peptide pattern on HPLC as C1q from the normal calf. These results strongly suggest that pN-proteinase is not involved in the extracellular processing of C1q.  相似文献   
The in vitro and ex vivo effects of antidepressant drugs on membrane-bound phosphatidylinositol (PI) synthetase and PI: myo-inositol exchange enzyme activities were examined. In rat brain subcellular fractions, PI synthetase occurred exclusively in the microsomes. In comparison, the activity of CDP-diglyceride independent PI: myo-inositol exchange enzyme was low (3%). Of the various CDP-diglycerides tested for the activation of PI synthetase, CDP-dipalmitin was the most active. Addition of 1 mM of desipramine, amitriptyline, imipramine, iprindole, clomipramine and mianserin in vitro significantly inhibited (30–60%) PI synthetase activity, whereas the same concentration of zimelidine and fluoxetine had no effect. At low liponucleotide concentrations, PI synthetase activity was significantly enhanced by imipramine (1 mM), whereas the enzyme activity was inhibited at higher liponucleotide concentrations (>0.3 mM). In contrast, imipramine had no effect on the PI: myo-inositol exchange enzyme activity. No significant alteration in the PI synthetase activity was found following either acute (2 h) or chronic (21 d) treatment of rats with imipramine. The above results indicate that the de novo synthesis of PI is inhibited in vitro but not ex vivo by some antidepressant drugs. However, in view of the high concentration of the drugs required, the pharmacological significance of this inhibitory action with respect to their therapeutic effects is doubtful.  相似文献   
The regulation of amidase synthesis inP. aeruginosa is under positive control. This review describes the experimental evolution of amidase and its regulator protein for the hydrolysis of novel substrates and experiments to elucidate the mechanism of the control system.  相似文献   
The ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) large- and small-subunit genes are encoded on the chloroplast genome of the eukaryotic chromophytic alga Olisthodiscus luteus. Northern blot experiments indicate that both genes are co-transcribed into a single (>6 kb) mRNA molecule. Clones from the O. luteus rbc gene region were constructed with deleted 5 non-coding regions and placed under control of the lac promoter, resulting in the expression of high levels of O. luteus Rubisco large and small subunits in Escherichia coli. Sucrose gradient centrifugation of soluble extracts fractionated a minute amount of carboxylase activity that cosedimented with native hexadecameric O. luteus Rubisco. Most of the large subunit synthesized in E. coli appeared insoluble or formed an aggregate with the small subunit possessing an altered charge: mass ratio compared to the native holoenzyme. The presence in O. luteus of a polypeptide that has an identical molecular mass and cross reacts with antiserum generated against pea large-subunit binding protein may indicate that a protein of similar function is required for Rubisco assembly in O. luteus.  相似文献   
In vitro enzyme activities of glycolysis, pentose-phosphate pathway and dark CO2 fixation were assayed in batch cultures of heterotrophic Catharanthus roseus cells under various gassing rates and partial pressures of carbon dioxide. Detrimental effects of low pCO2 culture conditions on the growth characteristics could be linked to marked changes in levels of enzymes of primary metabolism during growth. The enzyme levels observed during the early stages of growth were found to be more stable when a constant pCO2 (20 mbar) was maintained and enabled exponential growth to be reached more rapidly.The importance of carbon dioxide as a conditioning factor of the culture medium is discussed.  相似文献   
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